Wednesday, 26 March 2025

To participate in 31 March uprising "hoping Chiwenga will not be as corrupt as Mnangagwa" speaks volumes of one's stupidity! W Mukori

 I am an Electrical Engineer and love to reduce the problem before, if I can, into an equation. It helps me focus and so please bear with me. 

Comrade Blessed Geza has called on Zimbabweans to come out in huge numbers, at Growth Points, Towns and Cities in Zimbabwe and beyond, and demand that President Emmerson Mnangagwa must resign because he is corrupt, incompetent, tyrannical, illegitimate (he rigged the 2023 elections) and a litany of other treasonous charges making him unfit to hold the office of President of the Republic of Zimbabwe. The protest, “uprising”, as Geza calls it, is set for Monday 31 March 2025.

These are the equations one can write:

P = p(p) + p(not-p) (1) 

where P = total population, p(p) are population participate and p(not-p) are those who will not participate in the uprising.

p(p-not) = p(not-pM) + p(not-p, not-M) (2) 

where p(not-pM) are Mnangagwa supporters who will not participate for obvious reasons and p(not-p, not-M) are not Mnangagwa supporters who will  not participate for various reasons including fear there will be the usual wanton violence between protestors and the regime’s operatives and/or the fear the uprising will accomplish nothing as it only seeks to replace Mnangagwa with Chiwenga, as dd the 2017 coup that replaced Mugabe with Mnangagwa.

p(p) = p(pC) + p(p, not-C)         (3)

where p(pC) are Chiwenga supporters who are as keen as mustard to see the change of guard, they believe it is their turn to rule, “chinhu chedu” as Geza bluntly put it. p(p, not-C) are not Chiwenga supporters who see participating as the only way to end the Mnangagwa dictatorship. 

The success or otherwise of the uprising will dependent on the size of the crowd who participate in the protest, p(p) in equations (1) and (3) above. And how long the resolve of protestors if the protest should be a long drawn out affair. 

I believe the the country’s worsen economic situation would have kept the protestors going - if the people believed the uprising would bring about meaningful change. Many are not convinced of that and for good reasons.

I have engaged many of the people who are not Chiwenga supporters but are nonetheless participating in the uprising, the p(p, not C) in equation (3) above. Their reasons for participating boil down to two:

  1. a) they view the success of the uprising as the only way to stop Mnangagwa mutilating the constitution to extend his stay in office beyond the stipulated maximum two term limit which is set to end in 2028.

  1. b) whilst they accept the fear that the uprising will deliver no democratic changes and happened with the 2017 military coup for the obvious reason that the uprising seeks to replace one dictator with another with our dealing with the root cause - dismantling the dictatorship itself. “Still, we hope that Chiwenga will not be corrupt and tyrannical as Mnangagwa, at least not as bad as Mnangagwa!” they argue.  

Both these reasons have one common thread - ignorance. 

These people do not know that Mnangagwa’s ambition to stay in power beyond 2028 can still be stopped even if the uprising is a complete flop. Mnangagwa will need to hold a referendum to approve the amendment to the constitution to postpone the 2028 elections or else contest in the 2028 elections. 

It is within the people’s power to make sure he does not rig the referendum/elections and get away with it, as has happened countless times. If he implemented the democratic reforms, Mnangagwa will never win the referendum/elections.

The fact that many Zimbabweans out there have no clue they have been participating in flawed elections “so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw,” as David Coltart aptly put it; to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering; speaks volumes of the sicken depth of ignorance in Zimbabwe.

Indeed, the more people who participate in this uprising that we all know only seeks to replace Mnangagwa; yes, a corrupt and vote rigging tyrant; with Chiwenga; just another corrupt, military coup leader and vote rigging Zanu PF tyrant.

The ancient Greeks, 2 500 years ago, were right; democracy - government of the peoples, for the people and by the people - only works if the people are educated, knowledgeable, objective and are diligent in the duty of holding those in power to democratic account. The Zimbabwe electorate have none of these qualities.

“We hope that Chiwenga will not be corrupt and tyrannical as Mnangagwa, at least not as bad as Mnangagwa!” How naive, ignorant and gullible can you be! This is hoping against reason because you know Chiwenga is just as corrupt and incompetent. And even if he was an unknown factor, the dictatorship itself will force him/her to be corrupt and tyrannical. 

No Zimbabwean, with half a working brain, would participate in the Geza uprising to give the Chiwenga Zanu PF dictatorship legitimacy and perpetuate the nation’s suffering, especially now with the benefit of the disastrous betrayal by 2017 military coup plotters fresh in our minds!!  

Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Zimbabwe's political paralysis is as much due to Zanu PF tyrannical intransigence as to MDC/CCC being Zanu PF team B in all but name. W Mukori

  MDC/CCC failed to carry out the ABC of the transformative change even when they had the golden opportunity to do some during the 2008 to 2013 GNU out of greed. 

Mugabe bribed them with the trapping of high office; the E-Class Mercedes Benz for Prime Minister Tsvangirai and his two deputy PMs all the ministers and deputy ministers, the generous salaries and perks for all the leaders, the US$ 4 million mansion for Tsvangirai, Save, himself, etc., etc. With their snouts in the feeding trough, the MDC leaders forgot about implementing the requisite democratic reforms.

“Mazivanhu eMDC adzidza kudya anyerere!” boasted the Zanu PF cronies during the GNU when asked why MDC leaders were not implementing the reforms. 

Instead of acknowledging they sold out during the GNU and doing everything to implement the reforms a.s.a.p. and get the nation back of the democratic track; the MDC/CCC have been participating in the flawed elections for the few gravy train seats Zanu PF offered as bait. It is not as if MDC/CCC leaders did not know of the Zanu PF honey pot trap, they did.

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

Of course, the MDC/CCC leaders could not tell their supporters they (leaders) were participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. They told the supporters MDC/CCC would win big because they had devised “Winning In Rigged Elections Strategies” (WIRES, for short). 

The opposition had all but abandoned the need to implement the democratic reforms.

The tragedy for the nation is the the ignorant, naive and gullible electorate believed these idiotic WIRES lies. The day after the voting, the MDC/CCC leaders will be complaining that Zanu PF rigged the elections and the gullible voters would swallow that idiotic nonsense too, no questions asked. 

Next elections the whole process will be repeated; the people will participate in flawed elections to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering because they were foolish enough to believe idiotic WIRES lies - even after 45 years of rigged elections. 

Fadzayi Mahere participated in the 2018 and 2023 elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging and that participating would give the regime legitimacy. She had her beady eyes on the few gravy train seats on offer as bait. She took up her seat in 2023 even after both SADC and AU election observers condemned the process as flawed and illegal. 

She resigned her seat because knew it was almost certain Sengezo Tshabangu was going to recall her! Too late as the damage of giving Zanu PF political legitimacy was done by participating and taking up the seats. 

Fadzayi Mahere, Nelson Chamisa and the rest of the MDC/CCC leaders are all gearing to participate in the next elections knowing fully well that the process is flawed and participating will give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. They will tell the gullible voters yet more idiotic WIRES lies to con them to participate. 

Zimbabwe’s political paralysis is not so much that Zanu PF rigs the elections but rather that the opposition leaders who have been entrusted the task of implementing the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections are now Zanu PF team B in all but name. For the last 25 years, MDC/CCC leaders have not only failed to implement even one token reform but have been participating in flawed elections to make Zanu PF wins and has political legitimacy. 

It is tragic that none of Zimbabwe’s so-call independent media have ever taken any of the MDC/CCC leaders to task for being Zanu PF team B in all but name. If the truth be said, and it MUST, most of our independent media are either in Zanu PF’s deep pockets and/or are so incompetent they are utterly useless!

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

False dilemma

false dilemma, also referred to as false dichotomy or false binary, is an informal fallacy based on a premise that erroneously limits what options are available. The source of the fallacy lies not in an invalid form of inference but in a false premise. This premise has the form of a disjunctive claim: it asserts that one among a number of alternatives must be true. This disjunction is problematic because it oversimplifies the choice by excluding viable alternatives, presenting the viewer with only two absolute choices when, in fact, there could be many.

 False dilemmas often have the form of treating two contraries, which may both be false, as contradictories, of which one is necessarily true. Various inferential schemes are associated with false dilemmas, for example, the constructive dilemma, the destructive dilemma or the disjunctive syllogism. False dilemmas are usually discussed in terms of deductive arguments, but they can also occur as defeasible arguments.

The human liability to commit false dilemmas may be due to the tendency to simplify reality by ordering it through either-or-statements, which is to some extent already built into human language. This may also be connected to the tendency to insist on clear distinction while denying the vagueness of many common expressions.

Geza 31 March Geza "uprising" will replace Mnangagwa with Chiwenga - repeating 2017 coup. There is nothing in it for povo. NOTHING! W Mukori

 In 2017 the people of Zimbabwe responded to the call to come out into the street in support of the 15 November 2017 military coup. 

(I insist in calling it a military coup because it WAS a military coup. Forget the nonsense that it was “a military assisted transition” - we call not call the musical chairs game a transition. As for the coup being “justified, legal and constitutional; that was just “bulls***t” as Blessed Geza would say.)

To go back to November 2017; the Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC fiends supported the coup out of greed. Chris Mutsvangwa promised Tsvangirai and company the coup leaders will form a new GNU similar to the 2008 to 2013 GNU. Tsvangirai discharged himself from his South Africa Hospital bed singing “The good times are here again!” 

The MDC leaders failed to implement even one token reform during the 208 to 2013 GNU because they busy enjoying the gravy train good life. On joining the GNU, Mugabe saw to it that Tsvangirai & Co. were pampered with all the trapping of high office; the E-Class Mercedes Benz ministerial limo, the very generous salaries and perks, a US$ 4 million mansion for Save himself, etc. With their snouts in the feeding trough, of course, they forgot about implementing reforms.

The November 2017 coup was a Mafia style offer MDC leaders were too greedy to refuse! And so they took it!

MDC leaders had no problem persuading their brain-dead followers to come out on the street in support of the coup. The leaders told the mob the new GNU would implement all the democratic reforms and thus finally stop Zanu PF rigging elections. The mob believed it, no questions asked. 

They never asked why the 2008 to 2013 GNU had failed to implement even one token reform. If they had asked, they would have seen immediately that if MDC leaders had failed to implement even one reform then when Zanu PF was hamstrung by the 2008 Global Political Agreement to implement the reforms of which SADC was the guarantor; the new GNU will have no chance of implement any meaning reform. None!

To sugar coat the bitter pill of a military coup, Mnangagwa assured the nation and the world at large that Zimbabwe hold free, fair and credible elections a.s.a.p.

When Mugabe saw the multitudes on the streets hugging and kissing the soldiers behind the coup, he knew the game was up. He signed his resignation letter as state president. 

As soon as the coup leaders had Mugabe out of the way they brushed aside the promised GNU. Morgan Tsvangirai died a few week later “of a broken heart” at the GNU betrayal according to Chamisa.

Mnangagwa did not implement even one token democratic reform before the 2018 elections. He and his Zanu PF fiends blatantly rigged the 2018 and 2023 elections confirming that Zimbabwe was still a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and vote rigging thugs. The 2017 coup had swapped one dictator, Mugabe, for another dictator, Mnangagwa but otherwise nothing had changed!

There is nothing, NOTHING, to make any one believe that this 31 March “uprising” Blessed Geza is calling for, is not  a repeat of the November 2017 military coup. The uprising is seeking to replace one dictator, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, with another dictator, Constantino Guveya Chiwenga. 

(Gaza’s attempts to portray VP Chiwenga as any thing but just another Zanu PF thug must be dismissed with the contempt it deserves. Chiwenga is corrupt, incompetent and has played his part in the establishment and retention of the Zanu PF one-party dictatorship and had his lion’s share of the spoils. To say otherwise is to insult our intelligence and after 45 years of these Zanu PF insults; you should stop the bulls***t!)

If the 31 March 2025 uprising is to replace one dictator with another, a repeat of 2017 coup, then the people of Zimbabwe must stay away. An uprising that only seeks to perpetuate the dictatorship and the people’s suffering as the 2017 coup did is not worth supporting! Period!

Monday, 17 March 2025

If 2017 coup was "justified, legal and constitutional", violating an obscure two term limit clause is nothing! W Mukori

 Zanu-PF Secretary for Legal Affairs, Patrick Chinamasa, has reaffirmed the ruling party's commitment to pursuing the controversial 2030 agenda aimed at extending President Emmerson Mnangagwa's rule beyond his constitutionally mandated second term, which ends in 2028. Chinamasa stated that the party leadership and structures would persist in their efforts to achieve this goal through the appropriate political and constitutional channels, while also working to persuade Mnangagwa to remain in power.

The continued push for Mnangagwa's extended stay in office escalates tensions within Zanu-PF, further intensifying the succession battle between the President and his deputy, Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga. The two factions have been engaged in a growing power struggle, and this latest development is expected to heighten internal divisions within the ruling party.

The 2030 agenda has been met with resistance from various quarters, including some senior Zanu-PF officials who view it as a direct violation of the constitutional two-term limit. However, Mnangagwa's loyalists argue that his leadership remains crucial for the party's continuity and stability, and they are determined to push through constitutional amendments or other legal maneuvers to extend his tenure.

Observers believe that this battle for power could destabilize the party, as Chiwenga, who played a key role in the 2017 coup that ousted Robert Mugabe and brought Mnangagwa to power, is expected to resist any move that undermines his presidential ambitions. The rift between the two leaders has widened in recent months, with both factions consolidating support within the party's key structures.

The succession battle is likely to dominate Zimbabwe's political landscape in the coming years, as both Mnangagwa and Chiwenga's allies strategize and maneuver for control. Meanwhile, opposition parties and civil society groups continue to criticize Zanu-PF's push for an unconstitutional extension of power, warning that it could lead to further political instability in the country.

With Zanu-PF pressing ahead with its 2030 agenda, all eyes are now on Mnangagwa and whether he will publicly endorse the plan or attempt to ease internal tensions within his party. Either way, Zimbabwe's political future remains uncertain as the ruling party's leadership battle reaches a new and potentially volatile phase.

With Zanu-PF pressing ahead with its 2030 agenda, all eyes are now on Mnangagwa and whether he will publicly endorse the plan or attempt to ease internal tensions within his party. Either way, Zimbabwe's political future remains uncertain as the ruling party's leadership battle reaches a new and potentially volatile phase.

There is nothing Mnangagwa can do to defuse the rift, nothing. He has promised that he will step down as is required by the constitution only to ask his supporters: Why have you stopped the ED2030 bandwagon. He is the one who is desperate to stay in power and who know him well know that. 

Why is Mnangagwa so desperate to stay in power? The obvious reason is that he is addicted to power. His love of power burns stronger than normal and, worst of all, he is the one who has never ever hesitated to do whatever he felt necessary to retain power including cold blooded murder. Mugabe loved power but he did not have the black heart to see through such heinous acts as the Gukurahundi massacre and the wanton violence of the 2008 Operation Mavhotera Papi, he left all that to Mnangagwa. 

As we can well imagine Mnangagwa has a lot of loot to lose and many skeletons in the artic, basement, mine shafts, etc. to hide. He cannot trust anyone with such wealth and secretes; especial Chiwenga, not after Mnangagwa himself has repeatedly betrayed and ill treated Chiwenga. 

To those harping on about Mnangagwa will violate the two term limit if he stated beyond 2028; wake up and smell the humus! Mnangagwa and Zanu PF have done a lot worse things these last 45 years than violate a constitutional clause. Mnangagwa blatantly rigged the 2023 elections, both SADC and AU condemned the process and he publicly dismissed them with contempt. 

Chiwenga himself should know the 2017 military coup was a far worse treasonous act than violating the two term limit. High Court George Chiweshe ruled the coup was “justified, legal and constitutional”. Mnangagwa is sure to find a judge who will rule the extending Mnangagwa’s stay beyond 2028 “justified, legal and constitutional”!

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Choosing 2017 coup over G40 was as false as a mouse choosing a black mamba or cobra. Escape whilst the snake fight is the only real choice! W Mukori

 Supporting the 2017 military coup by the ordinary Zimbabweans was a big mistake. Hundreds to thousands of ordinary Zimbabweans came out into the street to show their support of the 2017 military coup. Here are some of the reasons why they did:

  1. 1) After 37 years stuck with Mugabe, povo were grateful the coup had finally forced the dictator to go. It was very foolish to thank Mnangagwa and his coup plotters for staging the coup when they were the dictator’s henchmen and women who had rigged elections and even committed the many politically motivated murders create and impose the de facto one party state and kept Mugabe in power all the 37 years. These people were so focused on “Mugabe must go!”, little else mattered.

  1. 2) The coup plotters needed the public to show their approval of the coup to have political legitimacy and so the offered the opposition leaders a new GNU arrangement post the coup. Morgan Tsvangirai was so enthroned by the prospect of occupying the gravy train seats of the 2008 to 2013 GNU he even discharged himself from his SA hospital bed. The opposition played a part in mobilising the public to support the coup. When Zanu PF thugs reneged on the new GNU, Tsvangirai died a few weeks later “of a broken heart”,according to Chamisa.

  1. 3) Mnangagwa promised the masses that his regime would hold free, fair and credible elections. He did not implement even one token democratic reform. Indeed he carried on implementing some of the Zanu PF vote rigging activities such as bribing the traditional village heads and chiefs with motorcycles and twin-cab trucks. 

So what changes did the 2017 military coup bring? Other than the obvious change of Mugabe and a few of his close associates being booted out of the party and, in some cases out of the country; nothing changed. Zimbabwe has remained a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs who have rigged elections to stay in power. 

The 2017 Zanu PF factional war pitted the Lacoste faction which had the backing of most of the Army top brass against the G40 faction which had the backing of most top brass in the Police and CIO. When push came to shove, the Army prevailed. 

When the people were invited to show their support for the Lacoste faction they should have stubbornly refused to be drawn into making a meaningless choice. As we now know the coup was nothing but a musical chair’s game swapping one dictator for another. This was as much a false choice as a mouse choosing a cobra of a black mamba when both are deadly. 

The real choice for the mouse would be to make good its escape whilst the two snakes seized up each other. The rational choice of the ordinary Zimbabweans in 2017 was to demand the end of the Zanu PF dictatorship and not just swapping one dictator for another. 

If the present Zanu PF factional war should have a similar outcome, regardless whether it is Mnangagwa of Chiwenga side that prevails, the people must refused to side with the winner and give it political legitimacy. 

The people must express they frustration with these Zanu PF factional war as the only way to accomplish some political change. They must demand the implementation of all the democratic reforms to guarantee free, fair and credible elections. 

Friday, 7 March 2025

Chamisa is "a tortoise on a lamppost" positioned by Zanu PF to distract the opposition. Mavedzenge

 @ Justice Alfred Mavedzenge

“A close confidant of opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, Justice Alfred Mavedzenge, has set Zimbabwe's political landscape abuzz with a damning and controversial article that raises serious questions about Chamisa's role in Zimbabwean politics.

In the article, Mavedzenge suggests that Chamisa is, in fact, a creation of ZANU-PF, positioning him as a strategic tool used by the ruling party to buy time for its renewal while simultaneously distracting the opposition's base with false promises of change. Mavedzenge likens Chamisa to a "tortoise on a lamppost," implying that the opposition leader was placed in the spotlight by ZANU-PF to keep the opposition divided and hopeful but ultimately ineffective.

The article has sent shockwaves through Chamisa's inner circle, with his loyalists, including spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere, political figures Ostallos Siziba and Skilled Rebhara, and party member Promise Mkwananzi, leading a swift and coordinated backlash. The strong reaction from Chamisa's camp signals an internal panic, with many seeing this revelation as a direct challenge to their leadership and credibility.

This article is the first in a series of planned revelations by Mavedzenge, and according to sources close to him, these upcoming pieces are expected to further dismantle Chamisa's political image. The implications of these claims, if proven to be true, could have devastating consequences for Chamisa's brand and his influence within Zimbabwe's opposition.

While Mavedzenge has refrained from providing full details at this stage, he has hinted at having substantial information to back his allegations. He expressed confidence that only politically astute supporters of the opposition would be able to see through the facade and understand the gravity of the situation.

The political storm brewing around Chamisa has the potential to reshape the Zimbabwean opposition landscape, leaving many wondering how the MDC Alliance leader will respond to these serious claims.

This explosive revelation raises more questions than answers, and it remains to be seen whether Mavedzenge's forthcoming articles will hold the weight to challenge the status quo in Zimbabwe's political scene.

As the situation develops, Zimbabweans will be watching closely, eager to see whether Chamisa's political journey is about to face a major turning point.”

Any one with half a brain who has followed Zimbabwe’s chaotic politics will not be surprised to hear “Chamisa is, in fact, a creation of ZANU-PF, positioning him as a strategic tool used by the ruling party to buy time for its renewal while simultaneously distracting the opposition's base with false promises of change”. There is a mountain of evidence that MDC/CCC was Zanu PF team B in all but name, playing for team A to win and to give it legitimacy.

MDC leaders failed to implement even one token reform to cut back Zanu PF’s carte blanche powers to rig elections in five years of the 2008 to 2013 GNU, when they had the golden opportunity to do so. Chamisa and company have been participating in flawed elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging and that participating would only give the regime legitimacy.

The very fact that MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one token reform in 25 years, including 5 in the GNU, the number one task the opposition was elected to carry out, and yet millions of Zimbabweans are not even aware of it - speaks volumes of the Zimbabwe electorate. With such an ignorant, naive and gullible electorate, it is no surprise Zimbabwe is a failed state!