Sunday, 28 April 2024

The nation is not interested in Mahere (pot) call Coltart Kettle black but in the reality they both sold out to perpetuate our suffering. W Mukori

 “In a strongly worded response, Mahere reminded Coltart of the abductions, murder, recalls and physical attacks on opposition MPs and their supporters prior to her resignation.

"Nobody who is being true to the chronology of events would suggest that we resigned “of our own accord”. That’s the bit that’s not factual. In fact, it’s disingenuous. 

"Have you already forgotten the events that led to the resignation? Are you forgetting that whole blocs of MPs were illegally recalled? Are you forgetting that after being illegally recalled, their by-election campaigns were attacked by violent thugs? Are you forgetting that campaign team members were abducted and murdered with zero accountability? Are you forgetting that sitting MPs were abducted and tortured while the perpetrators who were caught on video were never brought to book?

"Are you forgetting that our members were banned from contesting for no reason? Are you forgetting that ZANU PF gold mafia members were then handed seats uncontested? Are you forgetting how the will of the people was desecrated in Bulawayo?"

Mehere reminded Coltart how CCC MPs were violently thrown out of Parliament for disagreeing with their Zanu PF counterparts.”

The 2023 election process was judged to be flawed and illegal by SADC and AU and Mahere, Coltart and the rest took up their gravy train seats, knowing fully well doing so would give Zanu PF legitimacy. Still they went ahead regardless out of greed. The process was flawed and so the CCC leaders were illegitimate and to suggest the recall by Tshabangu made any difference on the matter is nonsense. 

Mahere and Markham resigned because they must have figured they were going to be recalled anyway. Coltart and those who did not resign must have figured they would never be recalled. To pretend there was virtue in ether position is just as meaningless as pretend there is virtue in today being Sunday and not Monday! 

What matters here is that these CCC leaders participated in the flawed 2023 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating the suffering of the masses out of greed. And, worst of all, they knew this!

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

Sunday, 21 April 2024

"CCC will win 2023 big. God is in it!" None of Chamisa's prophetic claims have come to pass. None! W Mukori

 “We are His creation and His possession. We belong to Him.” stated Nelson Chamisa. 

“This assertion encapsulates a fundamental aspect of Chamisa’s identity—a belief that governance and leadership are divinely ordained responsibilities,” responded some one in Zimeye.

“To Chamisa, his political endeavours are not merely about securing power but also about fulfilling a divine purpose.

“Chamisa’s declaration that “Whenever we move our lips, we must testify and confess the power, glory, and greatness of God” underscores his commitment to intertwining religious expression with political discourse.”

This is just hogwash with no intellectual nor theological merit. None!

  1. i) God does not do for mankind what mankind can easily, easily, do for themselves. The people of Zimbabwe have risked livelihoods, limbs and thousands have lost their lives to elect Nelson Chamisa and his MDC/CCC friends to implement democratic changes, reforms, to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. They have not only failed to implement even one token reform in 23 years but have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. Are we to expect God to implement the reforms and, no doubt, to stop Chamisa and company participating in flawed elections out of greed!

  1. ii) “CCC would win big the 2023 elections because I have plugged all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes. God is in it!” promised Chamisa. The truth is CCC was participating in an election with no verified voters’ roll, voters were being frogmarched to attend Zanu PF rallies (and would likewise be frogmarched to vote), etc., etc. Chamisa did not even have the common sense to deploy election agents at all Polling Stations, for Pete’s sake. Chamisa has repeatedly put God to the test! “You shall not put the LORD your God to the test,” the Bible tells us. 

  1. iii) Chamisa has repeatedly claimed divine inspiration, that something or other would happen, God is in it. And again and again his prophecy has not happened. The truth is Chamisa is NOT divinely inspired, he just claims to be which is a different matter. Alas! We have some of the most ignorant, naive and gullible people on planet earth, they believe anything, and so that they should believe a false prophet is no surprise! 

Friday, 19 April 2024

“Zimbabwe shall be free in our lifetime!!” Whose lifetime, given CCC has failed to implemented even one reform last 23 years. W Mukori

 Zimbabwe’s opposition leaders have abandoned the task of bringing about the democratic changes to end the Zanu PF dictatorship and with it the nation’s suffering. They have taken up the task of reminding us all of how Zanu PF continues to rig elections, mismanage and loot and how we, the ordinary people are suffering. 

Nelson Chamisa may have abandoned his CCC party in a huff in January 2024, he clearly has every intention of staging a come back. And so he did not miss a trick in reminding us all how miserable we are, especially as the nation remember the 44 years of independence.

“Independence is empty without the dignity and happiness of its beneficiaries. Zimbabwe shall be free and happy in our lifetime!! Independence and freedom can’t be for a few,” said Chamisa.

“Zimbabwe shall be free and happy in our lifetime!!” Damn you! Which lifetime are you wittering about!

You and your MDC/CCC friends promised to deliver democratic changes to stop Zanu PF rigging elections and thus end the dictatorship when you launched your party 23 years ago. You have failed to implement even one token reform in 23 years, including the 2008 to 2013 GNU when you have the golden opportunity to do so.

So if you have failed to implement even one token reform in 23 years and have clearly given up all hope of implementing any reforms - you have been participating in flawed elections - “in our lifetime” equals never. You are just paying lip service to reforms and change to con the ignorant, naive, gullible who cannot even remember why the nation has risked all to elect MDC/CCC leaders.

The question every thinking Zimbabwean must ask themselves is why was Zanu PF able to blatantly rig 2023 elections and get away with it, especially when the nation has, these last 23 years, risked all to elect opposition members with the specific task to implement reforms and end the curse of rigged elections? 

There is no denying that the MDC/CCC leaders had many opportunities to end the implement the democratic changes to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections, especially during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. They failed to implement even one reform. Worse still, since the GNU debacle they have been participating in flawed elections to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy for the sake of a few gravy train seats Zanu PF was offering as bait. 

In 2018 Nelson Chamisa insisted in participating in the flawed elections claiming MDC A would win big because the party had “stringent measures to stop Zanu PF rigging elections.” Of course, he was lying. He started complaining of Zanu PF rigging elections and made a big song and dance of challenging the result in the Constitutional Court, just for show. 

Last year, 2023, Chamisa repeated the same empty and deceitful election spectacle. He insisting in participating in the flawed elections claiming CCC had plugged all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes! He even evoke the name of God, “God is in it!” he underlined. 

Day after the election it was he was back to the old tune, complaining that  Zanu PF rigged the elections. The CCC leaders who won the few gravy train seats, the bait, took up their reward even though SADC, AU and even our own ZHRC election observers had condemned the election as a farce. 

Even if SADC leaders had wanted to deny Zanu PF political legitimacy, they could not. CCC had conned Zimbabweans to participated in the flawed elections in their millions and party leaders had taken up their gravy train seats thus endorse the elections process was free contrary to SADC’s damning report.  

Like it or not MDC/CCC leaders have abandoned their primary task of implementing the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections for the more rewarding role of participating in flawed elections for a share of the spoils of power. 

There is no denying that the fruits of independence have been enjoyed by the few Zanu PF ruling elite and the cronies and ever since the 2008 GNU a few MDC/CCC leaders have been coopted into this exclusive club - their reward for keeping and PF in power whilst paying lip service to reforms and change. Chamisa and company wasted the golden opportunity to implement reforms during the GNU, only fools will believe they will do so now!  

“Zimbabwe shall be free and happy in our lifetime!!” Yeah right!

The real tragedy in Zimbabwe is that the people of Zimbabwe themselves have failed to wake up and smell the humus! Nelson Chamisa and his MDC/CCC have running with the povo hare and hunting with the Zanu PF hounds, in broad day, especially since the GNU, and the people have failed to notice it!

What Zimbabwe needs right now is for povo to realise that Chamisa and company will never implement any democratic reforms, the prerequisite for stopping Zanu PF rigging the elections and thus curing ourselves of the curse of bad governance. We need a competent opposition who will implement the reforms, why that has taken 23 years and counting for the penny to drop beggars belief.

Monday, 15 April 2024

"No one will starve in Zimbabwe!" Forget indirect deaths, account for 40 000 Zanu PF politically motived deaths! W Mukori

 "As I stated in my recent declaration of a nationwide state of disaster due to the drought last week, our Zanu-PF government will not let anyone starve," Mnangagwa said.

"Our government is capable of handling this situation.”

The bottomline is Zanu PF has made many, many promises which it failed to keep and there was damn well nothing anyone could do about it. The regime is not democratically accountable to the people and so it will do as it damn well please.  

One of the advantages of being a dictatorship is that you can promise the moon on a silver platter and deliver hell and get away with it again and again. 

Ever since Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980 Zanu PF has promised the people of Zimbabwe freedom, peace, justice, economic development and prosperity. Three years after independence in 1983 Zanu PF launched its Gukurahundi massacre aimed at forcing PF Zapu, the party’s main political challenger, to give up its independence and join Zanu PF. Dr Nkomo relented in 1987, after 20 000 civilians murdered, and signed the unity accord opening the door to the imposition of the de facto one party state we have to this day. 

The regime has murdered another 20 000 plus since the Unity Accord to maintain its strangle hold on absolute power. 

When Mnangagwa seized power in the 2017 military coup he promised to stamp out corruption and most important of all to hold free, fair and credible elections. He promised the latter to placate the world at large following his military coup but did not bother to implement even one reform. Only the very naive believed he would keep his promise of holding free elections. He ignore the promise to stamp out corruption because no one was going to hold him to account.

Mnangagwa blatantly rigged the 2023 elections, both SADC and AU election observers condemned the elections and, per se, this regime is illegitimate. It is naive to think the nation will hold Mnangagwa and company to democratic account if they failed to keep their promise. What has changed, one might as well ask! 

Wednesday, 10 April 2024

"Has MDC/CCC failed the people of Zimbabwe?" asked BBC HardTalk. Sikhala was too dumb to admit it. W Mukori

I had heard in advance that Zimbabwe’s opposition leader, Job Sikhala, will be on BBC HardTalk. I did not want to miss it. I would not have missed much if I did!

Let’s just say Sikhala had his half-hour on the “premier league” media stage and he wasted it!

Stephen Sackur: Why has Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, CCC, collapsed in such a spectacular way? Should we blame Chamisa for creating a party that did not have a constitution? Or should we blame Zanu PF because Chamisa said the ruling party infiltrated CCC and he would not swim in a river full of hungry crocodiles?

Job Sikhala: Mnangagwa has expertise in infiltrating and destroying other political parties?This did not start today and went on and on — — — — -

SS: We do not have the time to go through the whole history of Zimbabwe politics since independence. Please address this question: Do you think the opposition has failed the people of Zimbabwe who are facing so many serious economic and political challenges?

JS: What is in the mindset of the people of Zimbabwe is the opposition. They despise and loth Zanu PF. - - - - And he once again took off on yet another tangent. 

Zimbabwe is a failed state; 44 years under this corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship has taken a heavy toll on the nation economically, socially and politically. 

Still, it must be said, the Zanu PF dictatorship would have never lasted all those the 4 decades if the country’s opposition leaders had implemented the democratic reforms designed to stop Zanu PF rigging elections as promised. Morgan Tsvangirai and his fellow MDC friends failed to implement even one reform during the 2008 to 2013 GNU when they had the best chance ever to do so.

Robert Mugabe bribed the MDC leaders with the trappings of high office and, in return, Tsvangirai and company forgot about the reforms. Not even the nagging by SADC to implement reforms got the MDC leaders to budge an inch. 

And even since the GNU debacle, MDC/CCC leaders, including Mr Job Sikhala, have participated in flawed elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging and that participating would give the regime legitimacy. Still they participated, even conned the public to do the same, out of greed; as David Coltart a senior MDC/CCC leader admitted.

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

“Has MDC/CCC failed the people of Zimbabwe?” The simple and honest answer is, yes. But Job Sikhala nor many of his fellow opposition leaders will ever admit it; they are too dumb to ever realise they are corrupt and incompetent, much less correct it, and hence the reason they continue to blunder from pillar to post! 

There is evidence to prove CCC are Zanu PF team B in all but name, it's foolish not to see it. W Mukori

 There is a mountain of evidence to prove that MDC/CCC is Zanu PF team B in all but name. 

MDC/CCC leaders, especially during and since the 2008 to 2013 GNU, have  played the role of Zimbabwe’s main opposition party but one that understood its role was to ensure that:

  1. a) Zanu PF (team A) must win the majority in parliament, senate and the presidency (for this to happen Zanu PF must retain its carte blanche powers to rig elections and so MDC/CCC leaders paid lip service to democratic reforms but have never ever implemented even one token reform to upset the apricot.)

  1. b) No matter how flawed and illegal the electoral process got (Zanu PF team A has to do whatever it deems necessary to win) MDC/CCC Must participate in the elections and con the public into believing the opposition has devised all manner of winning in rigged election strategies making reforms unnecessary. The opposition must make sure Zanu PF has political legitimacy no matter what!

Both Zanu PF and MDC/CCC have benefited from the political deception: the former has returned its iron grip on absolute power these last 44 years and the the later have settled for a share of the spoils of power. 

It is the ordinary Zimbabweans who have paid dearly as the nation has been stuck with the corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical Zanu PF regime for 44 years. The economy is in ruins and millions are living in abject poverty and with no hope of any meaningful end to the dictatorship the future is grime. 

The truth is the people themselves are their own worst enemy; they have refused to open their eyes and minds to see and comprehend the reality that Zanu PF and MDC/CCC are conniving to deny them, the people, their freedoms and rights including the right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country and even the right to life!

There is a mountain of evidence of Zanu PF and MDC/CCC political connivance:

  1. i) MDC/CCC failure to implement even one token reform in 23 years including 5 in the GNU 

  1. ii) MDC ignored SADC advice not to participate in 2013 elections without implementing the reforms

  1. iii) MDC/CCC participating in flawed elections out of greed to give Zanu PF legitimacy. “The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe. 

  1. iv) Chamisa’s stubborn insistence on participating in flawed elections claiming he has “stringent measures to stop Zanu PF rigging” or has “plugged all vote rigging loop hole”.

  1. v)Chamisa’s lawyers refusal to have the sealed ballot boxes in the 16 Polling Stations in which 2 stations posted identical results and Mnangagwa had a commanding lead. Etc., etc.!

One can excuse the rural voters for failing to see what Zanu PF and MDC leaders are up to; after all they, more than any other section of society, feel the tyrannical Zanu PF boot on their neck. The rural people are nothing but serfs terrorised by the overbearing Zanu PF operatives and traditional leader proxies. 

There is no excuse for Zimbabwe’s intelligentsia and urban dwellers for their failure to end the political madness that has made Zimbabwe a laughing stock, the world’s textbook case of a failed state. 

“No amount of evidence can persuade an idiot,” said Mark Twain.

And there is no greater idiot than he who would not open his eyes and mind to see and comprehend the evidence before him!

Sunday, 7 April 2024

“Zimbabwe needs political change and not currency change!” That's rich coming from one who sold-out on reforms! W Mukori

 “ZIMBABWE NEEDS POLITICAL CHANGE NOT A CURRENCY CHANGE.... A currency is a bundle of trust and confidence. A currency is not a currency without confidence and value,” wrote Nelson Chamisa in his latest “epistles”.

“Money represents a collective trust in the stability and reliability of the government. Its value is derived from the amalgamation of this confidence.

“Instead of introducing a structured currency, we need a conversation that produces a Citizens-backed structured political change and new government.”

What political change have you and your fellow MDC/CCC leaders brought?

Zanu PF blatantly rigged the 2023 elections and got away with it scot-free thanks to MDC/CCC leaders’ failure to deliver and democratic reforms to stop the regime rigging elections. By the late 1990s, the people of Zimbabwe knew that Zanu PF leaders were corrupt, incompetent and the regime was dragging the whole nation into economic ruins. But as long as the party was able to rig elections and impose itself on the nation, there was nothing the nation could do to stop the rot.

The nation realised that they must elect opposition leaders whose number one task would be to implement democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. Nothing of any substance could ever be accomplished as long as Zanu PF retain the carte blanche dictatorial powers to rig elections. Nothing!

Zanu PF was not going to implement any reforms to end its dictatorial powers; that is self evident. 

Chamisa and his MDC/CCC friends have failed to implement even one token reform in 23 years including 5 years in the 2008 to 2013 GNU. Worse still, they have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. What is more, they knew all this!

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

So what is Chamisa wittering about, “Zimbabwe needs political change and not currency change”, when he and his friends are the ones who have not only stopped political change taking place but have given vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy and thus help it stay in power!!

The people’s failure to clearly define what it is exactly they wanted the opposition to do - implement the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections and know how the said reforms are, how they are implemented, etc. - has allowed MDC/CCC leaders to sell out on reforms and get away with it. After 23 years and not even a token reform implemented the penny should have dropped by now that Chamisa and company are not up to the task!

Tuesday, 2 April 2024

"What reforms do we need to stop Zanu PF rigging elections?" How easily and readily some people forget! W Mukori

 In his book, Animal Farm, George Orwell, describes how Boxer, the horse, took as long to learn the first four letters of the alphabet as others took to learn all the 26 letters. Worse still, it took him as long as again to learn the next four letters and, worst of all, by then he had forgotten the first four letters!

A powerful metaphor for stagnation! 

Talk of stagnation; Zimbabwe is a failed state and all because we have failed to govern ourselves. We are stuck with a corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical Zanu PF regime; the party has remained in power to do as it damn well pleased these last 43 years and counting because it has blatantly rigged and got away with it scot-free! 

The solution to Zimbabwe’s double curse of rigged elections and bad governance is obvious: implement the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. I have called for reforms incessantly some people have started calling me “Mr Reforms.” Worst of all, they are adamant that nothing, including implementing the reforms, can be done to NOT stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. Nothing!  

“You have not addressed the how to implement the democratic reforms. Remember Zanu PF’s arrogance and intransigence. Mnangagwa is on record boating that Zanu PF owns the judiciary, the police ,the army, the law makers, the decision makers and everything you can think of and indeed they do. Tell us how to untie the Gordian knot,” said one critic.

“For starters, what do you suggest that we need to do in order to stop Zanu PF from rigging elections?” asked the second.

“Which reforms will stop all this madness?” commented the third. 

“We have asked several times to give us a list of reforms.

“It seems the people calling for reforms do not know what reforms will end the lawlessness - just like the villagers in Gutu.

“I think we should stop using the plain word REFORMS without substance!”

By the late 1990s it was clear Zimbabwe was is serious economic and political trouble because the party that had ruled the country since independence in 1980 was corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs. The people realised that as long as Zanu PF retained its carte blanche tyrannical powers including the dictatorial powers to rig elections there will be no end to our troubles. The nation reached a consensus; we needed democratic changes, reforms, to stop Zanu PF rigging elections.

Morgan Tsvangirai and his friends launched their party, Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in 1999 in response to the nations political consensus. For decades the party supporters have chanted “Change! Chinja! Guqula!”

So after 23 years of chanting “Change!” “Reform!” to be asking what are changes/reforms is nothing short of metaphoric Boxer, the horse, forgetting the first four letters of the alphabet. It would be futile to address the question of what reforms and other related questions above just as it was futile to teach Boxer the alphabet in a never ending cycle! 


If I have answered the question what reforms and many like it once, I have answered the question a thousand times! I am not interested in answering these questions again, on the contrary I am as keen as mustard to find the answers to the parallel questions born out of the political stagnation.

Why is it that 43 years after independence, 2 500 years after the Greeks bequeathed mankind the gift of democracy, we still have Zanu PF blatantly rigging elections and getting away with it scot-free? 

Why is it that we have failed to understand what constitute free, fair and credible elections? 

We are not being asked to reinvent the wheel, democracy, but to adopt it for our own benefit. Why is it that we are failing to embrace the rule of law, justice and liberty? Why are we failing to govern ourselves for our own good?

Why is it that even now, 2 500 years after the ancient Greeks, we see but fail to perceive; we hear but never understand? 

Bless are these who see and perceive, who hear and understand. 

We have all the information we need to end this nightmare of rigged elections and bad governance, it is not rocket science. All we need to do is open our eyes and minds.

“What do you suggest that we need to do in order to stop Zanu PF from rigging elections?” Yeah right! No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state, how can we ever make any progress on anything when the same thing must be repeated over and over again because we have such short memories we cannot remember what happened yesterday. 

We have learned nothing because we easily and readily forget.  “Kukanganwa chazuro nehope!” as one would say in Shona!