Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Zimbabweans must ignore Geza's call to endorse swapping Mnangagwa for Chiwenga, yet another meaningless swap, it's insane. W Mukori

 Jeremiah Masawi aka Nyoka Yamabhunu, the self-appointed spokesperson of Blessed Geza and company, is just a rabble-rouser with no clue why Zimbabwe is a failed state. Indeed, he is seeking to replace Mnangagwa with Chiwenga, swapping one dictator for another; only an idiot would not see that this will change nothing of substance!

After 45 years of rigged elections and the nation up to our eyes in s***t, the consequences of decades of failed state, one would have thought the tragic human suffering has forced Zimbabweans to finally come to their senses and not to be so easily conned. Alas! The long suffering has had the exact opposite effect, it has panicked them and made them desperate. As we know, desperate people do desperate things.

Zimbabweans welcomed the 2017 military coup, even though it was clear the nation would be swapping Mugabe for another dictator, because after 37 years of rigged elections the people were desperate to see the back of Mugabe at any and all cost. 

Mnangagwa got into power on the back of a military coup, the people were called upon to rubber stamp that. He has remained in office by blatantly rigging the 2018 and 2023 elections, contrary to his promise to hold free, fair and credible elections. 

When Blessed Geza and his war veteran friends denounce Mnangagwa and his regime as corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs; they were stating the obvious. 

“This Mnangagwa must stay until 2030, is bulls**t!” said Blessed Runesu Geza, to universal public acclaim. 

Geza and company have made it clear they want VP Chiwenga to takeover from Mnangagwa. Chiwenga is no stranger to the people of Zimbabwe, he is a Zanu PF thug through and through. He has played his part in the creation and imposition of the Zanu PF dictatorship all these 45 years, notably in the 2008 Operation Mavhotera Papi and he commanded 2017 military coup. 

Chiwenga, like all the other Zanu PF chefs, has enjoyed his lion’s share of the spoils of power; he retired from the Army as commander to become Vice President following the 2017 coup. He is filthy rich; he has many farms, properties and business interests, fleet of posh cars, 45 gold-watches, etc. 

Replacing Mnangagwa with Chiwenga will be swapping one corrupt, incompetent and murderous dictator for another! The nation did that in 2017 when we swap Mugabe for Mnangagwa and we KNOW that did not end the corrupt and tyranny. Swapping Mnangagwa for Chiwenga will be more than an act of desperation, it will be insane. It will show we have learned nothing from the past. Nothing!

As much as the ordinary people had played no party in the 2017 military coup that forced Mugabe out of office; the Zimbabwe public will likewise have no party in whatever it is Geza & Co. are planning to force Mnangagwa out of office. What Geza & Co. want the public to do is come out in the street in their hundreds of thousands, as they did in 2017, to rubber stamp.

Swapping Mnangagwa for Chiwenga is more than an act of desperation it is insane; Zimbabweans must not rubber stamp this insanity!

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

With patients in cardboard splint, etc. 'it is as clear as day' vision 2030 is a mirage - that prompted someone to accept ED2030 is dead and buried! W Mukori

 "I have my two terms, and when the time comes, the country and the party will move on by electing my successor. I have said clearly that I have two terms, and these two terms are definite," reiterated Mnangagwa at the Press Conference yesterday. 

"When they come to an end, I will step aside, and my party will elect my successor—that is as clear as day. Those who have other imaginations, we have a democratic society that allows them to dream.”

So Mnangagwa has given up his 2030 agenda because he is a DEMOCRATIC who respects the constitution! Yeah right! Since when?

Mnangagwa blatantly rigged the 2023. Both SADC and AU election observers condemning the election process as flawed and illegal and he dismissed them with the usual dismissive contempt. 

Just a year after rigging the 2023 elections he was already scheming how to extend his illegitimate mandate. He coerced Zanu PF to pass the October 2024 party conference resolution that he should be allowed to stay office until 2030 to deliver vision 2030. The argument was that he was the only leader who could be trusted to pull the nation out of poverty into the upper middle income status in record time.

The give away was why was the resolution being passed so early in his second five-year term? 

There was no evidence that Mnangagwa had done anything to revive the Zimbabwe economic in his first five year term. Indeed, the Zimbabwe economy has continued its nose-dive since Mnangagwa took over from Mugabe following the 2017 military coup. 

Mnangagwa promised to stamped out corruption in 2017. Corruption has gone into overdrive instead. 

Mnangagwa was cocksure his “Zimbabwe is open for business!” was going to open the flood gates of investors. Investors are shrewd lot, they were not fool by the musical chair of swapping one dictator for another; they knew the Zimbabwe was still a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and vote rigging thugs. 

The 2024 party conference resolution for Mnangagwa to stay in power till 2030 was rushed through because Mnangagwa knew vision 2030 was a lead balloon that would never fly, a mirage. When the few businesses and shops left are closing, people can see patients with broken limbs stripped up in cardboard, potholes even in the country’s major roads, etc. even the blind can see vision 2030 is a mirage. 

“I will step down in 2028 - that is as clear as day!” What is as clear as day is that vision 2030 is a lead balloon and since that was the justification for staying on till 2030, of course, you will step down in 2028!

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Zimbabweans have penchant for sugar rush solution of Mnangagwa must go even at the expense of retaining the dictatorship W Mukori

 “Zimbabwe is in desperate need of transformative leadership, not the routine recycling of failed politicians,” argued Trevor Ncube. “A change in leadership might offer temporary relief, Zimbabwe's issues run deeper, demanding a systemic overhaul.”

Could not agree with you more!

God only knows how many golden opportunities to completely overhaul our failed political system, notably the 2008 to 2013 GNU and the 2017 military coup, and we have wasted them all. All because of greed, breathtaking incompetence and, yes, our penchant for temporary relief. We would happily give up our freedoms, rights and human dignity to appease the dictator on the off chance he will have mercy on us even when history tells us he will only demand more and double the abuse again and again. 

Zimbabwe is a failed state because the nation been stuck with this corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship for 45 years and counting. The party has enjoyed absolute power including the power to rig elections, to stay in power, and to loot the nation’s wealth.

Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF cronies have bribed, cajoled and even killed fellow Zanu PF nationalists, war veterans and the nation at large to accept the de facto Zanu PF one-party dictatorship. War veterans in the army, Police, etc.; still in active service, retired or demobilised in 1980; have been brainwashed to believe that only Zanu PF leaders are fit to rule Zimbabwe and can be trusted to safeguard the nation’s independence and sovereignty. And so it the Army, Police, etc. have become department of the party in all but name, there to promote Zanu PF’s singular agenda of retaining absolute power at all costs. 

As much as Blessed Geza and his faction of war veterans are right in condemning Mnangagwa as a corrupt and murderous dictator; they cannot that they have played their part in imposing him in the 2017 military coup and the rigged elections which have followed. They have toned down their zeal to see VP Chiwenga succeed Mnangagwa and will never accept that he must face the acid test of free, fair and credible elections. Never!

How anyone can fail to see that swapping one dictator for another will solve nothing, especially after 45 years of rigged elections and bad governance, beggars believe! 

Zanu PF will never reform itself out of office by accepting free and fair elections. The opposition MDC/CCC failed to implement even one token reform during the GNU when they had the golden opportunity to do so. Mugabe bribed Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends with the trappings of high office and, in return, they forgot about the reforms.

Ever since the GNU debacle, MDC/CCC leaders have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF victory and legitimacy for the sake of  few gravy train seats. They have conned their brain-dead followers to participate on the basis of idiotic claims of opposition winning RIGGED elections. The very fact that millions Zimbabweans have believed these lies time and time again, even after 45 years of rigged elections, explains why we are a failed state. 

Yes, we need a complete system overhaul of our failed political system. 

“The only way forward, according to Ncube, is through a national, inclusive process that involves all stakeholders, including business leaders, civil society, the Church, labor, women, and youth. These groups must work together to rebuild the country,” reported Bulawayo 24.

Some people would say the writing of the 2013 Constitution was an inclusive process and yet no one will deny it was another wasted opportunity to dismantle the Zanu PF dictatorship and replace it with a healthy and functional democracy. A body of 50 or so technocrats can be task to write the nation’s new democratic constitution. They only have to use the constitutions of other nations that have tried and tested as the starting point; no need to reinvent the wheel.

It will be very disappointing indeed if the head of steam built since Mnangagwa took over from Mugabe should result in merely the replacement of one dictator with another. What we want is the end of the dictatorship and not another few days of sugar-rush at seeing Mnangagwa go followed by years more of this “soul-crushing poverty”, as Trevor aptly put it! 

"Zimbabwe's problems run deep demanding a systemic overhaul," said Trevor Ncube. Yes, start with overhauling minds! W Mukori

 @ Trevor Ncube

“Trevor Ncube, Chairman of Alpha Media Holdings (AMH), has called for transformative leadership in Zimbabwe, arguing that the country's entrenched political and economic crises cannot be solved by simply replacing President Emmerson Mnangagwa. In an opinion article, Ncube stressed that while a change in leadership might offer temporary relief, Zimbabwe's issues run deeper, demanding a systemic overhaul.

"Zimbabwe is in desperate need of transformative leadership, not the routine recycling of failed politicians," Ncube writes. He emphasized that political power in the country has been largely used for self-enrichment, rather than national service, leaving Zimbabweans trapped in a cycle of poverty and disillusionment. According to Ncube, the time for half-measures and timid politics is over. He called for collective courage and a shift toward nation-building, where the country's leadership works for the collective good of all, not just a select few.

Ncube described the stark contrast between the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans and the elite, pointing out that the majority of people live in a state of "soul-crushing poverty" while a privileged few indulge in conspicuous wealth. He questioned the real motives of political factions, including the Blessing Gezi faction of war veterans within ZANU-PF, who, according to Ncube, are more concerned with securing power for their own interests than addressing the critical issues facing the country.

He criticized the internal struggles within ZANU-PF, including the power struggles that echo the events leading up to Robert Mugabe's ousting in 2017. Ncube sees these factional fights as a distraction from the real crises at hand - an imploding economy, a collapsing healthcare system, crumbling infrastructure, and rising unemployment. The ongoing disputes within the party do nothing to alleviate the suffering of ordinary Zimbabweans, Ncube asserted.

Mnangagwa, whom Ncube described as a self-proclaimed constitutionalist, has been accused of allowing his loyalists to openly threaten the dismantling of Zimbabwe's democratic framework. The refusal of the president to intervene, Ncube argues, represents an abdication of leadership.

Ncube also reflects on the lessons learned since the 2017 military intervention that removed Mugabe. While many Zimbabweans had initially hoped for a better future, the current situation demonstrates that replacing one corrupt leader with another from the same party does not solve the nation's fundamental problems. The only way forward, according to Ncube, is through a national, inclusive process that involves all stakeholders, including business leaders, civil society, the Church, labor, women, and youth. These groups must work together to rebuild the country.

In closing, Ncube calls for action, warning that Zimbabwe's future hangs in the balance. "If Zimbabweans do not act now, we risk condemning future generations to an even graver fate," he warns. "The time for complacency is over. The time for action is now."

Ncube's article highlights the urgent need for genuine political and economic reform, stressing that Zimbabwe's survival as a nation depends on the courage and resolve of its people to demand true change and hold their leaders accountable.”

Could not agree with you more, “a change in leadership might offer temporary relief, Zimbabwe's issues run deeper, demanding a systemic overhaul.” God only knows how many golden opportunities the nations has had to overhaul it failed political system, notably the 2008 to 2013 GNU and the 2017 military coup. We have wasted all these opportunities and, worst of all, learned nothing for history is repeating itself. 

Robert Mugabe bribed, cajoled and even killed to get his fellow Zanu PF nationalists, war veterans and the nation at large to accept the de facto Zanu PF one party dictatorship. War veterans in the army, Police, demobilised and retired have been brainwashed to believe only Zanu PF leaders were fit to rule Zimbabwe and could be trusted to safeguard the nation’s independence and sovereignty. Alas, many of them believed the bulls***t and have imposed the dictatorship with nauseating zeal. 

As much as Blessed Geza and company are right in condemning Mnangagwa as a corrupt and murderous dictator, they cannot deny they played their part in imposing him in the 2017 military coup and the rigged elections which have followed. They cannot deny they will as happily impose VP Chiwenga and will never brook that he be subjected to acid test of free, fair and credible elections. 

How anyone can fail to see that swapping one dictator for another will solve nothing, especially after 45 years of rigged elections and bad governance, beggars believe! Yes we need a complete system overhaul of our political system but not until we have carried out a complete overhaul of our minds - we have the great misfortune of having millions of Zimbabweans who are all but brain-dead! 

A health and functioning democracy demands that the people must be educated, knowledgeable, objective and diligent in their duty of holding leaders to account. We a populous that is ignorant, naive and gullible; so gullible they are easily conned to believe even idiotic nonsense like the opposition winning RIGGED elections again and again and again. Fcuk me!

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Who needs free and fair elections if you have strategies to win rigged elections. W Mukori

 Why has Zimbabwe all but failed to hold free, fair and credible elections? 

The concept of free, fair and credible elections is founded on rule of law. In those societies in which the only rule that counts is dominate or be dominated free, fair and credible elections are of no value. Both Zanu PF and MDC/CCC have paid lip-service to free and fair elections. 

Rigging elections comes naturally to both Zanu PF and MDC/CCC hence the reason why there is no democratic practises within the party. Charity begins at home, indeed the cheating and violence see in Zanu PF's primary elections, for example, have been amplified at national level. 

Ever since the 2008 to 2013 GNU, Zanu PF has learned that the party can still r g elections and get away with it as long as the party allows a few opposition leaders win some gravy train seats. The opposition have participated in flawed elections out of greed but why have the   opposition supporters themselves participated in the flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering?

Opposition leaders like Chamisa have conned their supporters to participate in flawed elections again and again on the belief the party has devised strategies of winning rigged elections. Who needs free, fair and credible elections if you can win RIGGED elections! 

Thursday, 6 February 2025

To stop Zanu PF amending the constitution to postpone elections but fail to stop the regime rigging elections will be a Pyrrhic victory. W Mukori

@ Chin’ono

“When the coup happened, my good friend Dr Alex Magaisa called me and said we should stay out of ZANUPF affairs.

I told him that we should support the removal of Mugabe as it was a good thing.

“Mupfuyiwa,” he said, calling me by my totem, “ndedze mudanga, ngatingo tarisa kana kuti kana vanhu vapinda mustreet kudai, ngava demande a transitional government.” 

I did not listen. With time, I was proved wrong.

Dr Magaisa’s argument was that the opposition should have realised that Mugabe was old and tired and that the natural end of his tenure due to age could have brought an opportunity for real change.

He argued that the coup was akin to nyoka iri kuvhunura—it is at its most vulnerable, and that is when the opposition should have struck instead of siding with one faction.

“ZANUPF will remain ZANUPF wangu,” he said.

Lacoste (Mnangagwa’s faction) made so many promises to the opposition about being different from Mugabe, but we all know that Mugabe now looks like a saint compared to Mnangagwa and Chiwenga’s team.

My friend Alex is gone, but his wisdom lives with me. As such, I will not get involved in ZANUPF factional politics unless it is to occupy the streets and declare that ZANUPF as a party should go.

“Mupfuyiwa, these people are saying all the right things because they know that our people are gullible,” said Dr Magaisa.

I regret not listening to my good friend then, but having learnt my lesson, I will allow those who want to be used to do so. It is their right!

I cannot imagine a faction with George Charamba suddenly bringing change to Zimbabwe, but as Magaisa said at the time, let those who want to hope do so and learn their lessons.

Mnangagwa will be 90 in 2028. Mugabe was 93 in 2017. Do the math!

Zimbabweans should demand constitutionalism, which includes free and fair elections where the winner assumes office, rather than siding with a ZANUPF faction in the hope of getting crumbs from the floor.

If General Chiwenga is well meaning, and if the army is well meaning too, citizens should be allowed to demonstrate not just against the term limit abuse, but also against the rigging of elections and the neglect of public institutions like hospitals.

As Dr Magaisa said at the time, Mnangagwa is just an extension of the system, not the system itself.

If the system wants constitutionalism today, it will happen, and Mnangagwa cannot stop it.

It is clear that the system doesn’t want constitutionalism, it wants to stop Mnangagwa becoming a liability to its survival with all his well documented corruption and him eat alone not with his system comrades.

As Dr Magaisa also said at the time of the 2017 coup, the system wanted renewal because its group interests were threatened by Mugabe’s stay in power.

That is why the same people who used the opposition and citizens in 2017 went on to kill the same citizens who mistakenly thought Zimbabwe was now free on August 1, 2018.

Zimbabwe was only free of Mugabe, not the system!

The opposition or what is left of it must table its demands, if the army is genuine, it will entertain them, if not, then muri kuitiswa!”

Dr Magaisa was Morgan Tsvangirai’s special adviser during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. It should be noted that if the MDC leaders had implemented the democratic reforms and thus dismantled the Zanu PF dictatorship Zimbabwe will be free of the regime. They failed to implement even one token reform in 5 years. Not even one!

So what the fcuk did Dr Magaisa advise Tsvangirai? Dr Magaisa has pointedly refused to answer but, no doubt, some day the whole truth will come out! 

If the opposition supported the November 2017 military coup because they were promised a new GNU, Dr Magaisa advised them to demand a new GNU. They were very foolish to be involved in such an idiotic scheme. 

What democratic changes did the opposition expect the coup plotters to agree to, especially once the coup itself has been accepted as justified? The opposition had nothing to do with the coup and should have kept their noses clean out of it. The accepted the GNU offer out of greed and once the coup plotters got what they wanted they refused to honour their promise. 

Blessed Geza and his war veteran friends oppose Mnangagwa’s plan to amend the constitution so he can postpone 2028 elections and add another two years to his presidency. So far we agree with Geza and company. They oppose Mnangagwa’s plan because they want Chiwenga to take Mnangagwa’s place. 

We, the people of Zimbabwe, oppose Mnangagwa’s plan because he should not even be the president because he rigged the 2023 elections. His plan to postpone the 2028 elections is him being cheeky - he is seeking to extend his illegitimate mandate beyond the limit stipulated in the constitution. Geza and company helped Mnangagwa rig the 2023 elections and will help Chiwenga rig 2028 elections. 

Stopping Mnangagwa amending the constitution will be Pyrrhic victory if Chiwenga or whoever are the Zanu PF presidential candidates continue rigging elections.

A Pyrrhic victory (/ˈpɪrɪk/  PIRR-ik) is a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat.[1] Such a victory negates any true sense of achievement or damages long-term progress.

The armies separated; and, it is said, Pyrrhus replied to one that gave him joy of his victory that one other such victory would utterly undo him. 

James G. Blaine finally gained the 1884 Republican nomination for U.S. president on his third attempt: "Another victory like this and our money's gone!” 

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Comrade Geza, swapping Mnangagwa for Chiwenga will change nothing; most war veterans will remain as poor as a church mouse. W Mukori

 “Isu hatina kusafira vanhu vemezvibvindo. Takasafira povo yanetsva nevarungu. Ndiyo yavakusupwa nesu nhasi!” (We did not suffer for the few ruling elite. We suffered to free povo who were suffering from white colonial oppression. The same povo are today being oppressed by fellow blacks!) said Victor Matemadanda in 2017 to the thunderous applause from his fellow war veterans. 

When he mentioned the suffering of the war veterans living in poverty the applause was deafening. It was clear this was the number one reasons the war veterans were unhappy - the suffering of povo was nothing more than the stocking horse!

Last week Blessed Geza said almost the same thing to yet another thunderous applause from his fellow war veterans.

In 2017 Matemadanda was demanding that Robert Mugabe was go, he had failed the nation. He was forced to resign soon after the 15 November 2017 military coup. 

Geza and company are demanding that Mnangagwa must resign or he too will be forced out! 

Some one has produced a video with the two war veterans side by side to underline the fact that the nation has been here before and nothing changed after the coup in 2017. Rest assured, nothing will change this time round either particularly since it is already clear Geza and company are garnering for VP Chiwenga to replace Mnangagwa.

Replacing Mugabe with Mnangagwa did not bring about any meaningful political or economic changes since the later was just as corrupt, incompetent and a murderous tyrant as Mugabe. The would be investors were not fooled by Mnangagwa’s “Zimbabwe is open for business!” 2017 mantra. They could see that Zimbabwe remained a pariah state and by rigging the 2018 elections Mnangagwa confirmed nothing indeed had changed.

All those who know VP Chiwenga will tell you that his meteoric rise to the rank of Commander of Zimbabwe Defence Force was NOT on merit but rather political connections. He has played his part in helping create and retain the Zanu PF de facto one party state and, in turn, got his share of the lion’s share of the looted wealth. 

In short, Chiwenga is just as corrupt, incompetent and does not have a single drop of democrat blood in his veins. And so replacing Mnangagwa, a dictator, with Chiwenga another dictator will change nothing. 

So the overwhelming majority of the war veterans, who are demanding that Mnangagwa step down, will discover that in one, two, etc. years from now they will still be as poor as the proverbial church mouse! 

Robert Mugabe and company conned the war veterans to subscribe to the foolish notion that Zanu PF has the divine right to govern the country and that was the primary purpose of the war of liberation. And hence the reason why even when the war veterans admit Zanu PF failure they can only think of replacing the Zanu PF leader with another party leader, even after 45 years of  Zanu PF misrule. 

Zimbabwe is a failed state because the nation has been stuck with the corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship for the last 45 years. The war veterans has played their part in helping Zanu PF rig the elections and stay in power. 

The real tragedy here is that Matemadanda, Geza and the rest of the war veterans have not learned that swapping one dictator for another will change nothing. Change, real and meaningful change, will come from dismantling the failed one-party dictatorship itself and to do that they must accept that all Zimbabweans, not just war veterans, have the right to free, fair and credible elections.

The right to all citizens to a meaningful say in the governance is more than just a right - it is the essence of good governance. After 45 years of blundering from pillar to post, from one dictator to another, Zimbabwe desperately needs good governance.