Saturday, 20 September 2008

Mugabe's "African Solution to an African Problem": Nonsense

Robert Mugabe was ranting on about “African solution to African problem” and “Zimbabwean solution to a Zimbabwean problem”. Many people have taken up the same phase as “justification” for the acceptance of this ruthless dictator as the President of Zimbabwe. It is nonsense and must be laid to rest!

There is nothing special or uniquely African about the electorate exercising their basic and fundamental right to a meaningful say in the governance of one’s country through the holding of free and fair election to elect their leaders. And having done so, to have their expressed democratic wish respected. There is nothing new or special about some individual trying to stay on in power by cheating or worse still using violence in violation of the said democratic wish of the electorate. History is full of such individuals, in the worst cases, they are called dictators.

Free and fair elections is the foundation of good governance, of peace, justice and prosperity. So anyone who seeks to undermine the holding of free and fair elections seeks to undermine human life and the very survival of the nation. No nation in its right mind would risk the suffering of its people and ultimately human lives to ingratiate the selfish political interests of one or a select few individuals. So anyone or individuals seeking to undermine the nation’s survival must be dealt with harshly, period!

The root cause of Zimbabwe’s crippling political and economic problems is because Mugabe has repeatedly refused to leave office. He has cheated, rigged and even committed mass murder just to stay in power. The people of Zimbabwe have paid dearly for his continued undemocratic rule; surely, surely it was time this madness was stopped.

Robert Mugabe is a ruthless dictator; in his latest campaign of intimidation and terror, over a million people were forced to flee their homes to urban centre or live in mountains, hundreds of thousands were beaten and/or raped and over 200 (many believe 2 000) innocent people were murdered in cold blood. He did all this to force the Zimbabwe electorate to accept him as their leader. The rightful place for Robert Mugabe is before a court of law to answer for his heinous crimes.

Of course it is an outrage that Robert Mugabe should be “rewarded” with another term as President of Zimbabwe for undermining the very foundations of Zimbabwe society with disastrous political and economic consequences! Mugabe can dress it up as “African solution to an African problem”; it is a pig in lip stick nonsense!

1 + 1 = 2 , not 1.5, or 2.5 etc!

As a people, we in Africa are notorious for avoiding difficult issues and when we finally forced to, we come up with fudged solution. President Thambo Mbeki has done some good and bad things during his presidency but his greatest blunder will have to be the fudged deal that retain a ruthless dictator in power. How could he get such a basic and fundamental issue hopelessly and totally wrong!

As for why Zimbabwe’s Morgan Tsvangirai agreed to such a deal; it will suffice to say he is not one of the brightest stars in the Zimbabwe sky. It is Zimbabwe’s cursed lucky that the destiny of the nation should be shared by a ruthless dictator and a feeble-minded man.

It is my sincere hope that South Africa or any other nation will never have the so called “African solution” imposed on her!

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