Wednesday, 15 October 2008


Sharing ministries between Zanu PF and MDC is the ease bit compared to the difficult task of agreeing on policies and then implementing them. If Tsvangirai and Mugabe can not agree on the ease bit, how the devil will they agree on the difficult parts?

Worse still there will be absolutely nothing Tsvangirai can do to force Mugabe on the more difficult stages. There was some past discussion on ministries etc.; there were no such discussions on policies, etc.

Tsvangirai will, at best, have some of the key ministries but he will never ever exercise any real power. Mugabe and the Joint Operation Command will have and exercise all the real power. Tsvangirai and his fellow MDC friend will be reduced to nothing more than the baby in the cartoon, The Simpson, hooting and steering on her imitation steering wheel!

The people of Zimbabwe were not informed much less consulted on this power sharing deal. We therefore do not have to accept it; particularly now when it evident that it is addressing our needs.

The root cause of Zimbabwe's economic and political crisis is that the politicians have usurped the people's power to hold them to account. If anything we are beholden to the politicians as Mugabe demonstrated again so graphically recently. In Zimbabwe it is the tail that wags the dog!

What Mugabe is doing right now is flexing his muscle with MDC just to remind them, again and graphically too, he is boss!
MDC campaigned on a platform of “Change!” The real change Zimbabwe needs above all else is change that will end the pathetic situation in which a few individual can hold the whole nation to ransom. And switch the power play so that it is the people who hold the politicians to account. What Tsvangirai has done in signing the power sharing deal is seek to share power with Mugabe whilst Mugabe continues to hold and exercise his dictatorial powers!

Many people acknowledge the power sharing deal was ill conceived, ill advised and poorly implemented and yet they still hope against hope that it works. As a people, we have to stop deluding ourselves that we can still turn a corrupt and repressive dictatorship into a competent and accountable government. Particularly when the said dictator continues to wield the whip over us!

Some civic leaders, like the leaders of Women Of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) have called for mass public demonstrations. A show of public discontent is called for, yes; but there is a crying need for a more focused mass action.

There have been calls for public action to end the current practice of fixed daily bank withdrawals, for example. Mass action against the country’s run-away hype inflation would be even better. Mass action in support of MDC’s call for a more meaningful implementation of the power sharing deal, too would be good. It would be even better to end the dictatorship and have a democratic and accountable government!

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