Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Professor Jonathan Moyo, the venomous viper, calls Tsvangirai a "blithering fool"; the viper is right!

Professor Jonathan Moyo calls Tsvangirai and MDC “blithering fools”.

Professor Jonathan Moyo will rank second after Mugabe himself in the role he played in building up and keeping this ruinous and repressive Mugabe dictatorship in power. For someone who was Minister, highest office he ever occupied, for a handful of years compared to three decades for many in Zanu PF; that speaks volumes of the potency of this venomous viper!

Professor Moyo masterminded Mugabe’s miraculous revival after the losing the 2000 constitutional referendum and facing the same electorate again a few months later in the parliamentary elections. He has boasted of this himself. The strategy was simple enough – force everyone to focus on the land issue and nothing else. Indeed for all its multitude of economic and political problems Zimbabwe has nothing else on the national agenda but land.

The violence and lawlessness that has accompanied the seizure of white farms was a deliberate and calculated ploy to draw attention to the white farms and away from Mugabe’s catalogue failures and repression. Whilst violence was reportedly directed at the white farmers in practise to country wide directed at Mugabe’s political opponents and their supporters.

Mugabe’s cronies took full advantage of the chaotic situation by taking over the seized farms. Mugabe was running out of wealth to bribe his cronies and so he was helpless to stop them.

The economic and physical consequences of Zimbabwe’s violent farm seizure have been devastating for the white farmer owners and the hundreds of thousands farmer workers. And for the nation as a whole, this was the single act that precipitated the country’s total economic melt down.

Tsvangirai and his “party of excellence” has completely failed to put any other issue on the national agenda in their tens years as the country’s main political opposition with a significant number of MPs in 2000 to 2005 and now with half as many Ministers and Prime Ministers as Zanu PF! Of course it is not because there is a shortage of issues for Tsvangirai to pick from; the situation is even worse now than it was ten years ago.
Many Zimbabweans consider Professor Moyo a venomous viper who would sell his own mother for a price and be proud he had a mother to sell. Still, when he called Tsvangirai and company “blithering fools”; like it or not the viper is right!

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