Tuesday, 26 January 2010


Has it ever occurred to you jambanjas who have been used by Mugabe and the ruling elite to invade farms and cause all the lawlessness that have now become the norm in Zimbabwe that this IS the root cause of Zimbabwe's economic melt down? I know the need to be revenged on the whites for all the colonial injustices is simply too irresistible to you. It is this Mugabe is exploiting and keeps stirring up. I appeal to you all to stop for one minute and think this through.

The farm invasions have been going on in Zimbabwe for more than ten years now. You, jambanjas, know better than anyone else the number of farms invaded and the white owners evicted. You know better than most of us how productive the farms were before the invasion. You also know what has happened to those farms after the invasion. Whatever the farms were producing, the yield has dropped significantly since the invasion. This is an established fact and no amount of propaganda can change this simple fact!

Zimbabwe’s total economic melt down happened at the same time and pace as the collapse of our agricultural sector. Zimbabwe’s economy well being was dependent of it agricultural sector just as the branches of a tree are dependent on the roots. Cut the roots and the branches will soon wither and die.

Hundreds of thousands of Zimbabwean lives were lost in our fight for freedom, peace, human dignity and economic prosperity. In the last tens years particularly all these been forgotten or denied in pursuit of this single object: to humiliate the whites and be revenged for all the years of colonial oppression and exploitation. Jambanjas and all those who have supported farm invasion have had their fill of revenge but at what price?

Today the millions of our people live in abject poverty, thousands of them are sick and can not get even the most basic medical help and hundreds are dying unnecessarily.

Please stop and ask yourself: is your life, the lives of your own family and children and the future of the whole nation really that cheap to be trading in for sadistic pleasure of humiliating and harassing a handful of white farmers!?

Zimbabwe’s future is truly gloomy; how can we build a prosperous nation out of such people like jambanjas who hold themselves is such low regard, they consider the loss of their own life in return for humiliating a white man a very good bargain!

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