Thursday, 27 May 2010

Tsvangirai says elections are set for next year. He has done absolutely nothing to ensure there will be no violence.

Tsvangirai announce in SA that Zimbabweans will have refresh elections next year.

“Tsvangirai emphasised the country needed to change and he hoped the process leading up to this would speed up,” the Mail and Guardian reported.

Has Tsvangirai done anything, anything at all, to ensure that the kind of political violence that swept Zimbabwe in 2008 is not going to be repeated? The answer to that has to be an unqualified NO.

On the other hand his counterpart, Robert Mugabe, has been very busy making sure the Police, Army and all the other State security Agencies as ready for a repeat of 2008. Hundreds of thousands of Youth Militia, the Zanu PF foot soldiers in 2008, have been forced on the civil servant payroll to keep them sweet and to keep them battle ready they have been involved in endless skirmishes of political violence. Last week Mugabe appointed Zanu PF loyalists on to the Supreme Court; he has this base covered in case there is any legal challenge to his political machinations.

Ever since the formation of the inclusive government Tsvangirai has again and again ignored everything that showed him as anything else other than a completed leader. He would talk of the GNU “working well” even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Zimbabwe has been dying for a chance to get out of the mess Mugabe landed the nation unfortunately this has not happened and will never ever happen till we have competent leaders who will face the difficult issues and tackle them head on. Not idiots like Tsvangirai bubbling nonsense about bringing change whilst doing nothing to ensure it happens!

The people of Zimbabwe have suffered greatly and have been abused repeatedly for the last thirty years by Robert Mugabe. Tsvangirai had the chance to end Mugabe’s reign of terror after the shame elections in 2008 and he scuffed it. The GNU has been a total waste of time and many opportunities to set Zimbabwe right were wasted. The one thing Tsvangirai should have delivered without failure was ensuring the nation will never again be subjected to the same violence as seen in 2008. Tsvangirai should ensure the next elections are free and fair and the result reflects the true wish of the Zimbabwean people. Sadly it does not look like that will happen; the idiot has once again scuffed it and the nation will pay dearly for it!

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