The SA government says it will end the visa and work-permit concessions granted to Zimbabweans a year ago that has allowed Zimbabwe to enter the country more freely to escape the economic meltdown and political repression in Zimbabwe. Many Zimbabweans could find themselves being deported to face the uncertain future if SA goes ahead with this.
@Dora Makute
“Is it not a fact that the economy is bouncing back, is it not on record that agriculture is taking shape again,” you say, Dora. At least you admit that the economy had collapsed for it to be “bouncing back” and the agricultural sector had been destroyed for it to be “taking shape again”! Now let us put some meat of the skeleton.
The Zimbabwe economy had collapsed to the extend that schools and hospitals had closed for lack of funds; inflation and unemployment had soared to nauseating heights of 500 billion % and 90% respectively and most telling of all life expectancy had dropped from 65 years in 1980 to 34 years in 2005.
The only “bouncing back” that has taken place was the scrapping of the Z$ ending the run away inflation and thus allow some business activity to return. But the much hoped for economic recovery has not happened because the mismanagement and corruption at the heart of the economic melt down have remained. The International community have flatly refused to give any financial aid to what every see as a black- hole,
The collapse of the agricultural sector following the widespread seizure of farms by Mugabe and his cronies was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. The seizures have continued to this day, sinking the economy even deeper into the abyss.
For years now Zimbabwe’s new “farmers” have received millions of dollars in direct and indirect subsidies to get them to produce anything. USAID gave US$ 20 million last year and SA gave a similar amount. A situation that has only encouraged the big wigs in Zanu PF to seize as many as five of six farms each! After such a massive injection of funds the country produced more than the last season and people like you Dora are free to take this as proof that Mugabe’s land seizures is working.
The reality is that a) agricultural production fell far short of past national record even with all the heavy subsidies b) the subsidies are not sustainable c) Mugabe and his cronies will never ever be as productive as the white farmers nor millions of blacks denied the opportunity to be farmers simply because they are not ruthless enough to be members of the ruling and yet never give up this key national resource d) Zimbabwe’s economic recovery is totally dependent on the recover of the agricultural sector more than anything else.
On the political front Zimbabweans are routinely beaten up in the Zanu PF instigated “Operation Chimumumu (say nothing)” to stop them expressing their opinion during the ongoing constitutional outreach exercises. And if they report to the Police, it is the victims of the violence who are arrested! Things will really heat up during the forthcoming referendum and then fresh elections - a foretaste of what await all deported Zimbabweans. Dora, your claim that Zimbabwe is “awash” with peace is clearly nonsense!
Is this a joke?! Only a few weeks ago Tsvangirai and Tendai Biti were "pleased" with SADC's decisions on Zimbabwe in Namibia.
Mugabe was as his defiant self before the SADC meeting. Everyone knew the GNU was as good as dead and SADC had decided do nothing about it - also as largely expected. MDC has its usual list of “outstanding issues” Mugabe had repeatedly refused to honour and yet still MDC had said it was pleased that SADC was not going to do anything to force Mugabe to honour the GPA. So this move by MDC is a complete surprise – a surprise to Tsvangirai and Biti, most of all!
Last time MDC “suspended” its cooperation with Zanu PF the whole thing fizzled to nothing. It will be a great surprise if this too does not fizzled into nothing too!
The UK based Economist Magazine is hosting a summit in SA on the theme: “The Future of Zimbabwe Summit: When will there be a real recovery?” The question is simple enough.
The answer is equally simple: there will be no recovery until the economic ground has cleared of the deadly political landmines lied by Mugabe! They range from the lack of property rights, the lack of rule of law, the forced sell of shares to partners from hell through the indigenization bill, etc.
It is a great pity that the organisers have arranged for PM Tsvangirai to give the key-note address. He is in denial of the deadly political landmines; it would have been better if some one who would tackle this issue head-on gave the key-note address. Of course, better still if he/she was the PM of Zimbabwe and thus able to force change on the ground!
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