Monday, 28 February 2011

Soldiers fighting with Gaddafi must do the right thing for Libya: desert the Dictator!

There can be no doubt now that Colonel Gaddafi is a “lunatic” “out of touch with reality”. So Libya’s ambassador to South Africa, Ambassador Alzubedi’s appeal for Gaddafi to “do the right thing for the people of Libya," is a waste of breath.

Gaddafi, like many other dictators, has committed so many crimes against the people – enough to be hanged a thousand times over - whatever crimes he commits now is not going to make much difference. Instead of facing the hangman he and his cronies have opted to go with their guns blazing- just like in Western Gangster Movies!

The ambassador should be appealing to the hundreds of thousands innocent Libyans who have been co-opted to fight with the dictator. They were as much victims of the repressive regime as the rest of the Libyans now demanding freedom and liberty and they too stand to benefit from living in a free and liberated Libya as the rest.

The 1945/46 Nuremberg trials at the end of the Second World War established one universal truth that even a private soldier will be accountable for his/her actions. To say “I was following orders!” is no excuse for shooting unarmed civilians or committing any other war crimes!

To the Commanding Officers, Generals, down to the Private Soldiers; do the right thing for the people of Libya and stop fighting for a lost and unjust cause!


Zimbabwe Light said...

I think Zimbabweans should take time off to carefully plan the protest, if there is to be one. The careful planning will hopefully address the two main concerns:
1) That the protestors do not give Mugabe the excuse to kill- he is itching to do just that. Ideally not one Zimbabwean life should be lost. In the past humans have been used as cannon fodder!
2) The protest must deliver real and lasting democratic change and not yet another GNU as Tsvangirai and MDC have done.

I really do not believe those calling for the million-man match seriously considered these points. It the protest goes ahead I sincerely hope it delivers on the two points.


The rot affects so many Zanu PF big fish; if Mugabe is going to punish Chombo then he might as well punish every Zanu PF official down to the village head in some cases, starting with himself and his wife! Get real - Mugabe is now as powerless to stop corruption as an ant to stop a charging elephant!

If anything Mugabe is now counting on all these corrupt individuals to help him retain power. People like Minister Chombo know they will not hang on to their loot for long if there was regime change. Mugabe has blood of thousands of Zimbabweans on his hands but again he was clever enough to ensure that many, many others have blood on their hands too!


ESSAR knows Zimbabwe is desperate to sell ZISCO and the story of workers not being paid for nine months will only serve to underline Zimbabwe's desperation. Ever since the start of the economic melt down in 2002 Zimbabwe has been desperate and has sold the national treasure for a song!

Zimbabwe Light said...

I do not believe Zimbabwe is ready for an Egyptian style uprising not because the Mugabe is any better than that of Mubarak or that the people are cowards as Jermaine would have us believe. Do not forget that in 2008 Zimbabweans took Mugabe and his thugs and paid the price over 500 murdered and hundreds of thousands raped or beaten and millions were force to leave their homes. Cowards would not have done that!

After all they did Tsvangirai went ahead and brought Mugabe back into power complete with all his dictatorial powers. Zimbabweans should not risk one more Zimbabwean life in public protest until they can be sure that this round time the nation has the quality leadership that will DELIVER the democratic change and not another version of the stupid GNU!

Bother Mugabe and Tsvangirai will not care how many Zimbabweans died as long as at the end of it all they get to rule for one more day. Quality leaders would not use humans as cannon fodder!