Monday, 7 March 2011

Police ban all MDC meeting and rallies and MDC response by kicking the issue into the tall grass!

The Police has banned all MDC public meetings. What else does Mugabe have to do to force MDC to react?

“We actually are going to exhaust whatever remedies are within our reach politically and legally so that we are able to deal with these issues as soon as possible,” Chamisa said. To you and me that mean MDC does not have the foggiest idea what to do other than kick the issue into the tall grass!

It was very naughty of Ms Irene Madongo of S W Radio Africa to even ask what MDC was going to do; she did put the Right Honourable Minister on the spot!

Minister Chamisa the one solution to all these cases of Zanu PF making it impossible for MDC to play any meaningful role in this GNU is for MDC to walk out. But of course none of you guys in MDC will ever want to consider that. Not one Zanu PF Minister resigned even at the height of the Matebeleland and Midlands massacres. Resign and give up the ministerial Benz and all that political power brings - unthinkable. MDC leaders are caught in the same honey trap.

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