Friday, 21 October 2011

Gaddafi found cowering in a rat hole and killed: Mugabe is next!

Gaddafi is no more! It is interesting to note that he was caught cowering in a storm drain like a sewer rat and was killed like one! The people of Libya must now round up all the others sewer rats and, of course, recover all the money and wealth stolen over the years.

Meanwhile it is nice to see the Libyans celebrating their freedom. Lets hope unlike in the 1969 revolution that took the wrong turn this time it would result in a peaceful, democratic and prosperous Libya!

I can just imagine what Mugabe must be thinking after seeing the graphic end Gaddafi. The two were very close friends; indeed they had the same DNA of ruthless tyrants. It was not a pleasant sight for Mugabe to see a fellow rat cornered, killed and a whole nation celebrating. He knows that is the fate that awaits him too!

Zimbabwe had its chance to get rid of Mugabe in 2008 but, thanks to the blundering Tsvangirai, let it slip away. Three years down the line we would have made significant progress of rebuilding the nation and thus alleviate the suffering of our people. Instead we are still stuck in this hell-hole with 80% out of work (the deportation from SA will made things worse), Zanu PF thugs are circling the few remaining business ready to start another looting spree and so the nation is set to sink into even deeper economic trouble. On the political front Mugabe’s terror machine is well oiled with money from selling bloody diamonds so the repression will be even more brutal.

The suffering is hardening the nation’s resolve to end Mugabe’s rule and events in Libya will be shot in the arm to egg them on!

The people of Zimbabwe joyfully joint the people of Libya on this historic day when the rat who had terrorised them for nearly 42 years is no more and all he stands for destroyed. We are look forward with renewed hope to the day Mugabe will take his turn and punishment.

1 comment:

Zimbabwe Light said...

Over 500 Zimbabweans were murdered in cold blood during sham 2008 presidential run-off. No one has ever been arrested none did this hypocritical regime condemn the killings. We all know it was the regime's thugs who carried out the murders. Now a fellow tyrant is killed in a fight and the hypocrites want to claim the moral high ground of due legal process! They are worried about ending the same brutal way Gaddafi ended.

Well Mugabe, Shamu and the rest of the thugs should have thought about it before they shed the blood of the first innocent Zimbabwean and now it is pay back time!


Even if the next elections were free and fair or are mired by the usual brutal violence Mugabe’s rule will end. And he will face the music for all the years of brutal repression!