Wednesday, 23 November 2011

It was Tsvangirai not Zuma who should have led the push for democratic change in Zimbabwe!

Zimbabwe political analyst, Sanderson Makombe, tells S W Radio Africa that President Zuma is to blame for bringing no democratic change three years after the signing of Zimbabwe’s GPA. One has to ask what exactly did people like Makombe expect President Zuma to do.

In my humble opinion SADC and President Zuma was only suppose to play a supportive and not the lead role in the search for a solution to Zimbabwe political problems. In this case Tsvangirai has repeatedly shied away from playing a leading role. Indeed one can even say Tsvangirai has even decided to do nothing in the expectation that SADC and President Zuma will do everything. You say SADC and President Zuma have done nothing in the three years of the GPA and of course you are right. But one has to ask what has Tsvangirai himself done in the three years? Nothing!

Zimbabwe needs to carryout so many democratic reforms before we can have free and fair elections. Surely Tsvangirai can not be that helpless and powerless to push at least one reform in three years! All he has done is make a big hu –ha about writing a new constitution at great expense too, one must add; only for Mugabe’s thugs disrupt and scupper the whole thing. Anyone with any common sense saw this coming; anyone that is except Tsvangirai.

It is ease to blame President Zuma for Zimbabwe’s continued mess but if the truth be told, and it must be, Zimbabweans risked a lot to elect Tsvangirai and MDC in 2008. Tsvangirai has the people’s mandate to change things in Zimbabwe but sadly for three years he has done nothing with that power!

The targeted sanctions against Mugabe and his cronies imposed by the West to push the dictator to accept democratic reforms are not working. The tyrant and his cronies are richer than ever even though the country has been suffering the worst national economic melt down in human history. After nearly ten years these sanctions, it is time the America and the West fine tuned these sanctions or else scrap them.

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