Friday, 13 January 2012

MDC Ministers are nothing more than prefects with Mugabe as the Autocratic Headmaster!

Zimbabwe Home Affairs Minister Makone says she can not stop Police Officers who are terrorising the public.

This is really tragic. If the Minister of Home Affairs can not do anything to force the Police carryout their duties; who can?

The reality is the Minister has the law and authority to rein in these rogue Police Officers. MDC, Minister Makone's party, has control of parliament. MDC and Minister have, out of cowardice and incompetency, have failed to their parliamentary power and authority to restore the rule of rule. Zimbabwe desperately need competent Ministers and political leaders and not this MDC lot who view themselves as nothing more than school prefects before the Headmaster, Mugabe!


Zimbabwe Light said...
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Zimbabwe Light said...

If you are going to have full scale riots then the people must be moved and committed to the cause. The sufferings Zimbabweans have endured under Mugabe have without doubt driven the people into despair but because they have yet to understand what has happening much less what to do about it. Following the Arab Spring many people have asked why Zimbabweans have not staged a similar uprising to oust Mugabe; that would be just another knee-jack reaction on their part.

Zimbabwe’s independence was achieved not after a full scale rioting but full scale war. But because the people did not understand that removing one regime was only part of the battle the other was ensuring it is replaced with a better one. So in the end we replaced a repressive racist regime with a corrupt and even more repressive one.

In 2008, after 28 years of tyrannical rule by Mugabe, the people of Zimbabwe staged a full blooded electoral revolt against Mugabe; but once again they did not pay attention to who was to replace him. The elected Tsvangirai, a weak and indecisive leader who handed power back to Mugabe in a silver platter! You are proposing a “full scale riot” to remove the GNU but once again have not thought out who will rule after the riot! As things stand Tsvangirai would be the benefactor of the that riot and that would be just another disaster for Zimbabwe!


I agree with you about MDC leaders being in power to "enriching" themselves. As things stand however MDC or some other equally incompetent politicians replacing Mugabe. The Zimbabweans are yet to take their responsibilities and duties as citizens seriously. To hold leaders to account one must can and can not be done to take the nation towards the common goal of building peaceful, just and prosperous nation. It is within the people’s power to demand a Police force that will maintain law and order and not one committed to do the exact opposite. That is not rocket science. Until we have a thinking electorate will never break this endless cycle of removing one oppressor with another!

Zimbabwe Light said...

In a rare show of unity the two MDC factions say they will fight to stop Mugabe appointing reappointed of Police Chief Chihuri and Army Commander Chiwenga.

If MDC leaders think the only bad apples in the ZRP and ZNA are Chihuri and Chiwenga then they are being very naive! What am I saying; of course MDC leaders are very naive!

Mugabe, Chihuri, Chiwenga and a few others are but the ears of the hippo; taking one or two out will have no effect, whilst the rest of the ugly beast remains well and kicking hidden below the muddy water.


‘We have actually made a few clauses that are beneficial to them (War Vets),” MDC MP and COPAC co-chairman, Monzora, told S W Radio Africa. The MP was trying to appease the War Vets after the latter had disrupted the constitution writing process, not for the first time. Will the new constitution be worth the paper it is written on!?