Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Entrepreneur Chingonzo did not impress President Obama but made an ass of himself

A 21-year-old Zimbabwean entrepreneur, Takura Chingonzo, on Tuesday afternoon, hit the jackpot; he interviewed President Barack Obama on stage at the US-Africa Business Forum in Washington. Sadly, like one other Zimbabwean, Richard Morgan Tsvangirai in 2009, he make a complete ass of himself!

“So in our working (Internet access),” Takura told the President and the audience and the world at large, “we came to a point in time where we needed to import a bit of technology from the United States, and so we were engaging in conversation with these U.S.-based businesses.  And the response that we got time and time again was that unfortunately we cannot do business with you because you are from Zimbabwe.”

“And I was shocked,” concluded Takura with well-rehearsed facial and body postures to match – an electric shock would not have stunned him more. “ -- this doesn’t make sense!”

The story is all a fabricated lie because the sanctions are targeted sanctions and Takura Chingonzo is certainly NOT on that targeted list. He admitted as much himself.

These entities believe that Zimbabwe is under sanctions,” explain Chingonzo. “So what really can we do to do try and clarify this to make sure that we as the young entrepreneurs can effectively develop Africa and engage in business?” Really?

Think up a project be it in the internet access as is the case here or whatever, convincing financer and buyers, etc. was the really tough bit. So our model young Zimbabwean entrepreneur, Takura Chingonzo, jumped all those hurdles with flying colours but fall flat on his face when it came to American Business partner that he was not one of the one hundred or so Zimbabweans on the targeted sanctions list.

In 2009 President Obama had the then Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has his first African leader invited to White House. The later was telling him a hen’s teeth story about why American should lift the sanction against Zimbabwe because Mugabe had changed. It was not until the rigged 2013 elections which resulted in Tsvangirai being kicked off the gravy train to finally convince his that the tyrant had not changed one bit.

Now as back then in 2009, President Obama was called upon to explain once again why America had imposed the targeted sanctions.

“The challenge for us in the United States has been how do we balance our desire to help the people of Zimbabwe with what has, frankly, been a repeated violation of basic democratic practices and human rights inside of Zimbabwe,” explained the President, for the umpteenth time

The President should have looked the up-start idiot straight in the eyes and asked him, “Takura Chingonzo where you not shocked at the blatant vote rigging last year by President Mugabe and his Zanu PF members? In this day and age and 33 years after independence why should millions be so callously denied such a basic right as the right to a meaningful vote?” Takura would have been shocked for real this time.

Of course last year’s blatant vote rigging had not shocked Takura, it had been water off a duck’s back. Still, he would have said that had indeed been very shocked and would have been obliged to repeat his earlier I-am-very-shocked theatricals. Everyone would have seen that he was just faking it and the shame of it all would have send a thousand volt electric shock down his spine!

The trouble with narrow minded people like Takura Chingonzo and Morgan Tsvangirai is as long as they are doing well they do not give a damn that millions others are suffering. The Zanu PF dictatorship is working for them and to hell with the millions the system is grinding into the dirty!

No doubt Takura will be invited to meet President Mugabe on his return to Zimbabwe for his sterling contribution to have the targeted sanctions lifted. Mugabe would only be interested to recruit him to work with the CIO, if he is not already; the tyrant has the Chinese working on how to monitor all the internet traffic and would what to beef that up!


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Madzibaba

So you really believe that American believe the targeted sanctions in Zimbabwe include every-one? Even then all Chingonzo had to do is show them the list and prove he is not on that list.

The sanctions are about ending the dictatorship that has destroyed the nation. All this up-start is being paid to do is to pretend his business is affected and have the sanctions lifted

It is amazing just how simple minded some people are, they will believe any bullshit they hear!

Zimbabwe Light said...


The real battle that matters in Zimbabwe is whether or not Mugabe fills that ZimAsset begging bowl. People like Tsvangirai and Biti are in Zimbabwe but they have no role to play now since the rigged elections, so why you think I must be in Zimbabwe is you just being stupid.

I have said it before and will say it again IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!

Mugabe is wrestling with a begging bowl; place your bet! My bet is the bowl! The tyrant has finally got more than his match - fill the bowl!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Pitambas

Even if he story was true, the idiot should accept that the sanctions are above all designed to end a political system that has turned the lives of millions ordinary Zimbabweans into a hopeless nightmare from which the only escape is through death. Only an idiot like Chingonzo would sin-gle mindedly seek their own profit even if it was at the expense of the millions condemned to a life time of hopelessness and despair.

Do we really need the Americans or anyone else to tell us that freedom and human rights and human dignity matters above all else? Do we need the Americans to tell us that good governance is the basis for a stable, just and prosperous nation?

Are we really that stupid that we do not even know where our own long term interests lay that we have to be begged and bribed to be persuaded to do the right thing? Are we really a nation of mentally retarded only destined to scratch the surface, only destined to see the single pixel in a megapixels picture?

Toads like Takura Chingonzo and Robert Mugabe value no one else’s life other than their own. They are the modern day black Africans who hunted their kith and kin and sold them for slaves to the white man for calico cloth and a handful of beads!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ whichfool

The economic meltdown is doing all the hard work, you only be in the way stay out of this. Or is it you want to claim the credit for bringing down the dictatorship? Vana mucheka dzafa!

Anonymous said...

Your English is terrible. And your argument is weak.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Kaitano

It is you who is confusing the issues.

The sanctions were imposed to force the Mugabe regime to respect the basic rights of Zimba-bweans to free and fair elections and the right to life itself. We are dealing here with a regime that has not only rigged elections but has beaten, raped and even murdered over 30 000 innocent Zimbabweans for selfish political gain.

Are you saying that Mugabe has not rigged elections and murdered innocent Zimbabweans?

If he has (I say he has), are you saying it does not matter no sanctions should have been im-posed on the tyrant?

I am saying the sanctions should stay even if they were causing Takura from doing his business because we must stop this Zanu PF dictatorship and save human lives. Surely the stopping the suffering of millions and saving human lives is more important than business interest.

Zimbabwe is going through a serious economic meltdown right now because of the 34 years of corrupt rule and unless we can end this autocratic Mugabe rule more and more companies are going to close down. In other words business is not doing well so what business interest is Takura talking about?

The internet in a Zanu PF one-party dictatorship will be monitored by the CIO and no one is free.

Let have the sanction so we can end this corrupt and tyrannical regime and move to a democrat-ic system of government where we can all prosper and enjoy freedom and liberty. Is your brain such a hermetically seal box that you cannot see the simple logic in that!?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mudzimumapondera

The issue of sanctions affect all Zimbabweans, young and old, rich and poor just as the matter of free and fair elections affect us all. You do not speech to someone who is doing something that is good for all Zimbabwe and ask him to stopping doing it because it affects you and a handful others who are benefiting from the oppressive and corrupt system. Takura should not expect us the majority (including the myopic ones who do not know where their interests lie, like you Mudzimumapondera) to cheer and applaud his stupid and selfishness)

I want a Zimbabwe were the 300 000 children who have dropped out of school this year alone because the years of misrule by this government are given the same chance to be successful as Takura Chingonzo. The only way that can happen is for the regime to be force to accept demo-cratic reform and the sanctions are doing just that.

You can only see the dot, Takura, who is benefiting from the corrupt and oppressive Zanu PF dictatorship but refuse to see the millions of others like him who are suffering because the regime has let them down!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@Owen Zvobwo

I lay no claim to being a William Shakespeare or Chinua Achebe whose prose flows smoothly like honey and tastes even sweeter. Of course I would like to write like them who does not; but if you can allow yourself to accept that I am not Achebe and forgive the spelling mistakes and grammatical errors you will see there was substance to what I said.

I am sure Takura Chingonzo is a world smarter, richer, younger and better looking than me but this is not about Chingonzo and me. The targeted sanctions were not about Chingonzo or me just as the rigged elections and serious human rights did not affect one or two single individuals; the affected the whole nation. 34 years of gross mismanagement and rampant corruption has turned this country into the basket case of a failed state.

Millions of Zimbabweans are living in abject poverty; millions of Zimbabweans not as smart, not as rich, not as good looking as Takura Chingonzo and some older and other younger than him are out of work or out of school when they should be.

The Zanu PF dictatorship has clearly worked for some people, Takura being one of those; but it has failed millions others.

I am not asking that the regime should grant all its citizen the basic human rights like the right to have a meaningful say in the governance of the country and the right to life. The sanctions were imposed to pressure the regime to do this. I am not asking that I should be as good looking, as well accomplished or as rich as Takura Chingonzo or you.

I washed my face and I will be damned if I will accept to be treated as if I am a nobody just be-cause I am not as good looking or smarter than anyone else. The right to a meaningful vote, to right, etc. these are universal human rights to be afforded to all regardless of one’s looks or their bank balance.

I do not need Achebe’s flower language to demand my birth right. The targeted sanctions will stay until the Zanu PF tyrannical regime accepts free, fair and credible elections. Morons like you and Chingonzo who can only think of themselves and are blind to the misery of others will have to get used to it.

By the way, the regime is collapsing; not even its old ally China would give a single Yuan in its ZimAsset begging bowl and it is so broke soldiers have being forced to take two weeks leave every month to save on food! How long do you think things can go on like this!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Kaitano
There is absolutely no doubt has to which one of us is confused and brain dead; it you!

You say “Takura never mentioned about lifting sanctions” and in the same sentence you admit, “he only stated that he needs to make a contribution in a different way but sanctions are hindering him.” Well if there are hindering him it follows that he would want them lifted; unless you just want to be pedantic or are brain-dead!

But what makes people like you and Takura brain-dead is you failure to comprehend what is at issue here. The target sanctions were imposed because Mugabe and his Zanu PF thugs have for 34 years denied millions of Zimbabweans a meaningful say in the governance of the country and thus allowed themselves and the very lucky few like Takura to share the wealth and riches of this nation amongst themselves and denying the rest a share. They have even denied over 30 000 murdered for selfish political gain the right to life.

As I have already said Takura is talking rubbish because these are targeted sanctions and the idiot is not on the sanctions list. But even if the sanctions were stopping him fulfil his business potential; I would still say the sanc-tions must stay.

Which would I rather have: the sanctions and an end to this Zanu PF tyrannical rule so millions of Zimbabweans can finally enjoy all the basic human rights and have hope and the 300 000 children forced out of school can go back to school and have a chance to fulfil their potential too? Or lift the sanctions and perpetuate the Zanu PF dictatorship so that morons like Takura can gratify their insatiable appetite for power and inflated ego? There is no contest there for me!

If people like you and Takura were not brain-dead then you should have noticed the blatant vote rigging that took place last July. But like typical nose-brigade you were more interested in Holly gossip than what was happening in your own backyard!

Do you really think the millions of ordinary Zimbabweans who has no running water are spending the whole day sell airtime cards or some such kiya kiya activity who want choose Takura’s pie in the sky internet over putting an end to a system that has brought nothing but misery to them? That is what is at issue here, you idiot!