Grace Mugabe blast Deputy Justice Minister
Fortune Chasi for stopping her taking over land in Mazowe.
“I must be open and honest. In this constituency
we have a new MP, I don’t know him personally but his name is Chasi and he is a
problem. He is stressing me a lot, andishungurudza zvisingaite (he has given me
so much grief),” she said. She is not alone on that.
Two weeks ago the Deputy Minister admitted last
year’s elections were rigged breaking away from the strict Zanu PF position
that they were free, fair and credible. Columnist Nathaniel Manheru was quick
off the mark to denounce the Deputy Minister reflecting the seething anger in Zanu
PF HQ, Chibuku House.
“I have committed myself to work with you … I
will talk to your leadership, but I am very strict. I will be with you to
ensure that your concerns are addressed,” said Grace, referring to her
expected elevation as leader of the Zanu PF Women’s League.
The nation’s greatest
concern is have the rights, freedoms, justice and liberty denied them all these
years, notably the right to free and fair elections and the right to life. Just
to be perfectly clear and she does not get big headed; these are our birth
rights and we are here to take them as such and do not aspect Mugabe, her or
anyone to bestow or deny as if their whim dictates.
“Vakuru vanoti kana
chingoma choririsa chava kubvaruka!” (The
drum is loudest and sweetest just before it ruptures!) Blatantly rigged
elections, $1 million birthday party, $5 million wedding bash, $ 5 million
spent on bronze statues of Mugabe and now Grace, beaming with self-confidence and
tyrannical arrogance, is already throwing her weight around and expects the
whole nation to cow down in fear. Yap, the Zanu PF drum is playing its shrill and
mawkish epilogue before it is heard no more!
@ Manhanga Kutapira
Nonsense, Grace is a woman of little intellect and thus she has completely failed to ready the signs of change that are there for all to see. When the fig tree sheds its leaves, be rest assured that the rains are not far off!
The blatant vote rigging last year shows Zanu PF has completely lost the Zimbabwe public's support and its failed to raise even one dollar for its flag ship ZimAsset shows that it has lost international support. Not even the Chinese known to welcome the world's worst thugs and mur-derers wanted support Mugabe any more.
Zanu PF is damaged goods and the party is collapsing because it is rotten to the core. Regime change is certain as new leaves on the fig tree that has shed its old leaves. Grace is too stupid to see that and so are many of the others in the party.
@ Whichfool
So you now admit that Egypt was under a dictatorship; well, you are learning. The ship is sinking and the rats are abandoning ship!
Now Zimbabwe is a democracy not to be compared with Mubarak’s Egypt. Well for the record; Mubarak rigged elections but he has never done what Mugabe did in 2008 and 2013, never!
@ ras
The tyrant has dug his own grave; corruption has not affected ordinary people alone it has af-fected the ruling elite too. Look at the late Shamuyarira is lived in abject poverty for decades and died a pauper. The day he died Zanu PF, with the cynicism of Gorge Orwell's Animal Farm, painted his house to hide the years of neglect, rot and decay. I will bet you anything you want, they painted only the front!
Zanu PF is collapse because it is rotten to the core!
@ Suitable Kajau
“This (targeted sanctions) paved way for its global competitors in the East to tap the unlimited openings for investment,” you say.
So where are the investors from the East? For the last year Zanu PF has begged and nagged the West, East, North and the South and if a stray dog had a dollar Mugabe would have nagged and begged from it too but all to no avail. He has failed to get a single Yuan even from the Chinese. The ZimAsset has remained mockingly empty and even he has since given up!
What good is the “unlimited openings for investment” you are wittering about if no one if prepared to take advantage of the openings!
The truth is Mugabe and his cronies have no respect for the rule of law and property rights all they want to do is loot. There are unlimited investment opportunities is Zimbabwe yes, but whilst Mugabe and Zanu PF remain in office they pose a real threat to all foreign investors; they are like ticks the size of a monkey ready to suck all the blood from the investor.
The Americans are going to invest in the rest of Africa but not Zimbabwe following the historic America- Africa summit. The targeted sanctions against Mugabe and his cronies are going to stay!
The regime is now borrowing money just to pay civil servants; how long do think this charade can last?
There are reports that the Zimbabwe government is issuing government bonds to raise money to pay civil servant wages. How long does the regime think it can continue kicking the can down the road!
The empty ZimAsset will continue to mock Mugabe.
"Karigamombe" (Bull wrestler) Mugabe called himself boastfully in mockery of his conquest of PF Zapu whose party symbol was the bull. He went on to throw Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends with the greatest of ease give they are the most incompetent politicians of our genera-tion.
Now it seems our champion wrestler is flat on his back, thrown by the begging bowl! Chidya matovo akazodzipwa nedovo remhuru! (The dog who boasted of chewing through the toughest hides has choked on the hide of a calf.)
Tyrants always make the mistake of thinking their rule will never end, their day will never set. Mugabe and Zanu PF's reign of terror has lasted a good 34 years, what we are seeing now is the dying days of that reign. There is going to be regime change, finally!
It should have happened is 2008 and again last year if it was not for the breath-taking incompetence of Tsvangirai and MDC. This time, let me assure you, it is going to happen. The cunning tyrant is not getting away this time!
@ Mudzimumapondera
It is not every who has eyes who can see and it is only the luck few who can both see and per-ceive.
So you think the American imposed the sanctions so that they stop Takura Chingonzo from building his internet company; the failure to hold free and fair elections has nothing to do with this? And last year's elections were free, fair and credible?
Well, all I can say is that I hope someday the scales covering your mental eyes will fall off so you can see the full colours of the rainbow. Right now your mind is impermeable by the light of reason. You are like one in a darkened room, you are not better off than the blind mole!
@ Coolage
Zanu PF should have been out of our lives if it had not been for MDC's breath-taking incompetence who failed to implement the reforms and thus allowed Mugabe to rig last year's elections. Still, Mugabe has since learned that rigging the economic recovery was a totally different ball-game. After a year of frantic begging Mugabe does not have even one dollar in his ZimAsset begging bowl.
It is the economy that is bringing Mugabe to his senses!
Karigamombe azorigwa nendiro yokupemha ZimAsset! (The bull (PF Zapu's bull symbol) wrestler has been floored by the ZimAsset begging bowl!) Stop counting, Mugabe is not getting up; Grace and the other idiots in Zanu PF are blissful unaware but they will be soon enough!
@ Jimalo
Sometimes dreams come true!
Whether Mugabe likes it or not it is the economy that will now decide whether he will stay in of-fice to the end of his current term. I do not think he will.
This economic meltdown is not affecting just the ordinary people, it hitting the ruling elite just as hard. When you hear that Zanu PF grandees like the late Nathan Shamuyarira lived for decades in abject poverty and died a pauper then you know poverty has reached the inner most core of Zanu PF.
If poverty was a human being, he would be so powerful that even Mugabe's motorcade will pull over to let him pass!
Do you know that he has had to sell six-month Government bond just to pay civil servants these last few months. How long do you think he can continue kicking the tin down the road?
Mugabe and Zanu PF are finished. The greatest danger is that the tyrant may want to drag the whole nation down the abyss with him, as has often happened in other countries like Egypt and Syria! If he does then he and his cronies will be held to account.
@ Tawanda Manjoni
I do agree with your analysis of weaken-and-rule-strategy particularly as regards carefully selecting the weakest person to lead each faction. The best example of this at work was Mugabe's selection of Simon Muzenda, As long as Muzenda considered himself more senior than Zvobgo Mugabe knew the former would consider it a person affront for the later to aspire to be president. Muzenda also knew that he owed his position to Mugabe and would never dream of challenging him to lead the party.
Mugabe has done the same thing with both Mujuru and Mnangagwa; let us face it neither is exactly presidential material given their inability to come up with anything original, especially the former.
So Mugabe has done well creating factions and making sure each is led by the most incompetent leader he could find and thus insulating himself further from his real challengers.
Mugabe has managed to keep the party together all these years because he kept a tight grip on all the lever of power; it was him and him alone who doled out cushy jobs and the loot as Minister of Energy, Dzikamai Mavhaire, made clear after the appointment of a whole bus-load of dusted-out yesteryear-rejects Zanu PF loyalists as ZESA board members. The appointments were made by Mugabe, he told the report.
The party has started to fall apart because the economic meltdown has made the party members a lot more demanding to fade off poverty at a time when the number of any jobs, much less cushy ones, has been falling and the same for loot. When party grandees like the late Nathan Shamuyarira are forced to live in abject poverty you can bet their loyalty to the tyrant will be wafer thin. When they see Mugabe flouting his wealth holding $ 5 million wedding in his $20 million Blue Roof mansion; it is only fear of brutal reprisals that stops them shaking their clinch fist at the tyrant!
If Mujuru or Mnangagwa want to punch and floor Mugabe for having used them so over the years then they had better do so quickly because Mugabe has a more ruthless adversary now – the economy. The years of mismanagement, corruption and looting to feed his political patronage system have all taken a heavy toll on the Zimbabwe economy.
The only way to save the economy is by stopping the criminal waste of human and material resources by putting an end to the political patronage system. But to end the system who
spell the end of Zanu PF. For once in his political career, Mugabe is lost, confused and totally helpless!
By refusing to contribute even a dollar into his ZimAsset begging bowl the whole world has conspired to see him suffer the consequences of the economic meltdown alone. The regime cannot even pay civil servants much less find the $27 billion to finance the economic recovery. Neither Mugabe nor Zanu PF is going to survive the current economic meltdown. This is it!
@ musiyamwa
If we let the tyrant stay in power until the whole economy collapse or worse till there are street riots we will be the ones to pay dearly for it. We will have to rebuild it all.
We should have demanded him to go years ago but the longer we let him ruin the nation the harder and longer it is going to take us to rebuilt.
It would be wiser to force the tyrant to step down now; not next month, NOW!
@ AfriKKan
There are something we can debate about for which there is no clear cut answer but there are others for which there is no debate; there is no doubt whatsoever that by im-plementing the democratic reforms Tsvangirai, Biti, Ncube and the rest of the MDC lead-ers would have save the nation the agony we are going through now because they would have stopped Mugabe rigging the elections.
There is no question that MDC had the opportunity and all the time they needed to im-plement the reforms.
There is no question that SADC wanted MDC to implement the reforms as people like MP Sipepa Nkomo has admitted.
There are only two explanations why MDC leaders failed to get even one reform imple-mented:
a) they are corrupt, once on the gravy train they forgot about the reforms so as not to upset Mugabe who paid them the bribes including the Highlands mansion for Tsvangirai
b) they are breathtakingly incompetent, only idiots would have failed to see that what was coming – if Mugabe rigged the elections he would kick them off the gravy train and that is exactly what Mugabe did.
The truth is SADC and the international community have refused to have anything to do with any of the MDC leaders after they had proven to be so breathtakingly incompetent. Zimbabweans have been slow to take this reality, even with the benefit of hindsight. We can take however long we want the reality is neither SADC nor the International com-munity will take Tsvangirai and his fellow incompetent leaders serious ever again. And they will not take US seriously either if we are so blind not to see incompetent leaders ever when they have proven that before our own eyes.
I have been saying implement the reforms for donkey years and you can check this for yourself. See
@ whyisvm
Mugabe is hoping that the economic meltdown will, like a storm, blow away. It is not going away but getting worse! He has been able bullshit the electorate by blaming the sanctions for poor economic performance and bamboozled MDC to do nothing about implementing even one re-form in five years. In the economic meltdown, he really has finally found more his match; after a year of frantic begging the ZimAsset begging bowl does not have even one single dollar. That mocking bowl will never have a single dollar a stack reminder of his failure to rig economic re-covery.
The nation has allowed itself to be dragged this far with unemployment pushed to the nauseating heights of 90%, 300 000 or 80% of the children have dropped out of school, etc. because many people believe that Mugabe will give up power when he realises that he has failed. The truth is people are being naive; Mugabe will never ever give up power regardless how bad things get because it is not in the DNA of tyrants to give up power!
We, the people, have to stand up and demand that he must step down now and not drag the nation any deeper into this economic hell! We should have done so years ago; indeed we are as much to blame for this mess as the tyrant himself!
People get the government they deserve, after 34 years there is no doubt that we deserve Mugabe and Tsvangirai. And unless we snap out of this self induced mental comatose state born out of laziness then we are in for a rough ride for years to come!
@ Musiyamwa
First things first; the nation had its get out of jail card and all MDC had to do is implement the democratic reforms. MDC had five years to do this but failed to get even one reform implemented, this was failure at one level. We the people should have seen to it that MDC implemented the reforms, we did not; failure at the second level.
Even with the benefit of hindsight, there are millions of Zimbabweans out there who still do not understand what these reforms were all about. Yes, they all joined in the chanting “Change! Change!” but they did not have the foggiest what changes they were looking for. Even people like Tsvangirai himself does not have a clue what the reforms were much less how they should have been implemented.
If you do not know what you are looking for then you can be 100% certain not to find it!
I agree with you 100% that Mugabe has taken “advantage of Zimbabweans for a long time”, he has. It is always ease to cheat people who, out of sheer mental laziness it must be said, do not know the true value of their land, freedom and even their own lives! Mugabe bamboozled MDC and the nation at large to accept the rubbish Copac constitution and the people approved it in the referendum by a whopping 95%. Tsvangirai told the nation it would deliver free and fair elections but of course it did not.
You are right too to say that people fear Mugabe will use force to stop them demanding change but once again the people’s fear is born out of ignorance than reason and reality. The reality was that if the MDC had implemented the reforms that Mugabe would have been forced out of power through elections.
Even now the people’s fear is totally unfounded in that Mugabe cannot use the army against them given that the half the soldiers are on forced leave because government has no money to feed them. The point is that the current economic meltdown is affecting everybody and the Zanu PF system has failed and therefore there is a crying need for change. Everyone is affected and one has only to explain it to the rank and file Police and Army.
Even if some individuals should want to use violence, the people must face the reality that it is better dying fighting to get out of the hell Mugabe has dragged them than to allow themselves to be from matched any deeper into this hell.
Zimbabweans’ greatest problem is that they have allowed their brains to turn into fat, they cannot think and reason and hence are given to blundering from pillar to post. The human brain is the most complex human tissue but one, if not exercise, turns to fat the quickest. As a nation we have simply too many people who are mentally obese.
We are in this political and economic mess because as a nation we have mentally ac-cepted that we can have freedom, peace, justice, economic prosperity, everything with-out having to exercise our mental faculties and now it is proving impossible to snap out of it. We have failed to learn from others and from our own past mistakes because we have mentally switched off.
Tsvangirai has already proven beyond all doubt that he is breathtakingly incompetent and yet there are millions out there who still follow him blindly like sheep. You will never get far with that flock; that is for sure. Such is the challenge we face as a nation!
@ Wayfarer
I agree with you there, many Zimbabweans will not be smart enough to see that the tyrant is rob-bing them blind with one hand and the offering them a friendly pat on the back with the other! They will remember the pat and not the purse even if it meaning going to bed hungry! These youths will be unemployed and selling airtime cards in the street but will support Zanu PF be-cause Mugabe donated some food for them; what more could they ever wish for?.
It has all to do with self-respect of course; if you have such a low opinion of yourself not to see the insult in being robbed then it is right you should be robbed blind!
@James Bond
But did we have to get this far; millions of us are now living in abject poverty, millions have been scattered all over the world to escape poverty, 80% of the children are out of school, hundreds of thousands have died unnecessarily, etc. What has Mugabe lost? Some food he has had to donate to his party youth league members and that is all.
At the end of the day; the shit has hit the fan but it seems it is us the people who have come out a lot worse off than Mugabe. We have become experts at cutting off our nose to spite our faces but, worse still, never seem to learn the sheer stupidity of it all!
@ Sammy Moyo
A nation that allows 80% of its children to drop out of school because there is no money when it allowed its tyrant to spend $1 million on a birthday party and $ 5 million on his daughter's wed-ding is a very stupid nation.
These people are using peace as a feeble excuse for not standing up against injustice for there can never be peace without justice.
@ Manheru
The British government withdraws meal subsidies on a few students and Manheru is agi-tated beyond the singing of it. He writes a whole thesis on the subject. He does not say that the British government will pay 100% of the children education up to University level and after that it pays the bulk of the cost, indeed in Scotland students do not pay.
And yet in Zimbabwe 300 000 or 80% of the children have drop out of school because their parents are too poor to feed them much less pay the school fees. The State does not pay for anyone’ school fees but can afford to pay $ 1 million for Mugabe’s birthday, $5 million for his daughter’s wedding, buy the president the $ 20 million Blue Roof man-sion, etc. Manheru has absolutely nothing to say on the matter!
“As for young Takura, he makes me proud to be a Zimbabwean. He cut through many barriers to reach the skin of Obama. He went further and reached the marrow,” Zanu PF chief propagandist and apologist write.
To those who did not see the news clip; Takura is the young Zimbabwean who told President Obama he was shocked Americans would not do business with him the minute they learnt he was from Zimbabwe because all Americans think the sanctions apply to all Zimbabweans. All nonsense of course because he only needed to point out that there is only 110 individuals on the sanctions list and he is not one of them.
Takura’s narrative had to end at; you are Zimbabwean we cannot do business with you and thus “prove” that the targeted sanctions were affecting ordinary Zimbabweans. This is why Manheru, on behalf of the President, the First Family, Zanu PF Politburo, etc., etc., are “proud” of Takura.
President Obama should has silence the up-start idiot by asking him if he was shocked, since he seems to be so easily shocked, by the blatant vote rigging in last year’s elections. And ended by telling him the sanctions were imposed to stop the vote rigging!
“Everyone calls us, and like little wagging puppies, we run,” was Manheru’s welcome back to Africa drinking straw pop shot at all the continent’s leaders who attended the US-Africa summit to which Mugabe was told in no uncertain terms that he was not welcome.
There was a staggering US$14 billion pledged US investment to Africa and Zimbabwe, the country that has suffered the greatest economic shrinkage in human history and thus most desperate for inward investment, is not going to see a cent of that investment. No wonder Mugabe is seething with anger. Manheru’s cheap pop shots will do little to sooth the angry beast!
“Icho!” signs off Manheru. Well I will be damned; the Zimbabweans are paying this idiot hundreds of thousands of dollars whilst they go hungry for him to write this shit? He ever has the cheek to sign off as if he was Picasso after producing a master piece. After recovering the looted wealth from Mugabe, we must recovery every penny of the wasted taxpayers money from Manheru!
@ Max Moyo
Zimbabweans will come up with all manner of excuses for not doing anything. Twenty years ago they said they will nothing because things were not that bad and not that they are absolutely terrible, 80% of the children out of school, they say it is hopeless to do anything!
Well the economic meltdown is getting worse and worse; if you think this is hot then it is going to get even hotter. If we are not going to do anything to end our own suffering then maybe we have not suffered enough yet!
@ Musiyamwa
If MDC had implemented the reforms Zanu PF would have been wiped out completely.
When 80% of the children are out of school that shows the nation has allowed this dictatorship to go too far. Think of how many generations have we written off already by denying them a decent education. Mugabe started 34 years ago with a booming economy and a very well educated nation and has reduced it to this mess in 34 years. We will have to start with a ruined economy and a population of half-wits; how long do you think it will take to recover to what the economy was in 1980?
Every day we allowing Mugabe to stay in power he will drag this nation even deeper into this hell making it even harder and take even longer to recover.
It is not in the DNA of tyrant like Mugabe to ever give up power so we are being naive to wait for him to do so. We are paying dearly already for having allowed him to drag the nation this far and will pay an even heavy price to wait for the "tipping point" whatever that means!
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