Mrs. Mugabe, who spoke
for more than an hour, boasted about how she engineered former Vice President
Joyce Mujuru’s demise, adding she will be “blowing the whistle for those who
are offside in the party”.
“Mai (Mrs.) Mujuru
didn’t like my ascendency as the women’s boss as she organised people to heckle
me at my rallies but I warned her and she didn’t listen until I said enough is
enough and whistled her offside and she was ejected from the party.”
Madam your husband is clinging on to power like
a binnacle to a rock. He rigged the July 2013 national elections, rigged Zanu
PF's own party elections and now he is dragging the whole nation into total
economic collapse by refusing to implement the critical economic and political
If Mugabe thinks people are going to let him destroy the whole nation to gratify his insatiable hunger for power and wealth then he is in for a surprise. As for Grace, if she wants to assume the Marie Antoinette "Let them eat cake!" then she will have to accept her magnanimous exit to meet her maker!
If Mugabe thinks people are going to let him destroy the whole nation to gratify his insatiable hunger for power and wealth then he is in for a surprise. As for Grace, if she wants to assume the Marie Antoinette "Let them eat cake!" then she will have to accept her magnanimous exit to meet her maker!
Your husband, yourself
and the whole Zanu PF dictatorship is not just off-side it is causing untold
suffering and misery and have murdered over 30 000 in its 35 years in power;
why have you not blown the whistle?
The current economic
meltdown is serious and urgent; there is going to be regime change because the
situation is socially and politically unsustainable. Where will you and all your
whistle blowing skill be, after regime change?
So it has come to this, we now depend on hand out! For a nation with so much wealth and potential, millions are starving when the nation has some of the best agricultural land in the world and the nation is stone broke and yet billions of dollars’ worth of diamonds and other resources are being siphoned out of the country every day in the rampant institutionalized loot spree that has been going on for decades now.
We are one of the richest nations materially but mentally we are the poorest, we have the brain same as everyone else it is just in with our sloth mental activity most of our brain has turn to fat.
I pity the 700 000 children who are destitute but as the good book says this is "visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children". Every Zimbabwean child in inherits his or her share of the nation’s mountain of debt and the certainty of living and dying in abject poverty for that is Mugabe’s legacy to this nation. And we the people have allowed him to ride rough shod over our dreams and hopes for 35 years!
Yeah, we deserve to suffer alright and our children and grand-children after us to the end of time! If others have turned deserts into blooming fields then anyone starving in the Garden of Eden deserves to starve.
Please get your facts right; Mugabe did not shatter the opposition and ZCTU has never the strong institution you want us to believe. Tsvangirai has always been a corrupt and incompetent leader and he has shown that throughout but more graphically during the GNU.
Tsvangirai is a corrupt and incompetent village idiot you can talk of him as a strong and decisive ZCTU leader but that is a figment of your imagination. I have heard of crying over spilt milk but crying over something that was never there takes the biscuit.
Wake up and smell the humus!
@ Patrick
Mugabe and his cronies have looted and plundered so much the gap between the have-it-all and have-absolutely-nothing has become a chasm so deep and wide it cannot be bridged. It would be absolutely criminal to let the looters and their descendants continue to benefit from the looted wealth whilst their victims and their descendants continue to suffer.
When the Children of Israel left Egypt after 400 years of slavery the Egyptians gave gold and other treasure as compensation. Mugabe and his cronies will have all the looted wealth taken away from them.
Grace can use her new acquired skill of blowing whistles to earn an honest living! She will have to because once it is proven that Mugabe rigging the 2013 elections (not an impossible task) and was therefore his regime was illegitimate, the consequences of that will be far reaching!
SADC heads of State have vomited Tsvangirai and company after their pathetic performance during the GNU and having vomited them out there is no going back. Not even a dog will eat its vomit and he will know that SADC will certainly not go back on their vomit.
Poor Tsvangirai is so desperate to be seen as a political player on the Zimbabwe stage. The spirit is willing but the brain is not there. He is a village idiot and he can con his simpleton supporters into believing he has something to offer but cannot do the same with SADC leaders or anyone else with some brain.
Tsvangirai should have resigned after the debacle of the 31 July 2013 elections but he will resign because there is nowhere for a village idiot like him to go other than back to herding goats! The destiny of this great nation will never again be entrusted in the hands of a village idiot! Never ever!
@ Patrick
One of the greatest weakness in our society is that the nation can still prosper even though the ordinary person does not have a clue what democracy is and else the most basics of economics because all the people have to do is elect the leaders on the assumption the leaders know everything and we, the people, should leave everything to them. This is nonsense of course because no one is infallible and to reduce errors and even more corruption the people have to hold the leaders to account. To hold anyone to account demands an understanding of the issues at stake!
This is why an informed electorate is at the very heart of our hopes of ending the Zanu PF dictatorship and establishing a functioning democracy.
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