A close look at this nation and even a total stranger will
immediately see why we are drowning in a pond of water three feet deep. Even
when someone gets the facts right trust him or her to make the wrong conclusion.
Here is one example.
“The lack of vision and strategy has cost the MDC dearly,”
wrote Stewart Murewa. “The party has simply become the radar-less ship allowing
the winds of fate to drift in the high seas of political denial and
uncertainty. The party President, Morgan Tsvangirai, has been thrown into profusion
and confusion after failing dismally to win the 2013 July harmonised elections.
The party and its supporters are now in a crisis of expectation.”
A quick check by the stranger would confirm that it is true
that the MDC leaders are indeed breathtakingly corrupt, incompetent and they
sold-out big-time during the GNU. Instead of implementing the democratic
reforms necessary for free, fair and credible elections they “were busy enjoying
themselves and forgot why they were there (in the GNU),” as SADC Heads
commented in sheer frustration.
Yes the people risked life and limp to vote in droves for
Tsvangirai and MDC expecting the MDC to deliver democratic changes and thus end
the Zanu PF dictatorship. Of course the whole nation was disappointed that not
even one reform was implemented in five years of the GNU. It was a hard knock.
But to say the people are “NOW in a crisis of expectation”
implies that the nation still expect Tsvangirai, this corrupt and incompetent
individual who sold-out last time, to deliver democratic change regardless of the
fact he has already proven beyond doubt that he is incapable of doing that.
One does not get milk from a stone, one learns by the time
he/she is a toddler. But when a full grown adult has a “crisis of expectation”
because they are determined to get milk from a stone then there is cause to
wrong about the mental state of the adult!
“The current goings on in the MDC movement are tragic,
shocking and epochal. The demise of the MDC, as we know it, is a tremendous
loss to the Zimbabwean political landscape. Deductive reasoning shows that the
party is teetering towards political obscurity,” Murewa wrote.
MDC is a party of corrupt and incompetent individuals its
complete demise is logical and to be expected and even celebrated. Why should
the nation hang on to corrupt and incompetent leaders?
“It is apparent that no effort to solve the crisis can be
made by a party president or leader who is so much in denial about the national
situation,” continued Murewa. “Tsvangirai does not even realise that the
country is under sanctions. All people in this country agree that there is a
crisis in the economy leading to a serious liquidity crunch while revenue
collections have drastically dwindled. The MDC leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, is
the one who boldly campaigned and invited his western handlers to impose
Yes Tsvangirai is in denial that he is corrupt and
incompetent but so are Murewa and his master Mugabe. According to Partnership
Africa Canada, Mugabe pocketed $2 billion from his share of the wholesale
looting and plunder of diamonds in Marange and Chiadzwa. To fully appreciate the
enormity of the looting; the national budget for the next year is $3.8 billion.
How can a nation prosper when over 50% of the nation’s total revenue is looted?
The Zimbabwe economy, starved of cash, is in total meltdown;
unemployment has soared to 90% plus, most cities and towns are failing to
supply something as basic as clean running water, millions now live in abject
poverty, the regime is failing to pay civil servant wages, etc. Yet the nation
is haemorrhaging billions of dollars in looting and corruption.
What has sanctions to
do with the looting and plunder in Marange?
If the truth be told, and here it will be shouted out from
the roof top, there is as much profusion and confusion in the Zanu PF camp as
in the MDC. What is to be deeply mourned by every thinking Zimbabwean is that
we have a political system that is so stifling that no competent men and women
have been able to emerge.
Yes I blame the Mugabe dictatorship for the lack of the
complete lack of quality leaders within Zanu PF itself and in opposition. It is
naïve to expect quality leaders from a political system for which merit is a
curse and independent thinking is a crime; only scum rise to the top.
Competing for public office is like running a race; you will
never have world-class athletes like Usain Bolt racing in Zengeza 7 Sport Field
where half the track is a river of raw sewage! Of course people like Tsvangirai
will take part because in a race depleted of quality, he has his best chance of
winning something.

Ignore Tsvangirai’s sing-song complains about Zimbabwe’s
uneven political playing field. He actually likes being covered in s***t, his
proudest moment is a photo of him with a swollen face after being roughed up by
Zanu PF thugs. If he was indeed serious about ending Zimbabwe’s culture of
political violence then why did he fail to implement the democratic reforms agreed
in the 2008 GPA designed to end it. He had five years during the GNU to implement
the reforms and failed to implement even one reform. Not one!
1 comment:
So Mugabe is entitled to his $3 million plus overseas annual holiday all paid for by the taxpayer at the time the government is failing to pay civil servants their wages, barely enough to pay for the basic needs of food and shelter. So Mugabe's extravagant luxuries are more important than the life and death struggles of millions who are being forced to pay for the trip.
You twisted mind is the epitome of this evil Mugabe dictatorship, a reflection of the depth of the rottenness deep within the regime.
There are some people who think the nation will recover if only we remove Mugabe; they are wrong. We must uproot the Zanu PF dictatorship from State House, Parliament, ZBC, Herald House, from every Police Station, Court House, Dog House, Hen House, anywhere were the tyrant has left his calling card. We do not have just one ruthless tyrant in the country, Mugabe has poisoned hundreds of thousands others and they terrorize the people in their little serfdom with the same heartless indifference as Mugabe himself.
If we do not hunt down Mugabe apologists and thugs, like Suitable Kajau, and punish them with the same resolve as we hunt down Mugabe himself, then it will not be long before they find a new master and serve him/her with the same heartless indifference to the suffering and deaths of the innocent.
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