“The electorate should not
embrace everything that is always uttered by some excited politicians who are
trying to take Zimbabwe to another Government of National Unity GNU through the
back door by advocating for a National Transitional Authority NTA,” wrote
Gugugu Magorira.
like Magorira have never understood that the primary task of the GNU was to
implement the democratic reforms so that we can have free, fair and credible.
They have never understood why this was not done and, even more significantly, they
do not appreciate that we still need to implement the reforms or Zanu PF will once
again rig the next elections.
most important thing to remember here is that the present system of the Zanu PF
dictatorship is not working and unless we implement the democratic reforms
designed to dismantle it we are stuck with the dictatorship. The 2008 to 2013
GNU was meant to dismantle the dictatorship but MDC failed to implement even
one reform in five years because Tsvangirai and friends are corrupt and
course if we had had competent leaders then they would have implemented the
reforms and we would not be stuck in this hell.
We need to end the Zanu PF dictatorship on that there can be no debate. The peaceful way to end it is by implementing the democratic reforms. (Let us assume at that we now know what these reforms are and how they are to be implemented; if not, we can come back and sort this later.) The question then is who can we trust to implement the reforms this second time around?
We need to end the Zanu PF dictatorship on that there can be no debate. The peaceful way to end it is by implementing the democratic reforms. (Let us assume at that we now know what these reforms are and how they are to be implemented; if not, we can come back and sort this later.) The question then is who can we trust to implement the reforms this second time around?
we trust Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC-T or any of the MDC factions to
implement the reforms? Joice Mujuru and her Zim PF or any of the former Zanu PF
leaders who are now in the opposition camp? The answer is no we cannot trust
them because the MDC leaders are the ones who failed to implement even one
reform during the GNU because they are corrupt and incompetent. When someone
has proven they are corrupt and incompetent it is naïve to expect them change
because these are quality people can cast away like a snake shedding off its
old skin.
we trust Joice Mujuru and her Zim PF or any of the other former Zanu PF leaders
like Dumiso Dabengwa and his Zapu who have now joined the opposition camp to
implement the reforms? The answer has to be a NO because they are too have
proven during they decades at the heart of successive Zanu PF governments that
they are corrupt and incompetent. Mujuru and friends are not fighting to dismantle
the Zanu PF dictatorship but to reconstitute in their own image and get back on
the gravy train.
It is
academic to ask if we can trust President Mugabe and his Zanu PF cronies to
implement the democratic reforms and deliver free and fair elections. This is
the one thing they will have to be forced to do just as they were forced to by
signing the GPA in 2008 because they know they will never win free and fair
elections and they will never give up power willingly.
So if
we are going to have free, fair and credible elections we will have to appoint
a body of competent and incorruptible men and women who understand what the
reforms are and how they are to be implemented to carry out this critical task.
We can call the body NTA, GNU by the back door or whatever; the name is of no
What most people have objected to is a wishy-washy NTA that will not implement any democratic reforms – to appease President Mugabe so he and his cronies will embrace the idea.
What most people have objected to is a wishy-washy NTA that will not implement any democratic reforms – to appease President Mugabe so he and his cronies will embrace the idea.
So it
is not the idea of the NTA or GNU by the back door per se that we should object
to as long as it will implement all the democratic reforms and finally deliver
the long awaited free, fair and credible elections!

1 comment:
VP Mphoko has said that it was President Mugabe who instructed Minister of State Security Kembo Mohadi not to arrest Professor Moyo over allegations of defrauding his ministry of $270 000.
So does VP Mphoko and his boss thinks they are doing Zanu PF a big favour by protecting those who are corrupt? No wonder Zanu PF is imploding; the party is rotten to the core.
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