Wednesday, 16 October 2019

"We need Zanu PF and MDC GNU to move forward" - fixation of a panicked housefly P Guramatunhu

Zimbabwe's worsening economic situation has some Zimbabweans in such a panic they have a fixation with the idea of a Zanu PF and MDC GNU as the solution they cannot listen to reason. 

“It's high time we should sit down and declare enough of this untold suffering. President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa and his leadership must swallow his pride and go for a genuine dialogue with Nelson Chamois and abandon this kangaroo POLAD. The President needs the most powerful young marinated brains in the opposition for the country to move forward,” argued Leonard Koni, in Bulawayo 24.

“Zanu PF and MDC- Alliance must strike a genuine political dialogue ,the two to set conditions and put aside all their political differences. What unites both of them is greater than what divides them. Zimbabwe is such a beautiful country and we can't let that beauty just fade away like that.

“We need to build strong institutions and strong democracies.”

Yes, we desperately need to build strong democratic institutions. The real shock here is anyone with half a brain would trust Zanu PF and MDC to do it, given the two’s well documented past!

Zanu PF has been in power for the last forty years, for Pete’s sake; who or what has stopped the party building these strong democratic institutions? Indeed, the party has spent these years doing the exact opposite; it has systematically destroyed democracy and replaced it with this ruthless de facto one-party dictatorship.

Any hope that Mnangagwa was going to dismantle the Zanu PF dictatorship when he seized power following the November 2017 coup have been quickly dashed. He promised to hold free, fair and credible elections only to blatantly rig the July 2018 elections. When the people dared to protest the rigged elections; he used brute force to silence all dissent, 17 innocent people shot dead and hundreds were injured.

To this very day, Mnangagwa insists that last year’s elections were free, fair and credible and that Zimbabwe is a model heathy and functioning democratic country. Next Friday, 25 October, Zanu PF will hold mass demonstrations to drive home the point that Zimbabwe is a democracy and the sanctions imposed by the west as punishment for undemocratic behaviour must now be lifted. 

Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF cronies built the de facto one-party dictatorship because their have an insatiable greed for absolute power and the wealth that it brings. The dictatorship has delivered. It is naive to expect Mnangagwa and his cronies to reform themselves out of power!

As for Nelson Chamisa and his MDC friends, they had the golden opportunity to implement the democratic reforms and dismantle the Zanu PF dictatorship during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. They failed to get even one meaningful reform implemented because they are corrupt and incompetent. Again, it is naive to expect MDC to implement the reforms in the proposed new GNU. 

Wikipedia defines fixation (psychology) as “the state in which an individual becomes obsessed with an attachment to another human, an animal, or an inanimate object.” 

Ordinarily, a housefly knows that it cannot fly through a window-pane. But not so with a panicked housefly; it has such a fixation with getting out, it will fly into the window-pane again and again. It is disconcerting when human beings behave like panicked houseflies.

Zimbabwe’s worsening economic and political situation is cause for panic but that is no excuse for people to forget it is 40 years of corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF misrule that landed the nation into this hell-on-earth in the first place. So after four decades of Zanu PF misrule, it is insane, to still expect the same corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF regime to get the nation out of the hell-hole. Absolutely insane!


Zimbabwe Light said...

It is Zanu PF who destroyed Zimbabwe's democratic institution to impose this de facto one-party dictatorship. It is naive to expect the party to preside over the reforms that will dismantle the dictatorship and end the party's strangle hold on power!

It is easy to see why the world has stopped taking Zimbabweans seriously, how can they when we keep coming up with all these stupid solutions!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has widened its estimated contraction for Zimbabwe's economy to 7,1% by year end owing to worsening macro-economic challenges.

Previously, the IMF had predicted Zimbabwe's economy to contract by 5,2% by year end while government recently revised its economic contraction to 6,5% from an initial 3% in its 2020 Pre-Budget Strategy Document.

The IMF said Sub-Saharan Africa growth is expected at 3,2% in 2019 and 3,6% in 2020, slightly lower for both years than in the April 2019 World Economic Outlook due to instability in commodity prices and poor polices in the bigger economies.

The root cause of Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown is a political one - the country’s pariah state.

Zimbabwe is a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent, vote rigging and murderous thugs. It is near impossible for business to survive much less thrive in the economic chaos and down right criminal waste of resources in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe is stuck with a corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical regime that has routinely rigged elections to stay in power. For the last 39 years we have buried our heads in the sand and refused to acknowledge Zimbabwe is a pariah state much less deal with the problem.

Now, with the country on the brink of total economic meltdown and social and political instability, we must deal with this thorny problem or fall into the abyss! The solution is for the illegitimate Zanu PF regime to step down or it will drag the nation with it over the edge.

Zimbabwe Light said...

However, there remains a sizeable number of hardliners within Zanu-PF who are completely opposed to the mooted talks which many Zimbabweans see as the only way of rescuing the country from its deepening economic rot.

Zanu-PF secretary for administration, Obert Mpofu, confirmed to the Daily News yesterday that MDC top officials had visited the ruling party headquarters recently to push for "bilateral talks”.

The proposed new GNU will be a watered down version of the 2008 to 2013 GNU in which MDC leaders will have no meaningful political power to force Zanu PF to implement reforms, even if one assumed they now know what these reforms are. The new GNU will allow MDC leaders to get back on the gravy train but do nothing to deliver democratic change.

Those proposing a new Zanu PF/MDC GNU are doing so because they will not accept the political reality that Zanu PF rigged last year’s elections and is therefore illegitimate. They will not confront Zanu PF and demand that the party step down and so they are bending over backwards to appease the regime by allowing it to stay in office by sanitising rigged elections with the new GNU. No one with an brain will be fooled by that nonsense, especially the international community.

Zanu PF is illegitimate and it must step down. Period!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The MDC believes that the platform for this dialogue must be convened by a neutral arbitrator or institution and that the outcome of the dialogue and its execution be guaranteed by SADC, AU or the UN.

MDC has called for a power sharing arrangement, the National Transition Authority (NTA), a watered down version of the 2009 to 2013 GNU which failed to get even one meaningful reform implemented. Not one. SADC leaders know only too well how MDC leaders had ignored their advice to implement the reforms. I serious doubt if SADC leaders would still want to be associated with this NTA knowing fully well that it too will not implement any reforms.

Nelson Chamisa has visited SADC countries, a number of African countries and has even visited China and Russia to sell his NTA. He has been unusually quiet as to how many nation, if any, accept the arrangement as plausible. This is a lead balloon that will never fly! The NTA in which both Zanu PF and MDC play a major role is just a waste of time; the two are a dead weight!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The nation has been told for the umpteenth time that ZESA load shedding was being resolved and yet things have continued to get worse, not better. The truth is this Zanu PF regime has no clue how to fix the nation's myriad of problems but will never ever admit it. And, as long as the regime is able to rig elections it will remain in power and the economic meltdown will continue.

Zanu PF rigged last year's elections and it is about time the people of Zimbabwe stood up and demanded of the regime to step down.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabwe's biggest problem is that we are stuck with a regime that has no clue what to do but would never admit it and, because it rigs elections, we cannot remove it from office. Our situation has been made worse by a corrupt and incompetent opposition which has wasted many golden chances to stop Zanu PF rigging elections by implementing the reforms. And the opposition idiots are fighting to make the dictatorship work!

Of course, the dictatorship will never work and these idiots are undermining those making that point and pushing for meaningful reforms to be implemented!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF will never admit that it has no clue what to do to fix the country's economic meltdown and we, the people, cannot remove the party from office because it rigs elections. After 39 years of economic meltdown that has seen unemployment soaring to dizzying height of 90% there is no doubt the situation cannot continue.

The people of Zimbabwe must now stand up and demand change or the country will slid into the abyss!

Zimbabwe Light said...

If anyone thought that the two years in the political wilderness has forced the likes of Walter Mzembi to open their eyes to the evil they, as Zanu PF thugs, had inflicted on the nation. This articles shows that he has not changed one bit, he is the same selfish thugs with the same partisan tunnel vision.

“The first-round voting in 2008 had just confirmed Morgan’s popularity at 47%, with Mugabe trailing at 43%; so no matter how sound economic policymaking is, (dear Prof Mthuli) if it does not enjoy public confidence it will fail as is evident today. It’s the politics stupid,” wrote Mzembi.

Robert Mugabe admitted, in Freudian slip, that Tsvangirai won 73% of the vote in March 2008 which Zanu PF had to cook and hence the reason why it took six weeks to announce that result. Why Mzembi is lying about that result beggars belief.

What Zimbabwe needs is a real democratic change so that the country can finally launch the full inquiry on what happened during Zanu PF’s decades of corrupt and tyrannical rule.

The advice he is giving here is that Zanu PF should remain in office be it in the GNU arrangement. This will benefit the party but at the expense of national interest.

People like Walter Mzembi fell out with their fellow Zanu PF colleagues but they still remain loyal to the dictatorship because they know their wicked past will remain a secret as long as Zanu PF remains in power. The struggle for democratic change will remain an up hill fight as long as we have Zanu PF thugs like Mzembi on the loose using their looted wealth and political power to push their selfish agenda of keeping Zanu PF in power no matter what!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Takura Zhangazha

“Like any other non-state organization, the Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations (ZHOCD) is entitled to its own opinion on the state of affairs in the country. Except that its opinion is generally expected to be considered,” you said.

“Its most recent one is borderline ridiculous and evidence of a misplaced messianic streak of undemocratic political overreach. Or even an assumption that with the limited levels of a critical national consciousness, Zimbabweans will probably forget the democratic principle of the separation of the Church from the State. Or to quote Jesus, giving unto Caesar, what belongs to Caesar.”

No individual rights and freedoms are absolute because no individual is an island. What we do affects others and hence the reason why rights and freedoms come with conditions - we have responsibilities and duties to others.

ZHOCD must be slammed down and slammed downed hard because the did not consider the consequences of their ill-advised opinion, which are:

1) the suggestion that the people who landed us in this mess, in this dictatorship, and who have benefited from it and will stand to lose absolute power and the looted wealth; can be trusted to dismantle the dictatorship is barmy. The prospect of seven more years of this chaos is daunting and it is unthinkable to then find, at the end of it, that nothing has changed, the dictatorship is still firmly in place.

2) holding regular free, fair and credible elections is sacrosanct and to have seven years with no elections goes against the grain. Zanu PF rigged last year’s elections landing us in this mess and to reward them with power is the foolishness behind the reality of Zimbabwe as a failed state. How anyone can argue that perpetuating the same foolishness will end the failed state, beggars belief!

Zimbabwe Light said...

There are two things Zanu PF thugs have in great abundance are logic defying self-confidence and arrogance. Who can ever forget Robert Mugabe’s promise of mass prosperity, “Gutsa ruzhinji!” soon after independence. He continued to make the promise in the late 1980s, even when it was clear the economy was in trouble.

In the 1990s Mugabe changed tac, out went “Gutsa ruzhinji!” and in came the Economic Structural Adjustment Program (ESAP); a program, he insisted, would revive the country’s economy although he never acknowledged any economic slow down. Ten years of ESAP failed to revive the economy, the economy was in an even deeper economic mess. Mugabe launched into new policies such as his land redistribution, Look East, etc. with the usual conviction these would deliver economic prosperity in Zimbabwe. As we know, the Zimbabwe economy has sunk deeper and deeper into the abyss.

When Mnangagwa took over from Mugabe he hit the ground running with his “Zimbabwe is open for business!”; he was was cocksure he was opening the flood gate of investors. His minister of finance, Professor Mthuli Ncube, assured the nation he was going to get the IMF, WB and other financial institution bankrolling Zimbabwe’s recovery programmes. None of these promises ever happened and the economy continued to sink deeper and deeper into the abyss.

Zanu PF will never admit it has failed and as long as it is able to rig elections and thus escape democratic accountability the party will continue to make outrageous claims of economic prosperity whilst dragging the nation deeper into this economic hell-hole.

Zanu PF and its apologists will claim that a Zanu PF GNU is the panacea to all our economic and political problem with the same exuberance and self-confidence as shown in the past. After 39 years of being led down this garden path, we must now say no. Zanu PF cannot be the one best qualified to get us out of the mess when it is the one who got us into the mess and has failed to do so for the last 39 years.

It is clear Zanu PF does not know what it is doing but will never admit it. We must admit the party is corrupt and incompetent and do something to stop it rigging elections and staying in power against the democratic wishes of the people.

Zanu PF must not be allowed to stay in office, it must step down.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mavaza

“At the ministerial Joint Commission in Vienna on 6 July 2018, the remaining participants recommitted themselves to steps which should be taken by Zimbabwe if sanctions are to be removed. Zimbabwe has done all that which is possible to have the sanctions removed. All the efforts have been in vain as your country the United Kingdom which is my country too has not moved an inch on its position in Zimbabwean sanctions.”

You should at least respect the facts on the ground, my friend!

You say “Zimbabwe has done all that which is possible”! Mnangagwa promised to hold free, fair and credible elections; are you telling the reader it was not possible to do so? ZEC failed to produce something as basic as a verified voters’ roll for Pete’s sake!

Corruption is rampant in Zimbabwe and it is the root cause of the country’s economic meltdown. If the millions of dollars wasted in building palatial mansions like the Blue Roof, posh cars, 45 gold watches for Chiwenga, globetrotting in hired jets, etc. were invested in national projects the nation will be prospering. So why are you blaming sanctions for the economic collapse but say nothing about the real causes!

Until we have free, fair and credible elections, the sanctions will stay!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"We are at a stage where president Chamisa has offered to dialogue with a minimum of internationally acceptable requirements for a genuine dialogue and Mr Mnangagwa is grandstanding. That is where we are."

Mnangagwa has, in the past, adamantly said Chamisa will not be granted a special respect any different from that he was giving to other participating politicians, none of who garnered at least 2 percent of the national vote in last year's election.

Chamisa insists any serious talks meant to extricate the country from its economic mess should be held between him and Mnangagwa.

Mnangagwa has told the media before that he was not going to hire a bulldozer to drag his stubborn rival to the talks.

Zimbabwe had a GNU in 2008 to 2013, set up to implement a raft of democratic reforms following the 2008 elections which no one, including SADC and AU, condemn as a farce. Last year’s elections were yet another farce because the 2008 GNU failed to implement the agreed reforms.

The new GNU will have the same Zanu PF and MDC players, who failed to get even one reform implemented last time, what is there to suggest they will do any better?

Zimbabwe is in this economic and political mess because the country has been stuck with this corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical Zanu PF regime which rigged elections to stay in power. It is nonsensical to suggest that Zanu is the only party competent to get us out of the mess particularly when they not only got us into the mess but have failed to get us out for 39 years!

A Zanu PF and MDC GNU will never accomplish anything we know that from 39 years of history. Zanu PF must step down!

Zimbabwe Light said...

I agree, Zimbabweans have been brainwashed into believing that Zanu PF is the only party fit to govern. So it does not matter that we have amassed a mountain of evidence proving that Zanu PF leaders are corrupt, incompetent and murderous tyrants, when cannot remove them from office. And to be absolutely certain there is no regime change, Zanu PF has the carte blanche powers to rig elections.

Zimbabwe is a pariah state, a consequence of the country being ruled a party corrupt, incompetent, vote rigging and murderous thugs. The country's economy has been in total meltdown for decades because it is near impossible to do business in a pariah state, given all the criminal waste of resources through corruption and mismanagement and the chaos born of the lawlessness.

Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF cronies are illegitimate because the blatantly rigged last year's elections and thus confirming Zimbabwe is still a pariah state. Those calling for a Zanu PF and MDC GNU are hoping the addition of a few MDC leaders in the regime will transform it from an illegitimate to legitimate. This is, of course, nonsense; no one will be fooled by the window dressing.

Zanu PF is illegitimate, it must step down. The attempt to bring the party back into power by the back door of GNU is a nonsense born of this foolishness that the party has the divine right to govern. No one has the divine right to govern. The mandate to rule is conferred by the people of Zimbabwe in periodic, free, fair and credible elections. Zanu PF did not get the people's mandate to rule last year because the party rigged elections.

We need to appoint an interim administration since there is no legitimate government. The administration will be tasked to implement the democratic reforms, to stop this curse of rigged elections, and to hold fresh elections.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Roving Eagle

The raft of democratic reforms agreed in the 2008 Global Political Agreement included reforms for all the country's security organs, the Police, Army, CIO and Prison Services. MDC were tasked to implement the reforms but failed to get even one reform implemented in five years. Not one.

The GNU we want should be composed of competent individuals who will implement all the democratic reforms.

Zimbabwe Light said...

If SADC was concerned about us, they would know that the money spent on Command Agriculture alone is more than enough to end Zimbabwe’s food crisis, but because the whole scheme is shrouded in mystery and corruption, nobody has got a clue what happened to the funds.

Tanzania’s President John Magufuli, a demagogue of note, has been vocal about ending sanctions on Zimbabwe, but what we are yet to hear is why Zimbabwe is allegedly buying grain from his country at double, if not treble, the world market price.

You are 100% correct!

All those Zimbabweans and SADC citizens who will taking part in these anti-sanctions demos will be trying to influence EU and US foreign policy. The same busy bodies have never tried to influence Zimbabwe’s economic policy of corruption and mismanagement much less political policy on holding free, fair and credible elections and murdering innocent Zimbabweans!

As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent, vote rigging and murderous thugs; sanctions must remain. Whatever suffering is being brought by sanctions it is nothing compared with that brought by bad governance and all those who refuse to see that have their reasons to close their eyes.

Nomusa Garikai said...

Spotlight Zimbabwe, will on Monday 21 October 2019 publish an interesting story about President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s alleged multi-million luxurious villa in Dubai. Mnangagwa is reported to be planning to move to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), either as his retirement home or exile bolthole should he be overthrown from power by the army, as is increasingly becoming his likely political fate.

The economic gap between the filthy rich ruling elite and the filthy poor masses has become an unbridgeable chasm. One has only got to look at the palatial mansions like Blue Roof where the ruling elite live and the mud hovels where the majority of the rural povo live. There is nothing wrong with anyone living a palace and to enjoy an extravagant lifestyle. What is wrong is that the life of luxury should be achieved illegally and at the expense of others.

There is no doubt that Zimbabwe's filthy rich ruling elite amassed their wealth from robbing the nation blind. They have rigged elections, denying the people a meaningful say in the governance of the country, to secure absolute power so they can do as they pleased.

One of these fine days, Zimbabwe will finally have free, fair and credible elections and a competent government that is accountable to the people. The democratic government will thoroughly investigate the conduct of past elections and establish beyond all reasonable doubt that Zanu PF blatantly rigged elections. The consequences of the decades of illegal government was the criminal waste of resources and those responsible for rigging the elections will be held to account. They and their descendants will be forced to retain the looted wealth.

It will not be in Dubai's long term interest to harbour a vote rigging and murderous thug!

Nomusa Garikai said...

People in rural areas should gladly enjoy financial donations by international aid agencies in the form of relief projects but should go on to vote Zanu PF during election time, Minister of State for Manicaland province has said.

Ellen Gwaradzimba was speaking during a meeting convened by the Zimbabwe Amalgamated Council of Churches (ZACC) and an organisation called Coalition against Sanctions at Mutare Hall recently.

The meeting sought to denounce Western imposed sanctions against Zimbabwe.

The people would not be totally dependent on foreign donors for food, for example, if the country still held its position as the bread basket of the region! Zimbabweans are starving in a land which, for all practical purposes, is the Garden of Eden; a damning testimonial in failed leadership!

There will be no meaningful economic recovery in Zimbabwe as long as the country remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs who rig elections to stay in power. The only sure way for the country to finally break this curse of rigged elections and pariah state is for this Zanu PF regime to step down so the country can finally implement reforms to stop rigging.

The sanctions are one of the pressure point to force Mnangagwa and company to step down, the worsen economic meltdown is another. The sanction must and will stay!

Nomusa Garikai said...

A government official has said school pupils are expected to join the Anti-Sanctions March because the issue affects everyone.

There is not one single Zimbabwean with half a brain who does not know that the country’s economic meltdown is cause by the rampant corruption. In 2016, Mugabe admitted the country was being “swindled” out of US$ 15 billion in diamond revenue alone! He never arrested even one diamond “swindler”. And it is now two years since Mnangagwa took over and promised “zero tolerance on corruption” and yet he too has yet to arrest one diamond swindler.

Indeed, Mnangagwa himself has failed to account for US$ 3 billion allocated to him in Command Agriculture funds in 2017! He has since received another US$2.4 billion for Command Agriculture!

There will be no meaningful economic recovery in Zimbabwe as long as the country remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs who rig elections to stay in power. The only sure way for the country to finally break this curse of rigged elections and pariah state is for this Zanu PF regime to step down so the country can finally implement reforms to stop rigging.

The sanctions are one of the pressure point to force Mnangagwa and company to step down, the worsen economic meltdown is another. The sanctions must stay and they are staying! Indeed, the list must now include upstarts like Nick Mangwana, Professor Mthuli Ncube, Trevor Ncube, etc. who are propping up this illegitimates Zanu PF regime for selfish gain.

Nomusa Garikai said...

Everyone with half a brain knows that Mnangagwa and company rigged last year's elections and have been doing this for decades. Zimbabwe is a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs who have been rigging elections to stay in power. Zimbabwe must confront and deal with this curse of rigged elections once and once for all.

Of course, Jacob Mudenda, knows he is not speaker of a democratically elected parliament but an illegitimate one. Simba Chikanza has done a great job in reminding Mudenda that he is just a party to a military cartel! Well done Simba!

Nomusa Garikai said...

Zimbabweans are stuck with this corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship because it is a ruthless regime that has stopped at nothing including cheating and wanton violence to imposed and retain this de facto one-party dictatorship. No one can ever deny that! What is clear and cannot be denied too is that in the last four decades the nation has had many golden opportunities to end the dictatorship but wasted them all.

The 2008 to 2013 GNU presented the nation with the best chance ever to implement the democratic reforms which would have dismantled the dictatorship once and once for all. Not even one reform was implemented in five years. Not one!

Even now, with the benefit of hindsight, many Zimbabweans out there have no clue what the democratic reforms we need to implement are much less how they can be implemented. They have no clue what constitute free, fair and credible elections, they do not even appreciate why something as basic as a verified voters' roll is essential! This is not rocket science, for Pete's sake!

Socrates and his fellow Greeks appreciated that for democracy to function, the citizens must be educated, that was 2 500 years ago. There is nothing stopping Zimbabweans in this day and age being educated enough to know what constitute free, fair and credible elections. Nothing! They are lazy and cannot be bothered.

In the long run, people get the government they deserve; we, in Zimbabwe, certainly deserve the Zanu PF dictatorship complete with its entourage of corrupt, incompetent sell-out opposition parties like MDC.

Zimbabwe Light said...

The government will pull a few tricks up its sleeves soon to stabilise the exchange rate as part of a broader task of creating a viable environment for business, Business Times reported.

A team of President Emmerson Mnangagwa's close advisers in the central bank and in government, particularly the Ministry of Finance, see the stabilisation of the exchange rate as a step in the right direction that has to be made to stop economic haemorrhage characterised by deindustrialisation.

How does the regime expect to stabilise the exchange rate when it is the one allowing electricity tariff increase by a staggering 320%, for example!

Zimbabwe is a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs who are in power because they rig elections. As long as the country remains a pariah state there will be no economic recovery, no end to the economic meltdown, soaring inflation, etc.

Zimbabwe Light said...

The World Bank has warned that Zimbabwe's economy faces massive turmoil unless the country gets much-needed international assistance urgently.

This comes as the country is currently going through its worst economic crisis in a decade, as it battles acute shortages of foreign currency, fuel, electricity, medicines and water etc. which has triggered unrest among long-suffering citizens.

Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has widened its estimated contraction for Zimbabwe's economy to 7,1% by year end owing to worsening macro-economic challenges.

Previously, the IMF had predicted Zimbabwe's economy to contract by 5,2% by year end while government recently revised its economic contraction to 6,5% from an initial 3% in its 2020 Pre-Budget Strategy Document.

Zimbabwe is a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs who are in power because they rig elections. As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state, the country is going nowhere, the economic meltdown will only get worse.

The only way out of this mess is for Zanu PF regime to step down, illegitimacy is the root cause of the pariah state, the political paralysis and economic meltdown. Zanu PF has held the nation to ransom for 39 years, dragging the nation deeper and deeper into the abyss; this is not right.

Zimbabwe Light said...

MDC Alliance vice president Tendai Biti has given Zimbabwe six months to collapse owing to the run away inflation in the country that has seen prices of goods sky rocketing. 

Biti, a former finance minister in the Government of National Unity, said President Mnangagwa and his government have no clue on how to avert the situation. 

"The wheels have literally come off and the fan has hit the roof . There has basically been no power for the last 24 hours in many hoods including Harare s CBD.There has hardly been any drop of fuel in gas stations.Prices are at war in shops.This situation can't last for 6 months," said Biti. 

"That the price of bread is now $16 a loaf and  unavailable when a year ago it  was a mere $1 is reflective of total failure. The illegitimate regime is clueless. With fuel and the exchange rate shooting cup every week, Zimstat figures are from Mars. Inflation will hit 1000% in December," said Biti.

Yes, the Zanu PF regime is “illegitimate and clueless”. But if the truth be told, it was none other than Biti and his MDC friends who landed the nation into this mess. MDC leaders had the golden opportunity to implement the democratic reforms during the 2008 to 2013 GNU which would have stopped Zanu PF rigging elections and thus end the Zanu PF reign of terror. They failed to get even one reform implemented. Not one!

MDC leaders have continued to participate in flawed and illegal elections even when it was clear that with no reforms in place Zanu PF would rig the elections. By participating in these flawed elections MDC have given the illegitimate Zanu PF regime some modicum of credibility.

Tendai Biti is condemning Zanu PF’s bad governance but only to pressure Mnangagwa to include Chamisa, himself and a few other MDC leaders into the Zanu PF regime. All he is after is a seat on the gravy train!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Roving Eagle

“Was MDC in charge of those portfolios and why does it have to be MDC's responsibility to effect needed reforms. Does zpf not have the interest of the country at heart? Blaming MDC for zpf's transgressions is lame and stupid. One reason (excuse from zpf's point of view) for the sanctions that zpf blames for its failure is the lack of reforms? With majority to effect the reforms since 2013 why hasn't zpf effected the reforms to take away at least one reason (excuse) for sanctions? Are they that stupid?”

The tragic reality in Zimbabwe is quite often people debate issues without first establishing the facts of the matter and so end up with discussions that go round and round in circles. You clearly do not know what the democratic reforms we are talking about are or how they should have been implemented during the GNU. If you did, you would know that the proposed reforms on the Army, for example, could be submitted by any MP without reference to ministry of defence.

“Does Zanu PF not have the interest of the country at heart?” you asked.

Well, if the truth must be said, that is a stupid question asked by one who really has no clue what the reforms are about. The democratic reforms are to dismantle the de facto dictatorial powers Zanu PF had amassed by corrupting the nation’s institutions like the Army, Police, ZEC, etc. for the purpose of securing absolute power for itself. If you understood that then you would know that Zanu PF did not have the nation’s interest at heart in creating the dictatorship.

Zanu PF’s transgressions are in imposing the de facto one party dictatorship. MDC’s transgressions are in failing to implement even one meaningful democratic reform in 20 years even when they had the golden opportunity to do so during the 2008 GNU.

“With majority to effect the reforms since 2013 why hasn't zpf effected the reforms to take away at least one reason (excuse) for sanctions?” you said.

It is not clear what you are driving at but if you are suggesting that Zanu PF accept the need for reforms as an excuse for sanctions then you have the wrong end of the stick. As far as Zanu PF is concerned the party has implemented all the democratic reforms and last year’s elections were free, fair and credible.

Of course, Mnangagwa and company know they rigged last year’s elections. MDC and the rest of the opposition participated in elections they knew will be rigged out of greed, they knew Zanu PF would give away a few gravy train seats as bait and these were what they were after. It is those Zimbabweans out there who continue to support these corrupt and incompetent opposition sell-outs who are stupid.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Roving Eagle

Zanu PF will never ever reform itself out of office, that is obvious and common sense - but in Zimbabwe common sense is a very rare animal indeed!

As we all know both the church leaders, MDC and many others have been calling for the formation of GNU headed by none other than Zanu PF and they all, foolishly, expect Mnangagwa and company to implement the reforms to ensure future elections are free, fair and credible. Notwithstanding the fact that Mnangagwa and company insist last year's elections were free, fair and credible!

If Zanu PF is still in power, be it on their own or in some power sharing arrangement, in 2023 then we can be 100% certain the party will rig these elections! 100% certain of that!

Zimbabwe Light said...

South Africa’s parliament on Thursday urged members of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) to support a motion calling for an immediate lifting of economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe.

The motion was tabled to the PAP by Amos Masondo, chairperson of the South African National Council of Provinces, or upper house of parliament.

It is a great disappointment that whenever Africa wanted quality leadership to energise the continent and get it out of the dark-ages it has dragged itself into; an idiot has come to the fore and the opportunity was once again wasted.

There is a mountain of evidence out there proving that Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown is cause by rampant corruption and gross mismanagement and not the sanctions.

There is a mountain of evidence proving that the people of Zimbabwe are stuck with this corrupt and incompetent Zanu PF government because it rigs elections. The sanctions are just one of the pressure points to force Zanu PF to hold free, fair and credible elections and hence the reason the sanctions must stay in place.

It is bad enough that these Pan-African leaders have all turned a blind eye to the flaws and illegalities in Zimbabwe’s last year elections and tacitly endorsed Zanu PF as legitimate. And now the village idiots want the rest of the world to follow their example and endorse the rigged elections and lift the sanctions. Thank God the world is not full of village idiots!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF has used brute force to create, impose and retain this corrupt and tyrannical de facto one-party dictatorship that has landed us into this mess. The party has benefited from the dictatorship in that it has enjoyed absolute power and robbed the nation blind for the last 39 years.

Any one who believes that Zanu PF would ever reform itself out of power and give up its carte blanche dictatorial powers, the looted wealth, risk having its corrupt and murderous past brought out into the open, etc. is down right stupid!

If Zanu PF is still in power, on its own or in some fangled power sharing arrangement, come 2023; then we can be 100% certain the party will rig that year’s elections. 100% certain!

The only sure way to end Zimbabwe's curse of rigged elections and pariah state is for this illegitimate Zanu PF regime to step down so we can appoint a competent body to implement the reforms. Anything else is a waste of time!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Tony Hawkins

The hard reality, which the authorities refuse to acknowledge, is that the US dollar is the currency of choice, regardless of what a government - prone to eccentric interpretations of the concept of legality - decrees is legal tender.

In this situation, restoring confidence in the local currency may turn out to be impossible without an international bailout, which is unlikely, without an equally improbable major shift in the political climate.

Zimbabwe is a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous tyrants who are in power only because they rig elections. They do not listen to advice and hence the reason why the country has followed these voodoo economic policies that have dragged the nation deeper and deeper into the abyss. As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state, there will be no meaningful economic recovery. None!

Zanu PF rigged last year’s elections, the regime is illegitimate and it must step down a.s.a.p. to allow the country to implement the reforms to stop the vote rigging and give the country hope of electing a competent government!