To my dear sister Beatrice Mtetwa
I am done with appeasing tyrants!
We have allowed tyrants like Mugabe and Mnangagwa ride roughshod over
us, denying us our freedoms and rights for the last 40 years. Look where it has
landed us – in this economic and political hell-on-earth. You are having to lie
just to flatter Mnangagwa in the hope he will finally stop treating us like
“And to you, vaMatanga, our esteemed Commissioner General of Police, you
inherited an organization which had become so discredited that it was no
different from a rag-tag police force for an aspiring government in a war torn
country hoping to take over power,” you stated in your letter to Mnangagwa.
“Only, it was worse in that it was actually the government's police
force, which in terms of the Constitution should be a Police Service. So
discredited it was that even his Excellency, your boss, who had not committed
any crime, could not trust it and the courts to protect him. He felt safer in
the hands of the police of neighbouring countries.”
Yes, the Zimbabwe Republic Police was, in November 2017 when Mnangagwa
escape to SA, and still is to this day a totally discredited institution.
But to suggest that Mnangagwa, of all people, “had NOT committed any
crime” is a nauseating lie. The Police, Army, CIO, judiciary and all the other state
institutions have all been corrupted by none other than Emmerson Mnangagwa
himself. Throughout the Mugabe years, he was a senior member, second only to
Mugabe himself, of the Joint Operation Command (JOC); the junta, that turned
Zimbabwe into the de facto one party dictatorship.
Mnangagwa was Mugabe’s chief enforcer for 37 years. He was the henchman
behind the Gukurahundi massacre in the 1980s, which forced PF Zapu to sign the
unity accord paving the way for the one-party dictatorship. He has boasted of
being the one who saved Mugabe and Zanu PF from the humiliating electoral
defeat in 2008. He forced ZEC to cook up the vote count to deny MDC victory and
force the presidential run-off where he used wanton violence to secure a Mugabe
Yes, Mnangagwa escape to SA fearing for his life. He did not trust some
of his follow JOC members just as much as they feared for their own lives
because they did not trust him. Such is the dog-eat-dog nature of Zanu PF, a
party of ruthless thugs.
As it turned out, it was Mnangagwa and his Lacoste faction who prevailed.
Mugabe was booted out of office in the November 2017 military coup. Justice
George Chiweshe declare the coup “legal, justified and constitutional”!
Mnangagwa and his cronies went on to blatantly rig the July 2018 elections.
A gaggle of braindead geese, masquerading as Constitutional Court judges,
endorsed his elections regardless of the glaring flaws and illegalities in the
election process. ZEC had three
different results which it could not verify because 10% or so of the V11 forms,
summary of vote count at each polling station, were missing. And so each of the
three teams had made up figures. ZEC had not followed the laid down counting
The whole election had gone ahead even though ZEC had failed to produce something
as basic a verified voters’ roll; a legal and common-sense requirement.
Zimbabwe is in this economic mess and political paralysis because the
country has had the great misfortune to be ruled by a corrupt, incompetent,
vote rigging and murderous regime for the last 40 years. Four decades of gross
mismanagement and rampant corruption have left the economy in ruins.
Four decades of political oppression have forced most men and women with
some common-sense and integrity to abscond from political activity, leaving the
field open to corrupt and incompetent thugs. The scum of the earth!
“Instead of protecting the three young (MDC) women, appointees instead
allowed the violation of their persons and their rights in the most despicable
of ways. I therefore address you, your Excellency, not only as someone who
lives in Zimbabwe, but as a woman, a mother to Zimbabwean children who include
a daughter who could easily have been anyone of the three young women so
despicably abused by agents of your appointees,” you have pleaded.
The tone of your letter suggests that Mnangagwa himself is clean and
honourable and above ever committing such heinous crimes. As we all know, such
flattery did not work with Mugabe; it will not work with Mnangagwa either! The abduction,
vote rigging, murder, etc happened during his watch; he is responsible, more so
when he is the principle political beneficiary of the crime. Period!
After 40 years of denying us our freedoms and rights, Mnangagwa now believes
he not only has the right to rig elections but to abduct, rape, beat, murder
anything to cow us into submission. He is chief instigator and beneficiary of
all the political intrigue and criminal activities. The worst thing we can do is
blame his subordinates, the sacrificial lamb, whilst he goes free to commit the
same crimes all over.
Mnangagwa blatantly rigged the July 2018 elections, his regime has no mandate
to govern, it is illegitimate and it must therefore step down. He and his
subordinates must step down, that is not negotiable.
We need to allow appointment an interim administration whose task will
be to implement the democratic reforms, to drain the country’s political sewage
pond, so the nation can finally hold free, fair and credible elections.
More than 40 000 people are expected to die from the coronavirus in South Africa by November, one million people will be infected and the country is unlikely to have enough ICU beds at the peak of the pandemic.
This according to a presentation by a group of scientists advising the government on projections and modelling to inform policy and regulations.
SA is doing the right thing by testing and following up what the virus is doing. Zimbabwe is in denial of the virus, Zimbabwe has a lot more than 42 cases and 4 deaths.
I salute your resolve to hold the Police Commissioner, ZDF Commander, Deputy Ministers and Ministers to account for their role in the abduction, rape and killings that have become the norm in Zimbabwe. However I am really concerned about singling out Emmerson Mnangagwa out of this. Are we not running the risk of falling in the same trap we fall in after independence where we literally worshiped Robert Mugabe. For nearly 20 years many people would not accept Mugabe was a corrupt and murderous tyrant. The worst they would do was blame all those around Mugabe.
Mnangagwa was Mugabe's right-hand man, he did Mugabe's dirtiest jobs including the Gukurahundi massacre, over 20 000 murdered, and the blatant vote rigging in 2008 where over 500 were murdered. Mnangagwa's hands are bright red with the blood of the innocent! And yet now that he has stage a coup and rigged the elections to seize the highest office in the land; we are washing him squeaky clean! This is dangerous because it only plays to these tyrants' subculture - that they are infallible and above the law!
For blatantly rigging the elections Mnangagwa is the master criminal. Zimbabwe is failing to get financial assistance to fight the corona virus because the world does not trust Mnangagwa and his corrupt and tyrannical regime.
Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF thugs are the elephant in the room and after 40 years of pretending otherwise, we must now grasp the nettle especially now with the nation’s very survival at stake!
Mnangagwa is corrupt, incompetent, vote rigging and murderous tyrant, no more of this His Excellency bull s***t! He must step down now because if he is still in power come 2023, he will rig those elections too, guaranteed!
@ Jane Mlambo
Prior to the November 2017 military coup, Matemadanda and other war veterans leaders including Christopher Mutsvangwa, Headman Moyo and Douglas Mahiya became a target for state security agents due to their open support for Mnangagwa and the lacoste faction in the ruling Zanu PF.
“I remember being asked by one of the Comrades to help in the trumped-up charges brought against them for exercising freedoms granted to them by the constitution. I remember how it was clear that your comrade Victor Matemadanda, now Deputy Minister of Defence, was targeted for elimination on a contrived night time trip to Gokwe on the pretext of going to search his house.
“I remember how we resolved that we would drive in a convoy to wherever the comrade was taken regardless of the time of day. I remember how our team resolved to stay with him at the Law & Order Section all night if that was necessary and indeed I got home at 01.00hrs that night after following the police to where he was finally lodged that night and ensuring his name was entered in the detention book. Comrade Matemadanda, do you remember that night?”
Whilst we have Comrade Matemadanda’s attention, we should also ask him how many innocent civilians did he and his fellow war veterans beat, rape and murder during the 2008 elections for the sake of Robert Mugabe and in 2018 for the sake of securing a landslide victory for Emmerson Mnangagwa.
The tragedy with empty heads like Victor Matemadanda is that his grasp of freedom and human rights is clear when it is his freedom and rights that are being denied or threatened. His understanding becomes blurred if it is the freedoms and rights of others that are being crushed under foot.
Indeed, if crushing other people’s right to a meaning say in the governance of the country even denying them their right to life for selfish political gain, then Matemanda has no qualms crushing everyone who dare stand in his way.
Zimbabwe is in this economic and political mess because yesterday’s liberators and become today’s oppressors. It is rich to expect nincompoops like Victor Matemanda, Emmerson Mnangagwa, Constantino Chiwenga and the other Zanu PF thugs to understand that!
“As I conclude, I wish once again to draw the attention of the nation to the invisible enemy that has visited us in the form of the Coronavirus, also known as Covid-19,” said Mnangagwa.
“It is a real threat to us all and no one is safe or immune from it. Let’s keep adhering to the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for preventing its spread.
“I want to end my remarks by reminding us to remain united and to keep the peace.
“We must never endanger the lives of our people through illegal, reckless and unwarranted demonstrations for political grandstanding.”
If he is so keen to adhere to WHO guidelines for preventing the spread of covid-19 then why is his government not testing and tracking aggressively? Surely that is posing a more serious threat to the virus spreading than and of the demonstration we have seen!
Mnangagwa is using covid-19 as a smoke screen to push his selfish agenda of silence all dissent against his corrupt and incompetent regime. He wants the nation cowed down and to die in silence like sheep!
This Zanu PF regime is corrupt and incompetent and instead of fighting to stop the spread of covid-19 it is making the situation worse. The regime is more interested in covering up for its blundering incompetence than in solving the nation’s problems. We will be very foolish indeed to let this madness continue unchallenged!
Zanu PF is not following WHO guideline to test and track aggressively. If Zimbabwe had been testing aggressively then it would have a lot more covid-19 cases than the 46 the regime has reported. This is foolish because the nation is allowing those with the virus to spread it since they do not know their covid-19 positive status. So far many people are recovering without even knowing they had the virus but as the nation moves into the cold months this will change!
Mnangagwa is the covid-19 and a smoke screen to threatening those who are daring hold his regime's handling of the pandemic to account. The demos are no more a threat to the spread of covid-19 than his hero burial ceremony. He wants the demo stopped because he does not want to be held to account for his blundering incompetence in the handling of the pandemic which has made the situation worse!
The price of Zanu PF's blundering incompetence at a time like this, the covid-19 outbreak, is astronomically high and it will be madness to fail to hold the regime to account!
We don’t want to withdraw Parliamentarians.
Why should we want them not to work for the people? Their job is within their constituencies.
Right now it’s the time of COVID-19 and I have said we don’t want to recall any Parliamentarians,”said Mudzuri.
Mudzuri is an opportunist par excellence, Mwonzora and Komichi were nothing more than his hunting dogs; they have done all the dirty work for him and now he is not only stepping up to collect the prize but is even kicking the two in the teeth. He wants to be seen as the peace-maker and one who can unify the divided party.
@ Beatrice Mtetwa
“To you, Minister of State Security, Mr Owen “Mudha” Ncube, your ascension to this throne was controversial. So, prove the country wrong by coming out and openly accepting any role your agents might have played in this. If your agents were not involved, all the more reason to leave no stone unturned in unravelling who the abductors and torturers are,” you argued.
“You can even resort to a few fall guys who will take the can and be pardoned thereafter as has happened many times before. At least it would look as if you care. And you need that little respect where a few people might think that you are a good guy. Intelligence Services in terms of our Constitution are supposed to be non-partisan.”
Madam, why are you encouraging these Zanu PF thugs to “resort to a few fall guys” to take the blame for their abductions, beatings, rapes, vote riggings and cold blooded murders especially when you know the scapegoats “will be pardoned thereafter as has happened many times before”?
After 40 years of treating those in power as if they are Gods who can do no wrong and only the mortals under them are to blame for all criminal activities. We should wake-up to the reality the Gods have commanded their followers to commit even more crimes confident they, the Gods, will never be held to account. Surely, we must wake-up to the reality that those political leaders are not Gods and that it is them, not their political automatons, who are the instigators and beneficiaries of the crimes and tyrannical oppression.
After 40 years of beating about the bush and getting absolutely nowhere; we must deal with our political liberators cum oppressor head-on. “Tanzwa kurova imbwa takavinga mupini!
I have come to the sad conclusion that, as much as we may wish for an end to the Zanu PF dictatorship and a democratic Zimbabwe, democracy will never take root in Zimbabwe because we dread holding our leaders to account. Once someone ascends into a position of power and authority, regardless who they get there; we place them on a pedestal, way above us mortals, they become Gods!
The village idiots who abducted and tortured the MDC activist are just brain-dead automatons doing their political chefs' bidding for thirty pieces of silver - if that! Ironically Mnangagwa was himself Mugabe's dirty laundry man of choice. He was lucky to have lasted 37 years, others were used, abused and then discarded like used toilet paper.
We know Mnangagwa rigged the 2018 elections just as he has done countless times in the past. And yet it is us, the nation's intellectuals, who are leading from the front in grovelling to him and his regime as if he did nothing wrong! If we accept blatantly rigging the elections as no crime then what choice does my aunt and uncle in the rural backwaters but to follow suit and endorse Mnangagwa and his illegitimate regime.
If there is ever going to be good governance in Zimbabwe then it must start by us the intellectuals looking tyrants like Mnangagwa straight in the eyes and tell him; "You rigged elections. You are illegitimate. Step down!"
No more of this "Your Excellency!" bulls***t to an illegitimate leader! "Mubva ndiripo haagovi nhaka!"
THE Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) acted unlawfully when it suspended the holding of all by-elections due to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic, legal watchdog, Veritas has said.
The legal think-tank argued that even if the suspension was legal, ZEC had illegally enforced it by not approaching the Electoral Court for the suspension to have a court-ordered backing and also informing concerned political parties
There are some things worth fighting for, the suspension of by-elections is not worth the candle!
The Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Dr. M.J.M. Sibanda, has announced the termination of employment by His Excellency the President, Cde E.D. Mnangagwa, of Dr. Energy Mutodi as Deputy Minister of Government in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services.
The termination which is with immediate effect, is in terms of Section 108 (1a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe (Amendment No. 20) of 2013.
Well Mutodi’s remark that the three MDC ladies were kidnapped by Makorokoza lovers was very rude, to say the least. Mnangagwa must have felt he needed to take the sting out of the story and Mutodi is being offer as the fall guy.
Mutodi will keep his ministerial car, get a golden handshake plus other perks. He will then be reassigned to work for the party, as happened to most of Mugabe’s cabinet ministers and cronies, on full cabinet salary and allowances! Zanu PF is already preparing for the 2023 elections, he can help with coming up with new and innovative way of rigging the elections whilst still maintaining the pretence the elections were free, fair and credible.
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