The truth is when we can see the speck in our neighbour’s eye but cannot see the log in our own eye we are, per se, our own worst enemy. We are fighting blind and, naturally, the enemy will take full advantage of our blindness - he will be very foolish not to.
The dust of the 23 August 2023 nationwide harmonised presidential, parliamentary and local council elections has not settled and already a new wave of by-elections has kicked off. The by-elections were triggered by the recall of a number of CCC candidates who had won in the August elections.
The recalls is just one of the many manifestations of the endless squabbling within the opposition CCC. More recalls have been made so there are more by elections coming. Some of the recalled individuals are CCC candidates in the by-elections and so they may well be recalled, if they win again!
Meanwhile Nelson Chamisa has dismissed the 23 August 2023 elections as a “gigantic fraud”! Yet right up to voting day he was boasting of CCC winning big because he had “plugged all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop-holes!” It was all hot air, of course.
ZEC had stubbornly refused to produce a verified voters’ roll. It is nonsensical to talk of stopping Zanu PF rigging the elections when the country did not even have something as basic as a verified voters’ roll. It turns out that CCC did not even have election agents at many Polling Stations and so Zanu PF was free to do as the party damn well pleased!
Zanu PF has beeb winning these elections for the last 43 years and counting! It is utterly pointless to be complaining about “gigantic election fraud” when you are the one who not only failed to implement the democratic reforms to stop the rigging but has been insisting on participating in the flawed elections.
Elections are like a war, you participate to win. And the Chinese General Sun Tzu, his book, The Art of War, argues that one must know one’s weaknesses and strength and the enemy’s weaknesses and strengths too.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
Zanu PF has known MDC/CCC’s weakness and has exploited it again and again and again. MDC/CCC leaders’ greatest weakness is they are greedy and breathtakingly incompetent.
Of course, Robert Mugabe did not want any of the democratic reforms to be implemented and his carte blanche power to rig elections and stay in power, naturally. He bribed Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends with the trappings of high office, to make them forget about implementing the reforms. It worked!
And to seal the deal; Mugabe orchestrated a narrative to convince MDC/CCC leaders and followers into giving up the need for implementing the democratic reforms on the understanding the opposition can come up with winning in rigged elections strategies. Chamisa and his supporters have taken to the oxymoronic deception like ducks to water!
Some of the MDC leaders like Tendai Biti and David Coltart have since realised that all the democratic changes they thought they had accomplished during the GNU are an illusion. They have lamented the sheer sheer futility of participating in these flawed elections.
“Look, you can't keep on participating in flawed electoral processes that serve to give big benefits to dictators such as Robert Mugabe. Mugabe has perfected the art of winning elections. So it will be very foolish for the opposition to continue legitimising these sham elections which don't deliver,” said Tendai Biti in a 2015 interview with Isaac Mugabi.
“So you can't continue subjecting Zimbabweans to processes where their hopes just get crushed.”
There is no doubt that Biti tried to talk his MDC colleagues into stop living the Zanu PF lie of change when there was no change. His arguments, like the SADC leaders during the GNU before him, fell on deaf ears. Greed stopped MDC leaders implementing the reforms during the GNU and the same greed kept them participating in flawed elections, “so flawed and so illegal the rational thing to do was to boycott!” as Coltart aptly put it.
“The worst aspect for me about the failure to agree a coalition was that both MDCs couldn’t now do the obvious – withdraw from the (2013) elections,” confessed Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.
“The electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility.”
So even the shallow, thick and slow MDC/CCC leaders have knew they are participating in these flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. They have kept up the false narrative of the opposition winning rigged elections to hide the real reasons they are hell bent on participating is greed and incompetence.
In post GNU Zimbabwe, Zanu PF and MDC/CCC have conned the ordinary Zimbabweans into believing the 2008 to 2013 GNU had brought about subtle and yet seismic political change allowing the opposition to win rigged elections. And so the people have been participating in these flawed, “so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw,” as Coltart confessed because they are ignorant, naive and gullible.
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near,” said General Sun Tzu, in 544 BC.
Zanu PF’s greatest deception was to convince the opposition and the public that the GNU had left the party weak and feeble they nation could remove the party from office without bothering with implementing even one token reform! The people have believed the oxymoronic nonsense even after 43 years of the Zanu PF mafiosi rigging the elections!
"Why do you see the speck in your neighbour's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbour, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye' while the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbour's eye." (Matthew 7:3-5).
Ignorance is curse worse than death; in their ignorance and naivety the people have been fighting blind. By participating in flawed elections, “so flawed, so illegal the only rational step was to withdraw”, to perpetuate the Zanu PF dictatorship; they might as well have been fighting with the log in their own eye! Zanu PF has conned them into believing the GNU has left the party weak and feeble when, with not even one token reform implemented, the regime’s dictatorial powers have not even been touched.
@ Sharon
HOW is one Sengezo Tshabangu's recalls of Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Members of Parliament a dress-rehearsal for politics of manipulation and inconsistence in Zimbabwe?
For students of synchronised politics, political repression lies beneath political manipulation. The end to which Zimbabwean politicians forget that hope is finite is shocking, given that the dominant theory in career politics is political realism.
The CCC politicians have now been manipulated into inconsistence. And when techniques of regime control are used to lipstick the frog of repression, opposition members are strategically excluded from political power and social influence through paranoia.
MDC/CCC leaders are corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent an attempt to give a rational explanation of what Chamisa et al says is a waste of time; no one can make sense out of nonsense!
@ Jonathan Moyo
“AT LONG LAST, herewith below is a link to the 2023 CONSTITUTION of CCC - Wapusa Wapusa, the new party led by Nelson Chamisa, which he first announced on 23 September 2023 at a public meeting in Chinhoyi – some of whose key organs [like Bureau of Administration] he first made public on 11 October 2023 in Harare, before that bureau appeared in Jameson Timba's founding affidavit, as the deponent, in the pending urgent High Court application to interdict the recalls of MPs and Councillors who have ceased to be members of CCC formed on 22 January 2022, the CCC that participated in the 2023 harmonised general election on 23/24 August 2023.
There are many astonishing things about the "Constitution", in fact there are too many to mention, suffice to say that going by a copy of a letter said to have been sent to ZEC, which is attached to the "Constitution, apparently written by Ian Makone, who signs off as the Chairperson of the "Bureau of Elections"; the date of the letter in question is 8 November 2023, while its supposed receipt by ZEC is date stamped 5 November 2023; which was a Sunday, when ZEC offices were closed.
On the "Constitution" itself, Article 7, sub-article 3 specifically says that Nelson Chamisa shall be the leader, Change Champion in Chief, Administrator and President of the party. In full, the sub-article provides as follows:
"7.3. There shall be a leader and Change Champion in Chief (Adv Nelson Chamisa) who shall be the Administrator and President tasked by the citizens to champion, lead and guide processes of the movement in between sessions of the CNA until an elective citizen convention is held. The Change Champion in Chief shall be the chief spokesperson and chief representative of the CCC as well as the custodian of its documents, property and wellbeing."
If this is not startling, it is most certainly unheard of.”
One of the shocking things about CCC leaders and supporters is their insistence that CCC was a democratic party when the party was just a one-man band - proof they had no clue what constitute a healthy and functioning democratic party.
It is you who do not get it! CCC leaders hold public office paid for by public taxpayers and therefore the party must be accountable to the public. The fact that Zanu PF is a party of ruthless thugs who rig elections and are not accountable to the people is no excuse for Chamisa and company too to be unaccountable!
CCC must be democratically accountable to the people of Zimbabwe or they must disband you should get that into your thick head! We have been fighting these last 43 years to end the Zanu PF dictatorship. We are not going to end it only to replace it with another.
“Not one election report mentioned rigging yet someone who claims they are a "Think Tank" mentions leads with it in what they claim is an intellectual debate 😂😂
Everyone seems to be on drugs now I tell you😂😂😂”
I am concerned with the substance and not syntax and semantics!
“Conclusion 13.3
The SEOM noted that, as detailed in sections 6 and 7 of this report, some aspects of the Harmonised Elections fell short of the requirements of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Electoral Act, and the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2021),” stated the SADC Election Observer Mission (SEOM) report.
Dr Nevers Mumba and his SEOM team used diplomatic language to say the elections were not free, fair and credible. I am not a diplomate and prefer to use plain language and so use rigged to say the same thing. Why anyone should be frothing and fuming over that beggars belief! No wonder we are a failed state, we have too many nincompoops who are obsessed on trivial matters.
@ Harry
“Thanks Wilbert..this is the best contribution I have had from you...The saddest thing in Zimbabwe is that the opposition is exonerated and not accountable to anything because they are not in power...They are not even accountable to their supporters who support them and vote for them. Accountability is for Zanu pf...🤔🤔..This is the politics that has destroyed us...while we yearn for change..we will not get it any time soon cz we walk the wrong way.”
Zanu PF thugs believe they have the right to ride roughshod over everyone else denying them their freedoms and rights including the right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country because they “liberated Zimbabwe.” All they did was remove the white oppressors only to be the new oppressors!
The people of Zimbabwe have risked all to elect MDC/CCC into power on the understanding they would implement the democratic reforms to end the Zanu PF dictatorship. The upstarts have not only sold out by failing to implement even one reform and have been participating in flawed elections to keep Zanu PF in power in return for a share of the spoils of power. To crown it all the sell-outs are now bossing povo demanding that they too must enjoy the same dictatorial powers because “they have been in the trenches fighting Zanu PF!”
The people of Zimbabwe must wake up to the reality that CCC are sell outs and hold them to democratic account!
@ Network
“CCC does not hold public office out of your benevolence. It has a voting citizenry, that agree with its policies and manifesto. The hating minority, like you, can use your right to find an alternative to CCC.”
MDC/CCC leaders were elected to implement the democratic reforms, changes, as the original party name implied. After 23 years, 5 of which in the GNU, they have failed to implement even one reform and worse still they have now been participating in flawed elections to keep Zanu PF in power for a share of the spoils of power. Chamisa and company have plenty to account for and they WILL be held to account for it. That is not negotiable!
@ Bekadha
“Dzikamaiwe whose Taxpayer 's money had been paid to CCC?Are your relatives and family members aware that you have gone so wild anti Chamisa.This year you and Tshavangu mucharare neBoots.”
So I am “anti Chamisa” because I have dared to hold him to account for selling out on democratic reforms? Well holding those in public office to democratic account is my civic duty and will never flinch from carrying it out!
We have not yet removed the Zanu PF thugs and already we have a new set of ruthless thugs flexing their tyrannical muscles! Yesteryear’s liberators became today’s oppressors and those masquerading as the new liberators are already assuming their oppressor privileges before they have removed the sitting oppressors. We really need to break this vicious cycle!
@ Dunzin
Do not pretend you now know what the reforms are about. You have no clue! Even if you had the cat's nine lives you will still have no clue! The tragedy for Zimbabwe is that nincompoops like you have the vote! Zimbabwe is a failed state and it will take some doing to dig ourselves out of this hell-hole with all these nincompoops to deal with!
@ Dubzin
That is rich coming from one who should be concerned that Zimbabwe has failed to hold free, fair and credible elections for 43 years! But then why should you be concerned about free and fair elections, you are a nincompoop!
@ Zigma
“Where do they have Absolutely Free & Fair elections?”
Is that your excuse for participating in elections so flawed there was not even a verified voters’ roll, voters were frogmarched. You really have no clue what constitutes free and fair elections, even in this in this day and age! No wonder the country has buffoons running and ruining everything and we do not every have the common sense to see it!
@ Baba Sama
I have been demanding the implementation of democratic reforms so we can have free, fair and credible elections. I have criticised MDC/CCC for selling out on reforms. How that makes me a Zanu PF supporter beggars belief. You think that anyone who dares to criticise Chamisa must be a Zanu PF supporter because you cannot see the wood from the tree and so cannot separate the trivial from the substantive issues.
It is shocking that so many people can be so shallow, thick and slow. No wonder we ARE a failed nation! God knows we have more than our fair share of dimwits.
@ Baba Sama
I have been demanding the implementation of democratic reforms so we can have free, fair and credible elections. I have criticised MDC/CCC for selling out on reforms. How that makes me a Zanu PF supporter beggars belief. You think that anyone who dares to criticise Chamisa must be a Zanu PF supporter because you cannot see the wood from the tree and so cannot separate the trivial from the substantive issues.
It is shocking that so many people can be so shallow, thick and slow. No wonder we ARE a failed nation! God knows we have more than our fair share of dimwits.
@ Zigma
“We deal with Our Own dynamics according to Our Circumstances!”
And you are “dealing with it” by failing to implement even one reform when you have the chance to do so and then participating in flawed elections, “so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw,” only to give Zanu PF legitimacy?
The really big surprise is that there are thousands of Zimbabweans out there who still defending the insanity of participating in flawed elections. We don’t even have the common sense to admit it is not working even after 43 years of rigged elections!!
@ Soko
The problem with people like you is you look at the individual and not the issues. The single most important task the nation has set the opposition to do was to implement the democratic changes, reforms, to stop Zanu PF rigging elections.
The question that must then be asked is: did the opposition have the opportunity to implement the reforms?
The answer is YES!
The problem with people like you is that you have failed to appreciate the many opportunities to implement reforms these last 23 years especially during the GNU. Even now, with the benefit of hindsight, you still fail to see what the GNU was about!
Of course, it is tragic that the country is in serious, serious trouble and we still do not have the common sense to admit it to ourselves that this political system has failed and they courage to change it!
Instead of focusing on task of delivering a competent government for ourselves here we are fighting each other over trivial matters.
@ AK
“Let’s say Tsvangirai s mdc sold out .Are we forever going to live in the past wake-up bambo time is moving.”
How naive! So you still have not realised that the country is stuck with the Zanu PF dictatorship precisely because MDC/CCC have sold out by failing to implement reforms. The country is sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss and only an idiot would think we can “move on!”
We need to implement the democratic reforms if we are ever going to get out of this mess. We must implement the reforms and put an end to this insanity of rigged elections and bad governance that has brought smooch human suffering. Enough is enough of this madness!
@ Danny
“Only ambitious people are impatient. You cant divide a kudu before you kill it. Let's kill the common enemy zanu pf and it's associates poverty, corruption and human rights abuses. Then sharing comes, I liked it when I saw the party constitution says Chamisa is the centre of power only . Good move as the enemy wants to bribe.”
You are one of the herd who took nearly 20 years to accept that Zanu PF was a party of corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs. Why did it take you this long? You would not believe the evidence of mismanagement and even the Gukurahundi massacre because you had placed Mugabe and company on pedestals and worshiped them as demigods who can do no wrong because they were liberation war heroes.
It took 20 years for the penny to final dropped that war heroes or not Mugabe and company were fallible human beings and it was therefore very foolish indeed to treat them as infallible demigods especially in the face of the mountain of evidence of their incompetence, tyranny and murder!
It is very sad to note that people like you have learned nothing from the past because you are now treating Chamisa with the same demigod reverence you treated Mugabe.
Chamisa and his CCC friends are NOT going to end the Zanu PF dictatorship. They have been on the political stage for 23 years, 5 of which in the GNU, and they have not only failed to implement even one reform but worst of all they are now participating in flawed elections to to give Zanu PF legitimacy in return for a few gravy train seats.
“Chamisa will kill the kudu, Zanu PF!” How naive, dumb and stupid can one be! No wonder we are a failed state and, with so many dumb, shallow and slow people, are doomed!
@ Euke
If I said Zimbabwe is a failed state, would you accuse me of lying to people too?
You don't know what constitutes free, fair and credible elections because you are incapable of comprehending detail. I is not your fault, not everyone has a working brain!
But the SADC Panel of Elders informed President Emmerson Mnangagwa that they are no longer coming to ZIMBABWE to meet him. In fact President Emmerson Mnangagwa will now have to come to them in DAR ES LAAM, TANZANIA at a date when he was ready to meet them.
This has taken President Mnangagwa completely by surprise. But if that surprised him , the next SADC move perplexed him. SADC will soon announce the removal of the SADC Anti-Sanctions on Zimbabwe Day , October 25 , from their Calendar.
The SADC Secretariat will send an official Communique on this new development to HARARE in the next two weeks through the SADC ORGAN on Politics Defence and Security Cooperation the SADC TROIKA.
The SADC official said by removing the SADC Anti-Sanctions on Zimbabwe Day from the SADC Calendar it simply means SADC is now on the same page with the likes of the European Union - EU on the notion that there are serious Human rights abuses in Zimbabwe perpetrated by the ZIMBABWE Government itself and Sanctions imposed on ZIMBABWE are just.
The very fact that SADC has been dilly-dallying on this matter is proof the body is weak and indecisive. Even if SADC finally act, we know it will be wishy-washy! Another Zanu PF and CCC GNU is a total waste of time and opportunity!
@ Shumba Nyamuzihwa
“Continue mr Mukonori you are in the right path I was also once a blind follower thank God I am awake now these guys are a disaster to Zimbabwe democracy. They want us to ignore the red flags we are seeing now and start fighting again for democracy when Chamisa is in. Institutional reforms are the way to go before any elections.”
We are our own worst enemy and there is no one more deadly than he who knows nothing but thinks he knows it all and is put in situation where he has to decide. It is like giving a monkey a loaded gun: he may even pull the trigger whilst looking down the barrel!
MDC/CCC leaders were elected to bring about the democratic changes to end the Zanu PF dictatorship. After 23 years with not even one token reform in place a more rational person would be holding MDC/ CCC leaders to account but not our wildebeest herd. The herd has not only failed to realise Chamisa and company have sold out on reforms they are seeing what is not there. They are super excited and calling Chamisa Change Champion in Chief not aware that he has not implemented even one token reform in 23 years, including 5 in the GNU!
Ignorance is a curse worse than death and we cursed ourselves by granting universal suffrage to the ignorant; it is the herd, in their ignorance, who keeping the buffoons in power! You cannot reason with the herd specially this Zimbabwe herd who have been totally brainwashed Zanu PF and/or CCC propaganda and now consider themselves wiser than King Solomon himself!
@ Bishop C
“Shumba, vaMukori is right in his desire for democratic/electoral reforms, dambudziko ravo kuramba vochema an opportunity that was lost instead of looking ahead and advise on the way forward. If in any case the same opportunity avails itself again, do you think it's going to be "wasted" again? If one thinks so then it's him/her who has a problem.”
To start with, you do not appreciate that the opportunity to implement the reforms was wasted. Indeed, many don’t even know what the reforms are much less how they were to be implemented.
If you KNEW MDC/CCC lost the opportunity to implement reforms then you would also know they did so because they are corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent. Only a village idiot would trust the same corrupt and incompetent individuals to implement the reforms.
But, of course, the village idiot would not know about the individuals being incompetence etc. even after being presented with all the evidence and so has no problem calling the corrupt and utterly useless leader “Change Champion in Chief!”
We are stuck with this corrupt, tyrannical and vote rigging Zanu PF dictatorship complete with the equally corrupt and useless opposition because we know the system is not working but are not smart enough to know why it is not working much less top do something about it!
@ Mataranyika
So you had the Zanu PF dictatorship remove the white oppression but only to impose itself as the new oppressive regime. You want Chamisa to be the new autocratic dictator to remove Zanu PF and what will stop him become the next oppressor? Of course, this is just a vicious cycle!
The chaos of these CCC recalls in the end product of failing to have a democratic constitution, structures and elected officials. Chamisa’s “strategic ambiguity” has backfired! It is shocking that anyone would still defend Chamisa’s claim that CCC is a democratic party and yet failed to adhere to any democratic norms.
Stop wittering about “Zanu PF will never reform itself out of office!” The people of Zimbabwe have known this since the late 1990s and hence the reason why they have risk all to elect MDC/CCC leaders into power for the express purpose of implementing the reforms. After 23 years, 5 of which in the GNU, MDC/CCC have failed to implement even one reform. Not one! Worse still, MDC/CCC have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating the dictatorship.
The challenge is not realising that Zanu PF will not reform itself out of office, we have moved on from that, the challenge now is to realise the MDC/CCC will never implement the reforms and look for the men and women who will! Your blind loyalty to Chamisa and participating in flawed elections is not going to end the dictatorship, it is perpetuating it.
@ Bishop C
“Zvinozoshamisa wo hazvo kuti murume mukuru saMukori with all his wisdom and education cannot dare take a step to take Zimbabwe forward democratically, instead chooses a position of simply holding to account those in the trenches 🤷♂️”
Let me guess, and you in your wisdom are defending CCC “because they are in the trenches” although they have not implemented even one reform in 23 years, 5 of which in the GNU!
Which part of “participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy” are you failing to understand?
It is not a matter of Mukori or anyone else out there “does not dare take Zimbabwe forward democratically”. Even if there was an Albert Einstein of political science, he or she would lose the elections to ED or Chamisa for the simple reason that the majority of the voters are like you Bishop, dumb, shallow, thick and slow. You are supporting Chamisa because you consider him a demigod who has done nothing wrong and so will vote for him.
Democracy demands an informed and diligent electorate; you are dumb, shallow and stupid! You cannot listen to reason because you do not have the intellect to comprehend anything. MDC/CCC will never implement any reforms, that is a fact a fact that will remain hidden from you for eternity
@ Bishop C
“Can you give us a list if any, of the Zimbabweans who are smart enough and according to you Presidential material.”
Well, that is another foolish question. You like so many other Zimbabweans out there have failed to understand what the reforms are about and hence the reason you have failed to grasp the reality that the primary purpose of the GNU was to implement reforms and that MDC leaders sold out. Even now with the benefit of hindsight, you still failing to understand that MDC leaders are corrupt and incompetent.
If you don’t know what constitutes free and fair elections you will not understand what constitutes presidential material. You should not be asking for list of the great works of literature when you have failed to learn the alphabet! The tragedy for Zimbabwe is village idiots like you have the vote, it like giving a monkey a loaded gun!
@ Shumba Nyamuzihwa
“We complained those days as you are doing now, during gnu our leadership were bribed by Mugabe, he promised them smooth hand over of power and he told them that he trusted more than his people to the extent of giving Chamisa a nickname of Supersonic minister. I think you remember the T b Joshua debacle.
So they were more into false prophets and Zanu pf chicanery. Then the issue of chapter 12 institutions. We don't have those in Zimbabwe. Every other institution which is suppose to enhance democracy is captured. So never expect redress from these.internal and external pressure is needed.
We missed a golden opportunity in 2013 and I am afraid we have also missed another one this year. The people 's suffering is bigger than individuals so you personalise the revolution then you are selling out the blood all the departed murdered agents of change who perished inthe hands of Zanu pf . The blood of, Ropafadzo, Godfrey kauzani, Francis Chinozvinya, Tonderai Machiriridza, Better Chokururama,Yona, Chipiyo, Matthew Pfebve,Fainos Zhou, Lovemore Mutamba the list is endless, need to be respected.”
Winston Churchill was the UK’s PM throughout the WW2 and his leadership qualities helped the Allies win; there is no doubt about that. However in the 1945 general elections the British people elected Clement Attlee PM because Labour offered the nation a good programme going forward. The Conservatives had little to offer.
By failing to implement even one token reform during the 2008 to 2013 GNU, Tsvangirai and his MDC friends proved beyond all reasonable doubt that they are corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent. How anyone with half a brain can still consider any MDC/CCC leader fit to hold public office speaks volumes about how ignorant and useless our voters are! Even with the benefit of hindsight the Zimbabwean voters still considers a corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent Chamisa “the nation’s only hope!”
Zimbabwe is a failed state because we, the Zimbabwean voters, are ignorant and naive and have done nothing to deserve a competent and democratic government. And until we do, the country will remain a failed state blundering from pillar to post!
@ Mukanya
“It’s easier said than done, dealing with a military regime is a walk in the park.”
Accepting that MDC/CCC leaders sold out requires a quantum intellectual leap. If your intellectual capacity is so shallow you accept a mere mortal as demigod who can do no wrong your default position is to defend your demigod at every turn. “Napoleon is always right!” as Boxer the horse in Animal Farm would say.
Chamisa is “Change Champion in Chief!” is not just the CCC’s supporters’ mantra, it is their binding testimonial of faith. “God is in it!” Chamisa never tire of assuring his followers and there are no doubting Thomas amongst them. The brain-dead followers are not moved an inch by pointing out that Chamisa and his MDC/CCC friends have not only failed to implement even one token change in 23 years. And, worst of all, that by participating in flawed elections they are now the worst impediment to the change they claim to champion.
If you do not have the intellect to understand why the reforms are much less how they are to be implemented then you will never understand why MDC/CCC sold out. You cannot hold some to account for failing to do something you do not know especially when the individuals are your demigods and criticising them is tantamount to admitting you were very foolish to believe them. The default position is to find a scapegoat, build up Zanu PF into the devil incarnate not mere mortal can vanquish!
“Dealing with a military regime is (not) a walk in the park.” Yeah right! If these Zanu PF thugs were so smart and cunning then why is the country is such a total economic mess? Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF cronies are corrupt, incompetent and ignoramus buffoons whose reign would have ended in 2013, at the latest. Mugabe and now Mnangagwa was just luck to have corrupt and incompetent opposition leaders to deal with.
And people like you will never realise Chamisa and company are corrupt and incompetent because you do not have the mental capacity to process the evidence much less the courage to admit it and deal with it! The truth is, it is not Zanu PF that is holding Zimbabwe back; it is the sell out opposition and their brain dead supporters - you, Mukanya, Bishop C and many , many others!
@ Bishop C
“Ceasefire vaMukori, cease fire. Hapana anopokana ne failure of implementation of reforms in the MDC - Zanu pf GNU let alone that you want to involve a party formed last year. Tirikuti zvakakona hongu but hatirambe takabatirira ipapo, it's just a historical fact but we're moving forward, the struggle for those reforms continues. On insults, revise your posts, not only in response to me but to a number of people, you are so full of insulting language which is not good.”
You should learn to tell the difference between holding someone to account and accusing them, telling them the truth and insulting them. If you say something foolish and I point that to you and explain why it is foolish I am not insulting you in calling you a fool - you should stop insulting yourself by stopping saying foolish things.
Above you admit MDC sold out by failing to implement even one reform during the GNU. You also admit the reforms are still important. How then do you reconcile that with you claim that keeping the same corrupt and incompetent MDC is “moving forward”!
Of course, it is a stupid argument and, in the interest of ending this 43 years of rigged elections, it is important to hammer that message into your empty head! I am determined to fight to end the madness of participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. There are many village idiots who are stupid enough to support this madness and I will confront Zanu PF, CCC and the village idiots alike! Stop defending the indefensible and I will never call you stupid - it is that simple!
@ Social Media
“Your analysis can never divert our minds from supporting NC by the fact that this country want some new and better liar we shall stand firm and support Chamisa.”
CCC will never deliver reforms and worse still Chamisa and company are participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating the dictatorship. Of course to continue to support CCC regardless is stupid and that message will be hammered into your empty head!
“Anyone can criticise but it really takes courage to be in the arena sweating to obtain results. Anyone can sit in their comfort zones and start watching those in the field who are playing hard to win. Sadly most Zimbabweans people were turned into mere commentators and analysts. Something that works in favour of those who are in the minority.”
We have gone through this before. This is just the Chris Mutsvangwa “we fought in the liberation war and therefore have the divine right to rule!” propaganda regurgitated. In terms of personal sacrifice, I would argue that those who fought in the liberation war made a greater sacrifice than those in the post independence trenches. For the record, I have demanded the freedoms and rights of all Zimbabweans and denounce Zanu PF for denying the people these rights.
I have never subscribed to the nonsense that those who failed to make a contribution in the fight for independence or in this case the dismantling of the dictatorship can be denied their freedoms and rights. Or to the equally obnoxious argument that those who contributed are entitled to extra rights and freedoms including holding themselves above the law.
The people of Zimbabwe have risked all to elect MDC/CCC leaders into public office for the express purpose they would implement the democratic reforms to end the Zanu PF dictatorship. They have not only failed to implement even one reform in 23 years but have been participating in flawed elections to perpetuate the dictatorship out of selfish greed. The very idea that Zimbabweans must NOT hold Chamisa and company to account for this treasonous betrayal because we were not in the “arena sweating to obtain results” is just an outrage.
Are you saying Zanu PF had the right to destroy this country, as the party has clearly done, because they risked more before independence?
It is bad enough the nation has been held to ransom by Zanu PF all those last 43 years, I will be damned to let this madness continue. Every Zimbabweans has the right to enjoy all their basic freedoms and rights including the right to free elections and to hold those in power to account.
No one, I repeat, no one is above the law and democratic accountability. Just get that one into your thick head - after 43 years and in this day and age how dare you make such an idiotic suggestion! We really have too many village idiots in Zimbabwe.
@ Hon Mateko
Is saying Zimbabwe is a failed state "high sounding nothing" too?
Is saying the 23 August 2023 Zimbabwe elections were rigged a "high sounding nothing" too?
Is saying the rigged 23 August 2023 Zimbabwe would have been avoided if MDC leaders had implemented the democratic reforms during the 2008 to 2013 GNU another "high sounding nothing" too?
Zimbabwe is a failed state and one of the reasons this is so is we have too many village idiots like you who think they are smart and in the stupidity are participating in flawed elections keeping the political buffoons on both side of the political divide in power. I am here to hammer some sense into your empty head!
“I guess you are capable of providing the much needed answers and solutions to the current leadership crisis.
Why not start something meaningful and hopefully you can help us and the future generations to come out of the rat race we unfortunately find ourselves in.”
I am doing something meaningful; what could be more meaningful than helping the many out there who has brains has all but ossified after decade of propaganda and meaningless slogans open their eyes and see the truth and to think for themselves.
I do realise that there are many brain-dead individuals whose default position is to worship “the great leaders” and will not accept that their demigod can be held to democratic account by a mere mortal. They have me in their cross wires, they will be using very dirty trick to silence me. So be it!
The very idea that Zimbabwe is failing to hold free, fair and credible elections after 43 years of independence goes at the very heart of the fundamental political reality that we have failed to government ourselves. I am not yet ready to give up on this; many have, I am not!
If Zimbabwe is hoping for free and fair 2028 elections, an end to the failed state and the tragic human suffering we see today then we, Zimbabweans must fight for democratic reforms with the sense of urgency and determination the matter demands.
Forget about SADC to help in the fight, the regional body has swept the damning SEOM report under the carpet and granted Zanu PF political legitimacy. We are on our own in this fight.
The fight for free, fair and credible 2028 elections must start today 23 November 2023!
@ Evangelist
“Iriwo duzvi rebaba IRI rinofarira kutambura kwevanhu Kut iroridye mumbamaro ruzhinji misodzi ichierera Dai ukafa iwe mdara sure.”
Ignorance is a curse worse than death! How does calling for reforms and free and fair elections cause the suffering of the masses? Siyanai nepolititics dzenyu the empty slogans here you must reason!
So I am guilty of causing the suffering of the people by calling for reforms and free elections. And Chamisa is alleviating the people's suffering by failing to implement even one reform in 23 years including 5 in the GNU. And, as if that was not bad enough, by participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating the dictatorship out of greed!
You will never admit Chamisa and company sold out on reforms because of your “Great leader! Chamisa Chete Chete!” mentality. Chamisa and company are not just fallible mortals but they have already proven that they are corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent. You and your fellow howler monkey troop members do not want the truth to be said much less Chamisa held to account. I am here to hold him and his fellow sell outs to democratic account - that is not negotiable.
I know it is driving you and the rest of he howler monkeys nuts; I am here to make sure Zimbabwe implement reforms and and end the curse of rigged elections and not here to massage your misplaced ego and stupidity!
@ Mushereketi
“And u re fighting from e comfort of your bed.”
I know, I am fighting from the comfort of my bed and you and Chamisa are fighting in the trenches wearing rags and bitten by mosquitoes.
Still, Chamisa must account for what he IS fighting for because after b23 years, 5 of which in the GNU, he and his CCC friends have not implemented even one democratic reform. And yet this was the number one task MDC/CCC leaders were elected to carry out as the original party name implied. Movement for Democratic change!
Everyone in public office is accountable to the people whether he/she was in the trenches before independence or after - that is NOT negotiable. I realise there are some really stupid morons who think their demigod leaders are not accountable; one has to hammer the message into their thick head. I have the sludge hammer and will use it!
Chamisa must account for selling out on reforms and, trust me, he will!
@ Changamire Dombo
“You are crying for others to reason but you yourself u don’t, how can a blind man like you can lead another blind man? It's you who thinks politics of attacking another Opposition party is politics with slogan.”
Chamisa and his MDC/CCC friends were elected on the ticket to bring about democratic change, as the party name implied. After 23 years on the political stage including 5 in the GNU; they have not only failed to implement even one token reform but worst of all the are participating in flawed elections to perpetuate the dictatorship out of greed. Of course, they must and will be held to account for that!
I do realise that we have some village idiots amongst us who think only the ruling party, Zanu PF, must be held to account and not the opposition. The idiots know that without reforms there will be no free elections but getting the village idiots to accept that it is the sole responsibility of the opposition, MDC/CCC, to implement the reforms is proving to be mission impossible.
After 43 years of rigged elections the nation has to accept the MDC/CCC leaders are not up to the task and it would be irresponsible to let the village idiots hold the nation to ransom with their idiotic Chamisa Chete Chete mentality!
For Zimbabwe to get out of this mess, the truth that Chamisa is not only a fallible mortal but one who has already proved that he and his CCC colleagues are corrupt and incompetent must be hammered into the empty heads of the village idiots. I have the sludge hammer and will hammer it in!
@ Albert
“U seem to believe you have the sharpest brains compared to anyone alive!!...why not form a political party to solve our troubled country.?”
If you read the history book you or anyone who come to the same conclusion - it is something called common sense!
The nub of the story is; if the British electorate was as ignorant and naive as the Zimbabwean then they would have voted for the Conservatives in the 1945 elections. In their naivety, the Zimbabwe electorate have been participating in these flawed elections because they are stupid enough to be conned into giving up their right to free elections on the believe they can win rigged elections.
The number one priority to get Zimbabwe out of the mess is implementing the democratic reforms so we can finally start educating the masses. We need an informed and diligent electorate. Indeed having a competent political party when the electorate is ignorant and naive is like giving pearls to a pig!
@ Shumba Nyamuzihwa
“Don’t you think if the opposition was denied victory for the past 23 years to date it's important to interrogate the reasons why, how to mitigate it, and one of the reasons is reforms that's why I think Mukori wants us to concentrate on ways to avoid repeating the same mistakes over and over again.”
We have individuals who claim to be democrats and yet they do not want their leaders to be held to democratic account. Of course, they are not democrats, they just pretend to be.
Some are frothing and fuming because “you criticise but fail to proffer solutions!” If they were so solution oriented then they would have raised the MDC/CCC’s failure to implement even one reform in 23 years a long time ago.
Indeed one has said there should be no elections without first implementing the reforms and that has not stopped them complaining about failure to offer solutions. It is not the lack of solution they are complaining about, they just cannot stand Chamisa being held to account.
The Chinese General Sun Tzu said to win one must know the enemy’s strengths and weaknesses and know one’s own strengths and weaknesses. In Zimbabwe we have the opposition and even more so their wildebeest mob who believe they have NO weaknesses and indeed take it as a weakness to admit to having any weakness. And so Zanu PF and its double agents have never had any problem selling to the opposition the oxymoronic nonsense that they do not need to implement any democratic reforms because the opposition is so popular it can win rigged elections! The herd cannot swallow the bitter pill that their Chamisa Chete Chete is not only a fallible mortal but there is a mountain of evidence to prove it!
By refusing to accept our own human weaknesses we, Zimbabweans, have become our own worst enemy.
“How do you implement these democratic reforms when zanupf refuse to play ball.”
MDC leaders failed to implement even one reform during the GNU because Mugabe bribed them and NOT because Zanu PF refused to play ball. Let's stop offering feeble excuses for MDC's leaders failures!
This Chamisa Chete Chete mantra is nauseating especially when it seeks to portray him as an infallible demigod when the facts on the ground already prove beyond doubt that he is not just a fallible mortal but a corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent one too!
@ Gambia
“And is there anyone else who thinks he can push and implement the reforms at this moment in time ,I don't think it helps us to keep talking about the past ,give us the way forward.”
Accepting that MDC leaders sold out during the GNU is more than just academic, it defines the way forward. If you realise that Mdc leaders sold out then it is foolish to entrust the same sell outs with the nation’s destiny! Of course, they will sell out again and that is exactly what they are doing!
MDC/CCC have been participating in these flawed elections knowing fully well Zanu PF was rigging and that participating will give Zanu PF legitimacy. Still they participated out of greed and they knew it too!
“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.
No one with any common sense will be asking for a way forward because that is obvious - stop participating in flawed elections only to perpetuate the dictatorship!
@ Faith in action
“Mr Wilbert Mukori, the serial criticism of Chamisa without offering alternative solutions to resolve the political turmoil in Zimbabwe, will never halt the evil ZANU dictatorship. You are too obsessed in fighting discrediting the opposition efforts like Dougie & Shwarangu and now me thinks you are a viper in the grass (subtle murakashi).”
Since when’s telling the truth become a hinderance to progress? It is, with your head buried in Chamisa’s back side who will not admit that MDC/CCC has not only failed to implement even one reform in 23 years but have been perpetuating the dictatorship by participating in flawed elections out of greed.
You are the one who is obsessed about Chamisa Chete Chete you think he is a demigod who can do no wrong. Chamisa is not just a fallible mortal but a corrupt and incompetent one and no wonder he has failed to implement even one reform.
“God is in it!” How can God be in an election process so flawed there is not even a verified voters’ roll! Just because Chamisa said “God is in it!” it does not mean God has been coopted into Chamisa’s hare-brain schemes. Why a whole nation has been conned again and again into believing these blasphemous outrage beggars belief!
You asking for the way forward. Stop believing all this nonsense and start using your head - think for yourself!
@ Mataranyika
“Guys those who come here trying to blame opposition on issues of reform many of them they are ignorant or it's desperate move because the change cyclone is rightly felt, varume do you really understand how reforms are done or u think is just a Walk in the park or why honestly blaming opposition for failure yet praising zanu the is a clear intelligence voice.”
No one in his/her right mind would expect Zanu PF to implement the democratic reforms to ensure free, fair and credible elections - for the obvious reason, Zanu PF would not reform itself out of office.
The people of Zimbabwe and risked all to elect MDC/CCC leaders into power for the primary reason of implementing the reforms to ensure free, fair and credible elections. After 23 years, 5 of which in the GNU, any Zimbabwean with half a brain should rightly be concerned that Zanu PF continues to blatantly rig elections and to rightly ask why this is so.
The answer is MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one token reform in 23 years! Not one!
If we are serious about ending this curse of 43 years of rigged elections then we must first acknowledge that the MDC/CCC leaders we had entrusted the task of implementing the reforms are corrupt and incompetent and will never implement any reforms. Next, we must start the difficult but necessary task of electing the men and omen who will implement the reforms.
The most foolish thing we can do right now is bury our heads in the sand and pretend Chamisa and company will implement the reforms or expect to win rigged elections.
There are village idiots who would want us to do this because they believe Chamisa is an infallible demigod. The most irresponsible and insane thing we can do is to listen to village idiots. Zimbabwe is a failed state because these village idiots are the ones who have kept the buffoons, on both sides of the political divide, in power!
“Apart from those Acts, it is a revealing list; By reserving to himself two Acts which give power to deal with corruption, the President may be signalling the Government’s determination to stamp it out. On the other hand, he has administered both Acts since 2018 to little effect.
“Most statutes relating to security, such as the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act, are administered by the Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage. But by keeping the Emergency Powers Act, the Interception of Communications Act and the Zimbabwe National Security Council Act to himself, the President retains significant control over security matters.
“The President’s interest in economic matters is well known, but retaining the Mutapa Investment Fund Act and the Zimbabwe Investment and Development Act may amount to over-centralisation. And taking the latter Act under his control is hardly a ringing vote of confidence in the Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion.”
Mnangagwa, just like Mugabe is a control freak and his number one priority is consolidating his own strangle hold on power and the good of the state is the least of his concerns!
@ Ffgh
“Double standards, why do Yu not call zanu pf to disband first, which has been at the realm for these more than 43yrs destroying economic and social well bring of our existence.
You have demonstrated high level of stupidity, zanu pf is in total control calling shots having captured all institutions including yo self, how then do yu expect them who have no power to dance to yo discord music
We will hold them to account fully when they become the government in control, for the meantime swallow yo shame and sit.”
Both Zanu PF and MDC had MPs in parliament during the GNU and any reform could have been proposed by any of the MPs. Given the history of the two parties which of the two parties did YOU expect to submit reform proposals?
If you serious expected Zanu PF to implement the reforms then you hold them to account.
If you expected MDC to implement the reforms, as I did, then hold them to account for failing to implement even one token reform in 23 years including 5 in the GNU. Worse still, MDC/CCC have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. Of course they must account for that too!
What or who stopped MDC leaders implementing even one token reform? I am holding them to account for that and I do see why you are frothing and fuming about all this “double standards” nonsense! Idiots like you have this fixation with great leaders, Chamisa Chete Chete, you think of him as an untouchable and infallible demigod who is incapable of doing wrong and therefore must never ever be questions or held to account. What is more you demand of others to be as naive and nauseatingly idiotic as you!
Yes Zanu PF is destroying the economy and as long as the regime continues to rig the elections nothing will change. MDC/CCC were elected to implement the reforms and stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. Zanu PF is still rigging the elections because MDC/CCC have not implemented even one reform in 23 years. The problem is NOT so much Zanu PF but CCC! Get that into your thick head!
@ Mahere
So if you admit that the “Elections are not free or fair. In fact, all observers agreed they were a sham.” then why have you lot insisted on participating in these flawed elections? What was all “winning in rigged election strategies”“plugging all the vote rigging loop holes”, “God is in it!”, etc., etc. bulls***t all about?
The truth is MDC/CCC have always known that participating in these flawed elections would only give Zanu PF legitimacy and they continued regardless out of greed. The bulls***t is to hide the greed.
“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.
CCC will never ever implement any democratic reforms and the sooner Zimbabweans wake up to that reality the better for us all! Democracy demands an informed and diligent electorate and not a naive and ignorant one!
@ Knowledge apostole
Kkiki Willaz..your are strong are sticking your guns for 13 years..speak cde until someone listens...I adore your dexterity
@ Knowledge Apostle
Kkiki Willaz..your are strong are sticking your guns for 13 years..speak cde until someone listens...I adore your dexterity
@ King Wetso 25
“How did they avoid the shortage of ballot papers in Harare and bulawayo bfo elections? The strategy of rigging changed as what the opposition expected some was beyond control like the intervention of FAZ to intimidate voters don't blame why they went to elections whey they knew it was unfair.”
Which part of “MDC/CCC have failed to implement even one token reform in 23 years and have been participating in flawed election to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed” are you failing to understand. CCC participated in these elections knowing fully well there was no verified voters’ roll, that Zanu PF was frogmarching voters, etc.
“Look, you can't keep on participating in flawed electoral processes that serve to give big benefits to dictators such as Robert Mugabe. Mugabe has perfected the art of winning elections. So it will be very foolish for the opposition to continue legitimising these sham elections which don't deliver,” said Tendai Biti in a 2015 interview with Isaac Mugabi.
“So you can't continue subjecting Zimbabweans to processes where their hopes just get crushed.”
We not only have corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent opposition but worst of all, we have one of the most naive and ignorant electorate so dumb they have given up their right to free elections for the oxymoronic winning in rigged elections strategies! No wonder we are a failed state.
@ Bring Tshabangu 2 me
Zimbabwe’s political problem is three fold:
1) we have corrupt and incompetent political leaders on both side of the political divide. Zanu PF created the dictatorship and MDC/CCC were elected to implement the reforms but were bribe and forgot about the reforms.
2) we have an ignorant, naive and gullible electorate who were very slow, over 20 years, to realise Mugabe and his Zanu PF cronies were liberation heroes but NOT infallible demigods and by then Zanu PF was deeply entrenched to be easily removed for power. Alas! We had learned nothing from the past because we elected corrupt and incompetent MDC/CCC leaders to implement the democratic reforms to end the Zanu PF dictatorship.
3) Then there is the autocratic political system itself that Zanu PF has fostered on the nation. It is entrenched and uprooting it is not easy particularly when it is near impossible to find the individuals with the purity to implement all the democratic reforms.
The way forward for Zimbabwe is to implement the democratic reforms, enough to dismantle the autocracy and drain the sewage pond to allow the electorate to be educated enough to have some common sense. This changes will allow some meaningful debate and democratic competition and force some quality leaders to emerge.
In short, what Zimbabwe needs is reforms to end the autocracy and to educate the voters. To create a political party in the present autocracy is to put the cart before the horse - it will change nothing.
@ Faith
Albert Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. Our insanity is something out of this world; we expect the opposition to win bi after 43 years of Zanu PF mafiosi rigging elections. We have given up implementing reforms and our right to free and fair elections because Chamisa promised to plug all vote rigging loop holes. “God is in it!” he insisted.
It is nonsensical to justify your continued participation in flawed elections on the grounds ‘Mukori did not offer a viable solution!’
“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.
It is insane participating in flawed elections only to perpetuate the dictatorship, that is obvious. Coltart spelt it out for you, why did you not listen!
How anyone, much less a whole nation can be so insane, shallow, thick and slow to fail to see that CCC will never deliver democratic change beggars belief! Many Zimbabweans did not know anything about the democratic reforms much less how the reforms were to be implemented and so they cannot judge MDC leaders as sell out for failing to implement reforms. They trusted MDC leaders to deliver the change out of blind faith, ignorance. We should not be surprised that people continue trust and follow CCC leaders regardless of all the evidence the party sold out big time and are now helping to keep Zanu PF in power - that is what the ignorant and insane do!
@ Samusa
“Blame game finger pointing accusations, expecting MDC or CCC to boycott the elections is no solution because other minor parties were not going to boycott thereby legitimising ir, it differs fro Tsvangirai's boycott because that one was officially a 2 people race. It won't surprise if we ended up blaming them for boycotting as well saying the boycott allowed ZaNu to win everything.”
We have been over this a thousand time and it clearly failed to sink in and so it is pointless repeating the same arguments.
It will suffice to say that we would not be talking of boycotting elections if MDC leaders had implemented the democratic reforms during the GNU. They failed to implement even one token reform!
@ Tichi Academia General
“True. Chamisa has managed to stand the test of time, tried and tested now that he managed to stand the test of time. It's like he went through the Test like Jesus being tempted by the devil himself, after being taken by the Holy Spirit into the Wilderness after Baptism..”
You are praising Chamisa and yet you cannot name even one democratic change he has brought in 23 years, 5 of which in the GNU. It is always so with those with the Boxer the horse mentality of "Napoleon is always right!”
In Animal Farm, Boxer, took as long to learn the first four letters of the alphabet as other took to learn all the alphabet. He took as long again to learn the next four letters but by then he had forgotten the first four. Boxer could not string any coherent idea of his own and to hide his shallowness he accepted everything Napoleon said blindly. He could hardly repeat what Napoleon said except in the simplest of terms much less defend.
Our modern day Boxers are just as ignorant, dumb and naive and yet just as blindly loyal to Chamisa Chete Chete. They not only defend Chamisa no matter what, they are paranoid about any who dare hold him to account!
A healthy and functioning democracy demands that all those holding public office must be accountable to the people. Sadly, 43 years after our independence and in this day and age, and we are still stuck on the issue of accountability. The nation is being held back by none other than the ignoramus CCC mob who want democracy as long as their Chamisa Chete Chete is above the law!
@ Magumise
“Yes. He did a lot. That's why ZPF and its Zec ally failed to show results.”
So the failure to produce a verified voters' roll, voters being frogmarched, etc. did not happen or they did not matter?
So if we can plug all vote rigging loop holes we really do not need to implement any democratic reforms - ever! We did not even need the 2008 to 2013 GNU.
No wonder we cannot hold free election even now after 43 years - we have no clue what constitute free and fair elections and so are given to blundering from pillar to post!
@ Faith in action
“… If the MDC Alliance was brought closer when the new dispensation was ushered, we would today be in a different situation.
Asking or not interrogating Chamisa about why he failed to plug all ZANU's rigging loopholes is never going to be a solution to the current political pandemonium in Zimbabwe. He failed to plug the rigging loopholes, SO WHAT? Do we need to keep wailing about lost milk. Yadeuka, yadeuka mvura yemuguchu haijorerwi. I advise you to apply your grey matter to coming up with a viable solution to the political pandemonium in Zim and STOP⛔, the finger-pointing circus of yours.”
How naive and nauseatingly stupid! Of course, it matters!
SADC leaders expended a lot of time, energy and resources is setting up and running the 2008 to 2013 GNU in Zimbabwe. Its primary purpose was to implement the democratic reforms to ensure free, fair and credible elections. As we know MDC leaders, Chamisa and many of his fellow CCC leaders were in the GNU, failed to implement even one token reform.
You do not bother implementing reforms if you have “stringent measures to stop Zanu PF rigging elections,” “will plug all the vote rigging loop holes”, “God is in it!” etc., etc. Except we all knows these were all lies to hide the real reason why CCC was hell bent on participating in the flawed elections was greed.
“So what?” Only a village idiot like you would ask that! Zimbabwe is a failed state and all the economic ruin and human tragic suffering that entails; precisely because the nation has been stuck with the vote rigging Zanu PF for 43 years now!
CCC leaders are sell outs and they will never implement any reforms and deliver free elections in Zimbabwe. This political reality will be shouted from the rooftops so that even the nincompoop CCC supporters know it.
The very idea of CCC conning the nation into participating in the 2028 elections on yet another lie of winning rigged elections and thus perpetuating the Zanu PF dictatorship is unthinkable. And yet given the number of village idiots like you who will believe these lies, it is a distinct possibility! The worst curse for Zimbabwe is that the village idiots have the vote!
@ Kmangena
“You are correct I revisit Prisca chigumba when she said I don't have powers to do what is right so those who are in power don't want to do what is right for the sake of Zimbabwean .MDC win 2008 election but they refuse to give Morgan why they say we are the police army zec and law so what did you expect chamisa to do if you have common sense.”
I expected MDC leaders to implement the democratic reforms when they had the golden opportunity to do so during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. They did not even implement one token reform because Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office including the ministerial limos, the generous salaries and allowances, US$4 million mansion for Tsvangirai, etc.
“Mazivanhu eMDC adzidza kudya anyerere!” boasted Zanu PF cronies during the GNU when asked why MDC leaders were not implementing reforms.
I had hoped that the MDC/CCC leaders would admit their wrong doing and redeem themselves by stopping participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed.
“Look, you can't keep on participating in flawed electoral processes that serve to give big benefits to dictators such as Robert Mugabe. Mugabe has perfected the art of winning elections. So it will be very foolish for the opposition to continue legitimising these sham elections which don't deliver,” said Tendai Biti in a 2015 interview with Isaac Mugabi.
“So you can't continue subjecting Zimbabweans to processes where their hopes just get crushed.”
There is no doubt that Biti tried to talk sense into his fellow MDC/CCC leaders but greed got the better of them. He could not get them to stop and so he joined for his share of the gravy train seats and benefits.
I am disappointed that many Zimbabweans have been slow to realise MDC/CCC leaders are sell outs and the few who have realised it have elected to say nothing for fear of the fanatical CCC supporters who, in their infantile idiocy, think Chamisa is a demigod who must not be held to account.
Zimbabwe is a failed state and the number one priority in ending this is implementing the democratic reforms and to expect CCC to do this is insane especially when we already know Chamisa and company are corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent. The nightmare of failed state is one of our own making and, until we learn, there is no escape.
Yet failed to do even the common sense thing of deploying elections agents at all polling stations. The real big disappointment is the ease he has conned some people into flawed elections only to give Zanu PF legitimacy! Democracy demands a informed electorate and not this ignorant and naive wildebeest herd!
Every democrat would condemn these Zanu PF dirty tactic including blackmail the big disappointment is that CCC supporters on this platform have been using the same howler monkey and blackmail tactics just to silence those demanding democratic accountability. We are fighting to end Zanu PF tyranny and yet have a new terror growing in our midst!
@ Kenny Nemhara
“It is the responsibility of every Zimbabwean to ensure the constitution is followed. Stop demanding accountability from opposition and not from zanu.”
It is the duty of every citizen to hold all those in public office, be thy in the ruling party or in the opposition, to democratic account. And so I will ignore the suggestion that we can only hold the opposition to account if we hold the ruling party to account because that is an unworkable and irrelevant demand!
Zanu PF has just rigged the 2023 elections and the people of Zimbabwe have risked life and limb to elect MDC/CCC leaders for the express purpose of implementing the reforms. After 23 years, 5 of which in the GNU any rational Zimbabwean has the right and duty to hold Chamisa and company to account for failing to implement even one reform. Worse still, to demand why Chamisa and company are conning the nation into participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of selfish greed.
There are those who believe Chamisa is an infallible demigod who cannot be held to account. MDC/CCC track record has a mountain of evidence proving Chamisa and company are not just fallible mortals but corrupt and incompetent. It is therefore nonsensical to suggest they must not be held to account - that is not negotiable!
@ Chagamire Dombo
“Mr Rapist you don't demand reforms kuCCC as if it's a ruling party,CCC is also fighting for democracy and freedom of every citizen and you dako zvake asina kana mukuku uri busy attacking Chamisa 😂😂😂 . This is politics not kubatana vana chibharo wanzwa.”
Nonsense! If MDC/CCC have been fighting for democracy then why have they failed to implement even one reform in 23 years and have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed!
@ Teeone
“Iwe wakaitei to fight that.”
Well here we go again! We are back to the old argument “What contribution did you make in the liberation war!” And now we have moved on to “You are not on the ground and in the trenches!”
All Zimbabweans have the right to enjoy the peace, liberty, freedoms and basic human rights including the right to hold all those in public office to account regardless of whether they fought in liberation war and/or are in the trenches. This is a statement of fact and it is not negotiable!
The people of Zimbabwe have risked life and limb to elect MDC/CCC leaders into power for the primary purpose of implementing the democratic reforms designed to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. Chamisa and company have not only sold out by failing to implement even one reform in 23 years bur worse still they have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating the regime they were elected to dismantle out of selfish greed.
Of course, CCC leaders are corrupt and incompetent and must and will be held to democratic account. It is idiotic to argue that they must be allowed to go scot-free and continue selling out the nation because “Iwe wakaitei!” Did the nation risk all to elect them so they can sell out?
Holding those in power to democratic account is exactly what those serious about fighting for democracy and good governance should be doing! It is ironic that the village idiots who believe leaders like Chamisa are infallible demigods who must not be held to account are the true enemies of democracy and yet, inter infantile ignorance, should think themselves the crusades of democracy!
No wonder we are a failed state! We have more than our fair share of village idiots and, to crown it, they have the vote. It is like giving a monkey a loaded gun!
“Iwe wakaitei!” How more idiotic can one be!
@ Dombo
“Nonsense ndeakakuzvara coz akatambisa husiku achigadzira a Rapist🤣🤣🤣🤣”
It is nice to be a village idiot! So you think you have explained why MDC/CCC failed to implement even one reform in 23 years, 5 of which in the GNU. No wonder you resort to your howler monkey and blackmail tactics!
If MDC/CCC have been fighting for democracy explain why have they failed to implement even one reform in 23 years and have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed!
@ Digitalpod
“Why don't you participate.”
So you think holding those in power to account is NOT participating?
And you, your contribution is to silence all those who dare hold your infallible demigod Chamisa to account? The sheer stupidity of this idiotic debate is nauseating!
@ Peter Gift Mutasa
We will never have a perfect opposition
What is clear is that CCC and Chamisa are doing their part in fighting a vicious dictatorship
Instead of having many analysts we must have more activists
All sectors must rise and demand justice than waiting to criticise one man.”
You can always tell if someone knows what they are doing when they insist on “fine” tune when what is required is “course” tune!
MDC/CCC have not only failed to implement even one democratic reform in 23 years, 5 of which in the GNU but have been participating in flawed elections to perpetuate the Zanu PF dictatorship out of greed. It is not as if CCC leaders do not know this.
“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.
MDC/CCC have proven to be corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent; they will never implement the democratic reforms and deliver free, fair and credible elections. Never ever! So how anyone can be wittering about “perfect opposition” when what we have is a corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless opposition beggars belief!
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