Monday 3 June 2024

Zimbabweans devoid of common sense and no wonder the nation is doomed!

 By Hopewell Chin’ono on Twitter

China is a nation of 1.5 billion people with a GDP of US$20 trillion, it has 21 ministries, and it is the second biggest economy in the world.

Zimbabwe is a nation of 15 million people with a GDP of only US$20 billion, yet it has more than 26 ministries and is one of the worst economies in the world with the highest global inflation .

Do you now understand why we are a joke and laughing stock?

Whilst Mnangagwa has appointed a cabinet of family, friends and actresses, four out of the seven members of China’s Politburo Standing Committee hold degrees in Social Science and Humanities. 

The majority of the Central Committee members are trained in Law, Economics, and Social Science.

Within the Central Committee, 45 members have a PhD degree. 

Out of these 45, three members of Politburo and two members of Politburo Standing Committee have a doctoral degree. 

Chinese President Xi Jinping is one of the Politburo Standing Committee members who holds a PhD, the other being premier Li Keqiang. 

China’s top two leaders have doctoral degrees.

Then Africans wonder why the continent is a joke to the outside world and why we don’t progress?

Imagine the people who were appointed today are essentially the best foot forward for the president🤣🤣🤣

I had dinner with 2 Chinese diplomats in 2012 after Dr Ibbo Mandaza asked me to drive him to the dinner meeting at Great Wall Chinese restaurant in Belgravia.

The diplomats asked why we send useless people for trade negotiations.

They asked if we can’t see that there is a difference between national interest and personal interest.

I felt so humiliated when they started talking about the number of poor citizens that China lifted out of poverty every year.

We can only talk of the number of citizens that we impoverish annually.

We don’t even have a working radiotherapy cancer treatment machine.

We have a cabinet that can’t think beyond its nose, and that has no gravitas, and you still wonder why Zimbabwe is a sick man of the region?

I belong to the Tutu Fellowship/African Leadership Institute, and in our group we have ministers and ambassadors from various African countries.

These are very sharp people!

One of them who was recently appointed as ICT minister in Nigeria spent his time as an entrepreneur before the appointment hanging out with people like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, yet Mnangagwa appointed an actress from Studio 263 as Zimbabwe’s ICT🤣🤣🤣

What will she discuss with Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg?

We really should stop this nonsense of talking up how educated we are, it is a myth.

No educated nation will have someone like Kirsty Coventry who has run down sport reappointed as sports minister🤣🤣🤣

We should say we have educated individuals, that is where it ends because that education doesn’t translate into an educated country.

It is uncoordinated brilliance because we are led by people with no vision for the country beyond looting, repression, abuse of State institutions and plunder of the country’s natural resources.

For now we are doomed”

Thank you! We live in a country where even admitting that the system is not working is a great achievement. 

We all can see that Zimbabwe is a failed state and yet very few are aware of it because they want to see the positives, the cloud’s silver lining they ignore the danger the gather storm represent. 44 years of Zanu PF rigging the elections is all water off a duck’s back and yet this is the number one reason why we are a failed state.

The nation has risked all to elect MDC/CCC leader for the express purpose they will implement the necessary democratic changes to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. After 24 years including 5 in the GNU, and not even one token reform implemented; no one can dare ask why because there are many who consider Chamisa their infallible demigod who must not be held to account. 

I totally agree, we really are a doomed nation. A nation with so many devoid of common sense is doomed. 


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Ffgh

“Are Yu better than him
Enter the arena see who will follow Yu,sir
Noone even yo cats and dogs cannot follow a person of ambiguity character.”

Who ever hold public office is accountable to the people regardless of whether or not the said people aspire to hold office too or not!

The concept of democratic accountability is clearly incomprehensible to a simpleton such as you. But that does not mean we should all abandon it just because we have a significant number of nincompoops amongst us.

As I have said before and will say it again, Chamisa has held public office and per se he is accountable - that is not negotiable! You do not want to accept it and so the message will be hammered into your empty head; relentlessly and with a sludge hammer.

Zimbabwe is a failed state because we have failed to hold free and fair elections. And those entrusted the task of implement the reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections these last 24 years have sold out. Of course, they will and must be held to account for it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Tavton-it

Yet the fact remains the fact remains that Zanu PF continued to rig elections these last 24 years precisely because MDC/CCC have sold out on reforms and and have participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. The only reason why you have remained loyal to CCC and Chamisa regardless of their betrayal is because you think this is about CCC and Chamisa because you cannot see the bigger picture.

Zimbabwe is a failed state because we have failed to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. We are stuck with a corrupt and tyrannical regime. The number one task for MDC/CCC was to implement the necessary reforms and stop Zanu PF rigging elections. They have failed to do this in 24 years, including 5 in the GNU. What will it take for you to finally admit they are not up to the task?

The real reason you cannot see MDC/CCC leaders are corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless, even after 24 years with not even a single reform implemented, is because you have your head stuck in Chamisa’s backside. No wonder you cannot see much less think. Your brain, starved of oxygen, has ossified.

Zimbabwe needs to end this curse of rigged election and bad governance. Since MDC/CCC have failed to implement the reforms then get others who will.

The idea that we must retain Chamisa regardless just because you and your fellow village idiots have your head up his backside is absurd! Zimbabwe must not be held hostage by an upstart and army of brain-dead nincompoops!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Asante

Hausi wakuzviwanza here mukomana , this is now boring why do you keep this idiot on this platform

Did Zanu PF rig the elections or not? You just do not want Chamisa held to account for conning you to participate and to be reminded that you were idiots to be so easily conned. Of course, you were idiots to have believed him in the first place.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Asante

Telling you that Chamisa con you and you are stupid to be so easily conned is not insulting. It is telling the truth!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Tavton-it

“Iwewe mira newako wotiregeravo tina Nero wedu simbi yedu yebasa.”

What you and Chamisa did in keeping Zanu PF in power affects all Zimbabweans and if you think we are going to allow you to hold the whole nation to ransom just because you enjoy sticking your head in Chamisa’s backside think again.

You and your fellow Chamisa Chete Chete idiots do not have the right participating in flawed elections, so flawed that SADC and AU condemned them as such, to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the dictatorship and the nation’s suffering. This message will be hammered into your empty head!

You have the right to vote but not the right to abuse the vote at the expense of the nation. In your blind loyalty to Chamisa you are keeping Zanu PF in power. In your stupidity you are perpetuating the nation’s suffering! Of course, that cannot be allowed to continue!

A village idiot is free to sing as loud as he wish during the day but not so at night. He has no right playing with fire day or night. Period!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Tavton

And you think participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy again and again is a solution? How nauseating!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Munya

This dude is stuck mugear. Gore tah nyaya one. Engage your bren blasen and be more creative iwe blasen iwe.

MDC/CCC have failed to implement even one reform in 24 years and yet you are not only supporting them, you are defending them. You believed Chamisa's idiot lie about plugging vote rigging loop holes and now you are fuming and frothing because I have dared to put implementing democratic reforms on the national agenda. How stupid you are!

Implementing reforms are going to remain on the national agenda until they are implemented and we have free, fair and credible elections. You can fume and froth out of every hole and orifice on your body; reforms will remain on the agenda.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Tsvangirai said it was the system that needed changing otherwise removing one dictator to replace him with another would change nothing.

Pity he did not have the intellect to carry this out. He and his MDC friends had the golden opportunity to implement the reforms during the GNU and failed to implement even one reform because Mugabe bribed them. During the 2017 military coup he jumped at supporting it because he was promised a new GNU.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Ffgh

What is at issue here is that ALL those holding or have held public office must be accountable. Your liking Chamisa or not is your affair and totally irrelevant to the issue on the table; he is still accountable. This message will be hammered into your thick head - with a jack-hammer if necessary!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"ZEC is not fit for purpose and must be reformed BEFORE 2028 elections!" said Chamisa. This is nauseating as it is insane!

Chamisa and his MDC fiends failed to reform ZEC during the GNU, when they had the golden opportunity to do so. He is now promising to do it when his CCC party has all but imploded into 4 factions and he himself has walked out of the party in a huff.

Of course, this is just another one of Chamisa's many lies no different from the assurance "I have plugged all vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!" The tragedy is the braindead CCC herd believe just as they have done in the past.

After 44 years of rigged elections and the country a failed state; we cannot afford Chamisa dragging the nation into yet another flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. Chamisa and the brainwashed herd must be stopped making 48 years of rigged elections!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The central bank's $285 million reserves seem insufficient to meet the demand for US dollars, leading businesses and individuals to the parallel market, where the ZiG has depreciated significantly.

On peer-to-peer platforms, the ZiG trades at 19-21 per US dollar, a 36% depreciation, while broader parallel markets show a 43% depreciation, with rates between 21-23 per US dollar.

This stark contrast highlights the government's failure to maintain the currency's value. Efforts to curb the parallel market through police crackdowns have been ineffective, as the informal economy and basic needs drive the demand for foreign currency.

The government's approach has led to a disconnect between the official and parallel exchange rates, reflecting a lack of confidence in the ZiG.

No surprises there!

Zimbabwe Light said...

What Lindiwe Sisulu is saying makes sense but only because ANC has not had the courage to review its own policies. The party has failed to deliver economic prosperity to the masses because its own economic policies were wrong. Teaming up with EFF, MK, etc. whose policies are the same or even worse will not deliver the prosperity South Africans are dying for.

It doesn’t matter if a CAT is black or white, as long as it catches mice 
Chinese saying advocating pragmatism, associated with Deng Xiaoping (1904–97).

Frankly, given the breathtaking incompetence that has characterised ANC ever since Nelson Mandela left office, it is hard to see this lot of leaders being pragmatic. Even if they were to go into a coalition with DA, the relationship will be frustrating on both sides.

No ANC would be better off forming a coalition with EFF, MK, etc. and continue blundering from pillar to post. The irony is the deeper the economic meltdown the greater the pressure on ANC government to adopt the same disastrous policies that land Zimbabwe in the mess we are in!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The ANC gravy train has crashed and the choice of coalition partners will determine what direction SA goes. DA will bring to the table the very things ANC has lacked these last 30 years - competence and no corruption. MK and or EFF will only be as keen as mustard for their share of the spoils of power on the gravy train.

ANC's number one challenge is to deliver economic prosperity to the long suffering South Africans and not that SA must return its ideological posturing on the world stage. DA will help the country move in the right direction. It is time to be pragmatic and not dogmatic.

It doesn’t matter if a CAT is black or white, as long as it catches mice. 
A Chinese saying advocating pragmatism, associated with Deng Xiaoping (1904–97.

Zimbabwe Light said...

No doubt this was all part and parcel of his claim that CCC would win big because he "plugging all Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!" He is admitting to infiltrating Zanu PF and claims he block Zanu PF infiltrating CCC. All foolish lies as events have shown.

Zanu PF blatantly rigged the 2023 elections, the process was so flawed and outrageous that even SADC and AU observers, known for endorsing flawed elections in the past, condemned the 2023 elections. The nation did not have even some thing as basic as a verified voters’ roll. All talk of plugging all the vote rigging loop holes was just that, empty talk.

It turns out that Chamisa did not even deploy elections agents at many of the polling stations although he had received the funding for it!

In January 2024 Chamisa walked out of CCC without even saying goodbye, for Pete’s sake. “Zanu PF has infiltrated CCC!” he said - the very thing he said he had blocked!

It is bad enough that Chamisa is corrupt, incompetent and compendious liar whose indifference to the long suffering ordinary Zimbabwean, the victims of his betrayals, is on par to that of Zanu PF thugs. It is most disheartening is that Zimbabwe’s private media, which is supposed to educate the people, has never serious taken Chamisa to task on his liars, incompetence, insatiable greed and betrayal. Never!

If the media believed Chamisa had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes in 2023 elections, (none have done so even now, after the event), it is little wonder millions of ordinary Zimbabweans belied him too.

The VOA journalist faithfully recorded Chamisa claiming ZEC was not fit for purpose and and he would fix that before 2028. The journalist must have believed is because he did not even question how! And VOA broadcast the claim to the world in the station’s three languages.

Mnangagwa and Zanu PF has ZBC and public owned print media to spread its propaganda. Chamisa and CCC have Change Radio, Gambakwe, most of the private media and now we must VOA. No wonder Zimbabweans are some of the most ignorant, naive and gullible people on earth; they are being bombarded with Zanu PF propaganda in one ear and Chamisa thrash in the other ear!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Any Zimbabwean with half a brain should be outraged by Mnangagwa boasting the country's public media is there to brainwash the people.

Chamisa and his MDC/CCC fiends have proven to be corrupt, incompetent and compulsive liars and yet the media has never taken them to task on any of these matters. Indeed ever respectable media houses like VOA have taken it upon themselves to be Nelson Chamisa's cheer leaders, cheering and applauding his betrayals and lies!

No wonder many Zimbabweans are among some of the most ignorant, naive and gullible people on earth; they are bombarded with Zanu PF propaganda in one ear and CCC nonsense in the other. This must be stopped is we are to stop millions of voters into being conned into participating in flawed 2028 elections!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Patience Mangezi

"Dei mune mukana Chamisa maitomuuraya..yooooh hatred yacho."

You have your head in Chamisa's backside and that is why you will never admit he sold out. Never! To you Chamisa is an infallible demigod who must never ever be questioned. I do not have my head up anyone's backside and I say Chamisa is not only a mere mortal but one with a proven track record as corrupt, incompetent and a compendious liar.

Zanu PF is able to right elections and get away with it precisely because Chamisa and company sold out. Of course, he must be held to account for that and will!

The number one task before us today is to end the curse of rigged elections and bad governance and the first step down this path is making sure we elect the men and women who will implement the reforms - the task Chamisa and company have failed to carry out these last 24 years.

If holding Chamisa and company to democratic account is tantamount to hating Chamisa to you; that is your problem not mine. Your brain has clearly ossified after decades of being starved of oxygen, the price you pay for the years spend with your head up Chamisa's backside.

It is a great pity that village idiots like you have a loud voice and a vote. But you can be rest assured, I will never be silence by such as you. Never!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Chamisa is a compendious liar and most of his lies have boomeranged and exploded in his own face! The 50% participating in Zanu PF primaries he thought were CCC members have turned out to be Zanu PF infiltrating CCC. He discovered this his nominated CCC leaders were being recalled after the August 2023 elections. By January 2024, he discover that the overwhelming majority of CCC leaders were Zanu PF infiltrators and abandoned CCC in a huff!

Chamisa was cocksure he was infiltrating Zanu PF only to discover Zanu PF have infiltrated CCC! The whole story speaks volumes of the sheer incompetence of the man!

Zimbabwe Light said...

It hardly surprising that Zimbabweans are one of the most ignorant, naive and gullible people on earth; they bombarded with Zanu PF propaganda in one ear and CCC nonsense in the other. The media should be educating the people not brainwashing them! No wonder they were so easily conned into participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating the dictatorship and their own suffering.

We really must stop the media brainwashing the people or Zimbabwe is doomed! The possibility of Zanu PF rigging 2028 is unthinkable and yet real!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The faction led by Sengezo Tshabangu within the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) is celebrating the government's decision to allocate political party funds to their group.

This move comes after Tshabangu's faction, in competition with a group associated with former CCC leader Nelson Chamisa, demanded a portion of the funds distributed under the Political Parties (Finances) Act.

This act enables state funding for political parties with representation in parliament.

MDC/CCC have been participating in flawed elections ever since the 2008 to 2013 GNU debacle in which they had failed to implement even one token reform knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging the elections and participating would give the regime legitimacy. They have soldiered on and participated regardless because they also knew that Zanu PF would give away a few gravy train seats and all the gravy train good-life and trinkets that go with them.

The annual payout from the Political Party Finance Act is an important component of the honey pot, especially for the party leader for traditionally gets about 20% of bounty.

Of course, opposition leaders’ participation in these flawed elections is motivated by greed; pure and simple. And they all know it.

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

It is laughable that most people have fallen into the trap of blaming Sengezo Tshabangu and those close to him for all MDC/CCC’s failures and shortcomings letting the rest, notably Chamisa himself, off the hook. The truth is the damage of giving Zanu PF legitimacy was done by all who participated in the flawed elections. What happen with the recalls, etc. is of no consequence because by then the die had been cast.

Indeed, focusing on the fall-guy, in this case Tshabangu, is totally misguided since it allows Chamisa free to carryout his next mischief as we witnessed with the collapse of MDC A when Douglas Mwonzora was the fall-guy. When will we ever learn!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Seal

“U are right but it wasn't deliberate. This system we call illuminati 🥶 its the beast system. Even when they came to UK that BBC interview he didn't need to do it but he was misled by people who were supposed to advise him protect him. He walked straight into a trap. It’s not his fault the system is big. They help each other across boarders these people. Look at all international organisations Sadc UN all turned a blind eye to Zim stolen elections after they got bribes.”

Chamisa was a senior MDC leader in the GNU and they failed to implement even one token democratic reform in five years because they were corrupt and incompetent. The people themselves are naive and incompetent to have chosen such useless leaders. It would be nonsensical to blame anyone else in such clear cut cases! Don’t even try!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The media has any important role to play in a healthy and functioning democracy - TO EDUCATING THE PEOPLE. In Zimbabwe the media is playing to the gallery, at best. Blaming Sengezo Tshabangu for Zimbabwe's political paralysis is a popular narrative but a false and misleading one, nonetheless.

Zanu PF got it political legitimacy from all those who participated in the flawed elections. Tshabangu's recall of CCC officials happened after the elections, when the damage was done. Tsvabangu is but a jackal at a lion kill; to blame the jackal for killing the lion is absurd and misleading.

Our number one task is to stop Chamisa conning the people into participating in yet another flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. It was Chamisa, not Tsvabangu, who gave Zanu PF legitimacy in 2023 and, if we do not stop him, will do so again in 2028!

The media must play it part of educating the people and brainwash them! We are sick and tired of all this crap!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Godfrey

“Tshabangu is blamed for being a willing candidate for being used by ED kubvuma kuitiswa na ED. His fast tracked cases and winning them all the way are testimony of higher office involvement

Talking about 2028 and focusing on Chamisa is both ignoring facts of the case on the ground and sign of cowardice. It means capitulation to 2023 results fight and acceptance of the emergence of the ghost Tshabangu. The 2023 matter has not been certified dead yet and should be kept alive. The Jackals at a Lion’s kill metaphor used applies to the skip of focus to 2028 suggestion given - SADC the Lion has killed ED by slapping him with illegitimacy - Now US the Jackals are not realising the Prey is partially wounded and immobilised and that it’s an opportunity to go for the jugular and inflict ‘death by a thousand cuts’ to finish off the prey ED yakarara nemusana at the moment Let’s take advantage of the situation and focus on making the illegitimacy become effective in our favour.”

What gave Zanu PF political legitimacy in the 2018 elections? Was it the participation in the flawed elections by Chamisa, Mwonzora and the rest of the MDC A leaders or the High Court ruling giving Mai Khupe then later Mwonzora control over MDC A?

Similarly. what gave Zanu PF political legitimacy in the 2023 elections? Was it the participation in the flawed elections by Chamisa, Mahere, Coltart and the rest of the CCC A leaders or was it the recall by Tshabangu of the elected CCC leaders?

Remind me, what exactly did Chamisa do about the rigged 2018 elections to prove he did not “capitulate to the 2018 results and to stop Zanu PF rigging the 2023 elections.” I do not give damn about this so called “ghost Mwonzora”

Would you agree that whatever Chamisa and the public did, it did not stop Zanu PF rigging the 2023 elections. Now can you please tell me what is it different Chamisa and the mob are doing this time that will stop Zanu PF rigging 2028 elections?