Wednesday 3 July 2024

People! People! Don't be alarmed by Sanyatwe's uncouth utterance, these are the last kicks of a dying dictatorship! W Mukori

 People should not be alarmed by Commander Sanyatwe's uncouth utterances, these are the last kicks of a dying horse! 

“A video has surfaced online showing Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) Commander Anselem Sanyatwe declaring his allegiance to the ruling Zanu-PF party. Sanyatwe becomes the third high-ranking military official to publicly support Zanu-PF, following Vitalis Zvinavashe in 2002 and Constantino Chiwenga before leading the 2017 coup that brought President Emmerson Mnangagwa to power,” reported Bulawayo 24.

“In the video, Sanyatwe addresses what appears to be a Zanu-PF gathering, warning attendees against voting against the ruling party. He asserts his authority as head of the army, stating that "Zanu-PF will rule forever, whether you like it or not," and threatens to use force against opponents of the party.

“The origins of the video have not been confirmed, and it is unclear whether it was recorded before the 2023 general elections or more recently, possibly in reference to future elections in 2028. Sanyatwe mentions "command voting" and gestures as if indicating a physical action, suggesting a directive regarding voting behaviour.”

Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF cronies have corrupted Zimbabwe’s state institutions such as ZEC, judiciary, civil service and the security services, turning them into Zanu PF departments in all but name. And once corrupted, their number one task was to bolster the party’s iron grip on power. 

Mugabe started the political patronage soon after independence, bribing the key officials with executive cars, generous salaries and allowance. He awarded the top brass in the security service for their part in wrestling power from MDC in 2008 with the diamond mining concessions, so generously worded the beneficiaries do not have to declare their earnings nor pay tax. 

Mnangagwa has continued the political patronage system by extending the “licence to loot” mining concessions to other areas such as gold and lithium. He squandered a staggering US$ 5 billion in bribes in the 2023 elections alone from buying chicken and chips for povo attending the party’s rallies, twin-cab trucks for chiefs and US$400k and US$500k housing loan to all the country’s judges and ministers, respectively.

The recipients of all these political patronage bribes; of course, knew these were bribes; and knew were expected to return the favour by bending the rules, breaking them if necessary, anything to keep Zanu PF in power at all cost. The army, police, CIO and Prison Services were expected not only turned a blind eye to Zanu PF lawlessness but to instigated the lawlessness in the form of carrying out the beatings and murder of Zanu PF critics and opponents. 

Commander Sanyatwe and his colleagues in the Army, Police, etc. have all played their part in creating sustaining this Zanu PF monster, many of them have shed innocent blood, and many are living in great comfort thanks to their share of the loot. Of course, they are worried sick about all this talk of meaningful democratic change in Zimbabwe. What will happen to them is Zanu PF was to lose power! What, indeed?

Well even the most naive and selfish Zanu PF demagogues must have realised by now that the present political system has produced a few wasteful and filthy rich ruling elite at the expense of the overwhelming majority condemned to abject poverty. This is socially, morally and politically unsustainable. The outcry for meaningful change was as certain as the sun rise; in Zimbabwe, change is long overdue!

Change should have happened in 2013 at the latest, if MDC leaders had implemented the democratic reforms when they had the golden opportunity to do so during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. Mugabe bribed Tsvangirai and company with the trappings of high office, just as he had bribes everyone else, and the rest is history. Ever since the GNU debacle MDC/CCC leaders have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed.  

Chamisa has conned his braindead followers to participate in the flawed elections; “so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw,” as David Coltart readily admitted. He promised them “CCC will win big because I have plunged all the vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!” The tragedy is the mob has believed him time after time!

Now that the Zanu PF vote rigging juggernaut is going into overdrive, the Chamisa Chete Chete cult members will see through Chamisa’s lies plugging all the Zanu PF “Command voting” measures. The mob will finally see the sheer futility of participating in these flawed elections to keep the regime in power. 

The solution to ending Zanu PF tyrannical rule is to stop participating in the flawed elections, “so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw,” as David Coltart readily admitted. Zanu PF’s “command voting” can coerce the people to vote for Zanu PF but not for the discredited opposition too! 

In failing to implement even one token reform in 24 years, including 5 in the GNU, and in participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy, all out of selfish greed and breathtaking incompetence, Chamisa and his MDC/CCC friends have lost all political credibility.


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ John Munetsi

Chamisa’s CCC got seats councillors, MPs and senators does that give give the licence to lie?

I have explained the sheer folly of participating in flawed elections. Why you expect me to win any seat in a process I did not participate in, beggars belief.

The election process is judged flawed if it does not meeting the agreed standards. We did not have something as basic as verified voters’ role for Pete’s sake. But an idiot like you thinks the elections should be judged on the basis of how many seats the opposition win.

By the way it was the participating and taking up of the gravy train seats is what gave Zanu PF legitimacy - but is all this too advance for a simpleton like you to comprehend. Why nincompoops like you have the vote is one of the curses the nation must endure.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Ripple

“There is no other party that can frighten zanupf except Chamisa, look zanu bars him from having a meeting with pple, they are so scared of Chamisa.They always talk about even he is not in power.Zanu is not worried about mwonzora,Tshabangu,welshman etc these are puppeted to destroy Chamisa.But what zanu not understand once revolution has started it is a wave that engulves the whole country, so using Tshabangu s mowonzora will not work not even a single minute Chamisa is liked and will be liked, smith tried to create selous scouts bombed Zambia etc but failed to stop freedom wave, zanu should just forget it.”

So Chamisa frightened Zanu PF by failing to implement even one token reform in 24 years including 5 in the GNU and by participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy? No wonder we are a failed state, with such irrational voters, what else could we be!

The spirit is willing but the intellect is weak. The tragedy is the braindead mob will participate in flawed 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating the dictatorship. We are well and truly stuck!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"If blacks are to rule themselves, they will be walking on sewage until they believe it's normal," predicted Ian Douglas Smith.

It was not prophetic because it was as clear as daylight that Zimbabwe's black leaders were after power and wealth for themselves and did not care about the common good and the freedoms and rights of others. In the Greek classification of the three types of people, the leaders had the idiot mentality and not the citizen mentality. Our situation has not been helped when the leaders in the judiciary, police, army and, even more so, the opposition all turned out to have the idiot mentality too.

It is not surprising that Zimbabwe is a failed state and the people in urban centres are walking on sewage and think it is normal!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Priest Nmb

The point is the nation has more important issues to deal with and not to be wasting time fighting each other in the street, social media, courts, etc. These Zanu PF thugs have no solutions to offer the nation’s teething economic and political problems and so is drawing the nation’s attention away from the issues that matter to fighting the black bombers.

Unfortunately we have equally incompetent opposition who have failed to address these political reforms issue these last 24 years and so we are stuck. 44 years after independence and we are still failing to hold free, fair and credible elections because the opposition has failed to implement the reforms and has since been pursuing the oxymoronic idea of winning rigged elections.

Alas! We have one of the most idiotic electorate ever, they have been conned into participating in these flawed elections only to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating the dictatorship.

“Tozvimamisa izvi!” That is exactly what MDC/CCC leaders have said these last 24 years and have failed to implement even one token reform. The very fact that Chamisa and company continue to enjoy commanding public support regardless of their treasonous betrayal of the nation speaks volumes of the sheer incompetence of the voters. It is no surprise Zimbabwe is a failed state. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mdhlana

“Varume avo haikona vana Mukori vanotya vari 10 thousand miles away, Challenge that Sanyatwe who talked bullshit.... you are far away hamusungwe.”

At least I am not one of the opposition leaders who have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years and has been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed.

I am not one of the Chamisa Chete Chete village idiots who have been conned into participating in flawed elections. So foolish they still continue to follow Chamisa blindly and do not even have the common sense to admit even a simple historic fact that Chamisa lied about plugging vote rigging loop holes!

The people who have done most to keep Zanu PF in power these last 24 years are not Zanu PF but MDC/CCC leaders plus their braindead wildebeest herd! The greatest challenge right now is stopping Chamisa and his village idiots participating in 2028 elections. You cannot reason with a nincompoop - that is what makes this mission impossible!

Why would I want to participate in street protests when I have said all along the solution is implementing the reforms and refusing to participate until reforms are implemented. If you believe street protest are the answer then why do you or your fellow CCC cult members go on the street. You are the coward who will not do something you believe in and ask others to do it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The mandate to rule Zimbabwe comes from winning the majority votes in a free, fair and credible elections. This is the supreme law of the land and no one, absolutely no one is above the law.

The recent uncouth statement that Zanu PF will use "command voting" to ensure the party rule the country is bull and must be publicly denounced and dismissed with the contempt it rightly deserves.

The regime knows that the pressure for democratic change is growing and it is responding by resorting to its most tried and tested dirty tactic - brute force. The best response here is to refuse to participate in the flawed elections.

Persuading the Chamisa Chete Chete cult members not to participate is the biggest challenge - one cannot reason with this lot, they are braindead.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ John Munetsi Jemwa

“What about you a political failure.”

This laughable coming from someone you thinks Chamisa is a demigod although he and his MDC/CCC friend failed to implement even one toke reform in 24 years and have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. I am a “political failure” because I have dared to hold Chamisa to account for his treasonous betrayal of the people.

There is a real danger that Chamisa will stage na come-back and participate in the 2028 elections with not even a token reform implemented. The usual suspects will once again be conned to believe he has plugged all the vote rigging loop holes or some such oxymoronic nonsense and they will participate only to give Zanu PF legitimacy. This must not be allowed.

The number one task is to hold Chamisa to account for lying and all his treasonous betrayal.

The second task is to hammer into the empty heads of the Chamisa Chete Chete village idiot that Chamisa is not a demigod but a mere mortal with a proven track record as corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent. I can see this is going to be tough work especially with dunderheads like you, John Munetsi. I have the sludge hammer for the job! You will be saying “Chamisa is a corrupt and incompetent village idiot!” in your sleep when I am done with you!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Ripple

“Is Chamisa ruling uyazi some pple do not think, in your normal senses, with zanu pf detaining his members without trial and zanu pf having killed opposition members through presidential guards shootings no arrests were made and expect Chamisa to do what. imbofungai. Iwewe you should be blaming the gvt for suffering including your relatives who can't get employment in Zimbabwe coz of incompetence kana kusaziva by your zanupf. Failers are deserting Chamisa because of their envy for positions. Thina abanye sibona Chamisa enguye kuphela akula enye ileader enjengayo izimbabwe yonke. Your talk and blame Chamisa will not be listened to. We want and like a leader who is hated by zanu, that's the real leader sizanamathela kuye njengomkhaza, say what you want.”

I have never denied that Zanu PF is detaining and harassing people but was has that got with MDC’s failure to implement reforms during the GNU. Chamisa and company have been participating in flawed elections knowing that doing so would give Zanu PF legitimacy but still they have participated because they also knew Zanu PF would give away a few gravy train seat as bait.

Chamisa lied about plugging all the vote rigging loop holes to con people to participate in the flawed elections - his gravy train seats reward from Zanu PF depended on him getting public to participate to give the election process was a democratic contest.

Of course, Chamisa sold out in failing to implement reforms and lied about plugging vote rigging loop holes. The Chamisa Chete Chete cult mentality does not allow people like you to admit the truth even when it is self-evident. And so you accuse those who have dared to state the truth of hating Chamisa. It is shock just how shallow, thick and slow some people are!

The real worry is these village idiots who think Chamisa a demigod have the vote, they landed the nation in this mess and will probably do so again in 2028! Giving a village idiot like you a vote is as irresponsible as giving a monkey a loaded machine gun!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Nyamasvisva

“KuvaMurakashi kwakawoma, parikutaurwa nyaya yekuparadza nyika nehumbavha. What did Chamisa destroyed, ndeipi corruption yakaitwa naChamisa yakonzedesa kutambura kwevanhu. Kumwe kusafungaso. Majaira kutaurira tsvina vanhu vekuUzumba marakufunga. Say something about your ZANU elite who are buying Lamborghini muzvipatara musina mishonga ,say something about the corrupt judges.”

Ignorance is a curse worse that death! So even now with the benefit of hindsight you still do not know that MDC/CCC leaders have been elected to bring about the democratic changes necessary to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections? After 24 years including 5 in the GNU they have not only failed to implement even one token reform but have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed.

Chamisa lied about plugging all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes to con people to participate in the elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the people’s suffering.

It really does not matter how many times some one explain to you what MDC/CCC leaders were elected to do, it will never sink in. You are like Boxer, the horse in George Orwell’s Animal Farm; he took just as long to learn the first 5 letters of the alphabet as others took to learn all the alphabet. He took as long again to learn the next 5 letters and by then he had forgotten the first 5!

You, Nyamasvisva, just like millions other Chamisa Chete Chete cult members, will never ever understand that MDC/CCC leaders were elected to implement the democratic reforms. You don’t even know what the reforms are much less how they are implemented.

The tragedy for Zimbabwe is that ignoramus people like you have the vote, the power to decide the destiny of the country, when you hardly know your left hand from your right! Giving a vote to a nincompoop like you is as irresponsible as giving a loaded machine gun to a monkey!

Zimbabwe Light said...

It is most heartening to note that there are some Zimbabweans out there who are finally opening their eyes and minds and can see Nelson Chamisa for what he is: a mere mortal corrupt and incompetent and not the demigod the Chamisa Chete Chete cult members see.

Chamisa and his MDC/CCC friends have sold out on reforms and have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating the dictatorship. Chamisa has been lying about plugging vote rigging loop holes, building spaghetti junctions, etc. just to con people to participate in flawed elections. We must stop this insanity!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Joab Kumbie

“Chamisa Chete Chete fullstop. Zvimwe zvese ndezveikoko ku zanu.”

Man is supposed to be a creature of reason but when a nation failed to hold free elections in 44 years in this day and age, it makes one realise that not everyone has common sense. Only a fool would take pride in being a braindead personality cult moron.

Of course, there is no shame in being a moron after all it is not your fault (or is it) that you are braindead. My greatest regret is that morons like you have the vote. Giving a moron a vote is as irresponsible as giving a monkey a loaded machine gun!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Let me restate this fact: the people of Zimbabwe have risked all to elect MDC/CCC leaders to implement the democratic reform to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. After 24 years, including 5 in the GNU, they have not only failed to implement even one token reform but have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating the dictatorship. Chamisa is taking advantage of village idiots like you who have no clue what MDC/CCC were elected to do.

After 44 years of rigged elections and the nation in serious economic and political trouble the challenge is how to get the nation out of this mess. The solution is to accept that Chamisa and company have failed to implement the reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections and then elect others who will get the job done.

You want Chamisa on the political stage because he is not the only politician that lied and because he is young is foolish. Who cares that other politicians before him have lied. I do not give a damn whether he is young or old, tall or short, male or female, etc., etc.; what I want are leaders who will implement the reforms and end the double curse of rigged elections and bad governance.

The biggest problem here is that we have given the vote to dimwits like yourself who have no clue what is in their own and national interest and therefore are so easily conned by upstarts like Chamisa. Giving a dimwit the vote is as irresponsible as giving a loaded machine gun to an ape!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Kayaman

“Kliklikliklikli mukuzama kuda kumu donhedza haadonhe mukomana uye ende ari kuzoyi tunga mira Zimbabwe muchida musingade ana bhangu.”

He must first implement the reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. The idea he will win rigged elections by plugging vote rigging loop holes is just nonsense and only fools believe such nonsense. I dare say, there are fools who have been believing these lies and are certain to do so again come 2028!

You do not know what constitute free, fair and credible elections and so you will participate in any election no matter how flawed and illegal the process gets. It was easy for Chamisa to lie about plugging vote rigging loop holes, just as MDC lied about the 2013 constitution being “the most democratic constitution in the world”. Mugabe dictated that constitution, as Paul Mangwana, Zanu PF’s co-chair of the parliamentary committe that drafted the new constitution.

Ignorance is a curse worse than death and we in Zimbabwe have been wallowing in our ignorance for 44 years! Of course, we are stuck; we cannot even hold free, fair and credible elections. It speaks volumes that anyone should consider that funny! You really have no clue what is going on here. None!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Beckham7

“Hapana asinganyepi kana iwe kuti uroore wakatonyepa wani.”

You still do not get it do you? Chamisa and company are the one keeping Zanu PF in power and thus perpetuating the people’s suffering by failing to implement the reforms and then by participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. How is it possible that anyone can be this thick, shallow and slow!!!!!!

No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state and, at this rate, has no hope of ever emerging from this hell-on-earth we have landed ourselves in.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Tatenda

“Is there anyone forced to vote for him nhai vamukori or its hatred yenyu? Corruption ndichamisa bad governance ndiChamisa? Chamisa ane mauto here? What reforms dzonodiwa muzimbabwe except kuita zvinhu pajekerere? Yes akakanganisa chamisa why not forming your own party munhu akasiya zvepolitics vana ncube varipo why nero not biti ncube kore musanetsa munhu aneblessing yake he might be your leader tomorrow ibgwe rakarasha nemuvaki rakazova musoro wekona.”

No one forced you to believe the lie he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. You were stupid enough to believe and some are so stupid they are still refusing to believe it was a lie even with all the evidence of vote rigging, etc.

I did say giving the vote to village idiots like you who have no clue what MDC/CCC leaders are elected to do and do not even have the intellect to know Chamisa was lying to con them into participating in the flawed elections to perpetuate the nation’s suffering; was the greatest mistake the nation has ever made. It is hard to see how we are ever going to get out of this mess given both Zanu PF and CCC are only keen to make sure the voters remain ignorant and naive.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Samaka

The GNU of 2008 to 2013 was the golden chance for Zimbabwe to implement the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. MDC leaders failed to implement even one token reform because Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office and they forgot about the reforms.

Some of the MDC leaders who were in the GNU have admitted that they did indeed take their eyes off the ball.

“As a collective political leadership, we should have taken time to apply our minds to the existential question:

“What next after the GNU?”
We did not address this matter.
This was suicidal.” confessed Professor Arthur Mutambara in his Book In
Search of the Elusive Zimbabwean Dream, Volume III (Ideas & Solutions).

The very fact that there are people like yourself still wittering nonsense, blaming Zanu PF for MDC leaders’ failures only goes to show we have some foolish people who will never admit the truth. Never!

So you think you are doing the nation a great favour keeping corrupt and incompetent leaders like Chamisa in power when they have clearly proven that they are corrupt and incompetent? How anyone can be so stupid beggars belief! No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Gaddfie

Saying that MDC/CCC failed to implement reforms and have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy is NOT praising Zanu PF. It is stating a historic fact and the very fact that this has been going on for 44 years of rigged elections underlines the reality we the people of Zimbabwe are insane, repeating the same rigged elections for 44 years!

I am repeating the call to implement reforms because that is the only way we are ever going to break this cycle of 44 years of rigged elections. I am surprised you are foaming and frothing that I am repeating “same thing everyday” but indifferent that unless we implement reforms we will have yet another rigged elections in 2028.

Reforms are going to remain on the national agenda - that is not negotiable.

The issue here is that MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years including 5 in the GNU and are now participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. We need new opposition leaders who will implement the reforms. Period!

You just cannot bear to hear anyone say Chamisa is corrupt and incompetent. Well he is corrupt and incompetent and it is pathetic that anyone should think him a demigod in this day and age!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Mozambique syndrome:

"Whenever they lost an argument when we were in Mozambique, they would accuse you of being CIA to avoid the substantive issues.

Today they call you an American puppet to avoid responsibility!"

Zimbabwe is a failed state because the Mozambique syndrome has become the centre piece of ALL our political debate and discourse. We are a failed state because for 44 years we have avoided the substantive issues to ensure free, fair and credible elections.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

“Other lawyers are doing their part ko imi.”

I am holding Chamisa and company to account for selling out on reforms regardless of the objections from the Chamisa Chete Chete cult members! I am also knocking some sense into the members’ empty heads!

The very idea of Chamisa corralling the village idiots to participate in yet another flawed election in 2028 to give Zanu PF legitimacy is real and therefore no stone will be left unturned to make sure this does not happen.

So you think because Chamisa’s lawyer has asked Sanyatwe to withdraw his uncouth remarks that is enough to let Chamisa off the hook! You are just as naive as you are stupid!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Sibukwe View

“Ko iwe vaiteyiiiii🤷🏾‍♂️”

This is a stupid question only a village idiot would ask!

Chamisa is an elected public official who has been on the political stage for 24 years, including 5 in the GNU. He and his MDC/CCC friends were elected to implement the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. They have failed to implement even one token reform. They have been participating in flawed elections knowing doing so would give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed.

Chamisa lied about plugging vote rigging loop holes to con people into participating in the flawed elections to perpetuate the people’s suffering.

Of course, Chamisa must account for all these treasonous betrayals. Only an idiot like you would ask me what I have done? Of course it is a stupid question because it is irrelevant and idiotic.

Irrelevant because what I have done has no bearing to Chamisa and company selling out on reforms, etc.

Idiotic because the question is meant to discourage people to from holding their leaders to account. Of course, it is idiotic because if the people do not hold leaders to account, who will?

One of the key requirements of democratic rule and good governance is that the people must hold the leaders to account. So instead of you doing your bit and hold leaders to account you are doing the exact opposite - taking to task those who are holding leaders to account. This is the kind of stupidity that has made Zimbabwe a failed state and idiots like you must be put in their place without a moment’s hesitation.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Baba Dradley Kay

How naive! Chamisa has given up on reforms and free elections he is participating in these flawed elections for a share of the gravy train seats. What will it take for the penny to finally drop in that empty head! No wonder we are a failed state, we have some really stupid, stupid people!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Mnangagwa will not tamper with the constitution si he can contest 2028 elections. Good but that is not good enough. We want the Zanu PF dictatorship to go.

We want democratic reforms to be implemented to guarantee free, fair and credible 2028 elections or we, the people must not participate in the flawed elections only to give Zanu PF legitimacy AGAIN. We must not allowed ourselves to be conned into participating in the flawed elections by upstarts like Chamisa on the basis of another idiotic lie like "I have plugged all vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!"

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Boss G

You cannot deal with the truth and so prefer to bury your head in the mud! How typical. The reality of rigged elections is not going away and we must deal with it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

SADC judged the 2023 elections as flawed and illegal as soon as the results were announced and before Tshabangu came on the scene. SADC judged the election on the basis of the process and not result much less post election results. We have gone through this before and yet some people keep insisting on events AFTER Tshabangu recalls because they do not want to deal with the substantive issue - the process was flawed and illegal.

Chamisa’s claimed that he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes and we know that was just bull. Why some people will not want to accept simple historic facts, beggars belief. No wonder we are stuck as a nation!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The UK has a new Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, its 10 PM since Margaret Thatcher in 1980. We, in Zimbabwe, had had 2 Presidents in the same 44 years. We can pretend all we like that Zimbabwe is stable and on track to become an upper middle income nation; the truth is we a failed state sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss.

We are stuck with a corrupt, incompetent and murderous regime. Stagnation is not stability!

Zimbabwe Light said...

So you are tired of hearing that we must stop Zanu PF rigging elections but not tired of 44 years of rigged elections! Well that is stupid!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mataramyika

“Mukori l think you must proffer solution going forward, what is the remedies of the past mistakes or omission and commission acts of opposition leadership and zanu pf, you are wasting time telling us each day what was done wrong by chamisa or zanu instead of telling us what must be done and not to be done going towards 2028, it's now 4 years left apa u have the whole year telling what chamisa has done wrong so if you waste another 4 years with same gospel without solution to chamisa mistakes you are now the biggest sellout and political criminal, you are now suppose to consciously educated the nation what must be done going forward, you can't honestly keep on blaming munhu ane sick kuti why you don't use protection without every day without giving that person medication when the condition of the person is going worse.”

You have never understood the problem and so have failed to understand the solution even when one was offered to you.

If the people understood that Chamisa and company were wrong to participate in flawed 2018 elections, for example, then why did nearly two million repeat the same mistake and participated in the flawed 2023 elections?

I have proffered a solution: people must NOT participate in the flawed 2028 elections only to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Murambiwa Goredema

Wilbert is one of the pioneers for civil society in Zimbabwe. That guy has good knowledge of politics in zim and you learn a lot following his balanced comments.

Zimbabwe Light said...

South Africa is one of the few African countries that have broken the seemingly vicious cycle of yesterday's liberators becoming today's oppressors.

In Zimbabwe the nation's liberation war heroes believe thy have the divine right to deny the people their right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country. 44 years after independence we are yet to hold our first ever free, fair and credible elections.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Mnangagwa's wife dishing out handouts she is the patron of Angel of Hope Foundation.

Did she do this after she had been to the border post to tell off the officials who had refused lorries with lithium to leave without the paper work? She has become a master at giving with the right hand and make a big song and dance about it whilst stealing even more with the left!

The dictatorship has made the people poor and powerless and it is cashing in on their suffering. Our political system is rotten to the core and must be fixed!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Here we are, Dr Amai Auxillia Mnangagwa, the Angel of Hope, dishing out charity to the millions of Zimbabwean, condemned by the corrupt, tyrannical and murderous regime to live is abject poverty. Charity work is cover for her real day-job of making sure the nation is robbed blind in the wholesale looting taking take. The regime is creaming off some of the looted wealth to bankroll the regime's vote rigging juggernaut that is keeping the regime in power.

After 44 years of rigged elections it is not so much the Zanu PF's tyranny and the captured state institutions including the opposition that are keeping Zanu PF in power but the lack of common sense on us, the people's part. We certainly have benefited nothing from participating in these flawed elections even when it was clear doing so would give Zanu PF legitimacy. Why are we doing it then?

Zimbabwe Light said...

Let me say it again, street protests are not the solutions to Zimbabwe's economic and politic al crisis for three reasons:

a) we have been down this road, we waged the war of independence and look where that landed us - with this Zanu PF dictatorship.

b) street protests will result in the lose of property, limbs and even lives

c) why go for the extreme solution when you have a better solution - stop participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. This has not worked for 44 years because we have never tried it. MDC/CCC has not only sold on reforms but has conned people into participating ing flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Just because you have rejected the reports of SADC and other observers who have condemned the election as flawed does not mean everyone else MUST follow your example. I believe the reports and so will state over and over again that Zanu PF rigged the 2023 elections. The song will not stop until we implement reforms and hold free and fair elections.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ D Mafa

“Title: The Pastors of ED: Betraying the Revolution


In Zimbabwe, a nation grappling with the legacy of violent suppression, the leadership of Pastor Evan Mawarire and Nelson Chamisa presents a paradox. Despite the regime's history of brutality, they advocate for a pacifist approach, which raises questions about their commitment to meaningful change.

The Limits of Pacifism

Their support for stay-away protests and prayerful interventions amounts to a sanitized form of resistance, which fails to confront the status quo. By urging caution and inaction, they inadvertently perpetuate the power dynamics that have long favored the regime. The non-violent method, though well-intentioned, is inadequate against a regime that has consistently employed violence to maintain control.

Collaboration or Complicity?

Nelson Chamisa has a lot to account for and top of the list is why he lied about plugging vote rigging loop holes to con people into participating in flawed 2023 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed.”

Chamisa and company are taking advantage of million of our people’s ignorance who have never held him to account for selling out on reforms to now telling them MDC/CCC has strategies of winning rigged elections to get them to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and get him and his CCC friends the few gravy train seats. The people are the losers here because they get nothing other than perpetuating the Zanu PF dictatorship and their suffering.

All one can do is educate the masses so that they are not exploited!

All these street protests and stay home protests are just time wasting activities to while away time until 2028 elections. It is clear both Chamisa and Mawarire will participate in the flawed 2028 elections just as they participated ing the 2023 elections. The most irresponsible thing that can happen is to participate in 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the people’s suffering!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Darlington

“So you are paid to peddle this idea no matter what.”

So any one who dares to hold a contrary view to your demigod, Chamisa Chete Chete, is paid to say so. How stupid!

I gave three reasons why I think street protests are ill-advised. Address the issues raised or shut up. We have too many morons in Zimbabwe who are hell bend on stifling all meaningful debate and democratic discourse. Little wonder the country is a failed state and unless we stop these village idiots dictating the national agenda, Zimbabwe will never ever get out of this hell-hole we are in!

This is what the late Eddison Zvobgo called the Mozambique syndrome. "Whenever they (Zanu PF demagogues) lost an argument when we were in Mozambique, they would accuse you of being CIA to avoid the substantive issues," he explained.

“Today they call you an American puppet to avoid responsibility!”

The tragedy is the opposition have copied Zanu PF; monkey see monkey do! And so we have become a nation of braindead demagogues!
“So you are paid to peddle this idea no matter what!” says the village idiot, the modern day demagogues! Nothing has changed and at this rate nothing will ever change. Nothing!

Well maybe we have too kind to these nincompoops, we have handled them with kid gloves for far too long! Enough is enough. Get this into your thick village idiot head Darlington, I set the national agenda and not you! Address the issues raised or shut the F…. up!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Darlington

How naive and presumptuous the village idiots are!

So Mafa has no clue what a pastor is why don’t you enlighten and and the readers by pointing out when he is wrong and educate us on what a pastor is. Of course, you cannot do neither because you are just a village idea here to dismiss anything any one says as rubbish if it contradicts what your demigod, Nelson Chamisa, said.

Zimbabwe is a failed state because we have buffoons for leaders and they have stayed in power all these years because there brigades of village idiots who are not only failing to hold leaders to account but consider them untouchable and infallible demigods. How anyone can be so foolish as to consider a mere mortal a demigod beggars belief.

Still, we must not allow the demagogues and village idiots hold the nation to ransom another day longer. Enough is enough!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Darlington

"They tried their methods and the methods did not work. Can you implement yours and let us see its fruits. Don't send other people to implement your ideas."

By "they" I take it you mean Nelson Chamisa and company. So if you are accepting they failed then they must be held to account for their treasonous betrayal of the people. Why are you so hostile to the idea that Nelson Chamisa must admit that he lied about plugging the vote rigging loop holes, for example.

Of course, it is important that he admits that he lied because it will help open the eyes and minds of the nearly two million who believed him and participated in the 2023 elections. They need their eyes and minds opened for them to finally accept that he is a corrupt, incompetent and lying upstart and not the infallible demigod they thought!

We need to sort out the problem of ignorant and naive voters first so that they do not fall prey to Chamisa or any other corrupt and incompetent upstart. You want are obsessed with Chamisa and want the least said about his past and hence the reason you have to move on to "Can you implement yours and let us see its fruits." Forget what Mafa or anyone is offering; lets focus on what went wrong and learn from not or we will be repeating the same mistakes.

I have told you Darlington, you are just a village idiot who thinks Chamisa is a demigod; fools like you cannot set the national agenda. You have done so in the past, not so now! Shut the F... up!

Zimbabwe Light said...

ANC SG Fikile Mbalula told to his face that SA must stop propping up Zimbabwe's the Zanu PF dictators; a bitter pill to swallow give ANC's November 2022 party resolution to stop regime change in Zimbabwe.

SA's 29 May elections was a game changer for SA, the region but most notably for Zimbabwe. The chilling political winds of change blowing across the Limpopo River being felt by Zanu PF already and will be relentless!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Mugabe died in Gleneagles Hospital in Singapore. He had an executive suite there for 150 days.

The cost per night is R80 500 so over 150 days this Pan African cost Zimbabweans R12 million rands.

Think about that. You ruin your states health care but spend R12 mill on yours.

If there was justice, then some of the looted wealth must be recovered from his estate!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Just because we still have the looting and murderous thugs still in power today, thanks to the corrupt and incompetent MDC/CCC sell outs, it does not mean there will be no change. Zanu PF can rig 2028 elections and get Chamisa and his braindead followers to participate but without the ANC lunatics backing the regime they will not get away with it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

DA tells Ramaphosa stop associating with Mnangagwa and Zanu PF!

Action SA tells Ramaphosa freeze Zanu PF leaders' assets in SA!

I have never seen ANC Secretary General, Fikile Mbalula, so humiliated. He has tasted humble pie.

As for Mnangagwa and company, they know the game is up. They know change is here and they too will taste humble pie or rather they will be the cat's dinner - for now the cat is toying with mouse!

Zimbabwe Light said...

As long as we do not fall into the Zanu PF mentality of finding everyone else as scapegoats for all our problems leaving the regime squeaky clean!