Friday 27 September 2024

Mnangagwa begging for US$5.8 b for food aid on behalf of SADC. No doubt he has his beady eyes on "pound of flesh" cut! W Mukori.

 President Emmerson Mnangagwa has taken the urgent plea for assistance from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), seeking support to combat the devastating effects of the El Niño-induced drought that has left millions at risk of hunger. The SADC has launched an international humanitarian appeal amounting to US$5.8 billion to address the growing food security crisis in the region.

Mnangagwa, who assumed the presidency of SADC during the bloc's summit in Harare, Zimbabwe, in August, was unable to attend the UNGA in New York for unspecified reasons. Instead, he was represented by Foreign Affairs Minister Frederick Shava, who delivered Zimbabwe's address on his behalf on Wednesday night.

According to reports, approximately 68 million people - about 17% of the total population across Southern Africa - are facing hunger as a result of the ongoing drought, which has caused food crops to wither prematurely in this farming season. The region, characterized by fragile economies, has been one of the hardest hit, prompting nations to urgently seek aid until food supplies are expected to stabilize in April 2025.

Shava highlighted the dire circumstances in his speech, stating, "The devastating impact of climate change is our common challenge that requires collective action to enable vulnerable communities to adapt while at the same time mitigating the impact.”

Could not have picked a worse person to beg for food on behalf of the starving - Mnangagwa, a fat cat, renowned for wasteful incompetence and looting! Who has not heard of how Zanu PF destroyed Zimbabwe’s once upon a time productive agricultural sector by seizing the farms from the whites to give to unproductive ruling elite and the cronies. There is wholesale looting in Zimbabwe and Mnangagwa and his cronies are the godfathers of it all! 

There are millions of Zimbabweans who are starving but that did not stop Mnangagwa squander US$5 billion plus in bribes from povo with chicken and chips, chiefs and church leaders with new cars right up to MPs, Judges and Ministers with US$ 40k, 400k and 500k housing “loans” respectively. 

Mnangagwa has his beady eyes set on winning 2028 elections to extend his rule beyond the constitution two term limit. And the new cycle of bribing key players has already kick off with chiefs receiving new trucks only last week.

Whatever the donor give, everyone knows that Mnangagwa and his cronies will have their “pound of flesh” one way or the other!


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Netanyahu

“Whenever, you see a person reacting with insults to another person's facts or opinions, it means that person hates feedback. Most of such people are psychopathic negroes suffering from somnambulation hysteria.”

I deal with facts and know Zimbabwe is in a mess because Zimbabweans have a penchant of only hearing what they want to hear. I am here to break that sound barrier and make sure they MUST hear, unfiltered. They not only want to hear they are clever when they say or do something clever; they want to hear it even when they say or do something stupid.

Participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating one’s own suffering for 44 years and counting is not just stupid, it is insane. But of course, nincompoops, like you do not want the truth of the stupid/insane participating the flawed elections told and so accuse all those you dare speak the truth of “insulting” the voters.

Of course, it is stupid and insane to keep participating in flawed elections. If these people do not want to be called stupid or insane then they MUST stop doing stupid and insane things! I am here to tell them the unadulterated truth they MUST hear.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Shooman

"Ian Smith was Smart and predicted like he was Jesus coming back to take his righteous man and the man is not doing things as according to the dictates of the whole bible hence everything a man touches today is a messy."

Anyone who see that blacks, mostly our political leaders, have a penchant for hearing what they want to hear even if the facts on the ground say otherwise could see that such a nation is doomed to fail.

The reason why Zimbabwe has to this day failed to hold free, fair and credible elections at political party level much less national level is because the leaders stifle debate and all meaningful democratic discourse. They do not want to face the truth that they are human and, per se, fallible which is at the heart of democratic accountability.

Blacks have a propensity to become autocratic and absolutism, not democratic. As a people, we have not learned from our own mistakes and history and we are paying dearly for!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Wedzt

Some people denied it would ever happen and even now when it has happened, they pretend, it is not happening; such is the lack of intellectual rigour and objectivity amongst our people.

Zimbabwe Light said...

People must learn that in life one must hear the good, the bad and the ugly because we will only get better from learning from all three. Alas! Blacks have a penchant to hearing only what we want to hear and filter out the rest and so have a knack for repeating the same idiotic mistake like participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating out own suffering for 44 years and counting.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Cornwell Mutetwa

“When 15 families stay in a house on a 100m2 yard , you blame elections and Zanu pf. Smith saw that lack of basic standards and norms in people like you. Ana Mudazvavamwe , leave Chamisa and his 2m . Concentrate on yourself and the other 11m if you can have a positive influence on them.”

So we are back to the old argument that Chamisa is not accountable to anyone other than his supporters? Is Mnangagwa to untouchable and so can rig elections as he damn well please? No wonder we are in a real mess - we have leaders who are not accountable to any one because we are the ones putting them on these pedestal and worshiping them.

Well let me say this again: All those are holding, have held and/or aspired to hold public office, they are democratically accountable to the people of Zimbabwe. Chamisa is a public official - he is accountable. There is no if or but about that one!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Shalom B

“So you are happy in this sentiment??? Are you white or you a white from the inside and black outside?? So you are happy with this?? If while give you their dung you will accept it with laughter because you love them. Uuuuuummmmm asikana😨😨😨”

You should ask the millions of ordinary Zimbabweans living in abject poverty, those walking in the rivers of sewage, whether Smith was right or wrong.

As for you, are you saying there are no Zimbabweans walking on sewage today? If there are: was Smith right or wrong in his prediction?

I for one believe that there are hundreds of thousands walking on sewage in Zimbabwe. I am heart broken that millions of Zimbabweans are living in abject poverty and we have buffoon leaders who got us into this mess and nincompoop voters who are defending the failed leaders and are sweeping the truth under the carpet.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Reentech

"The prediction never lived to be true until sanctions kicked in ....
Putatively our social service delivery was still intact two decades after we showed Smith the middle finger....
To think that blacks hate knowledge, truths facts and order is preposterous and naive! Your brazen omission of white interference in our affairs looms larges and betrays your house negro traits!"

Well, I would like to take you up on the point that blacks DO NOT hate knowledge, truths and facts. Would you agree that 1985 elections were not free, fair and credible? Note they were held before the dreaded sanctions were imposed!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Sad that we have regressed in every field and in a flash. It took hundreds of millions of years to evolve from the tree dwelling ape into modern human and in 44 years we have been dragged back to thinking and behaving like an ape wearing a scarf answering to the name Mnangagwa!

Zimbabwe Light said...

SADC has entrusted Mnangagwa, as regional body chairman, to beg for US$5.8 billion food aid from USGA. Given his reputation, he will want "a pound of flesh' cut for himself. The donors will know that and many will be forced to think twice on whether to make the donation. The whole SADC region is now being punished for Mnangagwa's greed.

SADC has to suffer for a whole year longer before they get a new chairman. Zimbabweans have another four more years of Mnangagwa as state president and, given our rotten luck, Chamisa and his brain dead supporters will participate in the 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and five more years of this corrupt and tyrannical dictatorship.

We must do everything to stop Chamisa Chete Chete brigade participating in the flawed 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate our own suffering. Easier said than done given brigade is brain dead and thus impermeable to reason.

Zimbabwe Light said...

“RBZ devalues ZiG. . . it’s too little too late, says analyst

THE Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) yesterday devalued the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) to ZiG24,39 per dollar from ZiG13,99 in the biggest drop as monetary authorities buckled under pressure to dump the command exchange rate.

The devaluation comes amid a rise in premiums on the parallel market amid concerns the overvalued exchange rate would fuel arbitrage.

The dollar is trading at between ZiG35 and ZiG40 on the parallel market.”

This regime has tried hard to resist the reality that the ZiG was not backed by a strong economy and therefore was bound to lose value. The regime has now finally admitted it and this is the thin end of high gradient wedge. The next move is for the wages paid in ZiG to double triggering yet another exchange rate revaluation.

Zimbabwe Light said...

We all the picture of the gold in the RBZ vault, it was not worth much. Mnangagwa knows that the country was losing more gold to smugglers than was being put aside. The A Jazeera gold mafia documentary revealed all. This man lives in cloud cuckoo-land and we, in the real world are paying dearly for his blundering incompetence and looting!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ BaChipeneti

You have failed to grasp the concept that all those in public office are accountable to the people. You will never grasp this because you have your personality cult mentality; you think Chamisa is a demigod. How anyone can still consider a mere mortal a demigod beggars belief.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

Oh dear! Chamisa and company did participate in the flawed elections to stop “others winning the few gravy train seats on offer”, yes! He conned you to participate by lying about CCC winning big when he knew that was a lie and that participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy. All you did by participating was to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the nation’s suffering. How many times does one have to say this before the penny finally drop?

No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state we really have some of the most foolish men and women in our midst and worst of all they have the voice and the vote.

Some people do not even have the common sense to realise we have a dysfunctional autocratic system of government that can only be changed by insisting on strict adherence to the constitution and rule of law. In their idiotic naivety they think they can have a health democracy surviving cheek and jowl with autocracy.

Even if Zanu PF was to become so unpopular that it cannot use its carte blanche power to rig elections and thus the opposition go on to win RIGGED elections. Do you think the opposition will ever implement the reforms to ensure future elections are free and fair? Of course, they will not do so because the will want to rig elections to extend their stay in power too!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Ash

Very sad! Our trouble as Africans is that when ever we got the chance to change our lives and that of future generations for the better, we have wasted it again and again and again! We never seem to learn from the past! Never!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chibaba

“Iwe Chamisa did not participate to give zanu pf legitimacy aiwa ana mwonzora,madhuku,dzinemunenzva et al vairega here dai akarega.ukuona they are sponsored opposition saka election yainzi yakadhakwa simply bcz one political party yaramba.”

This has been explained a thousand times and I accept that some people will never understand that it is futile to participate in flawed elections to give legitimacy to vote rigging Zanu PF only to perpetuate their own suffering! It is obvious that it is insane but then the insane do not self diagnose!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

“The best way to stop it is to stop rigging.”

And by participating in flawed elections last year, for example, because you were stupid enough to believe Chamisa’s lie that he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes - how did that stop Zanu PF rigging the elections? How is possible that anyone can be so shallow, thick and slow!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ BaChipeneti

So you think by giving Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating the dictatorship these last 24 years, Chamisa and company are fixing Wilbert Mukori. Cry the beloved Zimbabwe! There are some people who really should not be given the right to vote. They have the vote and it is like giving a monkey a loaded gun!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Nicky Sithole

"Tjoooo we are sick and flipping tired of yr garbage 🗑️"

But you are not sick and tired of 44 yers of Zanu PG rigging the elections, 24 years of which was with the connivance of MDC/CCC leaders. Well I m sick and tired of the rigged elections and I am determined to knock some sense into village idiots like you who are making all this happen.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Tavton TI

“Iwe wakaiteyi zvekuita kuti zanupf isava legitimate 🤷🏾🤷🏾🤷🏾🤷🏾🤷🏾🤷🏾”

So you think these participating to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the dictatorship have made a better contribution than those who refrained from participating? Some comments are so dumb they speak volumes of the man or woman who wrote them!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

“Did it not expose Zanu to all n sundry that it did a "coup" after all e observers condemned e elections for e first time such that u must be pushing for reforms bouyed by those reports.”

Last year’s rigged elections did not expose anything new we did not already know following the rigged 2008 elections. MDC were tasked to implement the democratic reforms during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. They failed to implement even one token reform in 5 yers. re you then suggesting that they did so “to expose Zanu PF to all n sundry that it did coup”?

The more one listen to people like you the more one understands why Zimbabwe is a failed state and with very little hope of ever recovering. We really have some brain dead people and they have the vote!

It is does not whether it is your fault or someone else’s fault that you are a village idiot. What matters is that you are a brain dead village idiot whose brain has ossified into fat. The tragedy for the country is that there are millions others just like you, as the result of the 2023 elections showed, and you have the vote.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ BaChipeneti

You and millions others have singled Chamisa out and follow him blindly - have you solved anything?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ BaChipeneti

Does the right to vote include the right to vote blindly and "give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the nation's suffering"?

Zimbabwe Light said...

This is a classical case of the chief of propaganda trying his best to brainwash the people or for it to back fire and make him look a complete ass. Mutsvangwa was trying to brainwash people into believing the ZiG is strong only for the regime to announce that the ZiG is weak. So Mr strong ZiG Mnangagwa is in fact Mr weak ZiG Mnangagwa!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mujuru

Why? You do not have enough evidence to decide now whether the ZiG is strong or weak? Or is it that you do not understand the evidence? So if you do not understand the evidence now, what makes you think you will understand it in 2028?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Nicky Sithole

“Chigumba pachake admitted kuti she and her team were pressurized to rig elections in favour of those in power and we all know who are in power.
The constitution is clear bt with the gun wielding zanu pf thugs Zec yaingotevedzera instructions.

Ballot coup.

With or without reforms having our constitution written in the palms of their hands, zvose izvi Zec, through the command of zanu pf/those in power,, with power to do so,, do you @Wilbert Mukori expect Zec to conduct fair elections or respect our constitution????”

How many times have some of us said that ZEC is not independent to deliver free and fair elections and that is why we need to implement the democratic reforms. The GNU was the golden opportunity to implement the reforms and yet not even one reform was implemented. Not one!

Why are you making a mountain out of a molehill of Chigumba admitting the elections were not free and fair; she is not saying anything we did not already know. Her admission has only served to underline that Chamisa lied about “plugging ALL vote rigging loop holes” and how naive and gullible some people are to have swallowed the idiotic lie.

So ZEC has clearly failed to hold free and fair elections without reforms why is it so difficult for you to accept that we should and must now insist on having reforms implemented before elections? We should stop the insanity of participating in flawed elections?

Of course it is nonsense to say ZEC will never deliver free and fair elections “with or without reforms”, especially when Chigumba and you have just admitted ZEC has failed to deliver free elections because of the commission is NOT independent. It is not surprising that you should be contradicting yourself - you are just a confused village idiot!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Maposa

“Mukoma Wiribethi vane song yavo ine hymn yekuti"* Chamisa failed, Chamisa sold out"*everyday singing the same old song again and again, nhasi hariviri vasina kuimba havo song yavo... 🙈🤣 Mukoma Wirrie munondipedza, ndaseka zvangu.”

Chamisa did sell out and Zimbabwe is a failed state because of it and paying dearly for it too. What is there to laugh about? No wonder we are a failed state, with such village idiots for citizens the country never had a chance to do anything else!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

“You n millions others, far, far more than those who vote Chamisa have singled out and attack and/or not follow him wisely - have u solved anything.”

Zanu PF has not been “winning” elections because millions of Zimbabweans supporter the regime! Zanu PF’s electoral success has two components; one the rural component in which the party has held rural voters captive turning them into medieval serfs beholden to the regime’s thugs and their proxies. The rural voters have no option but to vote for Zanu PF.

The second component is the party’s ability to cheat; Zanu PF has captured all the key players including ZEC, judiciary, the Police and even the opposition to help the party rig elections and stay in power. MDC/CCC has been Zanu PF team B in all but name for decades hence the reason why the opposition have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years and have been participating in flawed election knowing fully well that would give Zanu PF legitimacy.

So Zanu PF’s election victory is composed of rural voters, frog marched to vote for the regime plus fictitious voters conjured out of thin air to get the regime over the winning line.

To give the electoral process credibility, Zanu PF team B to participate in these elections never mind how flawed and illegal the process gets. Chamisa and company are playing as team B for a reward, naturally. To get the reward they must get millions of their supporters to participate which is where you and your fellow village idiots come in.

You have been participating in these flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy because you are so dumb and stupid you cannot see the sheer futility of participating in a flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate your own suffering - even when this has been explained to you a thousand times!

Zanu PF is relying on the captive rural voters and fictitious voter to win and on your stupidity to participate in the flawed process to give the regime legitimacy. How many times does one have to explain this to you!!!!

“You and millions others, … have attacked Chamisa - have you solved anything!” How nauseating!

Poor Zimbabwe, with millions of people like you it little wonder we are a failed state. And, given the reality you are all but certified brain dead, the nation is stuck! There is no reasoning with some one whose brain has ossified into fat after generations of sloth-like existence, it could not have been achieved in just one or two generations.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Nicky Sithole

Would “normal people” be conned into participating in flawed elections; “so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw,” as Coltart admitted; again and again because they believed an idiotic lie like “I plugged all the vote rigging loop holes”?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Nicky Sithole

“Then next thing they blame the west for imposing sanctions on them and their cheer puppies will entertain such crap and the likes of @Wilbert Mukori will sing the Chamisa song 🤣🤣🤣”

I have been calling for reforms and free and fair elections; since when has Zanu PF cheer leaders ever called for free, fair and credible elections? Just because I have dared to hold Chamisa to account for selling out on reforms - I must be a Zanu PF cheer leader. The stupid things some people would say just to avoid addressing the substantive issues; the late Edison Zvobgo called it the Mozambique syndrome.

The Mozambique syndrome, said Edison Zvobgo explained, is “whenever they lost an argument when we were in Mozambique, they would accuse you of being CIA to avoid the substantive issues.

“Today they call you an American puppet to avoid responsibility.”

MDC/CCC leaders and supporters alike have copied the Zanu PF Mozambique syndrome to a sicken level. Chamisa resigned from leading CCC earlier this year accusing, not just one or two party leaders of being Zanu PF infiltrators, he accused all the leaders!

Chamisa has resisted calls to have a constitution, elected officials and party structure in the name of “strategic ambiguity”. When it backfired, he blames everyone else in the name of “Mozambique syndrome”!

Zanu PF leaders are stupid but not that stupid to count me one of their own. And yet the MDC/CCC leaders and supporters insist in calling me a Zanu PF cheer leader and, worst of all, they believe the idiotic nonsense! No wonder the country is in mess!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabwe's health care has been neglected so much so that whatever facilities were there in 1980 are all there is. During a recent cholera outbreak patients were treated outside under a tree. Most urban hospitals have no ambulance services and the situation is even worse in the rural areas. And yet the regime keeps spending money buying cars for Mnangagwa's supporters.

In Zimbabwe the glory of Caesar trumps the good of Rome. We really need to stop the rot.

We cannot stop Zanu PF rigging the 2028 elections, nor stop MDC/CCC leaders participating in the flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. What we can do is stop participating, especially the brain washed MDC/CCC supporters, to give the regime legitimacy.

Zimbabwe Light said...


“I beg to to differ. Participation is key to sustainable change.”

Well, we have participated in these flawed and illegal elections for 44 years and counting and what “sustainable change” has occurred. Indeed, if anything, Zimbabwe’s autocratic dictatorship is now more deeply entrenched now than ever before. And we should all know why too.

Participating in flawed elections; “so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw,” as David Coltart aptly put it; only to give legitimacy to Zanu PF is, without doubt, the most foolish thing anyone can do. The more foolish, given Zimbabwe has never held free and fair elections for 44 years and counting.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ AJ

“Even if CCC/MDC does not participate, ZPF will always get electoral validation from it's surrogate parties like Chabangu etc.

Again in the unlikely event that all parties agree to withdraw ZPF will never be compelled to reform.They stole elections right under the watch of everyone including Sadc and despite all the criticism nothing happened.”

Fcuk me! We have had 44 years of rigged elections and here we are some one still wittering about participating in flawed elections; “so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step is to withdraw,” as David Coltart aptly put it; only to perpetuate the dictatorship.

We are now being argued to continue participating in these flawed elections to perpetuate the dictatorship because the nincompoops have been brain washed into believing that the opposition are doing us all a great favour by selling out on reforms and in participating in these flawed elections. How anyone could still believe in all this bulls***t, especially now with the benefit of hindsight.

Zimbabwe is a failed state because we have failed to hold free, fair and credible elections and why anyone would still continue in this madness beggars belief!

Zimbabwe Light said...


“Ironically, the very David Coltart you cite participated in the 2023 elections and is currently at the governance apex of Bulawayo city.”

You would not be surprised if you have ever read the full quotation. Here is the full quotation.

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

In other words Coltart has been participating in these flawed elections out of greed too - pure and simple. Coltart was in the 2008 to 2013 GNU and failed to implement even one reform because he, like all the others succumbed to the bribes of high office. He is mayor of Bulawayo for the same reason - greed!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ T Z Mazenge

“Our greatest mistake was getting education that never taught us to think for ourselves but to study to pass exams. Zimbabweans are not educated, they have been to school only. Surely how can a nation with 90% literacy rate be ruled by daft, dull and uneducated people whose qualifications are just war participants. We have war veterans who did not even win the war.

Zimbabwe's independence was a negotiated settlement. Zanu or ZAPU never win the war but had a dialogue with Ian Smith at Lancaster House in the UK. Mugabe was just a teacher with over 5 useless degrees. He never studied Economics, Engineering and Finance. He lacked critical thinking in developing a nation. He only studied politics and mastered the art of oppressing people and wanting Zimbabwe to be a one party state. Whatever Mugabe or Mnangagwa is doing, nothing makes economic sense but power retention at all costs.”

I agree with you 100%; Zimbabweans are literate in that they can read and write but are otherwise incapable of rational thinking. After 44 years of rigged elections, it is shocking that millions of Zimbabweans should be so easily conned into participating in flawed elections to perpetuate the dictatorship and our own suffering because they believed Chamisa’s idiotic lies. How can anyone be so foolish much less millions!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Admire

“Your frustration with Zimbabwe's education system and leadership is understandable. It's true that the country's 90% literacy rate hasn't translated into effective governance ¹. The nation's history, marked by a negotiated independence settlement rather than a clear victory, may have contributed to this disparity.

Zimbabwe's independence was indeed a result of negotiations between Ian Smith's government and the nationalist movements, ZANU and ZAPU, at Lancaster House in 1979 ¹. This background may have influenced the country's political landscape and leadership.

Regarding Robert Mugabe's qualifications, he held multiple degrees, but his expertise lay in politics rather than economics, engineering, or finance ¹. This lack of diverse expertise might have limited his ability to develop the nation comprehensively.

It's crucial to acknowledge that critical thinking and effective leadership involve more than just academic qualifications. The country's complex history, political dynamics, and socio-economic factors all play a role in its governance.

To break this cycle, Zimbabweans must prioritize education that fosters critical thinking, innovation, and problem-solving. This can involve reforming the education system, encouraging diverse expertise in leadership, and promoting a culture of accountability and transparency.

By addressing these areas, Zimbabwe can work towards more effective governance and unlock its full potential.”

An outright victory in the field gave Zanu PF the arrogance to brush aside all calls of human rights for all including the right to a meaningful vote and even the right to life! The truth is Mugabe and his Zanu PF cronies are buffoons who cares not a jot about the freedom, justice and welfare of anyone else other than their own insatiable greed for power and wealth.

Zimbabwe is a failed state and millions of our people are living in abject poverty because the nation is stuck with the Zanu PF buffoons. The Zanu PF dictatorship would have ended years ago if MDC/CCC leaders have not sold out, first by failing to implement reforms and then by participating in flawed elections out of greed.

The ordinary Zimbabweans have been our own waste enemies by being so naive and gullible to believe such idiotic Chamisa lies as “I have plugged all vote rigging loop holes!” God knows we have all paid dearly for this folly and rightly so too.