Monday 30 September 2024

Zimbabweans have been warned about the serious looting of the nation's resources especially by the Chinese, we doing nothing at our own peril. W Mukori

 @ Farai Maguhu 

The relationship between Chinese-owned extractive companies and local communities in Zimbabwe has deteriorated, marked by growing mistrust, suspicion, and a series of reported abuses. A recent report by the Centre for Natural Resource Governance (CNRG), titled "Investments or Plunder: An Assessment of the Impacts of Chinese Investments in Zimbabwe's Extractive Sector," sheds light on the troubling dynamics surrounding these investments, revealing severe consequences for local populations.

Launched last Friday in Harare, the report presents compelling evidence of the disregard Chinese investors have shown for the cultural sensitivities of host communities. It outlines shocking accounts of environmental degradation, health hazards, violations of labor rights, and instances of sexual abuse, particularly affecting women working in homes associated with Chinese companies.

According to the report, which assessed the environmental, social, cultural, and economic impacts of Chinese investments, local communities have consistently raised alarms over the destructive practices employed by these companies. Farai Maguwu, the director of CNRG, noted the incessant distress calls received from mining communities where Chinese operations are prevalent.

"Every day, we are receiving distress calls from different mining communities where Chinese are blasting mountains," Maguwu stated. "Our goal is to defend the communities affected by the extractive industry, and the current model being pursued by our friends from the East is not pleasing."

Despite China being Zimbabwe's largest trading partner and controlling approximately 90% of the country's mining sector, the report highlights an alarming trend of exploitation. Maguwu criticized the lack of value addition to the country's vast mineral resources, which include over 4,000 gold deposits, platinum, chrome, lithium, coal, and diamonds. He pointed out that minerals are being exported to China for processing, leaving local communities impoverished.

The report also raised concerns over the impact of pollution on local water sources, with many communities reporting contamination from harmful chemicals like mercury. Maguwu emphasized that this issue is not merely the concern of CNRG but of all Zimbabweans, as communities see their natural resources exploited with little regard for their well-being.

As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs who have rigged elections these last 44 years to stay in power, or be it the last 24 years is with the connivance of the corrupt and incompetent MDC/CCC leaders, nothing will ever change. The criminal waste of the country’s human and material resources will continue. 

It is within our power to end this madness by implementing the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. We are paying and will continue to pay dearly for our failure to deal with the curse of rigged elections and bad governance. 


Zimbabwe Light said...

Maguwu warns of the wholesale looting of the nation's resources especially by the Chinese. Zimbabweans continue to ignore the warning at our own peril!

Zimbabwe Light said...

When prices are soaring and wages are plummeting. Who do you call? Hyperinflation busting, Mr Strong! Mr ZiG! Mr President Mnangagwa! Zimbabwe's very own gold backed new currency!

Guess what Mutsvangwa announce Mr Strong, officially trading at 13.73 ZiG to US$1.00 one day and the next day Mr Strong was officially devalued to 24.00 ZiG officially and 30 to 40 ZiG on the black market. Mr Strong lost value the day after civil servant were paid - how cynical!

Today many dealers are refusing to accept ZiG for payment! Mr Strong! Mr hyperinflation ghostbuster!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mbofana

“I am quite sure that the vast majority of Zimbabweans would want to understand why a currency supposedly backed by gold, other minerals, and foreign currency reserves is so unstable.

Why is it that, in spite of global gold prices on the increase, our own 'gold-backed' currency is on a downward trajectory?

Yet, instead of providing a detailed and accurate diagnosis on what was ailing the ZiG, Mnangagwa decided to blame everyone else besides his own administration.

When one visits a medical doctor, he expects to see logical and science-backed investigations and diagnoses as well and remedies.

However, this is usually not the case when one goes to a so-called 'witchdoctor', who will likely blame the patient's 'enemies', including his own relatives and friends, for his myriad of misfortunes.”

The tragedy for Zimbabwe is that the witchdoctor is the only one who has a say and he is insisting his voodoo economic policies are working. He insists that the ZiG is strong even when it has lost half its value in one week. He is insisting the country is set for a bumper wheat harvest and yet only last week his minister was begging UNGA for US$5.8 billion for aid for SADC countries including Zimbabwe.

Mnangagwa rigged the 2023 elections, he and his regime are illegitimate, and now he is flexing his ill-gotten absolute political power! The need for Zimbabweans to deal with this curse of rigged elections and bad governance has never been more urgent than it is today. 44 years of gross mismanagement, rampant corruption and tyrannical Zanu PF rule has dragged this nation into hell-on-earth, millions are living in abject poverty denied of all human dignity and hope.

We must end this tragic human suffering. We must restore the people’s power to a meaningful say in the governance of the country. No one has the right to rig elections. No one!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Mnangagwa has failed to revive Zimbabwe's economy, his gold backed ZiG is losing its value just like Z$ before t; the tragedy for Zimbabwe is that he will never ever admit he has failed, no more that he admitted to rigging the 2023 elections.

As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt and vote rigging thugs there will be no meaningful economic recovery. We must cure ourselves of the cancer of rigged elections a.s.a.p. We cannot afford another rigged elections in 2028!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Allan

"The only way to annihilate vote rigging is implementing reforms."

I agree with you 100%. There is no chance of implementing any reforms now before the 2028 elections. Plan B is to make sure we the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade are not once again conned into participating in the flawed elections to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy. This easier said than done given one cannot reason with the braindead brigade!

Zimbabwe Light said...


"Do you actually believe that a leader wants to fail? the zig was recommended by the IMF a lot of interest is on Zimbabwe from foreign countries and we are given polices that are designed to fail
Coz vese vana IMF ,World bank it's chimbadzo it benefits them only."

Corruption is the number one cause of the economic meltdown, who is forcing Zanu PF to be corrupt? By the same token, who is forcing Zanu PF to rig elections?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Reentech

“There is no Zig in SA yet retailers are closing ....most of your arguments are to parochial and therefore lame coz you are stuck in a rut of reforms...yet even in "reformed"economies the obtaining trend is similar to that of Zim..”

The SA Rand has not lost half its value in 30 years and yet ZiG has lost as much in just six months! So where is it easier to do business, Zimbabwe or SA?

SA has held free and fair elections for the last 30 years and so that nation is not stuck with ANC, we are stuck with Zanu PF for 44 years and counting. This is why we need to implement reforms and stop Zanu PF rigging elections. Why you have failed to grasp that, beggars belief!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Chamisa and his MDC/CCC friends have failed to implement even one token reforms in 24 years including 5 in the GNU and, to crown it all, have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. Mnangagwa blatantly rigged 2023 elections and got away with it precisely because Chamisa and company have proven beyond all doubt that they are corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless.

Why, therefore Chamisa Chete Chete brigade continue to follow him blindly, they were conned into participating in 2023 and will do so again in 2028! We must stop them!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ D

You are not free to support some one and participate in flawed elections on the basis of a lie that he plugged all vote rigging loop holes?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Evange Faith

“They have failed so what?”

They must account for their failure, they will and they are accounting for it!

You have tried all your dirty tricks to silence me and you have failed! Chamisa is a mere mortal, a corrupt and incompetent one at that, and the very idea that he is an infallible demigod is absurd. I told you that I will hammer some home truths into that cup cake head of yours and I have the tool for the job.

If you think you and your nincompoop friends of yours are going to participate in 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and get away with it; think again!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Zhuu

“What’s wrong with you Wilbert? It seems mukomana akakutorera mukadzi chete . Why Chamisa, Chamisa uye wakabvira kare kutaura zvawatumira . What is your solution on the problems that you are mentioning?”

You are a man/woman of little intellect and it shows. I am raising points of great national importance - why has MDC/CCC failed to implement reforms allowing Zanu PF to continue to rig elections with disastrous consequences to the whole nation. You have no clue what the reforms are much less that MDC/CCC leaders did indeed sell out by failing to implement reforms.

BY selling out on reforms Chamisa is the root cause of the millions of ordinary Zimbabweans who are suffering the consequence of the continued Zanu PF dictatorship. Has Chamisa taken away all these men’s wives and women their husbands too?

In your idiotic mind Chamisa has not only done nothing wrong, you believe he is a demigod who should not be held to account. How anyone can hang on to such a foolish notion in this day and age beggars belief. The real tragedy for Zimbabwe is that village idiots like you have the vote! Hammering so sense into that cupcake head is not going to be ease but it must be done. Village idiots like you must not be allowed to hold the nation to ransom!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Godfrey

“The only way to stop them is by creating your own opposition strong opposition that renders them an irrelevant alternative

Arsenal trying to find ways to stop the Man U march by interrupting their practice sessions.
Step up your own practice to become a strong contestant

This should be the focus not the backward GNU and CCC obsession.”

We have been over this ground before, things are not that simple. Did the 2 million who participated in last year’s elections voting for Chamisa did so because he offered them a sound solution? Or they participated because they were foolish enough to believe his idiotic promise that CCC would win big because he plugged all the vote rigging loop holes?

Chamisa and company have proven to be corrupt and incompetent and yet their supporters continue to follow them blindly. Indeed many of the supporters believe Chamisa is a demigod. How any one can be that ignorant and naive in this day and age beggars believe.

To even suggest that Chamisa is a competent leaders just because he got 2 million votes, when you know these are naive and gullible voters, is laughable to say the least!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Museveni

This was the number one topic this time last year, if you did not accept the empirical evidence then you will not accept it now!

It is not for the high school teacher to teach you what you failed to learn in grade one. He/she will know none of the high school stuff make any sense to you and therefore you are wasting your time being in class and the teacher will know better than waste his/her time on you.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ M

So you think Chamisa did the nation a great favour participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. Chamisa and company failed to implement even one reform during the GNU because Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office.

No doubt, you think they forgot about the reforms to do the nation another great favour. How anyone can be so dumb and stupid, even now with the benefit of hindsight, goes to show just how little active brain cells they still have left!

Yes, I have been talking about democratic reforms and free and fair elections for years now and yet millions of individuals like you still have no clue what I am talking about. Nearly 2 million participated in last year’s flawed elections because they believed Chamisa’s idiotic lie that he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. The tragedy for Zimbabwe is village idiots like you have the vote and are almost certain to participate in flawed 2028 to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuate the dictatorship and the nation’s suffering.

You are fuming and frothing because I have been talking about reforms and yet have not even noticed that the country has failed to hold free and fair elections for 44 years! I am public enemy number one for fighting to end the insanity of rigged elections. Fcuk me! No wonder we are a failed state - we have more than our fair share of village idiots and, to crown it, we gave them a voice and a vote!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Nicky Sithole

Anyone can call you, me or even King Solomon himself a nincompoop, that is the ease part; proving it is so is the more difficult part. If anyone believes that a mere mortal like Chamisa is a demigod, given the upstart’s track record, then that person must be a nincompoop! QED!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ BaChipeneti

You have never denied that Chamisa and company sold out by failing to implement even one token reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. I am public enemy number one in your eyes because I have dared to hold Chamisa’s account.

The ancient Greeks were right, government of the people only works if the people are educated, knowledgeable and diligent in holding those in public office to account. It is the sacred duty of every citizen to hold those n public office to account.

It is clear that as much as we, in Zimbabwe, a trying to have a democratic government that has not worked because we have millions of Zimbabweans who have not only failed to grasp the concept of citizen having a sacred duty to hold leaders to account. In their ignorance and naivety these individuals are hostile to the idea. They hold leaders like Chamisa is such reverent high regard he is a demigod who can do no wrong!

How anyone in this day and age can consider a mere mortal a demigod, much less some one like Chamisa with proven track record of being corrupt and incompetent, beggars belief.

No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed nation, we simply have more than our fair share of village idiots and we made the mistake of giving them voice and a vote. So the village idiots are using their voice to abuse the few fastidiously holding leaders to account and will participate in flawed 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the dictatorship. What a nightmare!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

“What do u call someone who blames only one opposition leader for failure to implement reforms yet he himself has absolutely no idea how to have them reformed? The same person only talks about reforms but does not explain what they are. The same person when challenged responds by saying ua an idiot.”

You are fuming and frothing because you do not want Chamisa held to account for lying about plugging all vote rigging loop holes.

You do not know about the reforms and God knows how many times we have covered this subject. This is like a high school student asking grade one stuff. It is not for the high school teacher to teach you what you failed to learn in grade one. He/she will know that none of the high school stuff will make any sense to you and therefore will ignore you as a lost cause. I will do likewise!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Clint Shamu

"Mukoma Wiri why do you focus on Mutuvi Ncube uyu?Ncube is called Mukanya in MaShonaland province and we know makudo have sticky fingers and are not capable of anything.Mwana waPresident akaiswa kufinance ari kuiteyi thats where the noise should focus.Huku yinodya mazai ayo President akaisa mwana kufinance."


Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabwe and Botswana share a common boarder but when it comes to political stability and economic prosperity the two have nothing in common. Whilst we have suffered political oppression and paralysis and economic meltdown the last 44 years, the later has enjoyed political stability and economic prosperity.

As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous Zanu PF thugs in power because they rig elections, or be it with the connivance MDC/CCC the last 24 years; there will be no meaningful economic recover.

The challenge is stopping Zanu PF rigging 2028 elections and getting away with it by stopping the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade participating in the flawed elections in their millions! Easier said than done; they were conned into participating because they believed Chamisa's idiotic lies and are susceptible to do so again.

Zimbabwe Light said...

For months after last year's rigged elections Gambakwe bombarded the people of Zimbabwe with FAKE news of how SADC was going to step in and deny Zanu PF political legitimacy following regional body's condemnation of the flawed and illegal elections. The truth is SADC did not deny Zanu PF legitimacy precisely because CCC leaders had participated in the flawed elections knowing filly well that doing so would give Zanu PF legitimacy. Chamisa had conned his followers to participate.

The most important lesson from 2023 elections is that it is foolish to participate in flawed elections.

Instead of making sure Zimbabwe learn of the folly of participating in flawed elections Gambakwe is once again off at a tangent; encouraging them to believe Chamisa can win flawed 2028 because he is so "popular"!

Gambkwe: Are you saying Zimbabweans must participate in flawed 2028 elections? Answer the question! Zimbabwe cannot afford making the same foolish mistake of participating in flawed election hoping for a different result after 44 years of rigged elections!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mike Hull

“While democracy or the pretence of such isn't a guarantee of economic success, most dictatorships soon sink into a corrupt ruling elite milking it for all it's worth. I take my hat off to China and Rwanda in this regard, that they can manage the economy and the expectations of the people, without real democracy and with less corruption than most dictatorial states. It's not easy, especially for Rwanda, where there are ethnic groups who will immediately feel cheated.

The most ethnically uniform and socially cohesive your population, the more you can flirt with socialist group think. Most countries don't have this luxury and with modern immigration and political asylum, most won't for long anyway.

Only a free market and minimal welfare can work, when you think you are propping up some lazy miscreant who should be working. What is a lazy miscreant, anyone who doesn't look and think like me..

This is human nature.”

China and Rwanda are not democratic nations and whilst the two nations are doing very well economically history tells us that they are worried sick even then because they know they have the Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads.

China has only started to emerge out of the economic chaos of Chairman Mao after Deng Xiaoping’s pragmatic the colour of the cat does not matter as long as it kills mice. By brushing aside the 10 year term limit, Xi Jinping has already shown just how easily China can slip back to the economic chaos and political repression days.

President Paul Kagame has done well for Rwanda but his successor may not be so clever and, in his/her desperate effort to retain power, will be tempted to buy political loyalty bringing back the mismanagement and corruption. By stifling democracy and staying in power for 30 years, Kagame has set a dangerous precedence those who follow him would want to do the same.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Young farmers say they will ensure that the Presidential Heifer Pass on Scheme is a success by fully adhering to protocols key to good heifer rearing. 

Hundreds of youths today received heifers at Arda Transau, Manicaland Province, becoming the latest beneficiaries of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s empowerment drive.

ZanuPF Youth League Secretary for Business Development and Liason Munashe Mabika say projects of this nature will have a significant impact on the economy in the not-so-distant future. 

On what basis were you selected to be one of the recipients of the heifers?

Where did Mnangagwa get the money to bankroll these heifer, goat, etc. schemes?

Is the money for these schemes properly counted for?

These are some of the many questions the nation must ask. Zimbabwe is economic ruins because of gross mismanagement and rampant corruption in the country. Zimbabwe is a failed state because the glory of Cesar has trumped the good of Rome!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Africa has stifled meaningful debate and democratic discourse in the name of “unity and one voice” and the result is we have blundered from pillar to post making the same idiotic mistakes over and over again because no one dared to say anything for fear of being accused of being a Zanu PF CIO, puppet of the west, etc.!

Dictators insist on “one voice” and we all know whose voice is ever heard!

We should be relentless in our search for truth, reality and facts, the solid foundation peace, justice and prosperity. Those who want to live an an echo chamber are the enemies of freedom and progress!

Anonymous said...

@ And

“Ini panachamisa handibvi cz hakuna mumwe arinani kudarika chamisa who do u think is better none.”

How naive!

Zimbabwe is a failed state because we have been stuck with this corrupt, tyrannical and vote rigging Zanu PF regime for 44 years. We could and should have ended the dictatorship by now if Chamisa and company had not sold out. Chamisa and company have been running with the povo hare and hunting with the Zanu PF hounds all along. They are Zanu PF team, playing for team A to win and have conned you and the rest of the 2 million strong Chamisa Chete Chete brigade to participate to give Zanu PF legitimacy.

What will it take to finally open your eyes that Chamisa and company are sell outs. They will never implement any reforms much less end the dictatorship. After 24 years without even token reforms implemented you still do not have the common sense to admit it to yourself that Chamisa is a mere mortal and not the demigod you believe him to be!

No wonder we are a failed state; we have some village idiots in our midst - millions of them!

Zimbabwe Light said...

By Business Reporter-The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) has confirmed a significant blow to the economy with the value of gold coins dropping by over 50%, a consequence of last week’s devaluation of the Zimbabwe Intermediated Government (ZiG) currency.

Where is Mr Strong ZiG when you want? He is all muscle and no brains!

Zimbabwe Light said...

By Business Reporter-The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) has confirmed a significant blow to the economy with the value of gold coins dropping by over 50%, a consequence of last week’s devaluation of the Zimbabwe Intermediated Government (ZiG) currency.

Where is Mr Strong ZiG when you want? He is all muscle and no brains!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Mr Strong ZiG lost half his strength last weak and has been haemorrhaging strength on a daily basis ever since! We were told the ZiG was backed by the country gold in the RBZ vault, now we hear there was no gold some Alibaba stole it!

There will be no meaningful economic recover and stable currency in Zimbabwe as long as the country remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and vote rigging thugs! Zanu Pf has rigged elections these last 44 years or be it the last 24 years was with the connivance of the corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless MDC/CCC leaders!

Mr Strong ZiG is a worthless piece of paper. Zudha!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF continues to deny the rural povo title deeds to even one acre of land on which the peasants' mud hovel stand for selfish political gain. What some people are failing to realise is that Zanu PF is not just holding the poor rural povo to ransom but, through them, the regime is holding all of us to ransom too!

Zimbabwe will never ever be a healthy and functioning democracy as long as Zanu PF is allowed to ride roughshod over the rural people. Never!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF makes it abundantly; the New Land Tenure (insurance of title deeds) will not apply “to communal areas”! Zimbabwe’s rural people are the poorest of the poor, they have absolutely nothing; no meaningful vote, no right to own property and not even the right to life. Zanu PF has it heavy political boot on the throat of povo and is determined to keep it that way!

The rural folk are powerless to break the Zanu PF’s political strangle hold, the urban voters are best place to do this only if the later had the common sense to realise the sheer folly of participating in flawed elections, “so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw,” as Coltart aptly put it. They were conned to participate in 2023 elections because they believed Chamisa’s idiotic lie that he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes! How foolish was that!

Zimbabwe Light said...


“The citizens of Zimbabwe have been ready for change but they need leadership. UZA will build Zimbabwe by engaging the citizens. The people of Zimbabwe must be allowed to fully participate as major stakeholders not as bystanders or minions.”

This is the foolishness that has contributed to why Zimbabwe is a failed state!

UZA participated in the 2023 elections, ignoring the repeated warning that the process was flawed and participating will only give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy. SADC and AU election observers have since confirmed the process was indeed flawed and illegal.

How then did UZA’s participation in the flawed 2023 elections “trigger change”?

All this political activity is indicative that UZA is preparing to participate in the 2028 elections with not even a token reform implemented. How will participating in yet another flawed and illegal elections “trigger change”?

UZA is determined to participate in the 2028 elections regardless how flawed and illegal the process gets because the leaders are after the few gravy train seats Zanu PF gives away to entice the opposition leaders to participate.

Mnangagwa has not said much about POLAD since the 2023 elections but that does not mean the regime is not sponsoring opposition political parties willing to participate in flawed elections to give him legitimacy!

The only change UZA will trigger is that instead of having just Chamisa and his MDC/CCC friends as Zanu PF team B in all but name the nation will now have UZA as team C. Teams B and C are all playing to ensure team A wins and has legitimacy and will share the few gravy train seats and the POLAD benefits!

UZA is joining MDC/CCC in conning people into believing the opposition can win RIGGED elections. Without being educate, the people will always be preyed upon by these corrupt, incompetent and sell-out opposition leaders!

Zimbabwe Light said...

There will no meaningful economic recovery in Zimbabwe as long as the country remains a pariah state ruled by thugs pushing voodoo economic policies! All this talk of the ZiG being backed by gold in RBZ vault was all bulls***t! No one ever believed that they could walk into RBZ with a bundle of ZiG paper money and walk out with a bag full of ZiG gold coins or the equivalent in gold! Hell no!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mataranyika

“The road to new Zimbabwe is a struggle not a cinema or movie where you mukori define your self as spectator or judge in beauty contest , be in game fight strongly according to your journalist prowess but I'm surprised you are turning your guns to victim how do you insults 2 million people who voted for change, are you with poor citizens or you now Hired to demoralise citizens, be constructive by educating the 2 million voters and stop your hell insults.”

I am painfully aware you are just one of the 2 million brain-dead Chamisa Chete Chete brigade who see but never perceive, hear but never understand.

“You insults 2 million people who voted for change!” you insist. So what change did they accomplish?

How many time does one have to tell you that the election process was flawed, “so flawed, so illegal the only logical step was to withdraw,” as Coltart aptly put it. SADC and AU elections observers confirmed the 2023 election were flawed and illegal.

SADC leaders did not deny Zanu PF political legitimacy precisely because you and your fellow 2 million who “voted for change” gave the process legitimacy by participating! If Zimbabweans are happy participating in flawed and illegal election processes, even after they have been repeatedly warned that it is sheer folly to do so, SADC has no choice but to accept that political reality.

People like you should have never been given the right to vote; giving a village idiot the vote is as irresponsible as giving a monkey a loaded gun! The role village idiots like you who have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy these last 24 years is clear as day!

If we can stop village idiots like you, Mataranyika, participating in flawed 2028 in your millions; SADC will deny Zanu PF legitimacy and we can finally end the Zanu PF dictatorship. Tough call! The monkey has a loaded gun and is toying with it.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Professor Lumumba

“Most African leaders seek public office out of greed and are reluctant to leave office for fear of being imprisoned for their crimes whilst in power!”

Zimbabwe has had the great misfortune of having corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless leaders both in the ruling party and in the opposition and hence the reason for the country’s political paralysis. Zanu PF has betrayed the nation and so has the MDC/CCC opposition.

Having an electorate that hardly knows their left hand from their right has only compounded Zimbabwe’s political paralysis!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"Most African politicians are not leaders, they lack leadership qualities. They are in power out of greed and will fight to stay to avoid justice," said Professor Lumumba. You know what, he is right.

Zimbabwe has the great misfortune to have leaders with no quality leader in both the ruling party and the opposition. And to crown it all, the Zimbabwe electorate, has failed to elect quality leaders again and again.

Zimbabwe Light said...

You participated in the rigged elections in your millions and now you want to blame SADC you participated! How naff and idiotic is that!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Nhai Mukori how do you know kuti ma election akabirwa kuti iwe uti akabirwa chii changachaitika ....since last year ukutadza kudaira simple question.”

This is issue was discussed from all angles, SADC and AU produced their report on the elections, etc. If you were not convinced the elections were not free and fair then it is certain that there is nothing anyone can say now to change your mind.

Of course, I am not surprised that you have not made up you mind whether or not the 2023 elections were free and fair. You are a simpleton who clearly does not know even something as basic as what constitutes free and fair elections! This is comparable to someone who is in high school but does not even know grade one stuff!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ General

“This time ndowirirana naMukori. This man has been shouting political parties for a reason. Look. We can't go like this in the life of Zimbabwe. We need to dress the mane of a lion 🦁. These corrupt leaders are not only destroying our life, they are now determined to destroy our generations. Imagine creating a generation that will never be rich in its entity. Something must be done to kill this worm. Right now they are positioning themselves strongly by aligning their relatives. If we let it go we are now going towards Equatorial Guine, where everyone is an employee of the President and all companies belong to the President. They are now fighting to create an Oligarchy of Zimbabwe takatarisa. Ngatichiitai hasha for the best of our future generations.”

We are our own worst enemy, There are some issues we should agree to differ but there are others, some basic and fundamental like what constitutes free and fair elections, that Zimbabwe’s economy is in meltdown, etc.; it is nonsensical that we should even be discussing them! And yet some people are defending the indefensible but only because they refuse to accept the facts and reality on the ground.

Our corrupt and incompetent leaders have taken full advantage of the confused electorate. Zanu PF has been promising the people vision 2030 and people have readily believed it even thou all the evidence point to Zimbabwe sinking deeper and deeper into the economic abyss due to corruption and mismanagement.

Chamisa and company sold out on implementing reforms and have been selling the people the idiotic nonsense the nation does not need reforms and free elections because the opposition has devised strategies to win rigged elections. The electorate have believe the nonsense and so after 44 years the nation is still trying to win rigged elections.

We, the people, can end this Zanu PF dictatorship by the simple act of stopping participating in these flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and Chamisa and company a few gravy train seats. We have failed to do so for 44 years and counting because we have yet to agree on what constitute free and fair election! How ironic and tragic - in this day and age!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ DS - CEO

"It is you who is our side knows that it is a failed state now it needs you to come and free us who are in prison of a failed state."

So you do not know how to stop Zimbabwe becoming a failed state and yet know that all those who left the country know better! What a convoluted, confused and sick mind. All you ever do is expect others to solve all your problems and blame them for the mess.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ DS- Max CEO

“At least I am trying my best to vote them out unlike others who just write articles and complain from the terraces and do nothing.”

Of course you are! After 44 years of rigged elections, the penny has not dropped on the sheer futility of participating in flawed elections to give legitimacy to vote rigging Zanu PF because you believe idiotic lies of opposition would win rigged elections.

Frankly, in your case the penny will never drop - the mud has set-solid. You are just too dumb and beyond the pale! One cannot reason with one who is brain dead. You should have never have a voice much less a vote.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Chris Mutsvangwa lost the chairmanship of War Veterans, he is the latest Zanu PF big-wig to be spat out by the ruthless dog-eat-dog system. Many others have been thrown out, Mai Mujuru, Jonathan Moyo and even Robert Mugabe himself.

Mutsvangwa will soon learn that it is mighty cold outside the party, he will the economic collapse and political tyrannical, the things he has spent the last 44 years denying, are true and so is the tragic human suffering. He will now have first hand experience of what some of us have suffered these last 44 years! Welcome to the real Zimbabwe comrade motor-mouth Chris Mutsvangwa.