Sunday 22 September 2024

Zimbabweans, in their ignorance and naivety, have become their own worst enemy. They are the ones participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. Mukori

 @ Developer

A million dollar question..

By Akson Potera 

Will the 2023 election make any difference if the referee is also a player?

If indeed the opposition had been winning the election since 2000 to 2018 but failed  to take the reins of power, what will be the difference between the previous elections  and  that of 2023? 

Unless the opposition admits that they were lying that they had won  the past elections, I don’t think  the 2023 election will be different from other elections since the same deceivers are still on duty 24/7. 


The opposition must come clear: How will the very important vote be protected from theft?  

If it is true that the loser is always walking out of the race (as) the winner, then this is  a grim cause for concern.

Kana une mhinduro usa tsamwa pindura mubvunzo ti protecte vote yedu.”

The MDC/CCC leaders failed to implement even one token reforms when they had they best chance ever to do so during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office and the rest is history. Ever since the GNU debacle they have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy for a share of the spoils of power. They have been Zanu PF team B in all but name. 

The tragedy for Zimbabwe is that the electorate, especially the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade are so ignorant and naive they have failed to realise that MDC/CCC leaders have been running with the povo hare and hunting with the Zanu PF hounds. And to crown it all we have universal suffrage, we have given the ignorant and naive the vote and the corrupt and incompetent politicians on both side of the political divide have exploited their ignorance and naivety to keep themselves in power. 

The ignorant electorate are their own worst enemy; they have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF thugs legitimacy, give the opposition a few gravy train seats and only to perpetuate their own suffering! Even after 44 years of rigged elections, the electorate still fail to see the sheer futility of participating in flawed elections because, in their ignorance, they have still have no clue what constitutes free and fair elections. 


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Tangwireyi

“Tanga zvako mhai unoti nyaudza.”

SADC would have denied Zanu PF political legitimacy if 2 million Chamisa Chete Chete village idiots had not believed Chamisa’s idiotic lies and participated in the flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering and the nation at large. They were warned of the sheer folly of participating but they refused to listen, “unoti nyaudza!” they argued.

There is a real danger the village idiots will be conned to participate in 2028 elections on the basis of yet another idiotic Chamisa lie. Well I am here to hammer some sense into these village idiots’ head. I am here to tell you what you aught to hear and have a sludge hammer to hammer it into that cupcake empty head!

An idiot is some one who is so dumb they will shoot themselves because they do not know what is in their own interest. A village idiot, that is you and your 2 million Chamisa Chete Chete brigade, will not only make themselves suffer but will make many others suffer too. By perpetuating the dictatorship you are making the whole nation suffer too.

It is tragic that there are millions of village idiots like you in Zimbabwe and, worst of all, they have the right to vote. Knocking sense into millions of stubborn village idiots like you is detestable work and yet it must be done. I am doing it!

I am beginning to irritate you? Good! The hammering is working!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabweans have known that Zanu PF has captured the judiciary, media, Police, Army, etc. and has been rigging elections for 44 years and counting. We have failed to do anything to stop the rigging because we do not know, even to this day, what constitute free and fair elections, what democratic reforms are necessary to achieve it and much less how to implement these reforms.

It is not rocket science to know we need a verified voters' roll to ensure all those eligible to vote get the chance to vote, for example. And so it is an outrage that people would participate in an elections without something as basic as a verified voters' roll. Zimbabwe has never ever had a verified voters' roll and yet Zimbabweans have foolishly participated in all elections regardless!

Chamisa will con millions of his followers to participate in flawed 2028 election to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the nation's suffering! We must stop them!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Chiwenga says corruption is a serious threat to national security! He said last time before 2017 military coup and it did not stop the corruption nor deliver good governance. People must not fall for this crap ever again. Let Chiwenga and Mnangagwa fight their factional wars alone which ever of them prevails he will not end the corruption nor hold free and fair elections.

Corruption in rampant and as long as Zanu PF is able to rig elections and get away with it corruption will never stop. The challenge is to stop the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Maryogka

I have raised a number of issues such as that Chamisa and company have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years including 5 in the GNU. That Chamisa lied about plugging all the vote rigging loop holes to con his brain dead followers to participate in flawed elections in their millions giving Zanu PF legitimacy. You have never addressed any of these issues.

You just like to fume and froth solutions. Solutions to what? You clearly have no clue what the problems are!

Indeed, I have defined the problems and offered solutions but you clearly have failed to comprehend either, being a nincompoop that you are.

You are not interested in the problems nor solutions. You are fuming and frothing out of every orifice on you because I have dared to point out that Chamisa is not only a mere mortal but a corrupt and incompetent one at that. You want to silence me by hook or by crook.

Chamisa is a public official and, per se, is accountable to the people - that is not negotiable. Get that into your stupid head!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Case

Are you saying that Chamisa has done nothing wrong and therefore has nothing to account for? Chamisa conned his supporters to participate in the flawed elections knowing fully well that by participating they will give Zanu PF legitimacy. Surely he must account for that!

We cannot complain of Zanu PF rigging the elections when MDC/CCC leaders failed to implement reforms to stop the rigging even when they are given the golden opportunity to do so and participate in flawed elections out of greed.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabwe's vision 2030 is a mirage just as Chamisa lied about plugging all vote rigging loop holes to con 2 million to participate in the flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate our own suffering. Many Zimbabweans have remained blind to these truths and historic facts because they are living in cloud cuckoo-land where facts and reality count for nothing. They have stopped thinking!

Zimbabwe is a failed state because we, the people, have switched off and stopped thinking, stopped seeing reality.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Case

“Noooo Mukori taura corruption iri muZim OK leave Chamisa he's not corrupt.”

Thank God one of us has respect for fact and reality!

Chamisa and company failed to implement even one token reform during the GNU because Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office. If you have failed to comprehend these historic facts, you will never comprehend them and it is utterly pointless referring to this other than to underline the fact that historic facts will not change to suit you.

Of course, Chamisa and company are corrupt and incompetent. He conned his brain dead followers to participate in 2023 elections in their millions giving Zanu PF legitimacy and he will do so again in 2028 if we do not do something to educate the brainwashed Chamisa Chete Chete brigade. Mankind is supposed to be a creature of reason but those under the spell of the personality cult mentality cannot comprehend anything rational nor are they incapable of thinking. The danger of the brain dead brigade participating in 2028 is real.

“Chamisa is not corrupt!” Yeah right! So you think he failed to implement any reforms, been participating in these flawed elections, etc., etc. to do the nation a great favour! How anyone can be so shallow, thick and slow beggars belief!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Zhuu

“Wilbert you learn something zvakaitika tinozviziva hazvitipe chikafu pa tamble tirikuda chikafu payable. You as a man start your own project then toona kugona kwenyu kana pamuchakundikana tinenge tichiona . Dambudziko renyu nderekutaura nezva Bba wepa nextdoor siyanai navo vakakundikana muita zvinoenda mberi . Chamisa akazoti Chamisa akazoti hazvitipe chinhu . Kana muri murume chaiye moita zvenyu kwete kungotumwa kutiitira noise pano.”

Expect that Chamisa is not just another “Baba wepa next door!” He and his fellow MDC/CCC leaders were elected to implement democratic reforms to stop Zanu Pf rigging elections. They have not only sold out by failing to implement the reforms they have taken advantage of the ignorant and naive electorate and nincompoops like you, to con them to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy for a few gravy train seats reward. I am here to explain what is really going on here and to hold Chamisa and company to account!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Bishop C

“Do you keep on holding someone to account for what they failed to accomplish or you must move on to correct what they failed to do? You have been heard, they failed but we can't stay hooked on to their failures we must move on..... Move on Mukori.”

You participated in the flawed 2013, learned nothing and moved on and participated in flawed 2018. Again learned nothing and moved on and participated in 2023 elections. It is clear you learned nothing and will participate in 2028!

Just because you are stupid to repeat the same mistake over and over again do not expect me to follow your foolishness. Participating in flawed 2028 elections will be foolish and no stone must be left unturned to stop village idiots like you participating in your millions!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Bishop C

"No stone must be left unturned by who? You don't even have what it takes to leave no stone unturned. All you good at is hurling insults and that's all. An empty vessel void of any ideas or facts to put in any meaningful debate. Village idiots are in your home bro. Zimbabweans know what they want and in the fullness of time will get it without a scratched CD like you. Klaar‼️"

If you think you can be conned into participating in yet another flawed elections by believing yet another idiotic promise to win rigged elections and you will get away with it, think again. The right to vote does not mean the right to be a village idiot and perpetuate the Zanu PF dictatorship! I have the sludge hammer to knock some sense into that cupcake! Watch this space.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Alex Mudzingwa

“Yaaa mukori must stop telling us idiots . It's not we don’t have harsh words to tell him too but we do respect our elders who are here and to maintain the principles of the group.”

If I participated in a flawed election knowing the process is flawed, knowing that by participating I will give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating my own suffering and millions of others out there. And still I participated because I believed Chamisa’s idiotic lie of plugging all vote rigging loop holes. Then I too will be a village idiot and will rightly deserve to be called a village idiot.

You are so stupid, you are refusing to admit participating in the flawed 2023 elections was dumb. You have learned nothing and so are almost certain to be conned into participating in flawed 2028 elections. The idea of idiots like you giving Zanu PF legitimacy to 48 years of rigged elections is sickening.

Village idiots like you should have never been given the right to vote. It is like giving a monkey a loaded gun! Still, we have a problem and must knock some sense into the 2 million village idiots if we are ever to end this nightmare of rigged elections.

You can call me a village idiot and it is water off a duck’s back because even you, the real village idiot, know that I have not done something stupid.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chamisa

"THE TIME IS FAST APPROACHING. When the day comes, will you be there? Get ready!

Random comments from followers:

He is talking rupture or maybe the day when Jesus returns zve politics njuga dzamuremera uyu
Iweka iwe..haunyari here nhai Nelson?

Chamisa knows that he has a captive following who will believe anything he tells them no questions asked. Man is supposed to be a creature of reason but when millions follow blindly like sheep, it is no wonder the nation is in a mess!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ E Mataranyika

“Iwewe wanga uripi vanhu vachinyepera sei vakasiya vanhu vachinyeperwa , usade kunyepera kuziva, dai vaiziva wakadini kuyambira vanhu iwewe usade kunyepera chiporifita uchiziva kuti mvura inorapa headache.”

So now it is my fault MDC/CCC leaders sold out on reforms. Is it also my fault that Zanu PF rigged elections. My fault Zimbabwe was colonised! Your stupidity knows no bounds!

Chamisa and company sold out on reforms and conned people to participating in flawed elections out of greed. They will be held to account and that is not negotiable!

If I am responsible for anything then you hold me to account! (Some of the sheer nonsense one has to put up with.) No wonder we are a failed state!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Ever since the launch of the ZiG in April 2024 Zanu has sacrificed the teachers, nurses, lesser civil servants and povo for the purposes of containing the inflationary pressure on the ZiG vs US$. But because precious little was done to revive the country's economy it is no surprise the ZiG has been losing ground against the US Dollar.

As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state there will be no meaningful economic recover and no stable local currency.

What we need is to put an end to the curse of rigged elections and bad governance. And the best chance to do so is by stopping the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade participating in flawed 2028 elections and giving Zanu PF legitimacy. Easier said than done since the brigade are subject to the personality cult mentality and thus brain dead, as history has shown.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Unfettered

"You've quote an Animal Farm quote.

You certainly should have known that Napoleon used his brutal dogs, and Squealer, to inflict the Chilling effect.

Saying Zimbabweans have stopped thinking and shut off is misdiagnosis."

I totally agree with you as regards the rural voters, they are no more than serfs beholden to the Zanu PF thugs and the proxies. One cannot say the same about the urban voters; they participated in last year’s flawed elections because they were foolish enough to believe Chamisa’s idiotic lies of plugging vote rigging loop holes.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Leonard Koni

“The opposition political vacuum that is currently prevailing in the country is actually draining away all the hope of most progressive Zimbabweans who are yearning for change and trying to unshackle themselves from the Zanu PF bondage, which has suffocated most Zimbabweans at home and abroad.

Most people thought the Citizens Coalition of Change, which was led by Advocate Nelson Chamisa, was going to wrestle power from the unfashionable and undesirable Zanu PF leadership, which has brought the country to its knees.

The young and flamboyant leader was robbed of the election and saw his party being marooned and yoked like a cow being led to the slaughterhouse.

Most political analysts and commentators accused and blamed Nelson Chamisa of employing strategic ambiguity, which gave an opportunity to the regime to use Sengezo Tshabangu, who claimed the leadership of the party and self-appointed himself as the secretary general of the party.

He started working in carshorts with the regime and started recalling members of CCC through dubious court cases that were engineered by Jacob Mudenda.”

I totally agree with you that the opposition in Zimbabwe has been a great disappointment but it must be said that the people themselves have only themselves to blame for it. They have repeatedly elected corrupt and incompetent leaders and so got what they deserved.

Last year millions were conned by Chamisa to participate in flawed elections because they believed his blatant lie that he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. How foolish was that!

There is a real danger that Chamisa will return from his sabbatical leave and it will not take much to have the brain dead herd participating in the 2028 elections.

We should have never allowed universal suffrage particularly when we have corrupt and incompetent politicians from both sides of the political divide who only care about power and do not give a damn of the suffering and death of the ordinary people! Giving the vote to an ignorant and naive voter is as irresponsible as giving a loaded gun to a monkey!