Tendai Biti has acknowledged that Mnangagwa has corrupted the opposition to make sure he will have no problem getting the 2/3 majority approval in House of Assembly and in Senate for the proposed constitutional amendment to enable Mnangagwa to stay in power beyond 2028. The only remaining hope of stopping the amendment going through now is making sure the people vote no in the two referendums that must follow.
“Ipapo ndopatchapedzerana! We are going to move mountains to make sure we get a no vote!” boasted Biti.
This is the usual irrational and idiotic nonsense we have come to expect from Tendai Biti and his sell-out MDC/CCC fiends. We are being asked to participate in a flawed and illegal process, a significant part of which has already been corrupted and is therefore done and dusted, knowing fully well that our participating WILL give the process legitimacy.
This is not the first time we have MDC/CCC leaders have asked the nation to participate in a flawed and illegal process; knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging and that participating will give Zanu PF legitimacy. They have lied that the opposition has devised strategies to win RIGGED elections to con the people to participate.
Chamisa assured the nation CCC would win 2023 elections because he “plugged all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!” He even had the chutzpah to evoke the name of God. Of course, he was lying and Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF cronies went on to blatantly rig those elections.
SADC and AU election observers condemned the 2023 Zimbabwe elections as flawed and illegal!
“The SEOM (SADC Election Observer Mission) noted that, as detailed in sections 6 and 7 of this report, some aspects of the Harmonised Elections fell short of the requirements of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Electoral Act, and the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2021),” stated the SEOM report.
What is really infuriating is that Tendai Biti and his opposition fiends KNOW the sheer futility of participating in these flawed election and yet they continue participating out of greed. David Coltart admitted this as far bak as 2016!
“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.
Tendai Biti should open his eyes, his no vote is not guaranteed since some of his won opposition fiends are already campaigning for a yes vote for Mnangagwa. Coltart was praising Mnangagwa in a recent x-post for approving, “Glassblock Dam project #vision 2030!”
It is beggars belief that anyone would believe one long over due project for Bulawayo would make all the other teething problems like the collapsed industries and mass unemployment disappear and uplift the city residence into upper middle income in five years! He is praising Mnangagwa out of selfish greed - as usual.
If the constitutional amendments sailing through parliament will have the power to postpone election willy-nilly which is tantamount to denying the people the right to elect public officials to office for a fixed mandate. This is even more serious than the current sorry state of rigged elections since the amendments will give the illegitimate regime the power to extend its illegitimate mandate.
The right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country is more than just a right, it is the essence of good governance. Zimbabwe is a failed state because we have been stuck with this corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship and its equally corrupt and useless MDC/CCC side-kick. At least we have always held on to the hope that next elections, God willing, we will finally have free, fair and credible elections and the regime change we have been dying for.
However if the proposed constitutional amendments sail through the vote rigging regime will have the power to willy-nilly postpone elections and thus extend its mandate beyond the regular every five years for all public officials and for the president beyond the fixed two five-year term.
Given the seriousness of these referendums on the good governance and political stability of Zimbabwe it would be irresponsible that referendum should take place when nothing has been done to ensure the political process is squeaky clean and the result is truly the democratic wish of the people of Zimbabwe.
It is very tragic that Zimbabweans have been easily conned to participate in flawed elections again and again only to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy. Not even one token reform was implemented by the regime since the rigged 2023 elections, Zanu PF is going to rig the proposed constitution amendment process, no one should participate in the reforms. No one!
Mugabe and his Zanu PF cronies sold out on the values and principles of the war independence. They imposed the de facto one party dictatorship, granting themselves the divine right to rule and loot and denying the rest their freedoms and rights including the right to a meaningful vote.
The people of Zimbabwe have risked all to elect MDC/CCC leaders on the understanding they will implement the democratic changes to end the Zanu PF dictatorship and restore all the people freedoms and rights. Mugabe bribed the Tsvangirai and Co. and, with their snouts in the feeding trough, they forgot about the reforms.
Ever since the 2008 to 2013 GNU debacle, MDC/CCC have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and get a few gravy train seats in return. And now the sell-out want the nation to risk letting Zanu PF amend the constitution to give the regime the power to postpone elections as it see fit by participating in the flawed referendum process.
Why should we gamble our basic rights and freedoms like mangoes at the market? The results of the referendums will be of no consequence unless the referendum process is SQUEAKY clean. We know Zanu PF rigged the 2023 elections and is already rigging the referendum process. We demand that democratic reforms to guarantee a free, fair and credible process first BEFORE the referendum.
In an embarrassing turn of events that echoes the infamous 2007 Rotina Mavhunga Chinhoyi diesel scam, Zimbabwean inventor Maxwell Chikumbutso has been caught misleading President Emmerson Mnangagwa with fraudulent claims about his so-called inventions. Chikumbutso, whose reputation as a self-proclaimed "genius" has been shattered, has been exposed for passing off imported products as his own creations, further raising questions about the country's scientific credibility.
Chikumbutso, a Form 2 school dropout, presented a car and energy device to Mnangagwa at State House in Harare, claiming they were his groundbreaking inventions. The electric car, which he called the Saith FEV, was presented with grandiose statements, including the claim that it was a self-powering vehicle that operates without fuel, recharges, or requires any external input, supposedly powered solely by radio waves.
In front of a crowd of journalists and flashing cameras, Chikumbutso painted a picture of Einsteinian brilliance. The car was enthusiastically applauded by some, with social media exploding in praise for Chikumbutso's supposed ingenuity. However, a reverse image search on the car quickly revealed that it was not his invention at all. The car, a Kaiyi model manufactured in Japan, was being passed off as an original creation, sparking a widespread backlash online.
Further investigation revealed that Chikumbutso’s "Hypersonic Energy Device" was simply a Browey power station with a built-in solar panel—available for purchase on Amazon. What was touted as a revolutionary energy solution turned out to be a mere off-the-shelf product.”
Chikumbutso not only duped Mnangagwa but all those around him. Mnangagwa is a buffoon but so to are all those around him. No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state, we have a buffoon for president and he has surrounded himself with buffoons who do not have any common sense.
@ Transerv
He has not accounted for lying to the people about plugging all the vote rigging loop holes. He conned them to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating the nation’s suffering. This is a very serious matter which you have clearly failed to comprehend for obvious reasons.
The bottom line is Chamisa is accountable for lying and conning people and for selling out on reforms - that is not negotiable!
@ Mzilakaladelwa
Chamisa sold out when he and his MDC fiends failed to implement even one reform during the GNU. Why this has escaped many people’s notice even now with the benefit of hindsight speaks volumes of their intellectual capacity!
@ Washvvvone
“So you are saying people should boycott the referendum?”
The 2008 elections were an eyeopener, the blatant cheating in the counting of the March votes and the wanton violence in the run-off that followed left no one in any doubt that Zanu PF would never ever hold free, fair and credible elections. SADC and AU refused to accept the 2008 result and denied the party political legitimacy.
SADC forced Zanu PF to sign the 2008 Global Political Agreement which gave birth to the 2008 to 2013 GNU. The primary purpose of the GNU was to implement the democratic reforms to stop the repeat of the 2008 blatant cheating and wanton violence. Alas! Mugabe bribed the MDC leaders with the trappings of high office and, with their snouts in the feeding trough, they forgot about the reforms. Not even one token reform was implemented. Not one!
Ever since the GNU debacle MDC/CCC leaders have been participating in flawed elections knowing full well that Zanu PF was rigging and that participating will give Zanu PF legitimacy. Still they participated because they also knew that Zanu PF was giving away a few gravy train seats to keep up the appearance Zimbabwe was a multiparty democracy.
Both SADC and AU condemned Zimbabwe’s 2023 elections as flawed and illegal. They did not deny Zanu PF legitimacy because millions of people participated in the elections and all winning CCC leaders took up their gravy train seats even after SADC and AU had condemned the election process - further proof Zimbabwe’s opposition is Zanu PF team B in all but name.
Zimbabwe’s opposition has lost political credibility. There is mounting pressure on both SADC and the AU to deny Zanu PF legitimacy even if Chamisa and company con the people to participate in future. Mnangagwa knows it.
Mnangagwa knows that he can rig a referendum and get away with it but not so with an election and hence the reason why he push hard to have the referendum.
We the people should be smart enough to know that if Mnangagwa can rig elections; he rigged 2023 elections and has not implemented even one token reforms since; he will have no problem rigging the referendum. Indeed, he has already corrupted the politicians to secure 2/3 majority in both the Houses. Only a fool will participate in a process he knows he is being cheated and that participating will give the process legitimacy.
Both SADC and AU condemned 2023 elections as flawed and illegal. So before we participate in the referendum it is reasonable to demand proof from Zanu PF that the referendum will NOT be flawed and illegal too!
To participate in the flawed process on the basis of a sell-out like Biti’s promise that he will live in the mountain (to escape Zanu PF thugs) whilst campaigning for a no vote, is foolish gamble. Why give up the high ground that the referendum must be free, fair and credible for the result to be valid?
Besides, ask yourself why did Biti fail to implement even one token reform during the GNU. The same honeypot trappings of high office that made him and his MDC colleagues forget about the reforms then will work now. What Mnangagwa needs is a team of opposition leaders who will con the people to participate in the flawed referendum to give the process credibility. As for the result he will see to it that it is a YES.
Zanu PF rigged the 2023 elections as SADC and AU election observers have testified. There will be no outside observers during the referendum and the regime has not implemented even one token reform since 2023 elections. It is certain the referendum will be rigged.
Indeed, Zanu PF has already started the rigging by corrupting the opposition politicians to secure 2/3 majority in both houses.
Why would any one with half a brain participate in a flawed process knowing fully well the process is flawed and that participating will give the result credibility?
Zanu PF has the legal obligation to ensure elections and referendum processes are free, fair and credible. If people are stupid enough to let Zanu PF off the hook because they believe they can win RIGGED processes, even after 45 years of rigged elections, of course Zanu PF will take full advantage of the stupidity!
@ Coltart
Coltart was in the 2008 to 2013 GNU whose primary purpose was to implement the democratic reforms to end Zanu PF tyrannical oppression. He sold out and now is making a career of reminding us how much we are suffering under the regime!
@ Transerv
“So what's the way forward Mr Mukori we can't cry for ever about Chamisa's mistake of participating.”
Holding leaders to account IS the way forward.
In 2018 Chamisa lied that “MDC A has stringent measures to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections.” Millions of people believed him and participated in those elections giving Zanu PF legitimacy. He was never held to account for lying and the tragic consequences that followed. And so he was back five years latter repeating the same idiotic lies resulting in the same tragic consequences.
If he is not held to account he will return with the same bulls***t and the brain dead followers will participate in the flawed process, etc. Enough is enough!
You are not interested in the way forward, all you want is to stop Chamisa being held to account. To you, Chamisa is a demigod who should not be questioned much less held to account. How any one can be so shallow, thick and slow beggars belief.
Chamisa is not just a mere mortal but a corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless one too. He is a public figure and is accountable for what he did in public office - that is not negotiable!
The very fact that we still have some nincompoops who still believe leaders are demigods explains why Zimbabwe is a failed state! Zimbabwe has the great misfortune of having millions of nincompoops judging from the 2023 elections! It will take a day’s work to con the nincompoops to participate in another flawed process!
“We can't cry for ever about Chamisa's mistake of participating!” cried the nincompoop as he prepares to participate in yet another flawed elections!
USA President Trump has not been in office for one month and already he has raised a serious economic and political storm. I am not competent to comment on the merits or otherwise of his arguments to justify the imposition of the 25% tariff charges on USA imports from Canada, for example. What I question is the justification of imposing the tariff charges and thus tearing up the existing trade agreements without so much as by your leave!
It is worrying that Africa's despots should to throw their weight around. Monkey see, monkey do!
Like is or not President Trump has just made the whole world more chaotic, more introvert in a selfish kind of way and unstable economically and politically. In the chaos it is the weak who will suffer the worst - us in third world countries.
Whatever "trouble" President Trump has lined up for President Cyril Ramaphosa and his ANC friends it will come as no surprise that ordinary South Africans too will pay dearly along the way!
Making America great again does not have to be at the cost of rule of law!
Blessed Geza apologises for "replacing Mugabe with a monster, Mnangagwa". Why did you? Did you not know that Mnangagwa was corrupt, incompetent and a murderous vote rigging thug?
You want to replace Mnangagwa with Chiwenga. Do you not know that Chiwenga is just as corrupt, incompetent and a murderous vote rigging thug as Mnangagwa?
You are not offering a solution but repeating the same foolishness that landed us in this mess. Replacing one dictator with another will change nothing. We must dismantle the dictatorship itself by implementing the democratic reforms to ensure free, fair and credible elections.
The twats admitted and apologised for having imposed a monster in 2017 coup and guess what, they want to impose yet another monster! Of course, they knew Mnangagwa was a corrupt and murderous tyrant but they did not are because they thought he will do their bidding. They also know that Chiwenga is just another corrupt, incompetent and vote rigging thug, they want to impose him regardless.
After 45 years of rigged elections and bad governance we are still stick with the dictatorship. The idiots have learned nothing!
We want all Zimbabweans to have a meaningful say in who rules the country and enough of this bullshit of rigged elections and war veterans imposing monsters on the nation.
The twats admitted and apologised for having imposed a monster in 2017 coup and guess what, they want to impose yet another monster! Of course, they knew Mnangagwa was a corrupt and murderous tyrant but they did not are because they thought he will do their bidding. They also know that Chiwenga is just another corrupt, incompetent and vote rigging thug, they want to impose him regardless.
After 45 years of rigged elections and bad governance we are still stick with the dictatorship. The idiots have learned nothing!
We want all Zimbabweans to have a meaningful say in who rules the country and enough of this bullshit of rigged elections and war veterans imposing monsters on the nation. Blessed Geza is just a twat who still believes his vote is more valuable than that of the rest of us because he fought in the war of independence.
We really must break this nonsense that those who fought in the liberation war are special, they are first class citizens and the rest are third class. If those in third class do not like it then they too must wage their own war of liberation! We are and must end this cycle of yesterday’s liberator becoming today’s oppressors.
Blessed Geza and company must apologise for imposing not just Mnangagwa but Mugabe before him and desist the nonsense of propping up the dictatorship and being the vanguard of the regime’s vote rigging schemes. Let us restore the freedoms and rights of all Zimbabweans!
Millions of people participated in the 2023 elections because they were conned, they believed Chamisa’s idiotic lie that he had plugged all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes. The is a real danger that Chamisa will con the usual suspects to participate in flawed referendums and thus gift Zanu PF the power to postpone not just 2028 elections but many more to follow.
Chamisa and company have conned the nation to give up the demand for free, fair and credible elections on the idiotic lies of the opposition will win RIGGED elections. The nation has paid dearly for this folly and we must stop Chamisa and company doing this ever again.
@ Seal
The principle of not interfering in another nation’s democratic process is key to political stability and good governance. President Trump’s brazen disregard of rules and rule of law will only courage lawlessness, selfishness and worse. No one, not even the Americans will benefit from any of this s****t!
@ Zinhu
He was praising Mnangagwa for the Chivi to Mwandamabwe road, no doubt to win favours from the dictator. So now he is having second thoughts! This is just one of the many things holding bak Zimbabwe - we have no quality leaders.
The tragedy for Africa is that we replace one dictator with another and even make a big song and dance about it, for a few weeks at least. We really have struggled to hold free, fair and credible elections and thus get off first base!
In Zimbabwe we gave up fighting for free and fair elections at the instigation of the MDC/CCC leaders. They failed to implement even one token reform during the 2008 to 2013 GNU and have conned their brain-dead to believe the opposition has devised strategies to win RIGGED elections. And so ever since 2013 the supporters have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the nation’s suffering.
Even after decades of rigged elections, the penny has not dropped that Chamisa lied to them and the opposition is now Zanu PF team B in all but name, playing for team A to win and have legitimacy!
45 years after independence and we still have no clue what constitute free, fair and credible elections; and in this day and age! Fcuk me! No wonder we are a failed state and, worst of all, doomed to remain so until we learn.
THE sight of empty shelves is sore and brings back memories of the 2000 to 2008 economic collapse. As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and vote rigging thugs, there will be no meaningful economic recovery. Forget the Vision 2030 some idiots keep wittering about!
It is shocking that we are still failing to hold free, fair and credible elections 45 years after independence! And right now the number one task is making sure Zanu PF does not amend the constitution to allow the regime to postpone elections.
The sure way to do so is by denying the regime legitimacy by refusing to participate in the flawed process. Alas! That is easier said than done for we have millions of brain dead voters who have been conned again and again to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. The usual suspects are already out conning the masses to participate claiming they will deliver a NO vote!
But why participate in a flawed process which both SADC and AU have condemned. Zanu PF has the legal obligation to make sure the referendum process is free, fair and credible - let them go ahead with a flawed process yet again if they dare!
Mnangagwa bribes war veterans with "a few dollars to fund home project to survive", announced war veteran Douglas Mahiya. (If Zanu PF have always followed through with all their promises to war veterans, many of them will be wealthier than Wicknell Chivayo and not the proverbial poor as a church.) Still Mahiya announced the war veterans will once again do Zanu PF's dirty bidding!
The war veterans will fight to deliver Zanu PF Conference resolution for Mnangagwa to stay in power until 2030 because "that was the voice of the people and the voice of the people is the voice of God!" said Mahiya. Nonsense! Zanu PF rigged 2023 elections denying the people a meaningful say in the governance of the country. How idiotic and insulting that any one should confuse the voice Zanu PF delegates with the democratic voice of the people of Zimbabwe especial after 45 years of denying them a say!
Zimbabwe must end the curse of rigged elections and bad governance. The Zanu PF dictatorship would have never survive these 45 years without individuals like Mahiya who would sell their own mother for a price and be glad they had a mother to sell! Mahiya a war veteran, but of course, it took all sorts heroes as well as mercenaries and idiots!
@ Taona
Are you saying Zimbabweans outside and inside the country will only listen to some one who is in Zimbabwe? Are you saying that because you only believe those in Zimbabwe talk sense and every outside talk rubbish? How nauseating!
ZAPU has declared that any attempt by President Emmerson Mnangagwa to extend his rule beyond 2028 will be met with resistance if he attempts to remain in office without an electoral mandate.
While dismissing any support for a coup, ZAPU insisted on fair elections in 2028 where Mnangagwa must step down.
Hear! Hear! One hopes that Zapu will have the common sense NOT to participate in flawed and illegal elections knowing that doing so will only give Zanu PF legitimacy as it has done in the past!
Those who enjoy absolute power loot and they do not pay tax and the down trodden who are powerless are taxed to death to keep them poor and powerless.
Point of correction: the 2017 military coup was NOT "legal, justified and constitutional". No constitution worth a spit will ever justify a coup. If those who stage the 2017 coup believed the regime of the day had broken the law, the recourse was to take the matter before the Courts. In staging the coup the plotters took the law into their own hands thus becoming the accusers, the prosecutors, the judge, the jury and the executioners - the epitome of lawlessness.
The nation must revisit H C Judge George Chiweshe’s idiotic judgement sanctifying the 2017 military coup and put the record right!
It is shocking that there are war veterans who are still seeking to swap one dictator for another, they have learned nothing even with the benefit of 45 years of failed dictatorship.
@ Morgan Komichi
Point of correction: the 2017 military coup was NOT "legal, justified and constitutional". No constitution worth a spit will ever justify a coup. If those who stage the 2017 coup believed the regime of the day had broken the law, the recourse was to take the matter before the Courts. In staging the coup the plotters took the law into their own hands thus becoming the accusers, the prosecutors, the judge, the jury and the executioners - the epitome of lawlessness.
The nation must revisit H C Judge George Chiweshe’s idiotic judgement sanctifying the 2017 military coup and put the record right!
It is shocking that there are war veterans who are still seeking to swap one dictator for another, they have learned nothing even with the benefit of 45 years of failed dictatorship.
The iron is it was Geza and his fellow war veterans who helped to create and impose the Zanu PF dictatorship all these last 45 years.
In 2017 war veterans turned against the sitting dictator Robert Mugabe and they booted him out of office only to replace him with yet another dictator, Mnangagwa. Now they do not want Mnangagwa and are seeking to replace him with yet another dictator Chiwenga. The penny has not dropped that swapping one dictator for another will change nothing!
It is not so much the individual dictator that has failed but the political system itself that has failed.
It is a very sad and tragic indictment not only against war veterans but the whole Zimbabwe society that we are still talking about who is the sole source of the mandate to rule Zimbabwe. It should be clear and settled by now that the people, in a free, fair and credible election are the sole source of mandate to govern.
The very idea of amending the constitution to take away or compromise the people's mandate is treasonous to say the least, especial when those proposing the amendment do not have the people's democratic mandate and there are good reasons to know the referendum will NOT be free, fair and credible!
Harare Council bought luxury cars for directors when the council was failing to deliver basic services! This will never stop until we finally completely overhaul the failed political system. Corruption is now deep rooted and those who have the power to end it are the ones benefiting from it and no wonder nothing is done!
Zimbabwe's economic and political crisis is serious and, unless we do something about it, will soon reach the tipping point. We will only have ourselves to blame for having sat twiddling our thumbs and done nothing to end the crisis all these years !
@ Chief Svosve
“We knew you were Zanu pf to the core and an operative too, albeit a very lousy one - but now we know you are one of ED’s puppies if not side dish- mongers like will do anything to put a few Judas Iscariot coins in your pocket. I hope it’s all worth it Whiribheti! I hope it is! But one day you will face the full wrath of selling out a people’s struggle! - mark my words.”
We all know you, Chief Svosve, you have called Nelson Chamisa “Change Champion in Chief”, for example, but have failed to name even one change he has accomplished. You are accusing me here of “selling out a people’s struggle” and yet you have not name one thing I have done to back your claim.
I have called Chamisa a liar for conning millions of his brain dead supporters to participate in the flawed 2023 elections on the basis of an idiotic lie that he had plugged the vote rigging loop holes. Even you know that he lied and hence the reason why you have refused to answer if he lied, yes or no.
So I am the one selling out the people’s struggle to end the dictatorship by telling the truth and those conning the people are the good guys! Well let history be the judge!
Meanwhile, I will continue to hold Chamisa to account for what he has done especially selling out on reforms. Chamisa is a mere mortal and not the demigod you believe him to be!
@ Chief Svosve
“Why Chamisa only , is he the only one on the ballot box the past two elections . The proof of your selling out I have provided countless times and you also display it here everyday.”
So because Chamisa was not “the only one on the ballot paper” gives him the licence to con the people to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating the suffering of the masses for the sake of a few gravy train seats for himself and his mates? Well it does not giving him th licence and he will be held to account.
Holding Chamisa to account makes me a sell-out, according to you. Well so be it but I will never relent in my set task of holding Chamisa to account - that is not negotiable!
@ Mbofana
“This latest initiative reeks of desperation, particularly in light of the growing discontent among war veterans, some of whom, like Blessing Geza, have been openly critical of Mnangagwa's leadership and are strongly opposed to unconstitutional efforts to extend his tenure beyond the two-term limit.
By unveiling this fund now, the government appears to be attempting to neutralise this discontent with a token gesture that is woefully inadequate to address the real struggles faced by the veterans.
Even during the Mugabe era, war veterans were treated as expendable tools, only useful for consolidating political power and then discarded when no longer needed.
In 1996, they were compelled to publicly protest against their abandonment, singing and dancing at the National Heroes Acre in Harare to demand recognition and compensation.
Although their pressure led to the disbursement of some payouts in the late 1990s, these efforts were ultimately undermined by rampant corruption, with most of the funds being looted by those in power.
The pattern has continued under Mnangagwa, where most war veterans still live in poverty, dependent on meagre government handouts that barely sustain them.
This new fund follows the same trajectory, offering an amount so paltry that it only serves to highlight the state's contempt for these heroes.
The reality of Zimbabwe's economic structure under Mnangagwa's rule further underscores this injustice.
While war veterans are being handed crumbs, a small group of politically connected individuals - aptly described by Vice President Constantino Chiwenga as zvigananda - are walking away with millions, if not billions, of dollars through corrupt deals and state patronage.
The man widely credited with spearheading the Presidential War Veterans Fund, Dr. Paul Tungwarara, has himself been accused of trying to fleece the government.
His Paulos Construction company, which won a tender to construct a precast wall around the State House (the president's official residence and office), allegedly placed the cost at a staggering $15 million.
This is the same man whose other company, Prevail International, secured a highly controversial $500 million contract for the planned cyber city in Mt. Hampden.
It was also responsible for the so-called Presidential Boreholes project, which was marred by allegations of inflated costs and irregularities.
Tungwarara is just one example.
The case of convicted fraudster Wicknell Chivayo is even more egregious.
He received a $5 million advance from the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) for a $175 million, 100-megawatt solar power plant in Gwanda - a project that was never delivered, leaving the site completely abandoned and overgrown with vegetation.
This same individual was also involved in a murky $100 million deal with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) for election materials, many of which reportedly arrived well after the 2023 elections or were never delivered at all.
Mahiya has already boasted that $150,000 has been allocated to Masvingo province and $100,000 to Mashonaland East.
Yet, when this $1.5 million is divided among the estimated 200,000 surviving war veterans, this fund translates to a mere $7.50 per person.
This is hardly enough to buy a decent meal, let alone launch a business or lift someone out of poverty.
Even if one assumes that this money is not intended to be distributed as direct handouts but rather as a revolving loan fund, the amount is still grossly inadequate.
It raises the inevitable question of whether this scheme is simply another avenue for looting, with funds being channelled to individuals who were never part of the liberation struggle, while the real war veterans continue to languish in destitution.”
@ Mbofana
For all their political grandstanding and posturing as key players in Zimbabwe politics, war veterans have turned out to be brain-dead to be used and abused to do Zanu PF leaders’ dirty work only to be discarded like used toilet tissue.
Mugabe and the other Zanu PF leaders have brainwashed war veterans into believing that the war of independence was fought for the sole purpose of establishing a Zanu PF one-party state. Some war veterans believe this bulls**t to this day and hence they reason why they have rarely criticised the party. And the odd occasion they have done so they have sort to replace the failed leader with another Zanu PF leader.
They have such a fixation with Zanu PF, to them Zanu PF leaders are demigods and they are the only ones fit to govern Zimbabwe. How any one can be so shallow, thick and slow; beggars belief!
The most pressing thing today is to hammer the message into these war veterans’ empty heads that all Zimbabweans have a right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country and not just them. The very idea that the war veterans can impose another dictator on the nation as they have done these last 45 years is totally acceptable. We want the dictatorship dismantled and not just swap one dictator for another!
@ Mutsvangwa
“The continuous vitriolic attacks by Blessed Runesu Geza and his faction of war veterans against the leadership of President Mnangagwa are unacceptable. They are not only outlandish but also treasonable and egregious," Mutsvangwa said. "We are fully seized with this matter, and appropriate measures will be taken.”
“Kugocha kunoda klamaai, komwana kunodzimamoto!” so goes the Shona adage!
Mutsvangwa was himself party to the war veterans who not only issued similar criticisms of Mugabe but went on to back the 15 November 2017 military coup. If what Geza has said is “treasonable and egregious” then what would you call your own actions in 2017, Comrade Mutsvangwa?
High Court Judge George Chiweshe ruled that the November 2017 military coup was “justified, legal and constitutional”. He did not quote the chapter and verse in the constitution to back his judgement because there is no such chapter and verse. What he did is set a dangerous precedence which can be used to justify a military coup today!
The nation must revisit the idiotic Judge Chishewe judgement and put the record right; the 2017 military coup was high treason and those who masterminded it must be held to account.
If the Army should decide to back one side or the other in the ongoing Zanu PF factional war as it did in the 2017 factional war, then those involved must know they are fighting to replace one dictator with another. They must know they are NOT doing the nation an favour since we are fighting to dismantle the dictatorship the Army has helped to impose on the nation for the last 45 years.
The Army is seeking to perpetuate the 's Zanu PF dictatorship and should not insult our intelligence by hiding behind the constitution. The Army, just like the Police, judiciary, etc. are Zanu PF departments in all but name and have never ever cared about povo and rule of law!
@ Prof J Moyo
“Some things never cease to amaze. It is common cause that the loudest opposition politicians in Zimbabwe and their mouthpieces are given to presenting themselves as "the only change champions" and claiming to be "the new leaders" running the "only authentic, God is in it democratic alternative", as "the only game in town".
Yet it also an unassailable fact that Zimbabweans have witnessed over and over again - from as far back as one cares to go - that whenever push comes to shove in Zimbabwean politics, the country's opposition players from the self-styled "change champions" suddenly become spectators; energetically and enthusiastically cheering some Zanu-PF players against some other Zanu-PF players, in what is essentially and actually entirely a Zanu-PF game.
What is now crystal clear and cannot be objectively contracted is that, when the going gets tough, and the tough gets going, Zimbabweans can rest assured that the team that calls itself "change champions" and its media mouthpieces will mortgage their agency to players in Zanu-PF; players from the very same team that they say must go.”
It is no secret that MDC/CCC has been Zanu PF team B in all bit name, playing for team A to win and have legitimacy. This is why MDC leaders failed to implement even one token reform during the 2008 to 2013 GNU when they had he golden opportunity to do so. And, ever since the GNU debacle, they have participate in flawed elections knowing Zanu PF was rigging and that participating would give the regime legitimacy.
Chamisa has repeatedly lied about winning RIGGED elections just to con his followers to participate in the flawed elections in their millions.
The tragedy for Zimbabwe is that millions of Zimbabweans have remained ignorant of the political reality that MDC/CCC are now fighting in Zanu PF’s corner, ever after 25 years of MDC/CCC on the political stage and not even one reform to show for it. Zimbabweans have paid dearly for their ignorance and naivety.
A few weeks ago Comrade Blessed Geza made is clear he and his war veteran friends were fighting for one of their war veterans to be in State House. This would be a repeat of 2017 military coup in which the nation swapped one dictator, Mugabe, for another dictator, Mnangagwa.
The factional war in Zanu PF is hotting up and Comrade Geza is desperate to get ordinary Zimbabweans to support the Chiwenga factions and is assuring us this is a bid for democratic change and not a repeat of 2017. Of course, he is lying!
Vice President Constantino Chiwenga has moved to ease the mounting political tensions surrounding President Emmerson Mnangagwa's leadership, asserting that Mnangagwa is the “only one elected by the whole nation as a constituency,” reaffirming his position as the undisputed leader of Zimbabwe.
Chiwenga's statement comes as Mnangagwa returned to office today after taking his official annual leave, amidst growing internal power struggles and fierce attacks on his leadership, particularly from military-backed war veterans. These tensions have intensified as the President faces mounting challenges to his authority within his own party and among key political players.
For the record, Mnangagwa rigged the August 2023 elections, both SADC and AU condemned the elections as flawed and illegal. Mnangagwa is illegitimate and he only got away with it because Chamisa and company conned millions of Zimbabweans to participate in the flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy.
Yes Zanu PF is a party of corrupt, murderous and vote rigging thugs, still they would not still be in power today 45 years after independence if the opposition had not sold out on implementing the democratic reforms. MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one token reform in 25 years on the political stage.
Why the people have themselves failed to realise that MDC/CCC leaders are now Zanu PF team B in all but name, playing for team A to win and have legitimacy, beggars belief!
MDC/CCC leaders are still in denial they sold out on reforms and worse still they will want the nation to participate in flawed referendum/elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the nation's suffering. We can and must stop this madness!
@ Geza
SADC and AU said the 2023 elections were flawed and illegal if you accept CCC got 2 million votes does that mean you also accept Zanu PF got 2.2 million votes and that the process was free and fair? Chamisa said he he plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. Did he lie or not?
People like Geza love cherry picking! The truth is 2023 elections were rigged and Chamisa lied about plugging vote rigging loop holes!
@ Koach
“Please Back of CDe Geisha... Cherry picking or not... we love Revolution Geza ne Geisha!!”
If you knew that Blessed Geza and company would swap Mnangagwa for Chiwenga, one dictator for another, would you still be so enthralled to follow them?
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