“Zimbabwe is in desperate need of transformative leadership, not the routine recycling of failed politicians,” argued Trevor Ncube. “A change in leadership might offer temporary relief, Zimbabwe's issues run deeper, demanding a systemic overhaul.”
Could not agree with you more!
God only knows how many golden opportunities to completely overhaul our failed political system, notably the 2008 to 2013 GNU and the 2017 military coup, and we have wasted them all. All because of greed, breathtaking incompetence and, yes, our penchant for temporary relief. We would happily give up our freedoms, rights and human dignity to appease the dictator on the off chance he will have mercy on us even when history tells us he will only demand more and double the abuse again and again.
Zimbabwe is a failed state because the nation been stuck with this corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship for 45 years and counting. The party has enjoyed absolute power including the power to rig elections, to stay in power, and to loot the nation’s wealth.
Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF cronies have bribed, cajoled and even killed fellow Zanu PF nationalists, war veterans and the nation at large to accept the de facto Zanu PF one-party dictatorship. War veterans in the army, Police, etc.; still in active service, retired or demobilised in 1980; have been brainwashed to believe that only Zanu PF leaders are fit to rule Zimbabwe and can be trusted to safeguard the nation’s independence and sovereignty. And so it the Army, Police, etc. have become department of the party in all but name, there to promote Zanu PF’s singular agenda of retaining absolute power at all costs.
As much as Blessed Geza and his faction of war veterans are right in condemning Mnangagwa as a corrupt and murderous dictator; they cannot that they have played their part in imposing him in the 2017 military coup and the rigged elections which have followed. They have toned down their zeal to see VP Chiwenga succeed Mnangagwa and will never accept that he must face the acid test of free, fair and credible elections. Never!
How anyone can fail to see that swapping one dictator for another will solve nothing, especially after 45 years of rigged elections and bad governance, beggars believe!
Zanu PF will never reform itself out of office by accepting free and fair elections. The opposition MDC/CCC failed to implement even one token reform during the GNU when they had the golden opportunity to do so. Mugabe bribed Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends with the trappings of high office and, in return, they forgot about the reforms.
Ever since the GNU debacle, MDC/CCC leaders have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF victory and legitimacy for the sake of few gravy train seats. They have conned their brain-dead followers to participate on the basis of idiotic claims of opposition winning RIGGED elections. The very fact that millions Zimbabweans have believed these lies time and time again, even after 45 years of rigged elections, explains why we are a failed state.
Yes, we need a complete system overhaul of our failed political system.
“The only way forward, according to Ncube, is through a national, inclusive process that involves all stakeholders, including business leaders, civil society, the Church, labor, women, and youth. These groups must work together to rebuild the country,” reported Bulawayo 24.
Some people would say the writing of the 2013 Constitution was an inclusive process and yet no one will deny it was another wasted opportunity to dismantle the Zanu PF dictatorship and replace it with a healthy and functional democracy. A body of 50 or so technocrats can be task to write the nation’s new democratic constitution. They only have to use the constitutions of other nations that have tried and tested as the starting point; no need to reinvent the wheel.
It will be very disappointing indeed if the head of steam built since Mnangagwa took over from Mugabe should result in merely the replacement of one dictator with another. What we want is the end of the dictatorship and not another few days of sugar-rush at seeing Mnangagwa go followed by years more of this “soul-crushing poverty”, as Trevor aptly put it!
If all we accomplish in the current political struggle is to stop Mnangagwa amending the constitution and fail to end the Zanu PF dictatorship then it will be Pyrrhic victory. I would rather lose the battle of Mnangagwa amending the constitution but win the war of ending the dictatorship. Replacing the mutilated constitution will be day's work compared the challenge of ending an invigorated Zanu PF dictatorship, a Third Republic, with a point to prove.
Mnangagwa does not have the mandate to rule Zimbabwe, he rigged the 2023 elections. He got away with it, only because Zimbabweans were conned to participate in the flawed elections in their millions. They believed Chamisa's idiotic lie that he "plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!" The biggest danger is people being conned once again to participate in the referendum and thus giving the flawed process legitimacy!
We know the process is flawed and illegal, so why participate?
@ Etiwel Mutero
“The notion of extending President Mnangagwa's term has sparked a maelstrom of debate, with proponents arguing that it is essential for continuity and achieving the country's vision for the future. However, this argument is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to consolidate power and undermine the democratic process. The six reasons proffered by proponents of the extension - economic revival, infrastructure development, agricultural transformation, foreign relations and investment, reconciliation and unity, and Vision 2030 - are nothing more than a house of cards, built on shaky ground and liable to come crashing down at any moment.
The real reasons for extending the President's term are far more sinister. It is a blatant attempt to avoid the specter of succession, a problem that has been exacerbated by the removal of the running mate clause from the national constitution. This move has created a power vacuum, leaving Zanu PF scrambling to find a suitable replacement for President Mnangagwa. Furthermore, the extension of the President's term is also driven by corruption, as those in power seek to maintain their grip on the reins of power and continue to plunder the country's resources.
Moreover, the extension of the President's term is also motivated by a deep-seated fear of elections. Incompetent and less qualified leaders, who have grown comfortable in their positions of power, fear that they will be cast aside by the electorate. By extending the President's term, they hope to avoid the uncertainty of elections and maintain their grip on power. This is a classic case of "jobs for the boys," where those in power seek to maintain their positions, regardless of their competence or qualifications.”
The truth Zanu PF blatantly rigged the 2023 elections and this time even the regional and continental bodies SADC and AU denounced the election process as flawed and illegal. The party only managed to get away with it because the opposition, out of greed, conned their supporters to participate in the flawed elections in their millions.
Zanu PF knows that to stay in power they have to rig future elections and they also know that rigging elections is becoming increasingly tough and getting away with it is even tougher now, given SADC and AU critical 2023 reports. It is clear why amending the constitution to give politicians power to postpone elections appeals to Mnangagwa and Zanu PF.
The best way to stop Zanu PF amending the constitution is make sure Zimbabweans do not make the knee jerk response of participating in the flawed elections. Zimbabweans have been warned of the sheer folly of participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate one’s suffering. Now that both SADC and AU have endorsed and underline the futility of participating in flawed elections we have to see if Zimbabweans have finally learned.
SADC and AU are the only outside referees Zanu PF has not dared to ignore the past, 2008 for example. We must do our bit and refuse to participate in flawed elections/referendum and then see if SADC and AU will deny Zanu PF legitimacy!
Chamisa was able to con 2 million of his followers to participate in flawed election to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the nation's suffering on the basis of an idiotic lie. He told them that "he plugged vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!"
He has "studied people" he now boasts.
Well he should have learned that mankind is a creature of reason and so not everyone is brain-dead. Whilst he was able to con 2 million of his brain-dead Chamisa chete chete brigade he did not con ALL Zimbabweans! And the latter are demanding that he accounts for the blatant lies and failure to implement even one token reform in 25 years!
@ Munya
He conned 2 million Zimbabweans to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the suffering on millions of Zimbabweans. That is a very serious matter but one you have clearly failed to comprehend because you are brain-dead. Thank God not everyone in Zimbabwe is brain-dead!
“The government needs to respect the Constitution of Zimbabwe. We do not, in any way, want to see a Zimbabwe where the rights of the people are being eroded. In 2028, we expect to go to the polls.
“We expect to have the opportunity to register our candidates and to elect a new president for Zimbabwe. That is our constitutional right, and we are urging those in ZANU PF to keep their factional disputes to themselves. Do not involve the nation, and do not disrespect our constitutional document. It is the right of citizens to choose their leaders,” said Valerio.
Despite Mnangagwa refusing to endorse the extension of his rule, his supporters have been rallying to push for the constitutional amendment.
He, however, has not publicly condemned the actions of this faction within ZANU PF.
Valerio warned that the country should not repeat the mistake of being drawn into ZANU PF’s internal politics.
“It is quite unfortunate that Zimbabwe keeps going down the same path. In 2017, we were presented with an opportunity for a new future. Now, we are hearing this new mantra saying we must keep the president in power because he is doing such a great job. This is why we are launching the Community Wall Initiative. We are covering the entire country because we want to put it on record: no one wants 2030.
“If you speak to the people, there are hundreds gathered here today, and they will tell you clearly that they want something different every time they go to the polls. We are no longer interested in this. As UZA, we will ensure that the voice of the citizens is on record. We will not get involved in this factional fight,” she said.
Zimbabwe’s political and economic problems are complex and multi-facetted. Many people have failed to solve the problems because they have failed to comprehend the complexities. For example, the failure to understanding the role of the opposition in giving vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy has often been ignored and thus resulting in people barking up the wrong tree.
Ever since the 2008 to 2013 GNU debacle MDC/CCC leaders have participated in flawed elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging and participating will give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the people’s suffering. They have soldiered on regardless because they also knew that Zanu PF was giving away few gravy train seats. Coltart confessed all this in his book!
“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.
Elizabeth Valerio and her UZA party participated in the 2023 elections knowing fully well that their participation was giving vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy.
Now that Zanu PF is enjoying this fraudulent mandate, it is not surprising the regime is seeking to fraudulently extend the mandate. The tragedy for the nation is that the usual suspects, the sell out opposition, will participate in the flawed process to give the result some modicum of legitimacy!
@ Kenneth Mtata
SHOULD the current succession debate in Zanu-PF be a concern for the church and the rest of the population, even those not affiliated to the ruling or opposition parties?
The issue of succession in Zanu-PF has always been a contentious one, often intensifying as the end of an incumbent's term or retirement nears. We saw this during Robert Mugabe's later years, when it became clear that leadership transition was inevitable.
Some argue that this is purely an internal party matter, irrelevant to those outside Zanu-PF or even to those unaffiliated with any political party in Zimbabwe. I strongly disagree with this simplistic view and offer four key reasons why this issue affects the entire nation.”
No one is disputing that the endless political fracas in both Zanu PF and the opposition have a negative impact on us all. If Mnangagwa gets his wish and amends the constitution that will disastrous for the nation. The real challenge here is what can we do about all this political madness?
The knee jerk reaction is to be sucked into the fracas in the belief we can stop Zanu PF. This is not something new! We have been participating in flawed elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging and that participating will only give the regime legitimacy. Millions have been conned to disregard all that because they believed the opposition’s idiotic lies they would win RIGGED elections.
Zanu PF blatantly rigged the 2023 elections and got away with it because we were foolish enough to participate. Both SADC and AU have condemned the elections as flawed and illegal.
Not even one token democratic reform was implemented since the 2023 elections and so we can be 100% certain that Zanu PF will rig the referendum. The only question here is have we finally learned the lesson to stop the folly of participating in flawed processes only to give Zanu PF legitimacy!
The road to hell is paved with good intentions but when good intentions are repeated over and over again it is madness!
Over the last quarter century, Zimbabwe has failed to pay $21 billion in debt.
Now, as the country struggles with the impact of a once-in-a-generation drought, ordinary Zimbabweans are paying the price.
A prolonged hot and dry spell caused by the El Niño weather phenomenon has ravaged southern Africa, withering crops and leaving 26 million people across seven nations hungry, according to the United Nations’ World Food Programme.
Zimbabwe has been hardest hit, with the corn crop falling by more than two-thirds from previous years. The WFP anticipates that about 7.6 million people will need help accessing food between now and May.
If this is what a field visit uncovers withered crops, only a fool would believe the lie of a bumper harvest. And yet, this is indeed the sorry state of Zimbabwe's national economy and yet some people still believe in vision 2030 - the nation attaining an upper middle income status is five years when the nation is sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss!
The powers that be are so cocksure of vision 2030 they are already planning to amend the constitution so they can stay in power, unelected, to deliver it! Of course, this has everything to do with being oppressive and cocky; they know vision 2030 is a mirage!
"Fasten your seat belts, we are about to take-off!" the Blessed Geza supporters argue. Yes, but where are we going?
Zimbabwe is a failed state and after 45 years of blundering from pillar to post because we have failed to hold free, fair and credible elections; the need to find a way out of this curse of rigged elections and bad governance is the most urgent task before us today.
What Geza is proposing is to replace Mnangagwa with yet another dictator, Chiwenga. This will not get us out of the hell-hole we are in but drag us even deeper into it!
@ Risktaker
You are impressed with quantity because you do not have the intellect to discern quality! Your contribution speaking volumes of the empty head on your shoulders.
Blessed Geza is wittering about Mnangagwa being a dictator and yet he and his fellow war veterans are the ones who imposed him on the nation just as they imposed Mugabe before him. The dimwits are talking about imposing Chiwenga, yet another corrupt, incompetent and murderous Zanu PF thug. Only a mentally retarded idiot like you would see that as progress!
Compare and contrast Botswana a bastion of democracy, good governance and economic prosperity with Zimbabwe a bastion of autocracy, rigged election, chaos and soul-crushing poverty.
Blessed Geza is offering to replace one dictator with another. How any one with half a brain can consider that progress, beggars belief!
We demand the restoration of all the individual freedoms and rights including the right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country. Demand the end of the Zanu PF dictatorship and not just the swapping of one dictator for another.
@ Siyabangena
Holding leaders to account is not cowardice especially in a country where millions are so dumb and stupid and hold leaders as demigods who must be worshipped! You cannot bear to see your demigods held to account!
Geza is not a demigod and I, Wilbert Mukori, will hold him to account. He and his war veterans did impose Mnangagwa on the nation and Mugabe before him.
What role did Geza play in the 2008 Operation Mavhotera Papi? Millions of Zimbabweans were internally displaced, hundreds of thousands were beaten and/or raped and over 500 were murdered. It is no secret that many war veterans played a critical role in barbarism of 2008, Jabulani Sibanda boasted about it.
Geza and company have made a big song and dance about the people’s suffering and yet they have shied away from telling the truth when war veterans have inflicted the suffering in the name of the Zanu PF dictatorship.
This just an idiotic argument! Are you praising Geza’s foolishness because I have not given you an alternative? Judge what Geza is offering on its own merit. Replacing a dictator withy another dictator is foolish, period!
Zimbabwe is a failed state, the country hospitals are so ill-equipped patients with broken limbs are using cardboard for splint!
Mnangagwa has accomplished nothing of note in 45 years including 7 years of the Second Republic and yet the tyrant is hell bent on adding two more to his maximum two term limit. He just wants more time to loot!
Geza and company are seeking to replace Mnangagwa with Chiwenga this will perpetuate the dictatorship and is not the way out of this hell.
Geza and company have their own agenda, they want to stop Mnangagwa amending the constitution to extend his stay in power so that their own man, VP Chiwenga, can take over.
They want a National Transition Authority which must be backed by the Army. They are Zanu PF through and through and should therefore know the Army is but a department of the party. How can Zanu PF be the guarantor of democracy.
Both Geza and Chivero fought in the liberation war and yet 45 years after the war the ordinary people are still politically and economically impoverished for selfish political gain. And we are to believe the Geza revolution is for the people!!!!!
@ Dennis
Mutsvangwa and the rest of the 2017 coup plotters never said they would impose Mnangagwa as soon as Mugabe resign. They simply imposed it as fait accompli! Mnangagwa blatantly rigged the 2023 elections and he dismissed SADC and AU damning reports with contempt what more of a verbal promise given by a nobody!
Zanu PF has lost a lot of political legitimacy and the party will do whatever it deems necessary as long as the party survive and retain its iron grip on power.
This Transition Authority (TA) set up by Zimbabweans themselves appeals to Zanu PF since the party will have the economic muscle to buy-off all the appointees. The 2008 to 2013 GNU was a pain in the backside for Mugabe because he had to deal with SADC who were the guarantor of the agreement. Knox Chivero has already said that the Army will be the guarantor of the new Authority.
The 2008 to 2013 GNU had the golden chance to implement the democratic reforms if only MDC leaders had not turned out to be breathtakingly corrupt and incompetent. The proposed TA will be a Zanu PF project through and through, it will be utterly useless.
Zanu PF is the problem and it is foolish to even believe for a split second they can also be the solution. After 45 years of rigged elections, looting and tyrannical oppression there is no one in Zanu PF with a single drop of democratic blood in their veins.
Zanu PF are like baboons their factional wars are real but each faction knows that they will all be even worse if they both lost. And so they whatever brutality they show in their factional war, it is nothing compared to the barbarism they will unleash of the common enemy threatening regime change.
In 1980 Zanu PF operatives told the nation that if the party lost the elections, the bush war would continue. The nation voted to end the bush war and with that vote lost to this day their right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country.
"What kind of leaders would an armed struggle throw up?" Gandhi and his fellow nationalists asked themselves. We, in Zimbabwe, should have asked ourselves too!
In leaders like Mugabe, Mnangagwa, Geza, etc. we had the answer to the rhetorical question. Even after 45 years of tyrannical rule and the nation is a serious economic and political mess, the Zanu PF thugs have not mellowed!
If we want our freedoms and rights restored, we must stand up to these thugs!
“Yes, but he wants the power back to the people. We should trust him for now until it is done.”
So you trust Zanu PF to give the power back to the people just as you trust the party to do it in 2017 and back in 1980? After 45 years of being short changed again and again you still have not learned the lesson that appeasing dictators is foolish!
No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state, we really have more than our fair share of brain dead people! Our curse is the brain dead have the voice and the vote and there are millions of them!
@ Lynnet
In Zimbabwe no one is worried about building strong institutions, the alignment of our laws with our constitution, everyone is worried about who is going to be the next president, but people fail to understand that whoever takes over under the same system becomes exactly that system and there is nothing you can do about it, our laws must shift from one centre of power completely , give power to our institutions and avoid producing same Devils! We don’t need STRONG MEN, we need strong institutions, we don’t need popular leaders, we need popular laws and popular institutions!
Exactly! After 45 years of rigged elections you would think Zimbabweans will be demanding free and fair elections and no more of this swapping one dictator for another bull!
Geza has gained popularity since the beginning of this year when he launched a campaign against Mnangagwa's bid to stay beyond 2028, a time when the Zimbabwean leader's two term limit lapses.
In his place, Geza wants VP Chiwenga to take over.
His outspoken demands for Mnangagwa to dump his ED2030 mantra has invited the wrath of the state which has seen police open criminal charges against him.
Geza's prosecution could be construed as victimisation on a man who has braved a brutal regime to decampaign Mnangagwa's unpopular bid to stay on.”
The people of Zimbabwe were conned to support the 2017 military coup for two reasons:
1) the coup accomplished the one thing the nation had failed to do for 37 years - boot Mugabe out of the office
2) Zanu PF conned Tsvangirai and company the coup would be followed by a new GNU. Tsvangirai left his SA hospital bed in a huff. As soon as Zanu PF had Mugabe’s resignation they reneged on the GNU promise.
The truth the people should have kept the eyes on the ball - the growing demand for democratic reforms to ensure free, fair and credible elections. The coup was not going to deliver any meaning democratic change, swapping one dictator for another was not the same thing as dismantling the dictatorship.
The country’s worsening economic situation is once again feeling the factional war in Zanu PF. History has the habit of repeating itself, Zanu PF is offering the similar enticement to the people:
1) work with the Chiwenga faction to stop Mnangagwa amending the constitution to extend his stay in power beyond 2028. The gratification is from stopping the amendment of the constitution.
2) Geza and company have been offering a National Transition Authority, a new GNU, and needless to say the opposition are abuzz with excitement.
There is a distinct possibility Geza and company will renege on the GNU promise. Even is the GNU was to come true it will be a Zanu PF baby unlike the 2008 GNU which was SADC’s baby. If the 2008 GNU accomplished nothing the new GNU will be a waste of time.
Zimbabwe must once again keep their eyes on the ball - demand for democratic reforms leading to free and fair elections.
@ Sikhala
Firebrand opposition politician and former MP Job Sikhala has called on opposition forces to take advantage of the growing tensions between President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Vice President Constantino Chiwenga's factions within Zanu-PF, urging them to stoke further divisions within the ruling party.
Sikhala, a long-time government critic, argues that Zanu-PF has long been instrumental in engineering divisions within the opposition, particularly the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), which has suffered multiple splits over the years. He sees the current internal strife in the ruling party as an opportunity for the opposition to strike back.
Zanu-PF has been grappling with internal divisions since the 2017 coup that ousted long-time ruler Robert Mugabe, allowing Mnangagwa to take power with military backing. While the ruling party has largely managed to keep its factional struggles hidden, recent tensions have resurfaced, particularly over Mnangagwa's alleged bid to extend his rule beyond the constitutional two-term limit.
This is just wishful thinking on the part of Sikhala. Zanu PF has the one thing that has made dividing the opposition ease - money! And that is the one thing the opposition does not have.
The most likely scenario is the opposition being bought by the various Zanu PF factions and being told what to do!
This is the house that Jack built for the war veteran. And the war veteran lived in his house happily ever after his position as upper middle income, vision 2030, confirmed!
Let us be very clear here: Mnangagwa rigged the 2023 elections, both SADC and AU election observers condemned the process. They did not deny Zanu PF legitimacy as they did in 2008 because Chamisa's supporters participated in the flawed elections in their millions.
Ever since the rigged 2023 elections Mnangagwa been threatening to extend his illegitimate mandate beyond 2028 by amending the constitution. Today he has reaffirmed the position that he will step down. Thank God for the little mercies!
Now the nation must focus on stopping Chamisa conning his brain dead following participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. SADC and AU have stated their position - Zimbabwe elections are flawed and illegal and per se will not expect Zimbabweans to participate in such processes! We must make sure Chamisa's supporters do not participate in the flawed 2028 elections!
There is no pleasure in admitting that Zimbabwe is a failed state but it will be very foolish to deny it. Zimbabwe had the double great misfortune of having buffoons like Mugabe and sell outs like Tsvangirai for leaders and this was made even worse by having an ignorant and easily conned electorate.
Still, Zimbabwe is not a lost cause, we can and MUST snap out of our intellectual slumber and serve ourselves from the tragic human suffering born out of our status as a failed nation! We MUST snap out and be masters of our destiny and not just be the helpless victims!
Mnangagwa rigged the 2023 elections and was thinking of extending his illegitimate mandate by another two years. He has confirmed he will not do so, some will say under pressure from Blessed Geza and his war veterans who have been calling on him to resign. The 2030 agenda was becoming a distraction from the serious business of stopping people participating in the flawed 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy.
Both SADC and AU condemned 2023 elections as flawed and illegal. Zanu PF has not implemented any democratic reforms since the 2023 elections and is not likely to implement any before 2028. There is no excuse for anyone to participate in the flawed elections especially now when both SADC and AU have already said the process is flawed and illegal.
Chamisa will try to con his brain dead followers to participate in the flawed elections; no effort should be spared in making sure even the brain dead get the message it is insane to participate!
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