Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Zimbabweans must ignore Geza's call to endorse swapping Mnangagwa for Chiwenga, yet another meaningless swap, it's insane. W Mukori

 Jeremiah Masawi aka Nyoka Yamabhunu, the self-appointed spokesperson of Blessed Geza and company, is just a rabble-rouser with no clue why Zimbabwe is a failed state. Indeed, he is seeking to replace Mnangagwa with Chiwenga, swapping one dictator for another; only an idiot would not see that this will change nothing of substance!

After 45 years of rigged elections and the nation up to our eyes in s***t, the consequences of decades of failed state, one would have thought the tragic human suffering has forced Zimbabweans to finally come to their senses and not to be so easily conned. Alas! The long suffering has had the exact opposite effect, it has panicked them and made them desperate. As we know, desperate people do desperate things.

Zimbabweans welcomed the 2017 military coup, even though it was clear the nation would be swapping Mugabe for another dictator, because after 37 years of rigged elections the people were desperate to see the back of Mugabe at any and all cost. 

Mnangagwa got into power on the back of a military coup, the people were called upon to rubber stamp that. He has remained in office by blatantly rigging the 2018 and 2023 elections, contrary to his promise to hold free, fair and credible elections. 

When Blessed Geza and his war veteran friends denounce Mnangagwa and his regime as corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs; they were stating the obvious. 

“This Mnangagwa must stay until 2030, is bulls**t!” said Blessed Runesu Geza, to universal public acclaim. 

Geza and company have made it clear they want VP Chiwenga to takeover from Mnangagwa. Chiwenga is no stranger to the people of Zimbabwe, he is a Zanu PF thug through and through. He has played his part in the creation and imposition of the Zanu PF dictatorship all these 45 years, notably in the 2008 Operation Mavhotera Papi and he commanded 2017 military coup. 

Chiwenga, like all the other Zanu PF chefs, has enjoyed his lion’s share of the spoils of power; he retired from the Army as commander to become Vice President following the 2017 coup. He is filthy rich; he has many farms, properties and business interests, fleet of posh cars, 45 gold-watches, etc. 

Replacing Mnangagwa with Chiwenga will be swapping one corrupt, incompetent and murderous dictator for another! The nation did that in 2017 when we swap Mugabe for Mnangagwa and we KNOW that did not end the corrupt and tyranny. Swapping Mnangagwa for Chiwenga will be more than an act of desperation, it will be insane. It will show we have learned nothing from the past. Nothing!

As much as the ordinary people had played no party in the 2017 military coup that forced Mugabe out of office; the Zimbabwe public will likewise have no party in whatever it is Geza & Co. are planning to force Mnangagwa out of office. What Geza & Co. want the public to do is come out in the street in their hundreds of thousands, as they did in 2017, to rubber stamp.

Swapping Mnangagwa for Chiwenga is more than an act of desperation it is insane; Zimbabweans must not rubber stamp this insanity!


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Lynnet

Zimbabweans have risked all to elect the opposition MDC/CCC leaders these last 25 years on the belief they would implemented the democratic changes the nation was dying for.

After 25 years, Zanu PF is still able to blatantly rig elections because MDC/CCC leaders failed to implement even one token reform in 25 years including the 5 years in the GNU when they had the best chance to implement the reforms.

It is a great pity that Zimbabweans have not only failed to ask leaders like Chamisa why they sold out of reforms but have continued to give these leaders their blind support. Democracy demands diligent voters and not ignorant and brain dead ones!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The so called Geza Revolution will be dead in the water if the people of Zimbabwe refuse to answer his rallying call to go out in the street in their hundreds of thousands to show their support. Geza and Company will reassure the people there will be no riot Police with tear-gas nor Soldiers with their usual standing instructions of shoot to kill - as happened in the November 2017 coup. The more reason people should stay away.

Geza & Co. want public to endorse the Geza revolution and with it the swap of Mnangagwa for Chiwenga, the scorpion sting held back and out of sight until it is too late to do anything about it. We gave legitimacy to the 2017 coup were stung, we must not do this again.

When the Geza signal come to go on the streets to celebrate the forcing of Mnangagwa to give up the ED2030 nonsense, stay home for three days running because there really is nothing to celebrate when you are getting rid of one dictator only to get another!

Zimbabwe Light said...

When Blessed Geza and his four war veterans, the five Amigos, dismissed Mnangagwa's vision 2030 as "bulls***t" they were no more than the little boy who pointed the vain Emperor was naked in Hans Christian Andersen's fairytale "The Emperor with no Clothes." Now the cat is out of the bag all manner of idiots are coming out to make all manner of outrageous claims.

Walter Mzembi, Saviour Kasukuwere and rest of G40 will bombard the nation with claims the worsening economic and political situation is proof the 2017 military coup booted out the angels and left the devil incarnate and his imps. The truth is the coup booted out some of the corrupt, incompetent and murderous Zanu PF thugs but left many more. The coup should have cleared the deck!

The way forward is for Zimbabwe to have a new Transition Authority in which neither Zanu PF nor MDC/CCC leaders play a part, they were in the 2008 to 2013 GNU that failed to implement even one token reform. Zimbabweans must refuse to let Zanu PF thugs hold the nation to ransom!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Dziuno

People can listen to me if they believe what I say makes sense, that is all that matters! I do not have to copy what Chamisa, Geza, Mnangagwa or who ever else you care to come up with and never will! I am not Chamisa or Geza nor do I agree with what they have said and done and so why should I copy them!

Zimbabwe Light said...

President Emmerson Mnangagwa is set to hold a crucial meeting with Zimbabwe's war veterans in the coming weeks, amid increasing dissent within their ranks, with some calling for his resignation. The meeting, confirmed by Zanu-PF War Veterans League leader Douglas Mahiya, aims to address grievances among former liberation fighters.

The urgency of the gathering comes as a vocal faction, led by ex-combatant Blessed "Bombshell" Geza, openly demands Mnangagwa's departure, accusing him of corruption, nepotism, and plotting to extend his rule beyond the constitutional two-term limit.

Mahiya underscored the significance of the dialogue, saying it would allow war veterans to voice their concerns directly to the President. "After the successful launch of the War Veterans Welfare Fund, we saw it fit that comrades meet with their fellow fighter to discuss and spend the day together. The meeting is going to happen two to three weeks from now," Mahiya stated.

This engagement comes at a delicate time, as Geza intensifies his campaign against Mnangagwa's "ED2030" agenda, which critics view as a bid to extend his presidency beyond 2028. Geza has instead rallied support for Vice President Constantino Chiwenga to take over.

Geza's vocal opposition has also drawn the attention of the state, with legal actions being taken against him. He recently called for a national shutdown and issued a 10-day ultimatum for Mnangagwa to resign, although he later distanced himself from a social media post making the threat.
When Mnangagwa took over from Mugabe he had the usual hyperbolic claims of their achievements when they clearly have no clue of enormity of the challenge before them. When Mnangagwa took over from Mugabe following the 2017 military coup he hit the ground running with his “Zimbabwe is open for business!” mantra. He expected the mantra to attract a flood of new investors who would kick-start the country’s comatose economy. There was no flood of new investors, if anything, the economic decline get worse as the economic environment got even worse, not better.
After two or three years in power it was clear that Mnangagwa had no clue how to revive Zimbabwe’s economy. None! And so all that vision 2030, lifting the impoverished nation to upper middle income status by 2030 whilst the country remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs, was just “bulls***t” as Blessed Geza aptly put it.
Now that Mnangagwa’s vision 2030 bluff has been called out so publicly, the Emperor is naked; all these attempts to bribe the war veterans to get them back on the vision 2030 bandwagon will be seen by all as a insult on the intelligence of the war veterans. Does he really think that the war veterans are that stupid not to see that vision 2030 is a mirage and they cannot read the “BRIBE” label on all his gifts!
Mnangagwa is finished. He will certainly not be president beyond the 2028 presidential two term limit! The big question is does he have any political credibility left to last him till 2028? Many Zimbabweans across the board are desperate to see the back of him, another three more years of this economic meltdown and political chaos is simply unthinkable.

Zimbabwe Light said...

"There will be no change in Zimbabwe without Zanu PF-continuity. New leaders with new ideas will come from Zanu PF,” argue Professor Jonathan Moyo. That is just bulls***t and Professor Moyo knows it. Zanu PF; the party of corrupt, incompetent and ruthless thugs who have only remained in power these last 45 years, as we know; would have been dismantled if MDC leaders had implemented the democratic reforms especially during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. Professor Moyo knows that Morgan Tsvangirai and company sold out big time.

All the nation must fight for is a National Transition Authority run by with common sense Zimbabweans to implement all the democratic reforms and Zanu PF's strangle hold on the nation will finally be broken.

"Whether anyone likes it or not, Zanu PF is here to stay!" The very idea that the best the people of Zimbabwe can ever expect is a swap of one Zanu PF dictator with another without ever dismantling the dictatorship itself is absurd! There will be a Zimbabwe without Zanu PF because Zanu PF is NOT Zimbabwe!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Simba Makoni

Exactly, the 2017 military coup was all about the struggle for power and had nothing to do with restoring the people’s freedoms and rights including the right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country. The opposition leaders publicly supported the coup in the hope they will have a share of the spoils. The ordinary Zimbabweans went out in the street in their hundreds of thousands in support of the coup out of stupidity - “Dzungu!”

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Clint Shamu

"You are trying to send a message to people but make your message more appealing and stop kutuka vanhu vese please. This you are stupid,you are village idiots,nincompoop mune 'dzungu' all the time here?Ndiwe une problem iwewe maybe tourette's syndrome yekuti even wakarara unenge uchingotuka vanhu.Carrot or stick the donkey responds more to carrot to do the same thing and it's much easier."

I am saying the truth as I see it. What would you call the two million who participate in flawed elections knowing fully well that participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering. I call them village idiots because they are village idiots. You can call them wiser than King Solomon or whatever you wish!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Developer
“Removing the alfa croc from dam and leaving young crocs is as good as having done nothing. The mess will continue!

I always ask a question that many Zimbabweans don't answer.

Will removing only ED, leaving the whole syndicate or system in gvt be a solution to Zimbabwe problems?

By the way, did we solve anything by targeting only Mugabe and leaving his zvitsiga, hazvina kubukira here?

If that was a solution, why are we crying today?

I think the problem isn't with an individual but the whole system.

Let's have a list of all who should be removed and then deal with them.

A Potera”
You are right removing the one dictator when we all know he was not the only one responsible from all the corruption, mismanagement, tyranny, vote rigging, etc., etc. is as ineffective as shooting one crocodile in a river teaming with crocodiles.
Even if such a comprehensive list could be produced, that will not solve anything. Most of those on the list will be in positions of power and authority and they will refuse to go.
The solution is for Zimbabwe to implement the democratic reforms to restore all the people’s freedoms and rights including a meaningful say in the governance of the country. The opportunity to do this was wasted during the 2008 to 2013 GNU we must now demand another such opportunity and make sure the reforms are implemented this time.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mbofana
“Why is the Mnangagwa regime indifferent to how corruption and human rights abuses are tainting Zimbabwe's image?”
You might as well ask: why is Zanu PF rigging the elections? How else would the regime stay in power! Of course, Mnangagwa would want the confidence of having the mandate of the people but he knows that Zanu PF will never ever win free, fair and credible elections especially after decades of the party rigging elections.
Both SADC and AU election observers condemned Zimbabwe’s 2023 elections process as flawed and illegal. Zanu PF only managed to get away with it because the opposition participated. Chamisa conned his supporters to participate with the idiotic lie that he had plugged all vote rigging loop holes.
The penny has dropped, many Zimbabweans are beginning to see the sheer folly of participating in flawed elections. Chamisa and company will not con millions of Zimbabweans to participate in flawed elections in future and thus Zanu PF not have political legitimacy.
As long as Zanu PF is able to rig elections and get away with it, corruption and human rights abuses will continue!

Zimbabwe Light said...

It is one thing saying now I can see; what can he see? Can he finally now see the folly of participating in flawed elections because one believed some idiotic lie like the opposition winning RIGGED elections?

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabweans were warned of the sheer folly of going out on the street in support of the 2017 military coup because the coup plotters were offering to replace Mugabe with Mnangagwa. Of course, was no more solution than the removal of one crocodile in crocodile infested river does not make the river safe.

History is about to repeat itself, Zanu PF is offering to replace Mnangagwa with Chiwenga; only a madman will consider that a solution!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Blessed Mhlanga is in prison for doing his job furthering all our right to freedom of expression. Zimbabweans have been fighting for their basic freedoms and humans the people fought for in the fight for independence.

Zimbabwe's greatest curse has been that yesterday's liberators have become the new oppressors. Why? And, more significantly why have we failed to end the Zanu PF dictatorship for 45 years and counting?

Zimbabwe Light said...

First, let us all be clear: it was Russia that invaded Ukraine. If President Trump can ride roughshod over Ukraine President Zelensky with tragic consequences to millions of Ukrainians how much worse to Africa's President Ndomupeyi who is as corrupt as hell! Donor Agents will pass the begging bowl and it will return empty.

The pressure for Africa to deal with our generational curse of rigged elections, bad governance, corruption and criminal waste of the continent's human and material resources very never been more urgent than they are today. President Trump and his America First has changed the world and we must change or sink!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"Zimbabwe's political system is like a zip whose two halves are failing to mesh!" said Chamisa. And the people of Zimbabwe have risked all to elect you and your MDC/CCC friends to fix the zip. After 25 years including 5 in the 2008 to 2013 GNU you lot have failed to implement even one token reform to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. Indeed, ever since the GNU you have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed!

Why it has taken 25 years for some Zimbabweans to realise that Chamisa & Co. will never implement any reforms speaks volumes of the ignorance and naivety of the Zimbabwe electorate. A healthy democracy demands educated, knowledgeable and diligent voters and not ignorant and gullible voters who are easily conned!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mufandaedza

So what is this “shity” you are sick and tired of? Is it that Chamisa lied about plugging vote rigging loop holes to con Zimbabweans to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy? Well this is true, it happened. And I am holding him to account and to make sure the brain dead village idiots like you know they are being conned.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chamisa

ASSURED VICTORY…“But God shall shoot at them with an arrow; Suddenly they shall be wounded and struck down. So He will make them stumble over their own tongue; All who see them shall flee away. All men shall fear, And shall declare the works of God;
For they shall wisely consider His doing. The righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and trust in Him. And all the upright in heart shall glory and praise Him.” Psalm 64:7-10 There is power in the blood of Jesus Christ!!
Blessed Sabbath #SabbathBlessings #Godisinit

"I have plugged all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!" you said before 2023 elections. You were lying to con people to participate in a flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. God was never ever in any of your hare-brain schemes and idiotic lies. Never!

You are preying on the ordinary people' ignorance and fear promising them change when you know you will never deliver that change because you are now working with Zanu PF to resist change

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF has always relied on war veterans to do the party's foot soldiers dirty work of harassing and beating povo into submission to impose the de fact one party state. In the first since the country's independence a significant number of war veterans are refusing to accept the party's bribes as down payment to the dirty work!

Why to next Mnangagwa, you cannot do much without the foot soldiers!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The tragedy is it was Mutsvangwa and his fellow war veterans who imposed Mugabe for 37 years , they removed him but only to impose another dictator Mnangagwa. And guess, what the same thugs now want to impose yet another dictator Chiwenga!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Over the past week, President Emmerson Mnangagwa gave probably his most emphatic response to whether he would like to extend his term beyond 2028, reiterating that he would leave office in the next three years.

Mnangagwa has previously said he is a "constitutionalist" and will abide by the terms of the constitution.

His second and last term is due to expire in 2028, but there are some senior people within the government and the governing party who want the president to stay beyond his constitutional term and maybe serve up to 20230.

The president met with a group of editors last week, where he told them in no uncertain terms that he was a constitutionalist and did not wish to extend the constitution nor go beyond his term limit.

By saying he is a constitutionalist, Mnangagwa implies that he does not envisage a situation where the constitution is amended for his benefit.

Ironically, a day before his meeting with editors, Information minister Jenfan Muswere told the media that there was consensus in Zanu-PF and the party's top leadership was "unanimously supporting President Mnangagwa's continued leadership up to 2030”
The strongest argument to justify why Mnangagwa should be allowed to stay in office until 2030 was that Zimbabwe was enjoying an very impressive economic recovery and is going to attain upper middle income status by 2030, vision 2030; all thanks to Mnangagwa’s unparalleled leadership qualities.
Evidence on the ground, the 80% unemployment rate, collapsed education and health sectors, corruption now in overdrive, etc.; shows the country’s economy is sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss - proof vision 2030 is a mirage.
As much as there are still some who are still pushing for Mnangagwa to stay on beyond 2028 they know they will never convince anyone vision 2030 is real no more than that the blue-sky is green!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Michelle Mystique
“For those who were not in the group when this was posted. The is the foundational document upon which we are approaching those representing ZANU-PF in this conversation. Unfortunately there is not a specific person who is leading the movement from their end; same problem we seem to have. So I have had to approach whoever seems vocal about the issue. We still have not heard back from them on their position on the issue. They have simply said they have considered the document and they will get back to us.”

Totally agree, people should not go on the street when they do not know why they are there.

The other matter that must be considered is how this GNU is to come about. Zanu PF was forced to sign the GPA in 2008 by SADC when the later refused to give the regime legitimacy following the 2008 elections. The power of the proposed new GNU will depend on who fathered it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Michelle Mystique
“I was also opposed to this. Then I went and looked at what the legal position would be if Mnangagwa was removed whichever way, especially by follow legal processes.
Chiwenga would be next in line either way.
(Taking into account that the other guy seems unwell)
So unfortunately we need to work from this starting point in our negotiations. By acknowledging his authority in all this.”
The removal of Mnangagwa only to see him replaced by Chiwenga is of no benefit to the ordinary Zimbabwe.
Indeed, it will be counter-productive in that many people will tempted to settle for this in the spirit of “Lie us give him a chance!” as happened in 2017.
Chiwenga and his supporters would like the ordinary people to support him ever step of the way for that very reason. Once in, the people will not get Chiwenga out! He will never concede to reforms and accept free, fair and credible elections.
People should be smarter and not be used to back one side or the other in these Zanu PF factional wars especially when the end result is the same - a Zanu PF dictator by another name!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Nyokayamabhunu

You still have to said the next government must be elected by the people in a free, fair and credible elections and not the rigged elections of the past! You do not want to say it because you still believe that Zanu PF and war veterans must continue to have the final say, the veto on who rules Zimbabwe!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@  Michelle Mystique
“I hear you and I feel the same way as you.

The only problem is that Chiwenga is the one person with a LEGAL CLAIM to the presidency if Mnangagwa is removed before the next elections, for whatever reason.

There aren't a lot of ways to work around that other than waiting for the 2028 election.
[02/03/2025, 12:14:02] ~ Michelle Mystique: So if we are negotiating a GNU, whether we like it or not, he gets to walk away with the Presidency.

If not, he is the one person who can legally challenge the legality of the whole arrangement.
[02/03/2025, 12:14:53] ~ Michelle Mystique: What we can do is put a Vice President and a Prime Minister that is selected by us. And those people must not just be figureheads, they must have actual authority.”
Wrong! Chiwenga has no legitimate leg to stand on! Both SADC and AU judged Zimbabwe’s 2023 elections flawed and illegal and they were. The only reason why SADC and AU did not come out right and deny Zanu PF legitimacy is because the Chamisa conned nearly two million of his supporters to participate in the flawed elections and the CCC leaders took up their gravy train seats even after SADC and AU had said the election process was flawed.
Whichever way this Geza revolution plans to force Mnangagwa out of office, it will be ILLEGAL because there is nothing an illegitimate regime can do that is legitimate. And we, ordinary Zimbabweans, must have not be seen to be aiding or abetting the illegitimate regime!
If you think a Chiwenga headed GNU will implement any meaningful reforms then you are in for a surprise. Once in Chiwenga will be looking at he must serve at least two terms and will never risk that by holding free and fair elections. Never!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Sipho Banana
“Some compromises need to be made in order to chart a way forward. There’s no way we can ignore the fact that Zanu PF also has people support so much as we might wish for a clean start there’s need for realism.”
Zanu PF has rigged elections ever since the country’s independence and therefore it is impossible to say how many people support the regime. The nearest the nation has ever got to holding free and fair elections was in 2008 and the party lost.
The reality we must consider here that Zanu PF thugs believe they have the divine right to govern the country and they will never ever allow any meaningful changes to water down their iron grip on power. Zanu PF will demand that the party has the veto in deciding the way forward and they will use that veto power.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Noroheka
“I’m not sure why there’s a push to remove Mnangagwa before 2028, as that would lead to many complexities involving the army, the opposition, and other factors. This is only feasible if ED is willing to surrender power. He may resist, which could result in chaos for the country. My issue with ED was his ED2030 agenda, but now that he has dropped it, I think we should proceed with the 2028 elections and allow the people to choose their leader. While there are valid concerns about the economy, I am doubtful that a transitional government led by Chiwenga can successfully transform the economy in just three years.”
I totally agree with you, the best course of action for ordinary Zimbabweans would be to now await the 2028 elections and fight that on the basis the election must be free and fair. If the regime does not implement the reforms, which is the most likely scenario, then people must not participate.
However, Blessed Geza and his fellow war veterans, the five Amigos, dismissed Mnangagwa’s ED2030 as “bulls***t” and have demanded that Mnangagwa must resign. Having thrown the gauntlet, the 5 Amigos are keen to press on.
Still, I say this is not our fight and we must stay out of it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Logic Link
“I agree with you. We need to accept the reality on the ground. In as much as we might want a clean start, we can not ignore ZANU Pf. Does the opposition exist? It has failed to justify its existence over the past years, and we simply need to take advantage of the conflict currently in existence within the ZANU Pf, then we can start from there.”
Of course, we must take advantage of the factional war in Zanu PF but after 2017 you have to admit that Lacoste took advantage of the ordinary people to endorse the coup and as soon as Mugabe resigned they reneged on the promise to hold free and fair elections.
The opposition conned the people to support the coup because Mutsvangwa promised there would be a new GNU. Tsvangirai discharged himself from the SA hospital hoping he would hold some post in the new GNU. The opposition has sold out on reforms and has since participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. They are as keen as mustard to sell out again.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Vision 2030 is a lead balloon that will never fly and we should not concern ourselves with that just because Minister Garwe said it will fly? If Garwe is serious then he will need to hold a referendum tp amend the constitution to postpone elections. Let him!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Nohoreka
“Lol! Get the point. You may need to read 3 times what I am trying to say. Even if Zanu-PF yaivhotera vanhu kumaruva ichiti havagone kunyora! Even if CCC strongholds yakaitwa starved of ballot papers for +8hours, ZanuPF yakangodyiwa chete, and REMEMBER, more than 2million voters were reported as registered but did not vote.This tells you kuti hapana achatoda nezveZanu-PF. Reforms are needed yes, but kana zvaramba hazvirewi kuti hatihwine.Hapana achada chinhu ichi.”
That is the same arguments used by MDC/CCC to justify participating in flawed elections all along. And how many elections have the won - ZERO! All they have done is con people to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy for a share of the spoils of power.
The second point Benjamin has made is that even if the opposition was to win the rigged elections they will never implement all the reforms to ensure free, fair and credible elections because no one would risk reforming themselves out of power. Implementing the democratic reforms, writing a new constitution, etc. are tasks best carried out by a transition government.
Look what is happening in Syria. Would you trust former President Bashar al-Assad or one of his cronies to implement any reforms or uncover the truth of the last decades? Of course, not!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chief Ellias Sitting Bull

“Your observation that Chiwengwa has no legitimacy is invalid. Yes the 2023 elections were disputed but we have an internationally recognised government in Zimbabwe right now. Chamisa failed to use the elections observations reports to invalidate those results. So that's it. We cant reverse that. From the ongoing conversations that Chiwengwa will lead any transitional arrangement is an absolute. Contesting it is mere political blundering. Anyone thinking we can have a transitional government led by a neutral person is equally out of order. This whole issue emanated with Geza whose side Matibela is equally involved. That's the reality. If there is anyone we will be working with its Matibela full stop. Its him we will give our resolutions. What we need now is a solid standing order to give them. In the meantime we invited them to a house in chaos making it difficult to take us seriously. Let's get organized. Have our standing position. Then mobilize in that position and stand by our resolutions.”

I am dealing with facts here! And here is what the SADC observer team said about Zimbabwe’s 2023 elections process.
“Conclusion 13.3

The SEOM (SADC Election Observer Mission) noted that, as detailed in sections 6 and 7 of this report, some aspects of the Harmonised Elections fell short of the requirements of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Electoral Act, and the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2021),” stated the SEOM report.

So if the electoral process failed to meet the requirements of the Zimbabwe Constitution, etc., etc.; there cannot be a legitimate winner or loser. Both SADC and AU did not come out right and deny Zanu PF legitimacy as they did in 2008. They have never given the reasons why.

We do not have a legitimate government is Zimbabwe no more than we had a legitimate government after the 2017 military coup, for example.

The very suggestion “that Chiwenga will lead any transitional arrangement is an absolute” is just as absurd as Mnangagwa leading the post 2017 military coup government. Any Zimbabwean with half a brain objected to Mnangagwa taking over back in 2017 as as he/she would object to Chiwenga taking over now for the same reasons - replacing a dictator with another dictator will change nothing of substance. The reality on the ground proves the 2017 objectors were right and we do not have to go through that nightmare yet again!

A transition government headed by Chiwenga will be yet another wasted opportunity for the nation to implement the democratic reforms and get out of this hell-on-earth Zanu PF landed the nation.

I am interested in finding a way out of this hell and not in appeasing Chiwenga and those around him!