Sunday, 2 January 2011

Is the International Community supporting just another tyrant in Ouattara?

Côte d'Ivoire's political crisis continues with Gbagbo insisting he will not leave and Ouattara egging the regional group ECOWAS to use force to drive Gbagbo out.

I am disappointed with Ouattara, he has aid nothing about what he really stands for. All he seems to care for is that ECOWAS should use force to get Gbagbo out of office. I had expected him to be passionate about the need for Gbagbo and the military to respect the democratic will of the people and the rule of law.

Are the international community backing Ouattara today for him to turn coat and just become just another tyrant as soon as he is in power? Africa is full of tyrants who got into power on a wave of popular support and the pretext that they cared about the democratic rights of their people and the rule of law only to betray all these things they minute their were in power!

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