Thursday, 6 January 2011

Zimbabwe does not Divine intervention to end Mugabe's rule!

Tanonoka Joseph Whande prays on S W Radio Africa for Divine intervention to end Mugabe’s reign of terror!

I have always agreed with most of your Heart Of The Matter comments but not so today. The Lord has given Zimbabweans everything; a land rich flora, fauna, mineral wealth and above all good health and intellect. The good Lord has set before us and the rest of mankind the straight and narrow path which, followed, will lead to a life of peace, justice and prosperity for all. Mugabe like many others throughout human history has chosen his own way.

Each time evil has threatened or gained the upper hand over the good; the people, ordinary people have used their God given intellect to challenge the evil doers.

Tanonoka, you will have to agree with me that the good Lord did give Zimbabweans the intellect. We have some of the best minds you will see anywhere else in this world. But when it comes to challenging Mugabe and his cronies; sadly many Zimbabweans have chosen to hide their talents.

You are a seasoned journalist and have given the situation in Zimbabwe a great deal of thought and have poured your heart out week after week of the tragic, tragic going-on in Zimbabwe. How many Zimbabweans share the same passion? Only a handful, at most, have shown a passing interest!

Of course the Lord is not pleased to see millions suffer and die unnecessarily but there is nothing else He can do for us. He gave us all we need – a discerning mind - to end Mugabe’s rule of terror, restore the rule of law and reason and to end the tragic suffering of our people. The Lord must be disappointed that we have, as a nation, collectively decided to seat on our brains.

It is not for the good Lord to do for us what He has given us all we need to do for ourselves. Your prayer for the Lord to intervene and remove Mugabe is therefore misplaced.
Mugabe is human, a corrupt and mentally retarded one at that; surely anyone of even average intellect can outwit him. Mugabe is just a village bully, a demagogue; he does not require Divine intervention to kick him out of office.

1 comment:

Zimbabwe Light said...


Yes African leaders like Mugabe, Kibaki, etc may be in the same league of power hungry tyrants like Gbagbo, the truth is none of these tyrants have so far dared break rank with the AU and declared their support for Gbagbo. The writing is on the wall "No tyrants will be tolerated from now on!" Gbagbo thought since all the otherwise have got away with it, he too will. It is becoming increasing clear that he will not!

Quattarra should stop offering Gbagbo any of this power sharing nonsense! If some one lose an election he or she must step down; period.