Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Tsvangirai denounce Mugabe's nationalisation plans - belatedly!

Prime Minister Tsvangirai in his 31 Independence celebration speech denounces Mugabe’s nationalisation plan of white owned businesses and mines as “looting and plunder” by the ruling elite.

The looting and plunder has been going on for decades now under the PM's very nose and he it seems he has only now waken up to this! None of the white owners will be assured by this feeble and belated statement from a junior and powerless partner in the GNU! Mugabe, who heard the speech and he dismissed it as political posturing which it is.

1 comment:

Zimbabwe Light said...

President Zuma has at long last put his foot down on forcing Mugabe to agree to hold fresh elections after the new constitution is passed. Sadly President Zuma has done nothing to stop Zimbabwe's biggest problem, politically motivated violence. Unless the violence is stopped fresh elections - with or without a new constitution democratic or otherwise - will not allow Zimbabwe to move one inch from the hell-hole the nation now finds itself in.