Saturday, 4 June 2011

To realise its full potential Zimbabweans get rid of Mugabe and get visionary leaders to replace him!

“Once the politics are not on the way of economic development, Zimbabwe will need not more than seven years to stand alone without foreign aid. Zimbabwe has a mixture of advantages that range from good mineral deposits to the educated human resources and in 10 years Zimbabwe will be supporting other African countries,” said the outgoing Germany Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Albrecht Conze.

.Ambassador Conze is right; the Zimbabwe economy has the potential to recover to its 1980 level in 10 years. But for that to happen, we need visionary, bold and decisive leaders. Leaders who will take back the farms, mines, etc looted by Mugabe and his cronies or given away to the Chinese in dodgy trade agreements. Leaders who will restore the rule of law and build strong democratic institutions; placing them beyond the reach of unscrupulous politicians like Mugabe for all time.

MDC does not the visionary leaders to achieve the growth rate of 20% plus to get GPD to its 1980 level in ten years. A few weeks ago Tsvangirai said an MDC government would deliver “about 10%” economic growth rate. With unemployment seating at a nauseating 80% it would not generate enough jobs for the new jobseekers let alone those still out of work.

Zimbabweans are totally focused on getting Mugabe out; still, we must also think of what we want after Mugabe is gone. It will be too late to consider this after MDC is in power; think how thick skinned MDC leaders have become. We would not be in this GPA mess if Tsvangirai had listened to the advice not to sign the one-sided agreement.

Zimbabweans have to learn to joggle two balls – getting rid of Mugabe and getting quality leaders after him – if the nation is live to its potential.

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