Friday, 8 July 2011

Blog to Oppressed opprosser!

Just because I am a Zimbabwean and from a country led and ruined by a ruthless dictator do not mean that I therefore have nothing to say about democracy and good governance.

It is bad enough that Zimbabwe has become a failed state with tragic consequences for the people of Zimbabwe and the whole region. This must not be allowed to happen to any other country. There are worrying signs that the same could well happen to SA and it is in all our interest, South Africans and none South African alike, to make sure SA remains a beacon of democracy, stability and hope. It is in all our interest that demagogues like Mugabe, Malema and their acolytes are not given the chance to ruin our future.

Oppressed you are clearly having a tough time accepting this concept of freedom of expression. You can barely contain your anger at all the blogs on this site critical of your blinked point of view. When the criticism is from a black person; it is more than you can bear! And if that black person happened to be from Zimbabwe, your demagogue knee jerk reaction was to censor.

“What are you doing in our web-sites,” you fumed. Your web site?!

No this web site and many like it in SA and the world over belongs to all those who believe in freedom of expression and the free exchange of ideas. What is a racist demagogue like you doing on our web site?

@ Oppressed

No I have never heard of a black member of the KKK. What a stupid question to ask. The KKK was a white racist organisation, so how can the organisation have black members, the very race they were out to lynch, and still remain a whites only organisation?

Mugabe has been prosecuting whites in Zimbabwe seizing their property, beating them and even murdered some. Even on the rare occasion when the laws of the land have said what Mugabe was doing was against the law, the dictator his disregarded the court rulings. Mugabe has systematically denied many Zimbabwean and South African whites and whites from other countries their basic human rights to own property, to legal protection, to life, etc. Of course the dictator will never admit he is a racist and has offered a multitude of excuses for his barbarism. The bottom line is the whites have become the scapegoats for the regime’s failed economic policies, its corruption and greedy and continued political repression.

SA’s apartheid regimes never admitted to being racist, we all know that they were. So you accession “Blacks can’t be racist!” is just what the white racist said when they had the boot on the necks of blacks. It is rhetorical nonsense that proves nothing!

You sure are a racist and a nuisance. Mugabe is a racist and a nuisance, just like you. Sadly for Zimbabwe, Mugabe is in Zimbabwe and worse still in power so had the opportunity to do a lot of mischief. You are in SA and let us hope racists like you will never be in power.
“Oppressed” what a name! Oppressed by whom? Apartheid died years ago and blacks are in power and they have the choice to use that political power for the good of all or use it to oppress whites, foreigners, etc. to cover up for their own shortcomings. Just change your name to “Oppressor” and be done with it; it goes better with you being a confirmed racist!

If I am a nuisance because I am worrying South Africans of the dangers of electing racists like you into office; then I wear the label with pride! I have no intention of ever giving up my democratic right to express my views freely on this site or any other free web-site to appease a racist like you. I know this drives racists like you nuts; well that is your problem. You either get off these sites or you will be called a racist, rightly so too!

There are sure powerful forces trying hard to pull SA out of the light of enlightenment back into the darkness of hatred, racism and lawlessness. I pleased to note that these forces have failed the test of democratic scrutiny. Two cheers for free press and freedom of expression!

1 comment:

Masseyzw said...

thanks for the information about zimbabwe light.
Tractors For Sale In Zimbabwe