Thursday, 7 July 2011

Mugabe to press ahead with mine grab - pushing up the price to be paid in human suffering for economic recovery!

“Zimbabwe could take over mines that fall short of laws requiring them to sell majority stakes to locals by September, a government minister said on Wednesday” News 24 reported.

This is crazy; the Zimbabwe economy shrunk by a staggering 84% in the six years 2002 to 2008 following the country wide seizure of white owned farms. The end result was the economic melt, mass unemployment, etc. The same Zanu PF cronies who seized the farms are now back demanding more and the have their beady eyes on the mines. There will be a significant fall in productivity in mining industry just as happened in agriculture.
The nation is desperate to see some economic recovery instead Mugabe and his cronies will bring yet another wave of negative growth. Zimbabweans are yet to realise that it was infinitely easier to get minus 84% GDP growth rate than to get positive 84% GDP growth rate. Destroying is easy, it is like pushing a stone down hill; creating something is the real challenge, it is like carrying a bolder to the top of the mountain! If Mugabe and his cronies are allowed to destroy the few companies that survived the economic melt down; this will make the task of economic recovery that much harder. This will demand even greater sacrifices in terms of human suffering and human lives!

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