Locadia Karimatsenga Tembo was determined to marry Tsvangirai, so determined that she threaten to kill herself when he said no.
It must have been the thought of losing out on the endless foreign travel, the shopping, looted farms and all the unimagined luxuries as the wife of Zimbabwe’s P M and, fingers crossed, some day soon the Zimbabwe’s First Lady that drove this woman to do all these things! Grace Mugabe showed the same grit determination to get her man - she deserted a husband and child to be impregnated twice by then married Robert! To be fair the two ladies; both Mugabe and Tsvangirai have themselves too sold their souls to the devil to get what they want!
Robert Mugabe destroyed the nation’s economy through rampant corruption and looting - bribing his cronies - and murdered tens of thousands of Zimbabweans who dared exercise their basic right to have a meaning vote. Tsvangirai went into the 2009 political "marriage" with the dictator in which he has received nothing but abuse! The irony is Tsvangirai had the nation’s mandate to rule and therefore he did not need to enter into this one-sided agreement. Sadly, he was too excited at the prospect of being PM and too stupid to realise that!
"On discovering that Tsvangirai was not interested in marrying her, she threatened him with exposing the affair, the pregnancy and throwing herself in front of Prime Minister's official Mercedes Benz vehicle while it was in motion. This is when people realised she was serious," the report said, quoting a close Tsvangirai family member.
There is nothing wrong with being rich but when people start valuing money and luxuries above everything else including the sanctity of human life itself - leaders murdering thousands of innocent people and women threatening to end their own lives for a chance to marry the ruling elite and a share of the good life - we have gone too far. It is morally reprehensible that people like Mugabe and his wife should live such an extravagant lifestyle in the midst of millions living in abject poverty. It is an unforgivable crime against the nation that the ruling elite’s wasteful lifestyles should be built of the misery and suffering of the poor and helpless in society.
1 comment:
Calling someone “shrewd” conjures a picture of someone who is astute, cunning, wise, etc. Mugabe is certainly not wise; how can anyone who turns a prosperous nation and with so much going for it into such a glorious mess, murders tens of thousands of his own people who had given their all to serve him be astute, etc.? No Mugabe is not shrewd man.
Mugabe had the great fortune of being surrounded by men and women who are particularly dull. Tsvangirai is mentally weak and indecisive and Mugabe has twisted him round his little finger with comical ease. It is easy to see why Mugabe would be called cunning in these circumstances but the error arises from the presumption that the tyrant’s opponents are anything but competent.
Mugabe is a ruthless tyrant; now that is the one thing must say about Mugabe.
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