Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Tsvangirai "sweating over" military disrupting elections!

“Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC and other parties are sweating over what they say is a covert military operation that could scupper prospects of a peaceful election,” reports Bernard Chiza of the Daily News.

In the GPA the parties agreed a raft of reforms including security sector reforms; sadly not even one of these reforms have seen the light of day. If MDC had pushed through the security sector reforms then there would be no issue Soldiers, Police or CIO messing around in politics. MDC missed this chance and now the party is calling on SADC to help force security officers to stay out of politics. A near impossible task given that this MDC has already agreed on the new Copac draft constitution which does says nothing about Soldiers and Police Officers not taking a partisan bias in politics.

Tsvangirai has already launched his campaign for a yes vote to the Copac rubbish and now the reality is finally dawning on him that the next elections will not be free and fair and all his promises to the contrary are nothing but lies!
There is nothing SADC can do to stop Zanu PF deploying the Soldiers, CIO and the Police to spearhead its campaign of violence as happened in 2008. There only thing to do now for MDC is to come out clean and admit the Copac draft is rubbish and thus force a honest implementation of the agreed reforms!


Zimbabwe Light said...


Everyone who is anybody said at the time that the GPA was not a workable arrangement and advised MDC accordingly. MDC still want on to sign the agreement and tsvangirai insisted for at least two years after signing the GPA that is was working. He owes it to the people to explain why the GPA has been such a total failure.

Even with all the oddities in this GPA, it is still nonsense why not even one of the reforms has been implemented after five years. MDC has a lot to account for today and a functioning democracy demands that Tsvangirai and MDC must be force to give a full account before granting them a fresh mandedate.

MDC, through it incompetency, is granting Zanu PF undue influence in the next elections and beyond by failing to deliver free and fair elections! If Zimbabweans allowed themselves to be woodwinked by Tsvangirai's lies that he will deliver free and fair elections and thus vote yes to the Copac referendum it will be too late to stop the violent elections.

Zimbabwe Light said...

The article is about a man who died and his family and friends cannot afford to give him a decent burial. The article then talks of millions Zimbabweans who are living in abject poverty and how they too cannot afford to give their dead a decent burial. The article then answers the obvious question why millions are living in abject poverty - 33 years of mismanagement, corruption and looting by this Mugabe regime.

If you cannot see the link between Chinamano and millions of other Zimbabweans living in poverty and the Zanu PF corruption then it is because you are stupid to see it!

Even if Chinamano lived in UK all his life still his relatives and friends would have given him a decent burial if they had not forced into poverty.

"As for his relatives, being poor, even Bill Gates has poor relatives." Well that statement sums up just what a shallow minded person you really are.

Bill Gates made his billions by producing a product billions of people want and have found very useful. He has used his wealth to help billions of other people in America and the world over. Mugabe and his cronies are millionaires from corruption and looting. Corruption and looting produce and sell nothing original everything is stolen from others and the ill got wealth is wasted on pretentious gold robs to hide the ugly monster behind.

This is something sickening about a State President spending over US$ 100 million a year on overseas travel alone when the lives of 2 million is on the line and 4 000 have died from drinking dirty water. What a despicable way of joining the jet-set club!

Corruption is always accompanied by oppression; you cannot have the one without the other. Mugabe and his cronies have brutalized the nation; beating and raping millions and murder over 30 000.

Thank God, the stealing from the poor is not considered as legitimate business. Unlike Bill Gates, many of Zimbabwe's millionaires will have to account for their wealth and, for a great many Zimbabweans who allowed themselves to be used to do the regime’s dirty work but got none of the loot, account for the blood on their hands!

Your defence of Mugabe and Zanu PF is totally incomprehensive unless of course if you are one of the few with loot to protect and/or skeletons to hide. Well regime change is upon us, there is nothing Mugabe or anyone can delay the dawn of a new, free and democratic Zimbabwe. You will have to face the music and say where you got your wealth and/or whose blood is on your hands!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Nyoni
Biti does not live on planet Mars but here on earth on this Luxury Express called the gravy train. To you and me and to Tsvangirai and Biti before they got their ministerial Benz, etc. the murder of the over 500 for political gain, for example, was heinous crime.

After they got the Benz the MDC leaders' passion to have those responsible for the murders hunted out completed died out. MDC leaders were seating next murderers' handlers on the garvy train and gravy train etiquette demands that you enjoy the extravagant luxuries on offer and say or do nothing to rock the boat. "Kudya unyerere!"

MDC has failed to implement not even one democratic reform after five years in government with its parliamentary majority. Once the got on the gravy train they became as "silent" as the grave!

In a way you are right, for the little MDC has done for democratic change, the likes of Tendi Biti and Morgan Tsvangirai may just as well be living on Mars!