Monday, 29 April 2013

Tsvangirai in a fruitless effort tohave reforms implemented after his Copac folly!

PM Tsvangirai met SA President Zuma on Sunday and will meet the Tanzanian President on Monday in his last minute effort to get SADC to force Mugabe to implement democratic reforms.  

MDC shot itself in the foot by agreeing to by agreeing to a weak Copac constitution and to having it approved before the reforms were implemented. As expected, Zanu PF was going to turn to the new constitution as the blueprint for where the nation should be and refuse implementing any more reforms; which is exactly what Professor Jonathan Moyo, Zanu PF’s key strategist is now doing.

“The new constitution is the mother of all reforms. You cannot wish for better than that,” said Moyo. “As things stand today, there is no single issue which was previously claimed to be outstanding by any of the three GPA parties which did not find expression in the new constitution one way or another,” he added

Tsvangirai can tour all the SADC countries all he wants, the fact remains that once the Copac constitution is signed into law Zanu PF will wave it in the SADC Heads' faces and remind them that it was approved by 95% of the people and it does NOT call for any of reforms MDC is now asking for!

Tsvangirai should have thought carefully before he accepted the Copac rubbish; sadly, he did not and now he and the nation at large must pay of his folly.

"The new constitution is the mother of all reforms," says Moyo. He knows MDC made a blunder and he is not one to resist rubbing their nose in it. Mother of all reforms, indeed!


Zimbabwe Light said...

Mugabe’s spokesman, George Charamba dismiss Mutsekwa, an MDC Minister’s claim that he had meetings with the country’s top brass security men including ZRP Commissioner Chihuri and Chiwenga from the Army as “red flag to a bull!” There is nothing wrong with MDC leaders meeting anyone including those in security. Indeed it is to be encouraged particularly given the partisan way the security services have been run.

Zanu PF is angry because it is the one that created and is cultivating the stupid ar-rangement where these security organs are behaving as if they are just another arm of Zanu PF political party!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Yepec

SADC heads like President Khami of Botswana have called for the reforms to be implemented and it was MDC who failed to have this done. No one of substance in SADC was fooled by the rubbish Copac constitution. But it is to be expected from people like you and Tsvangirai having failed to do the right thing would now want to drag SADC and everyone into your schemes and even blame SADC if they fail which they will.

You have asked me to name anyone who has said the Copac constitution is not a democratic one. Well you said so yourself Yepec. "Clearly, this means that the Copac Draft Constitution is not democracy," you said above! 24 hours later and you cannot remember what you said.

The point is GPA, the nation and the situation demanded a democratic constitution and not something "better than the LHC." Not even Tsvangirai or big mouth Mwonzora have dared claim this is a democratic constitution.

Having failed to produce a democratic constitution; they have since offered excuses why they failed. When is Zimbabwe going to write a democratic constitution then? “Incremental gain,” my foot!

Yepec, you and Tsvangirai are brain dead; you will never ever see this Copac constitution for the stupid political blunder it is because you are brain dead!