Saturday, 11 January 2014

Zimbabwe 2014 Budget increases security sector allocation by a massive 173 times the 2013 - proof Mugabe is committed North Korea type Police state!

The Office of the President and Cabinet is set to gobble a sizeable chunk of the 2014 budget after being allocated more than US$206 million, six times as much as the 2013 allocation.

Defence got US$368 million, followed closely by Home Affairs which got US$364 million. These are major jumps from US$26,2 million allocated to Defence and US$2,1 million to Home Affairs in 2013 by Biti. Defence jumped up 14 times and Home Affairs by a massive 173 times!

Everyone will know that whatever they got allocated and what they actually get are two different things. The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education got $866 million in 2014 budget but last time it received a tiny fraction of its allocation. The chronic under funding was reflected in the school results; only 17% of the “O” level students passed five or more subjects.

The Ministry of Higher Education got $ 332.7 million down from $380 million in 2013. That year the ministry received a puny $50 000!

The Ministry of Health and Child Care, whose service delivery system has been crumbling over the years resulting in a high maternal mortality rate; eight women die every day while giving birth and 100 children under five years die every day mainly due to preventable diseases, while around a third of them are stunted.

In the 2014 national budget presented in December, the Health and Child Care ministry got $337 million which is 8,2% of the total budget allocation and is slightly less than what was allocated in 2013 (9,87%).

The President's Office, Defence and Police get even more from their secretive diamond mining operations!

If anyone needed an proof that Mugabe and Zanu PF are committed to turn Zimbabwe into a Police state then the 2014 national budget is the proof. The tyrant does not care about education or health or kick-starting the national economy all he is interested in is beefing up the Army, Police and CIO all of which are staffed with Zanu PF loyalists committed to one thing – Zanu PF political hegemony and stopping regime change at all cost regardless of the democratic wishes of the people of Zimbabwe.

Mugabe is set to create a North Korea type Zimbabwe if he is not stopped, now!


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ dark child

This is not about war but people asserting their basic rights and freedoms. Eight women are dying everyday in child birth and 100 children under the age of five are dying everyday whilst a third of those who survive are stunted because the country's health services has but collapsed. Not because Zimbabwe is poor but because of mismanagement, corruption and looting. Mugabe is spending millions beefing up the security sector to consolidate his strangle hold on political power. What kind of Zimbabwe do the people want? A country were there is a criminal waste of human lives is what Mugabe has given us, that much is clear.

If demanding a Zimbabwe where so many children have the right to live and have hope in a brighter future than what we see in Zimbabwe today is considered war then so be it. If is Mugabe an his cronies who have declared war on the people and they ad they alone must bear the consequences just as they have to bear the consequences of the tragic human sufferings an deaths they have cause on the nation right now.

To accept and let a tyrant ride rough shod over oneself much less the innocent and defence children is an act of folly and unforgivable cowardice.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mwana vevhu

Is the argument that Mugabe is a murderous tyrant because if it is then I agree 100%. I thought the argument was whether J Nkomo was a democrat and he cared about the rights and freedom of the people and not about political power. There is evidence that he too like Mugabe care about power and fought hard to establish a one-party state - a Zapu one-party dictatorship!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chimbwido

Yes you will be hearing the statement Mugabe rigged the elections and he is therefore per se illegitimate because it is the truth and because it is the truth that must be said again and again and again! And it will be said again and again and again; get used to it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The fighting continues in South Sudan, CAR, Nigeria and DRC; there is civil strife in Tunisia, Somalia and Egypt whilst at least half of the remaining African countries are economic turmoil cause by endemic mismanagement and corruption.

Africa desperately needs leaders with the vision to put out all these civil wars but also to stop them flaring up like veld fires!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Nyau

Returning what they looted, I agree, is the way out; but, and it is a big BUT, that is the one thing Mugabe and his cronies will never ever do! If anything they are looking at new ways to loot even more. Indeed the Zanu PF's flag ship policy of indigenisation is predicated on exactly that - to extend the looting now that there were no white owned farms left to loot!