Friday, 15 May 2015

Mugabe arrested Dzamara to avoid regime change: it is the path we chose to avoid our destiny that leads us there!

Sometimes one meets their destiny by the path they chose to avoid it! “Regime change” has been the one curse Mugabe and Zanu PF have left no stone unturned to avoid. And the regime has successfully avoided regime change, until the July 2013 elections which the regime claimed a victory but has turned out to be hollow victory. Since that rigged election, the wheels have fallen off the Zanu PF juggernaut but it seems it was the arrest of Itai Dzamara, a fly in the ointment, which has made regime change more certain than ever.


Itai Dzamara and a handful of followers staged a few public demonstrations demanding that Mugabe and his cabal must resign because they had failed to deliver on their promise to bring economic prosperity. Mugabe, painfully aware of his regime’s abysmal economic record and the worsening economic situation; arrested Dzamara and no one knows what has happened to him.


Mugabe thought Dzamara would serve as a warning to the nation to all those who should dare to challenge his rule and as for Dzamara himself, Mugabe was sure he would soon be forgotten. Dzamara has not been forgotten and instead pressure is growing on the regime to find him. Last week it was the EU who was demanding Dzamara’s release and now the Americans are adding their voice.


"This to us (disappearance of Dzamara) is something that raises significant concerns and we have discussed with the government that they have to conduct a full and transparent investigation," said US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour, Steven Feldstein.

"We have had the allegations and the circumstances of the disappearance and I think it's important that we have the facts as quickly as we can.”

The facts are that Mugabe rigged the July 2013 elections and thought it was going to be plain sailing from there on. He has had many very rude awakenings.


The first and immediate awakening from the economy; shares in the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) fell by a staggering 35% on the news of Zanu PF election victory and the economy has been on a nose-dive trajectory ever since. Mugabe thought he would rig economic recovery with his ZimAsset plan which did not seek to address the underlying economic problems of gross mismanagement and rampant corruption but instead overwhelm these wasteful structural weaknesses by throwing lots and lots of money, $27 billion, into the economy.


Sadly Mugabe failed to get any donor to bankroll his plan. Not even his “all weather friends”, the Chinese, were prepared to finance such a hare-brain scheme. So ZimAsset is well and truly died in the water.


The economic meltdown which had started with the fall of ZSE shares has been on a home run for over a last year. Companies has closed, unemployment has soar to 90%, over 16% of the people now live in abject poverty, etc. and the situation is get worse by the day. As long as Zanu PF remains in power the economic meltdown is set to get even worse.



The second rude awakening for Mugabe is in-fighting that has broken out within his own party Zanu PF. The economic meltdown has resulted in a significant shrinkage of the national cake and Mugabe’s bloated army of cronies and hanger on have started fighting amongst themselves over the small cake like a clan of hyenas fighting over a hare. The fight is to the death because all those who are purged from the party will face poverty.


The third rude awakening for Mugabe has been the realisation that Zimbabwe faces social unarrest because the economic meltdown was social and politically unsustainable. The regime was hoping the arrested and disappearance of Dzamara would serve as a warning to all those who dare threaten his rule.


To the people the economic meltdown is like the forest fire to a herd of buffalo; just as the herd know the lions are a serious threat the buffalo know the lions will kill one or two individuals whereas the forest fire will wipe out the whole herd, similarly the people know the economic meltdown threatens the whole nation and not a few individuals the regime will pick off.


The demands by the West for the regime to reveal what it has done with Dzamara means the regime’s threatening move has, if anything, backfired; the regime’s human rights record is under even closer scrutiny than ever, it is being forced to scale down its plans to use force to subdue an increasingly restless public at the time when it should be stepping up!


In the economy Mugabe has met more that his match! He has stayed as head of his party, Zanu PF, for 50 years and as head of the country for 35 years because he was able to bribe, cheat, bamboozle and even kill his political opponents within his party and outside. His gravy train honey pot trap not even the threats of murder had any effect on the economy; it had neither human weaknesses to be exploited nor backside to be kicked.


Yes, it can now be said, that whereas all humans had failed to force Mugabe to accept regime change; it was the economic meltdown that started in earnest the day Mugabe rigged the July 2013 elections that forced the tyrant to accept regime change.


The irony of all ironies, it was the decades of mismanagement and corruption that has fuelled the economic meltdown and it was Mugabe’s own political patronage system that created these cancers and their denial that has allowed them to grow and spread. After three and half decades, with some tumours the size of tennis ball, the cancers have come home to roost in their millions like red-billed quelea!


The tumours must be removed or the economy will collapse and since Mugabe and Zanu PF have neither the political will nor the political credibility to be trust to carry out this ask there is no other way out than for Mugabe and Zanu PF to step aside. The regime change they have killed in the past to avoid it now as certain as sun rise.


It was the arrest of Dzamara, ostensibly to stem wave of social unrest, which has trigged the tsunami wave that is now sweeping the regime aside! Yes it is the path one takes to avoid their destiny, regime change for Mugabe, which leads them to that destination.


Zimbabwe Light said...

As Zimbabweans continue their demand for the return of abducted activist Itai Dzamara, the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission has been hit by a massive exodus of experienced officers as a result of government’s failure to remunerate the rights watch dog, a situation which has further weakened its capacity to handle rights violations, the body’s chairperson has revealed.

“I can tell you that only this week we have told our staff to check their bank accounts for the April’s salaries because of the harsh economic challenges the nation is experiencing”, said Zimbabwe Hu-man Rights Commission chairman, Elasto Mugwadi.

“So we just hope that progressively we will get there and try to address human rights violations and issues in this country sufficiently to the satisfaction of the populace of this country”

Mugwadi is not telling us anything new we have known how Mugabe has rendered state institutions like ZHRC, ZEC and many other totally useless by making sure they are starve of re-sources to carry out their statutory duties. The only thing worth noting here is how the tyrant has never found it a problem to get people to fill these positions.

There is no doubt that whilst Mugabe has failed to pay the low ranking official in ZHRC the tyrant saw to it that Mugwadi’s generous salary and allowances are paid on time without fail. Of course people like Mugwadi know they are doing the regime a great favour by pretending to carry out ZHRC statutory duties and the tyrant is paying them well for their cooperation!

Mr Mugwadi is complaining here about underfunding but that is all part and parcel of the regime’s elaborate act of smokes and mirrors; like Mugabe, Mugwadi does not care about human rights never did!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Grace Mugabe has summoned all provincial ministers to her Mazoe Orphanage. Those in the know believe it flash out those suspected of working with dismissed Joice Mujuru.
"I feel pity for Jason Machaya (Midlands), Martin Dinha (Mashonaland central) and Mirriam Chikukwa (Harare).
“They have been labelled gamatox and could be in trouble with the First Lady," the source said.
People like Martin Dinha were the blue eyed boys of Grace yesterday and today she sees the devil himself in their eyes! The things one has to suffer at the whim of dictators!

Now that the purge has started in earnest there is no stopping it, it is time to settle old scores with old enemies and everyone is an old enemy!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Patrick
The lack of men and women of honour is one of the greatest tragedies to befall our nation. The number of articles singing Tsvangirai’s praises from intellectuals, leaders in every sector of society and supposedly reputable organization and NGO. They were all tripping over each other to assure the nation that the Copac constitution was a democratic one and that it would delivery free and fair elections, for example. No wonder povo was dumfounded when the elections were blatantly rigged!

How I wish the country had people like the late Chief Rekayi Tangwena; there was a true hero. He was a man of honour and principles and he was as consistent as compass unlike some of the crap we have today.

Mugabe and his Zanu PF thugs said they were fighting for freedom, justice and human dignity and yet as soon as they got into power they became the corrupt and murderous tyrants we see today. It took 15 to 20 years to make the people see Mugabe for the murderous tyrant he is be-cause he had an army of “intellectuals” glossing over his mistakes and brainwashing povo.

After Mai Mujuru was kicked out of Zanu PF it was shocking how many “intellectuals” were sing-ing her praises. Here was someone who had been a key player of the tyrannical dictatorship and as corrupt as they come for 34 years but the minute she falls out with Mugabe she is holier than Mother Teresa!

Tsvangirai and his MDC friends have proven to be just easily corrupted by power as Mugabe and yet some idiot would write volumes in praise of Tsvangirai one day and the next write volumes castigating Tendai Biti and yet the two are two peas out of the same pod, both corrupt, incompetent and sell-out! Where is the intellectual objectivity in that?

Zimbabwe political discourse has lacked people of honour and integrity who are objective and as consistent as a compass and are therefore capable of lifting the level of national debate from grade one level of discussing personality to the university level of discussing ideas.

Yes povo is confused but then what do you expect given the confused double dutch they have been receiving from those they expect to be in the know – the “intellectuals”.