since The Lord banished the two, fig tree leaf clad, lovers, Adam and Eve, from
the Garden of Eden with those unforgettable and unforgiving words:
“In the
sweat of your face you shall eat bread
you return to the ground,
For out
of it you were taken;
dust you are,
And to
dust you shall return.” Genesis 3 verse 19.
That was some “go to your room” price to pay for a quickie! But like it or not,
the two lovers and all their descendants have had to work hard for their daily bread.
Those who would not work have starved and met their dusty end even sooner than
need be; it is that simple!
has worked hard and prospered and has come up with all manner of cures to disease,
tool to lighten their burden and machinery to explore the heaven and the
mysteries of life itself. Mankind is still mortal but, full marks, he is doing
his best post pone as much as is humanly possible that dusty end.
is not a far cry from the Biblical Garden of Eden; we have some of the best
land and ideal climate on earth to grow all the nation food. Until the year 2 000
the country produced more food than it needed and so had plenty to export. We were
the breadbasket of the region.
since 2 000, the powers that be decided in their infinite wisdom to “redistribute
the land”. I will not waste time and go into details of how this was done and
who got what; it will suffice to say that ever since the nation has failed to
produce enough to feed its own people let alone have any left over for export.
year 3 million Zimbabweans are facing starvation and many will have died
already if it was not for generosity of the foreign donors.
Yes the
whole SADC region is suffering from the ill effects of a severe drought brought
on by El Nino. Still, it cannot be denied that having empty silos at the start
of the drought and an economy in total meltdown has turned a bad situation into
a national tragedy.
could have bought all the food it needed this year from the windfall from the
Marange diamonds alone. Mugabe casually remarked in an interview in March that $15
billion of Marange diamond revenue was looted in the last seven years. There is
evidence to believe the looting has been going on for a lot longer than seven
years and that the looted amount is a hell lot higher than the mere $15
billion; still we can accept Mugabe’s figure. What does it mean in real terms?
billion = Zimbabwe’s GPD (the whole
nation’s annual produce)
= 5 X Government’s collected annual
revenue of $3 billion
= 5 X Government food aid appeal
others nations have turned the dry and sandy deserts into the blooming Garden of
Eden we, in Zimbabwe, are starving in the Garden of Eden, with all its rich
soil, plentiful water, diamonds and gold deposits. Where others have
demonstrated mankind’s indomitable spirit and ingenuity in Zimbabwe we are proving
mankind at his primeval worse.
fall from being the “Jewel of Africa” in 1980 into one of the poorest country ravaged
by man-made problems is a living testimonial to failed leadership, laziness and
I am a black
Zimbabwean and I am ashamed to see millions of Zimbabweans out of work and
suffering in abject poverty and despair because I know the country is capable
of doing a lot better than this! There is nothing to be proud of in a nation
were billions of dollars meant for the commonwealth is siphoned to pay for an
elaborate vote rigging scheme to deny the people their free vote and perpetuate
the oppression and looting.
contention is root cause of all Zimbabwe’s economic, social and political problems
is one thing - bad governance.
At the
top level of government; we have an incompetent, corrupt, vote rigging and
murderous tyrant assisted by a completely useless but equally corrupt and
incompetent cabal. At the next level; we have a throng of the wannabe
opposition leaders who too have already proven to be corrupt and incompetent. At
the bottom we have the people who, because they are naive, gullible and
ignorant, have allowed the politicians ride roughshod over their freedoms,
rights, human dignity, hopes and dreams.
get the government they deserve and we, in Zimbabwe, cannot deny that we
deserve this Mugabe tyranny complete with complement of incompetent opposition leaders who follow the
tyrant like Saturn and her many moons.
If the
people of Zimbabwe want to see an end to the criminal waste of the nation’s
human and material resources and to have a competent government that will
deliver freedom, justice, liberty and economic prosperity then they must work
hard and earn one such government. Such a government is called a democracy; we
do not have to reinvent the wheel only to adopt it to meet our needs.
democracy is “a government of the people, by the people and for the people”
said USA President Abraham Lincoln.
demands an electorate who take their responsibilities and duties as the owners
of the government (government of the people), the ones running it (by the
people) and for their own benefit (for the people) very seriously. Elections,
for example, are not a one day event were the voter cast their vote and switch
off until next voting day. The voters must take an active interest in the big
issues of the day, listen carefully to what others have to say and, when it
comes to elections, votes for the best candidate.
right to vote is a blessing but in the hands of a naïve, gullible and ignorant
voter it is a national curse!
It is
not enough to wish for a free, justice and prosperous Zimbabwe; the people must
be prepared to work for it. When the freedoms and human rights are being
systematically denied as is the case in our country, people must be prepared to
stand up and fight for these freedoms even with their very lives if need be.
The way
out of the economic and political hell-hole Mugabe and his cronies have landed
us in is for us, the people and not the corrupt and incompetent opposition, to
demand the full implementation of the democratic reforms designed to dismantle the
de facto one-party dictatorship we are suffering under and thus restore the
usurped people’s power to have a meaningful say in the governance of the
is a great country; you would not think so seeing the mess the nation is in
today. We took the wrong turn 36 years by allowing Mugabe to assume absolute power;
he has since become punch drunk with it. To restore Zimbabwe’s greatness, we
must institute a new system of government where power is invested in the people
and they alone will decide who rules the land.
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