Thursday, 28 December 2017

"New VPs expected to perform," says President Mnangagwa - what talents do they bring P Guramatunhu

“The new Vice Presidents are not only expected to perform, but to show results and that entails guarding against complacency. They have to drive the Ministers,” said President Mnangagwa after swearing in Chiwenga and Mohadi as the country’s two VPs.

“The performance of the Ministers will be reflected by the supervision given by the two Vice Presidents so the assessment of the two will be based on what comes out of our ministries.”

Excuse me, comrade ePresidente, you did not appoint VP Chiwenga and VP Mohadi for their ability and competence as leaders. So why are you expecting them to perform well in anything? Anyone familiar with the workings of the ZDF who know Chiwenga is not intelligent as he has struggled to pass all the many courses he has done and he has never shown any notable aptitude in anything worth writing home about. The only reason Robert Mugabe promoted Chiwenga to the dizzying height in the Army is the same reason the tyrant promoted many others in the Army, Government, etc. including Emmerson Mnangagwa himself is because Mugabe liked to surround himself with simpletons he can order around.

Constantino Chiwenga is a simpleton, a very corrupt one to boot! He did not build that C&M mansion from his wages as Commander of ZDF?

President Mnangagwa has appointed Chiwenga VP not because he is talented individual. Chiwenga is VP because that is his reward for risking life and limb in staging last month’s coup that forced Mugabe to finally relinquish power. Others like Perrance Shiri and Major General Sibusiso Moyo who took played a major role in the coup are Ministers in President Mnangagwa’s cabinet, their reward.

Chiwenga was the ring-leader of the November putsch and VP post is his reward, period.

If President Mnangagwa is serious about rescuing Zimbabwe from the economic mess Mugabe and his team – of whom Mnangagwa was a key member – has bequeathed the nation then he should know that country must be governed by competent leaders with some common sense, at least and not these corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs whose only claim to power is out of entitlement for their contribution during the struggle for independence.

Comrade ePresidente Mnangagwa, the povo of Zimbabwe were clearly fooled by the changes brought about by coup as seen by the thousands who march in support on 18 November and the throng who greeted you during your last visit in SA. The truth is the thinking world was not fooled.

“Zimbabwe is open for business!” you announce, ePresidente.

There has not been any Foreign Direct Investors knowing at our door in response. There will be none coming because these people are shrewd enough to know the removal of Mugabe, significant as it is, is not enough to prove the country has stopped being a lawless nation governed but competent and accountable leaders.

Indeed, the promotion of coup thugs like Chiwenga and Shiri into your cabinet tells the world the Zanu PF thugs are back in total control of the country. Nothing has changed!   

Zimbabwe will not be ready to do business with the rest of the world until it proves there is rule of law. And there is no better way of proving there is rule of law than holding free, fair and credible elections. I do not see the likes of VP Chiwenga and Minister Shiri spearheading the implementation of the democratic reforms required to ensure free elections! A cabinet of coup plotters is not going to deliver democratic free, fair and credible elections. Never!


Patrick said...

The President went on: “They must have a human face. They mustn’t be profiteering because in some cases we find the same article is sold at this price in this shop, different from that shop. Why should the difference be 15-20 percent on one item? We have to interrogate those issues.”

Why should government be concerned about such matters? If the consumers did not know about these price differences, they will soon know and change their buying habits. Government’s real challenge is to create the economic environment for economic recovery by ending the criminal waste of human and material resources and restore the rule of law which have become endemic under the Mugabe leadership.

President Mnangagwa said his administration will “hit the ground running” but if it is going to tell people what to buy and at what price then it is chasing the field mice whilst the big game, the kudus and buffalo get away!

Patrick said...

Relief organisations have boycotted Masvingo State Minister, Josaya Dunira Hungwe’ s meeting to discuss the way forward on the Tokwe Mukorsi Dam Project citing the politician’ s utterances.

Hungwe had organised an urgent stakeholders’ meeting to discuss the selection method for investors for the Tokwe-Mukosi Dam Project. The meeting was slated for Today (Tuesday). Hungwe organised the meeting amid reports that some donor organisations wanted to withdraw from the project due to political interference.

Government officials at Benjamin Burombo Building said donor agencies were unhappy with Hungwe’ s ‘carefree’ political rhetoric.

Many ordinary Zimbabweans view the removal of Robert Mugabe from Zanu PF as being so significant it warranted giving the new Mnangagwa regime and clean fresh start. Shrewd individuals have refused to be so easily bowled over. They know that a black mamba that has shed-off its old coat is still a deadly snake; the removal of Mugabe as leader of the Zanu PF dictatorship is just that, the mamba shedding off its old skin.

I am not surprise those with deep pockets are among the shrewd people who have refused to accept that Zanu PF has changed because there is real nothing to suggest that it has changed! The country would not be up to her eyes in this political and economic mess if most of our people were not so gullible, thick and slow!

Zimbabwe Light said...


You need to get your facts rights, mate!

“And yet this General Chiwengwa removed Robert Mugabe from state house in a very smart move. Something that you Patrick, and your intellectual midgets at MDC failed to do for decades! Get it through your thick head Patrick, intelligence is not always about book-learning! It is also naive to think that a person is uneducated simply because he is a soldier, this very naivety which you saw with Robert Mugabe caused the latter's downfall- the gun acquired a pen a long time ago! Zimbabweans KNOW the practical value of that General compared to your theoretical rhetoric which feeds no one!!” you said.

Zanu PF has been in power for the last 37 years because the party has been rigging elections and none other than General Chiwenga and his fellow coup members including Mnangagwa has masterminded and executed the vote rigging schemes. Mugabe himself public thanked Chiwenga and the others in the security services top brass for helping him retain power in 2008. We all know what happened that year.

Mugabe lost the election to Tsvangirai and MDC and Zanu PF falsified the March result and then went on to use wanton violence to force people to vote for Mugabe in the run-off. That was the first coup Chiwenga and company staged, the November 2017 was the second.

There is nothing “smart” about a coup especially when the very idiots staging the coup are the ones who have undermined the democratic process.

Patrick merely pointed out a historic fact that Chiwenga did not excel in anything including his education and it is your sick mind that has twisted it to mean every soldier is uneducated. Many soldiers have excelled in their education just as there are civils who are gifted and others who are not.

Zimbabweans KNOW Chiwenga as one of the many incompetent idiots and ruthless thugs Mugabe promoted and help him build this cursed de facto one-party dictatorship that has brought so much human misery to this nation. It is to be expected that the naïve and gullible simpletons like you, whose memory is not much better than that of the crow, would think the idiot a hero and worthy of another promotion to be VP!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mago

Yet it is a historic fact that the man you are praising here is the same man who has abused his position to deny povo the vote and kept Mugabe in power! You go to sleep and you cannot remember what happened yesterday! How amazing!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Makuyana

Chiwenga is a thug and his promotion to General did not change him into a gentleman. Indeed he only abused his new found power and authority to make life hell for us all by helping to impose Mugabe on the nation. He helped stage the coup and is now getting his share of the spoils. Why anyone who consider him a hero beggars belief!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Noble Ngara

You choose to call me “the eternal pessimist” and would call myself the eternal realist.

“Wilbert, the eternal pessimist. Its hard to believe that EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING is ALWAYS WRONG, and yet, EVERY ARTICLE you have ever penned persuades us that it is ALL WRONG. NOBODY, NOT the opposition or ruling party knows ANYTHING except ALMIGHTY WILBERT!!! "As who should say IM SIR ORACLE, AND WHEN I OPE MY MOUTH, LET NO DOG BARK"-(Shakespeare) You should look into the mirror and smile at yourself once in while. Otherwise life must be very grey and drab for the people around you!!” You said.

When you live in a country where unemployment has soared to dizzying heights of 90% plus and has been this high for over a decade now; where ¾ of the population are forced to live on US$1.00 or less a day; etc. Contrast this with the multi-billion dollar lifestyles of the filthy rich few. That tells me that there are many things that have gone serious wrong and must be put right.

With the country in such a mess it is right that every article I have ever written should be highlighting the human misery of the millions of innocent people who have long lost the voice and cannot speak for themselves. It is tragic that few people out there have taken up the cause. As for those, like you, who want the truth swept under the carpet because it makes you feel guilty or uncomfortable to be reminded of the misery you have brought on others; I say shame on you.

The cold and heartless indifference of the slave-master who forces another human being into slavery to suffer in damn anguish dehumanises the slave and the slave-master too. Slavery was abolished one hundred and fifty years ago but we still have many people out there with the same cold and heartless indifference to other people’s suffering as the white-supremacists red-neck slave-master of the deep American South of a century and half ago.

As a black person myself I have been particularly struck by cold and heartless indifference of blacks to the suffering of their fellow blacks. It is a weakness to be find in all other racial groups but it is definitely more prevalent amongst blacks. It was mainly blacks, not white men, who hunted down their own fellow blacks during the slave trade and sold them for a piece of calico cloth and a handful of shiny beads. No doubt that before slavery was abolished, many of the blacks who had profited from the misery of others were in turn sold as slaves.

Times have changed and markets have changed; today the black ruling elite are selling the inheritance of their fellow country man for a song to the Chinese and others for a song in return for weapons to help keep them in power and the rest of the population in poverty.

It is one of Zimbabwe’s great ironic tragedies that we should have the singular honour to have one of the highest literacy rate in Africa, and yet we are now the poorest nation in Africa. So, all the book education has not been of much use to us. I am sure you have memorised whole passages of William Shakespeare’s works and yet you have clearly learnt nothing remotely relevant to Zimbabwe’s present political and economic situation! What a criminal waste of time and treasure educating a fool who is devoid of any common sense!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Doctor future

For anyone to hold public office he or she must be elected by the people in a free, fair and credible election and someone who have been involved in blatant vote rigging must never ever hold public office. Chiwenga has been involved in vote rigging and military coups; first one was to stop Tsvangirai to become president and then last month to remove Mugabe!

Most people will agree that Zimbabwe is in this political and economic mess because we have failed to hold free and fair elections all these last 37 years. Only someone who is naïve would expect this coup cabinet to implement any reforms to ensure free and fair elections.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Noble Ngara

“I am a practical democrat who believes in the will of the majority of people. Tell me, when the majority of Zimbabweans spontaneously poured into the streets in Zimbabwe and all over the world IN CLEAR SUPPORT OF CHIWENGA'S ACTION where were you that day and what did you feel when the majority stamped their will?” You say.

Ngara, you are an idiot and so stop deluding yourself about being anything else.

Mugabe, Chiwenga, Mnangagwa and the rest of the Zanu PF dictatorship have systematically denied the people of Zimbabwe their freedoms and basic human rights including the right to a meaningful vote and even the right to life. Why is it that we have never heard “the practical democrat” condemn these thugs?

The fight here is for free, fair and credible elections to ensure those ruling the country have the mandate to do so from “will of the majority of the people”. So why is the “practical democrat” celebrating a regime whose mandate was derived from a coup?

How many of those people who joined in the march to support the coup on 18 November 2017 did so because they equated the removal of the dictator Robert Mugabe with not just the end of Mugabe’s reign but the demise of the Zanu PF dictatorship too?

If President Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF thugs are so cocksure they have the popular support of the people of Zimbabwe then why is the regime refusing to end Mugabe’s strangle hold on the media so there is freedom of expression and a free media and implement all the other democratic reforms to ensure there are free, fair and credible elections next year?

As I have said before, you are an idiot, a Zanu PF apologist, masquerading as an intellectual when you have nothing intelligent to say, as a democrat when you do not even know what democracy is about!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Noble Ngara

Zimbabwe is not in this mess because of the result of one event at one point in time by one man. We are is this mess because of 37 years of blundering from pillar to post and one of the reasons why this has happened is because of the inert inability by narrow minded idiots like you to see the bigger picture. You take one or two step forward and you make a big song and dance about that but refuse to even acknowledge that in the process you have also taken five or ten step backwards.

+2 – 10 = - 8

That is an arithmetic certainty which you can denounce as pessimism if you wish but at your peril. Unemployment is 90% plus and many people have never had a steady job all their working lives. ¾ of our people now live on US$1.00 or less per day; any cat owner in the West will tell you they spend a lot more than on their pet! It is foolish to pretend everything is fine in Zimbabwe.

To come back to the matter in hand.

“Wilbert Mukori As usual and true to form, you are all over the show Wilbert, always in flux! so many words and so little meaning!! We are, here, discussing one event. Being the eternal pessimist, you can moan all you want about the means, but the fact remains that Chiwenga dislodged Mugabe, which yours and Patrick's zillion well-meant and yet meaningless written words did not achieve. The smart part is that the WHOLE WORLD GAVE A NOD OF ACCEPTANCE TO THAT EVENT. Anyway, talking to you is a waste of words. You and Patrick have written and are so fond of your own words that you are beyond redemption-politically and logically---"to those who understand-----and to those who don’t understand-----"!” you say.

Again, your selective mind sees only the narrow strip, the dislodge of Mugabe but fails to see that dislodge was done unconstitutionally, a military coup is a treasonous act. The coup was necessary in this case because democratic ways had failed because Mugabe, Chiwenga, Mnangagwa and the rest involved in the November coup were also involved in rigging the elections in the past and the first coup in 2008.

Most important of all, Chiwenga and his fellow coup plotters did not stage the coup to restore democratic rule but to consolidate their own strangle hold on political power. If you think these thugs are going to allow free, fair and credible elections next year or ever; think again.

I will give this to you Ngara, you are not the only Zimbabwean who is brain dead; there hundreds of thousands of others just like you. Blissful celebrating the dislodge of Mugabe but failing to see that the Zanu dictatorship itself is alive and thriving. Only a first-class idiot stuck in a ruthless dictatorship would celebrate a coup unaware it is dragging the nation even deeper into the dangerous waters of lawlessness and thuggery!

“Nhamo inyama yegakava!” (The idiot, who thinks himself a wise man, is the most stubborn of all!) Thanks to idiots like you, Ngara, with your unparalleled capacity to regurgitate William Shakespeare passages – which you are too stupid to digest and learn from it - Zimbabwe is blissful blundering from one pillar to post!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Noble Ngara

Yet the fact still remains that Chiwenga is a thug with a well-documented track record of vote rigging, staging coups and, his speciality, looting. His C&M mansion was not built from the merger wages of a ZDF General of a nation in total economic meltdown it cannot even pay poor wages of the civil servants!

“Wilbert Mukori JUDGING BY THE EVENTS OF THE PARTICULAR DAY YOU, MATE, ARE DEFINITELY A PART OF THE MINORITY OPINION. I am here to criticise the critics, I am here to stay and this platform will never be the same again!!” you say.

This site is not Herald or Chronicle and idiots like you are welcome but, needless to say, you will be firmly put in your place. “Pano unodzidza chakakonesa imbwa kuseka kunyenama ichigona!” as one would say in Shona.

Zimbabwe Light said...

If the people of Zimbabwe thought the removal of Mugabe marked the end of the lawlessness and tyranny that had been the hallmark of his rule; now they must realise how wrong they were.

“The generals dubbed their project “Operation Restore Legacy.” They called the move a “democratic correction” against a 93-year-old leader whose decisions, they alleged, were being manipulated by an ambitious wife half his age,” said the report.

Of course, only thugs would say with a straight face that pointing a gun at someone is a “democratic” act!

There is no way Zanu PF is going to hold free, fair and credible elections, it is too late to implement the meaningful reforms now. SADC leaders recommended that Zimbabwe’s opposition should not take part in the 2013 elections without implementing the reforms first. That was sound advice back then and it is even better now!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF has imploded, it has never been weaker in the last 37 years than it has been these last three years. It is telling just how weak and irrelevant MDC is to Zimbabwe that a weak Zanu PF should still be seen as strong. MDC lost its relevance after the party failed to get even one democratic reform implemented during the GNU. The donors, who had funded the party and given it political support deserted the party in droves, slowly but surely the ordinary Zimbabweans have too realised the party is corrupt and incompetent and will never deliver anything of substance.

The people themselves thought that Mugabe’s departure meant the end of the misrule, corruption, vote rigging and tyranny. The appointment of a coup cabinet has shock many people into realising the Zanu PF dictatorship is stronger now than it was before the coup. By the time the country holds its elections the penny will have dropped.

The next elections will be about voting to end the Zanu PF dictatorship and hence the reason the regime will not hold free and fair elections. Mnangagwa and his coup cabinet have just tasted political power, they are the ones who had kept Mugabe is power by rigging the elections all these last 37 years, to expect them to risk losing power by running free and fair elections is naïve.

If Zanu PF fails to hold free, fair and credible elections next year the party knows that its legitimacy will be called to question. Mnangagwa and company know their regime’s legitimacy is already hanging by the thread because it is a child of a coup, the cabinet is full of coup plotters, the regime has failed to implement any democratic reform since the removal of Mugabe, etc., etc.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Tinashe

You always talk nonsense and I can see you are consistent on that score! We have already tried price control again and again these last 37 years and we should know by now that it does not work but I can see you want us to go down the same path again!

“We wait to see the President putting a firm hand on the ground to deal with these unscrupulous criminals (responsible for hiking prices) who are bent on destroying the image of our country,” you say.

"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest," said Adam Smith.

You tell us you are “the head of Southern Institute of Policy Analysis and Research – SIPAR TRUST, which is responsible for policy analysis and research. He is also an academic and researcher. He holds a BA, MA from Solusi University, and he also holds a Masters of Development Studies from University of Lusaka, Zambia. Etc., etc.” All very impressive! You are just like Robert Mugabe, he has seven University Degrees but my grandfather who had no formal education would have done a better job of running the country than Mugabe did.

It goes to show academic education, to one with no common sense, is a total waste of time and resources.

“I would suggest that instead of the President having a round table with captains of industry and manufacturers why can't he also include academics and policy makers on the ground. Even opposition and economic think tanks are also important. We are on the ground and we have seen what is happening, solving economic issues is not one man band it needs collective effort,” you continued.

Looking at Mnangagwa’s coup cabinet you will just be another empty head another many other empty heads – you will be at home. My only concern is that you will just be another busy-body the taxpayers have to pay and pay well to ruin their lives!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The true nature of the Mnangagwa administration is clear for all to see, the shadowy Joint Operation Command Junta that has ruled Zimbabwe these last 37 years has moved out of the shadows into cabinet. The coup plotters insisted it was not coup but a “democratic correction”, only an idiot would believe that nonsense. What is democratic correction can be done by seizing all the State institution at gun point and forcing the head of state to resign. The will of a bunch of thugs will not be mistaken for the democratic will of the people!

"The generals want Mnangagwa to run for one or two terms before handing over to Chiwenga," a Nov. 29 intelligence report seen by Reuters reads. "They want Chiwenga to be in power for two terms before handing over to the next general to be announced."

The people will have no say in Mnangagwa’s one or two, Chiwenga’s two terms, etc. just as the people had no say in Mugabe’s 37 years in power! “Democratic correction” my foot!