Thursday, 27 April 2023

"Your vote matters!" said Obama. Only selective amnesia: politics (Sapo) sufferers believe it's true in Zimbabwe too! W Mukori

Zimbabweans suffer from selective amnesia, a peculiar variant that affects their political thinking. I will call it selective amnesia Zimbabwe Politics variant or ZiPo for short.  what I would call


“Amnesia is a general term describing memory loss. Symptoms include memory loss, confusion and the inability to recognise familiar faces or places. Some of the causes of temporary amnesia include concussion, severe illness and high fever, emotional stress, some drugs and electroconvulsive therapy,” Google definition.

Selective Amnesia

That is easy, it is a type of amnesia in which the sufferer loses only certain parts of their memory. 

Some wise guy posted a video of former USA President Barack Obama with the caption “If I hear anybody say their vote does not matter!” It was a recording from two years ago. Press the play button and what followed is a persuasive and impassioned plea for people to go out and vote!

“You cannot compare Zimbabwe elections to American elections; one is cough syrup the other is rat poison. In America you vote matters because the process is free, fair and credible. In Zimbabwe the elections are rigged; your participation is only important in helping the regime maintain the lie the process is free and fair,” came the first response.

“Democracy is on the ballot!” came the reply, quoting President Obama.

“For America, yes. Not Zimbabwe! You are suffering from selective amnesia!”

For the sake brevity I will just jump back to some definitions.

When it comes to elections Zimbabweans suffer from selective amnesia: Politics variant.

Selective Amnesia; Politics (Sapo) variant

It is a type of amnesia in which the sufferer loses memory of what flaws, irregularities and illegalities that rendered the past elections undemocratic, null and void. Their memory reverts to everything one would expect if the elections was free, fair and credible. This is the preferred default position because it is the cosy comfort zone, for obvious reasons.

If you accept the last election was rigged then you have to answer the difficult question of “What have you done to make sure the present elections are not going to be rigged too?” The question looms large and even more menacing when you know Zimbabwe has never ever held free, fair and credible elections ever since the country’s independence 43 years ago. When there is a mountain of evidence already that Zanu PF is rigging these elections.

You can well imagine the interchange that followed:

“Progress is on the ballot!”


“Justice is on the ballot!”


Nelson Chamisa and his fellow CCC leaders are hell bent on participating in these elections. Of course, they know Zanu PF has rigged elections in the past and is rigging these elections. If anyone is suffering from Sapo, they are and, more significantly, they know it.

“My name is not on the ballot, but progress is on the ballot!”

“Rubbish! Zimbabwe is sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss because we have lacked the common sense to admit Zanu PF is rigging elections and the political will to implement the democratic reforms and stop the rigging.”

Cure for selective amnesia

Treatment involves creating a safe, comfortable space that will allow memories to return. In some cases, doctors will recommend hypnosis and psychotherapy. Most individuals with dissociative amnesia recover their memories once their amnesia resolves.

Cure for selective amnesia: Politics variant

The truth is Nelson Chamisa and his MDC/CCC friends have never lost their memory, their political will to implement even one token reforms during the GNU, for example, evaporated into thin air when Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. They have often complained of rigged elections but that was only to please their supporters. CCC will never implement the reforms and deliver free and fair elections; they wasted the golden chance to do so during the GNU, it is naïve to expect them to do so now.

Chamisa and his CCC friends are participating in these flawed elections out of greed and their supporters are doing so out of ignorance and/or fear. There is no cure for greed other than the gullible supporters finally opening their eyes and realise they are being conned. The cure for ignorance and fear is education, education and education!


Zimbabwe Light said...

Ambassador Kirchmann said despite the desire for EU to expand its partnerships in the country, there was need to address the negative perception Zimbabwe carries.

"The trade agreement we have is underused; there is room for more investment and l think that's also what Zimbabwe wants," he said.

"I hear, we are open for business and there is a lot in the National Development Strategy 1.

"As the EU, we would like Zimbabwe to succeed in that ambition…when I ask companies in Europe, I must say there is still a negative perception about Zimbabwe, which I think is important to work on.

"Investors are looking for predictability, they want to know what they are getting themselves into; good infrastructure, a way to carry out financial transactions easily, and access to finance."

The EU diplomat also the bloc was playing its part towards ensuring Zimbabwe's elections are free and fair.

"I hope that the upcoming elections will be successful, peaceful and inclusive," he said.

It is clear that Zanu PF is rigging the 2023 elections. All the hard work the EU put in writing the 2018 election report with its 23 recommendations was a complete waste of time and resources because the regime ignored the report. What could conjure be more “negative perception” of chaos and lawlessness than the failure to hold free and fair elections.
What makes Zimbabwe’s situation even more intractable is that the opposition whom the nation has entrusted the task of implementing the democratic reforms and bring an end to this chaos and madness has itself been corrupted by Zanu PF. MDC/CCC have not only sold out by failing to implement even one reform they are participating in these flawed elections for a share of the spoils of power.
Until we implement the reforms and dismantle this failed political system, there is no chance of ever ending Zimbabwe’s negative perception. None! I know it, Ambassador Kirchmann knows it and more significantly, the shrewd investors know it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

We know this is about Zanu PF determined to rig these 2023 elections and does not want any democratic country saying anything about it! An African agenda! Yeah right!

Zimbabwe is in this economic mess and political paralysis after 43 years of tyrannical and corrupt Zanu PF rule. Instead of addressing the serious problems facing the country including the blatant denial of the basic human rights and freedoms including the denial of a meaningful say in the governance of the country we are being told that doing so will make Zimbabwe an "underdog!" This is a real nightmare.

Zimbabwe Light said...

This came as Mnangagwa yesterday insisted that the participation of European nations, the United States of America and the United Kingdom at this year's Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) is an indication that his re-engagement drive is bearing fruit.

"The Americans are here, the British are here, the EU is here. What else would we want? Everybody is here. So this engagement and re-engagement policy is bearing fruit. Perhaps, they heard that the Majesty is coming. That's why they are here," Mnangagwa told journalists after touring exhibition stands at the ZITF which ends today.

In a statement, the Commonwealth Lawyers Association (CLA) raised concern over the Private Voluntary Organisations (PVOs) Amendment saying it was inconsistent with democratic principles.

CLA is an international non-profit organisation, which promotes the rule of law among Commonwealth member States.

The controversial Bill has since sailed through Parliament.

"For democracy to flourish, informed and tolerant debate is essential. Contrary views must be respected.

"Some events have occurred in Zimbabwe which causes concern to the CLA.

"The Private Voluntary Organisations (PVOs) Amendment Bill, which has passed Parliament has attracted much comment," the CLA said on Wednesday.

It would be midsummer madness for the Commonwealth to re-admit Zimbabwe now, just a few months before the elections when the club refused to do so after the 2018 election because they were not free and fair, when it i already clear Zanu PF is rigging 2023 elections too!
Mnangagwa and hi cronies can dream of re-joining the Commonwealth but they will only be dreaming. Zviroto, zviroto!

If Zimbabwe was readmitted, many nations will seriously consider leaving the club. And as for Zimbabwe, the country will certainly walkout at the earliest regime change opportunity! We are fighting for rule of law and to be treated with respect and I cannot think of a worse insult than readmitting these Zanu PF thugs into the Commonwealth!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Those pretending 2023 elections will be free and fair are suffering from selective amnesia; common sense! After 43 years of rigged elections, it is common sense that these elections are flawed!

Zimbabwe Light said...

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has taken delivery of a US$54 million presidential jet - a Dassault Falcon 7X, ZimLive reported.

The aircraft was delivered in March, but it was not put into service until this week after Mnangagwa's government came under international spotlight following Al Jazeera's broadcast of a four-part investigation into massive gold smuggling and money laundering linked to associates of the Zanu PF leader and his wife, Auxillia.

The Dassault Falcon 7X is manufactured by Dassault Aviation, a French manufacturer of military aircraft and business jets.

The business jet has a large-cabin and a range of 5,950 nautical miles (11,020 km) – it can fly from Harare to London non-stop.

It made its first flight in March 2005 and has a typical configuration for 12 passengers, although other floor plans can accommodate up to 19.

Luxury travel and aviation website Sherpa Report says the list price of a new Falcon 7X "is currently about US$54 million."

The total annual budget for flying a Falcon 7X private jet 200 hours per year is approximately US$1,434,621 or US$2,214,097 for flying 400 hours per year, according to Liberty Jet Management. The data suggests Zimbabwean taxpayers will fork out at least US$2 million annually to keep the jet flying.

Only an idiot would expect Mnangagwa risking all this in a free and fair election especially when he does not have to. MDC/CCC had the chance to implement reforms and they wasted it and now the dimwit claim they can "win rigged election". A priceless gift to Zanu PF.

Zanu PF bribed Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends to forget about implementing the reforms, that was Zimbabwe’s get out of jail card. It has taken 10 years since the end of the GNU for the penny to drop but it has dropped, at least a few Zimbabweans are now aware of the sheer futility of participating in these flawed elections only to give Zanu PF legitimacy!

US$ 54 million jet when the country is failing to provide basic services such as clean running water, education and health care because of chronic under funding! Of course, we have our priorities all wrong and are helpless to do anything about it as long as Zanu PF is able to rig elections and get away with it, thanks to MDC/CCC sell outs!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Frank

“Mukoma give us a workable solution. Kuchema kuti MDC yakatengesa does not change anything. Yes they sold out then wat. Shumba ikauya hauchemi wakamira unochema uchitiza or kukwira mumuti inogona kuzo ngoruma chitsitsinho ASI wararama even vanhu vanokubatsura. What the opposition is doing is right by participating in the elections, the international community will help in some way because there is action being taken by the locals.”

This is becoming monotonous in the sheer shallowness of the argument.

I have said it is insane to participate in flawed elections when all you do is give the process credibility and the vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy. You say that is not a workable solution? How is participating to perpetuate the dictatorship a workable solution?

It was SADC who proposed the 2008 to 2013 GNU whose primary purpose was to implement reforms because the regional body accepted that there could be no meaningful change in Zimbabwe without reforms. SADC wanted the 2013 elections postponed until reforms were implemented.

The EU made 23 recommendations at the end of the 2018 elections which, implemented, would ensure free elections. Not even one of the recommendations has seen the light of day.

The international community has been calling for reforms to be implemented before elections. Who in his or her right mind would ask Zimbabweans to participate in an election process so flawed there is not even a verified voters’ roll? What help are you expecting them to give you?

It beggars belief that we should even be having this exchange over matters that are so self evident! Of course, it is very sad!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Mnangagwa has splashed US$54 million on a new jet when the failed state cannot provided basic services.

Zimbabwe Light said...

"It is without doubt that citizens have subscribed to the citizen's movement and are ready to represent the party in various angles however one of the challenges we have faced during this process is this harvest of fear particularly in the country side.

"It is because of that strategic necessity that we have not publicly released names of those that have been nominated in the countryside because Zanu-PF has deployed violence as a tool to try influencing our people to withdraw from nominations and the process.

"Remember the election has not been declared, the nomination court has not been sat. We have agreed to protect our people. You know in Zaka one of our candidates was abducted and torture of our people across the country."

What is disappointing here is that CCC is lying and misleading the nation. Chamisa and company know that elections are flawed and that participating will only give Zanu PF legitimacy and still they are participating out of greed. They do not admit any of the last two points. On the elections being flawed they claim they have devised ways of winning rigged elections and yet have failed to come up with even one viable strategy.

Zimbabweans are participating in these elections expecting change that will never be delivered. After 43 years of rigged elections it is a great pity that many Zimbabweans including those with university degrees who should know better continue to be conned by CCC foolish claims!

Zimbabwe Light said...

However, his presence in Zimbabwe has been shrouded by allegations that he has established strong political links, which have given him leverage to manoeuvre as he pleases.

The Sentry, claimed that huge sums of money began moving into the powerful individuals' accounts soon after one of Zimbabwe's richest business people paid millions to snatch up to 30% shareholding in ACF about five years ago.

"The Spincash deal was followed by a money-moving operation in which Moti's companies paid US$130 million in 595 instalments to a mix of established firms, companies whose records are missing, and politically linked entities in Zimbabwe," the report said.

"By 2015, ACF was a well-connected firm. it had formed a joint venture with the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) ... Moti made powerful friends soon after his purchase of 70% of ACF in 2014," The Sentry claimed.

One of the consequences of the wholesale looping in Zimbabwe is that the ruling elite have benefited to the tune of billions of USD, and have then used the money to bankroll the many vote rigging schemes including buy votes from the people, bribing individuals to do the party's dirty bidding and bribing the opposition to participate no matter how flawed the process got!

No thinking Zimbabwean should participate in these elections because it is as clear as day that they will change nothing and instead give legitimacy to the process. How any one has failed to see this is a mystery!

Zimbabwe Light said...

THE Council for Churches in Africa (CCA) has pledged to mobilise votes for the ruling Zanu PF party in Bulawayo after it was given a stand to build a church in Cowdray Park.

Zanu PF has struggled to win seats in Bulawayo since the turn of the millenium with the formation of the opposition MDC.

CCA president Rocky Moyo said their membership would repay the ruling party with votes in the general elections after a ribbon-cutting event for the stand in the suburb yesterday.

CCA is an umbrella body for pentecostal, apostolic sects and Zion denominations, among others.

"Our call has been heeded and we are on cloud nine. The stand that was given to one of our churches is in Cowdray Park. We got the stand through the help of a Zanu PF councillor in the area," Moyo told journalists during a visit to the sprawling suburb.

"We are happy that Umkhumbi weNkosi Church of God in Zion which is led by the Archbishop Mqalisi Sibanda now has a place of worship here in Cowdray Park, away from bushes. On our part as CCA, we pledged to work with Zanu PF, and we will mobilise votes for the party."

As long as these church leaders get their share of the spoils of power they do not care that the country as a whole is sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss. Of course the leaders know that Zanu PF is rigging elections and in the rural areas the voters are frogmarched to vote for the party.

In Zimbabwe we have too many sell outs including professionals like Minister Mthuli Ncube he was offered the post of minister of finance and has been working for the regime for years now. He is one of them!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Political analyst Vivid Gwede told The NewsHawks that the message behind the letter by the British MPs to bar Mnangagwa from the coronation is that the UK is saying reforms must come first before any re-engagement efforts can meaningfully start.

"The calls by the British MPs are consistent with what they have been advocating for. Which is re-engagement based on reforms by the Zimbabwean government.

"Some of the reforms asked for are consistent with what our own constitution requires such as respect for human rights, rule of law and credible, free and fair elections," he said.

Mnangagwa was getting ahead of himself, there was no chance of any re-engagement with Zimbabwe a few months before the election which most people know Zanu PF is rigging. Why bother!!!!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Hopewell Chin’ono
I have good news for those being persecuted, and bad news for the persecutors, very soon people like
will be able to sue for millions against the estates of today’s ZANUPF corrupt leadership.

The amounts of hidden money in foreign countries is absolutely shocking.

The day cannot come soon enough for the millions now living in abject poverty, just seeing an end to the tyrannical dictatorship will be great news.

Indeed the nation should have been freed from the tyranny of Zanu PF in 2013, at the latest, if MDC leaders had not sold out and failed to implement even one reform. It is nonsensical to keep wittering about ending the Zanu PF dictatorship during the day when under cover of darkness the same individuals are the ones keeping the regime in power by participating in flawed and illegal elections to give the regime legitimacy for a share of the spoils of power!

MDC/CCC are paying lip service to reforms, free elections and meaningful democratic change. We need to open our eyes and smell the coffee and stop being such a naive and gullible lot. Participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy is INSANE. Our number one priority is to stop this insanity.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chief

"Does this mean any political party participating in this election is bound to be in Polad...does it also mean they are participating for the money. if it is so why are all opposition political parties participating..

i personally think in a democratic nation everyone has a right to exercise and air their views ...zvinonzi manhanga chinga ose hauzive rinonaka what Zimbabweans needs is be liberated from the chains of this polical maddeness."

One thing I have learned about Zimbabwe is what the rest of the world would say is "common sense" in Zimbabwe it is the mysteries of all mysteries!

"The worst aspect for me about the failure to agree a coalition was that both MDCs couldn't now do the obvious - withdraw from the (2013) elections," confessed Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

"The electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility."

In the above scenario, if there were no seats to be won; would it have made any sense for MDC-T and/or MDC-N to still participate in the elections?

I would say NO!

You, to use your "manhanga chenga ose hauzivi rinonaka" logic, will have to answer YES!

The reality is the above scenario made it clear the process is rotten there is not only absolutely nothing of value to be gained but worse still participating will give legitimacy to Zanu PF and thus perpetuating you suffering.

This is equivalent to you taking home rotten pumpkins, when you can see they are rotten and been warned that the rot will quickly spread if you mix the rotten ones with the good ones. And for anyone to still forfeit taking home good pumpkins on the strength of totally misplace adage is insane.

Still, I do accept there are a lot of insane people out there!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu-PF factional tussles are far from over with the recent primary election rigging exposing the Chiwenga faction which is being fingered in Gutu East primary election dispute which saw the winner being disqualified and the second contender emerging the winner.

There are two main factions in Masvingo, with one aligned to vice president Constantino Chiwenga and the other one aligned to President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The Chiwenga faction fronts provincial chairperson Robson Mavhenyengwa and a number of members of the provincial executive while the other faction is allegedly led by the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution Ezra Chadzamira.

Mavenyengwa and former National Political Commissar and politburo member retired army general Engelbert Rugeje and other provincial party stalwarts in the province are being accused of manipulating the process that turned George Vhengere's win to Benjamin Ganyiwa who had won to come second in the election.
Zanu PF leaders’ hunger for absolute power, influence and wealth is simply insatiable. Indeed, the 43 years in power have sharpened their appetites more than ever and, as if that was not enough, the rising tide of abject poverty have them all scarred stiff of losing power and the economic security it offers. And one more thing, Mnangagwa and the other top leaders dread the prospect of some one else getting into power and turn things round. They know that they are corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless as the sorry state of the nation shows. They would hate to have someone prove to them just what buffoon they are by getting the country working again.
The shrinking national cake has intensified the infighting within Zanu PF but dirty as the fighting has become it is nothing compared to the Zanu PF vs opposition fight. Zanu PF are like baboons, the fight amongst themselves is fierce but when they face a common enemy the fight is deadly! Zanu PF is rigging these elections and will crush the opposition “like lice”, as VP Chiwenga has boasted.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF has reduced the rural voters into medieval serfs grovelling in fear before the party's thugs. How anyone can expect elections to be free and fair under such conditions beggars belief.

CCC are participating in these flawed elections knowing fully well the rural voters are the ones facing hell-on-earth! This treasonous betrayal must be stopped!

Zimbabwe Light said...

What lessons must Zimbabwe learn from the tragic events happening in Sudan.