Monday, 19 February 2024

CCC, like MDC, accomplished nothing it was led by same incompetent leaders. So too is new blue party! W Mukori

There is Zimbabwe Daily cartoon of a Yellow Kobi with three drivers (no doubt depicting the three rotational presidents in the Tshabangu CCC faction). The Kobi has no wheels and resting on bricks. It is going nowhere. Next to the Kobi are the public looking as glum as hell. In the foreground is a sleek looking Blue Bus.

True enough, the Yellow Kobi is going nowhere. What the nation is forgetting is that it was none other than Chamisa himself was the driver the Kobi and it got nowhere.

Chamisa said CCC was going to win big the 2023 elections because he had plugged all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes. "God is in it!" He knew that was a lie  and that participating in the flawed elections would only give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy. He conned the people to participate because he and his CCC friends were after the few gravy train seats Zanu PF was offering as bait to entice the opposition to participate. 

Chamisa’s erstwhile CCC colleagues turned against him as the fight over the few gravy train seats heated up. Chamisa resigned from CCC in a huff, complaining the party had been infiltrated by Zanu PF - the very thing he said would not happen. 

When CCC was launched in 2022, Chamisa insisted the party would have no constitution, no structure and no elected officials; to stop would-be infiltrators joining the party and destabilising it. He was going to controlled everything. He called his move “strategic ambiguity”. 

CCC was thrown into utter chaos when Sengezo Tshabangu started recalling elected CCC officials, Chamisa loyalists, claiming they were no longer party members. Chamisa was furious, naturally but helpless to stop the recalls. Ironically, Tshabangu took advantage of the very fact that CCC had no constitution, etc. to claimed that he was the party’s Secretary General and therefore had the authority to recall those who ceased to be party members. 

Chamisa’s strategic ambiguity backfired! 

It is often said one arrives at the destination by the route he chose to avoid it! 

The sleek and modern Blue Bus in the cartoon is supposed to be Chamisa’s promised political party. It, just like the Yellow Kobi, will be going nowhere because the party will be beset by the same problems that paralysed CCC, MDC A and MDC before it - it will be led by the same corrupt and incompetent leaders.  

When Chamisa launched CCC, he had around him most of the leaders who were with him in the 2008 to 2013 GNU when MDC wasted the golden opportunity to implement the democratic reforms. These leaders have, since the GNU debacle, participated in the flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed out of greed. And it is not as if they did not know any of these things, knew it. 

“Look, you can't keep on participating in flawed electoral processes that serve to give big benefits to dictators such as Robert Mugabe. Mugabe has perfected the art of winning elections. So it will be very foolish for the opposition to continue legitimising these sham elections which don't deliver,” said Tendai Biti told Isaac Mugabi in an interview in a 2015.

“So you can't continue subjecting Zimbabweans to processes where their hopes just get crushed.”

When none of the opposition leaders paid any heed to his warning, Tendai Biti joined his opposition colleagues in participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy for his share of the gravy train benefits!

Chamisa made a big song and dance when he launched CCC in 2022. It was all a big ado for nothing for all Chamisa and company did was swap their red MDC regalia for the yellow of CCC. Yes, some of the old guard are remaining in the Yellow Kobi but many of the others who have been participating in these flawed elections out of greed are joining Chamisa in the Blue Bus!  

Chamisa et al have already proven beyond all doubt that they a corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless; changing the party regalia from red to yellow and now yellow to blue will have no effect on their competence. A cobra does not cease being a deadly snake just because it has cast off its old and shaggy coat!

The tragedy for Zimbabwe is not only has Chamisa and company sold out on implementing the democratic reforms but, worst of all, the ordinary Zimbabweans have been slow in realising the treasonous betrayal; not even after 23 years with not one token reform implemented and Zanu PF still blatantly rigging elections! The nation’s growing euphoria over Chamisa’s new party is born out of the same personality cult mentality carried over from the MDC and CCC days; it was irrational then it is irrational now. 

What Zimbabwe needs, if the country is ever to end the curse of rigged elections and bad governance, is a rational electorate. Rational enough to accept that Chamisa and company are corrupt and incompetent and will never implement the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. And rational enough to elect competent opposition leaders who will implement the reforms. 

The ancient Greeks were right, a healthy and functioning democracy demands an educated electorate who understand the issues and will hold those in power to account. We have given the right to vote to people who have all but resigned their right and duty to learn, think and hold those in power to account with the typical “Chamisa Chete Chete!” mentality. 

Zimbabwe is in a mess! And, as long as our people continue to have this personality cult mentality behind the blind loyalty to CCC and now being switched to the Blue Bus, there will be no getting out of the mess!  


Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabwe is a failed state because for too long the people have followed corrupt and incompetent leaders blindly, no questioned asked. It is refreshing to see that there are still a few Zimbabweans who refuse to be bullied and bamboozled into silence. There is still hope of digging ourselves out of this mess! Thank you very much Violet!!!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Munyoro

The fact still remains that MDC/CCC were elected to stop Zanu PF rigging elections and after 23 years including 5 in the GNU them have failed to implement even one reform. Chamisa and company are corrupt and incompetent that is a fact!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ J Moyo

“INFILTRATORS AND TRAITORS for not hero-worshipping Chamisa in the MDC-A; INFILTRATOR AND TRAITORS for not supporting Chamisa's 'strategic ambiguity' he used to illegally dissolve CCC structures inherited from the MDC-A; INFILTRATORS AND TRAITORS for not joining Chamisa's illegal CCC formed in September 2023 under a two-page constitution; INFILTRATORS AND TRAITORS for not following Chamisa after he ran away from his own illegal 2023 CCC; INFILTRATORS AND TRAITORS for taking responsibility as a leadership collective to return the original CCC to constitutionalism; after Chamisa ran away last month?

But, is Chamisa - who now incredulously says he feels vindicated presumably because the decision by Ncube, Biti and Karenyi-Kore not to quit the original, 22 January 2022, CCC to follow him proves that they are 'INFILTRATORS' and ‘TRAITORS’.”

MDC/CCC leaders have pushed the self-destruct button and the fighting is to the death. The principle beneficiary of all this chaos, death and confusion is Zanu PF.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabweans are a gullible lot, the euphoria over Nelson Chamisa's expected new Blue political party is misplace, it is doomed to flop just as Chamisa's CCC and MDC accomplished nothing.

Zimbabwe Light said...
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Zimbabwe Light said...

Albert Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. What he really meant is the insane cannot see the detail that it is not working and/or cannot count.

After 23 years including 5 in the GNU the leaders of MDC, MDC A and then CCC failed to implement even one reform to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. The people of Zimbabwe have yet to realise that, right now they are agog with the expectation the new blue party will deliver the changes the nation has been dying for. They have not even noticed the obvious detail that it is the same corrupt, incompetent and utterly use leaders who are leading the new party!

After 43 years we are still failing to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. After 23 years we cannot see that Chamisa and company will never implement any reforms and elect others who will. This is insanity at a national level!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Meet the Chairpersons of Parliament as appointed by President Nelson Chamisa in October 2023. Hon Clifford Hlatshwayo has now been appointed to replace Hon Amos Chibaya who was unlawfully recalled. Hon Nomathemba Ndlovu who was the deputy chief whip has been elevated to be the substantive Chief Whip and will be deputised by Hon Shakespeare Hamauswa. Meanwhile, Hon Minenhle Gumede has now replaced Hon Fadzayi Mahere who resigned from parliament.

Chamisa and company participated in the 2023 elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging the elections and that participating will give the regime legitimacy out of greed.

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

Worse still CCC conned the people into participating with all manner of lies such as Chamisa claiming he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. “God is in it!” All to justify participating and to hide their greed.

By taking up the gravy train seats even after SADC, AU and even Zimbabwe’s own ZHRC election observers condemned the elections as a flawed and illegal, CCC made it impossible for SADC to deny Zanu PF legitimacy. So the nation granted Zanu PF legitimacy for the sake of this CCC opposition team - a team that has already imploded to allow Zanu PF to have a super majority in parliament and so will do as it damn well pleases.

Zimbabwe is dying for lack of quality leaders. To end the Zanu PF dictatorship we must have quality opposition leaders who will implement the reforms, MDC/CCC have failed to do it - this is a reality many Zimbabweans have failed to grasp and hence the reason why we are still stuck with vote rigging Zanu PF.

Zimbabwe Light said...

The tragedy is that millions of Zimbabweans were conned by these foolish and empty promises and worse still they will ready believe the same nonsense again and again. Universal suffrage should have been a blessing but is it a curse instead; giving an ignorant and naive individual the vote is like giving a monkey a loaded gun!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF did not win the 2023 elections it rigged the elections so it is nonsense to pretend the regime is legitimate and cares abut the people. This is in fighting in Zanu PF is bad-cop good-cop at best!

Zimbabwe Light said...

“This is the way to rule the people. Did you see how that chicken followed me for food, even though I had caused it such torture? People are like that chicken. If you inflict inordinate pain on them they will follow you for food the rest of their lives.”
― Joseph Stalin

There is a lot of truth in this! How else can one explain why so many Zimbabweans have remained blindly loyal to both Zanu PF and MDC/CCC leaders regardless of these leaders' track records as corrupt, incompetent and, in the former, ruthlessly tyrannical.

The Greeks were right, all those 2 500 years ago, in saying democracy - government of the people, by the people and for the people - only works if the people are well educated, understand the issues at stake and are diligent in holding those in power to account.

The Zimbabwean voters are mainly ignorant, naive, gullible and in their stupidity they will often aggressively impose their narrow minded on everyone else to the benefit of the corrupt ruling elite.

Zimbabwe Light said...

“You cannot run an authoritarian and autocratic opposition and once in government run a democratic system,” said Professor Ncube.

No one in his or her right mind can help but salute that view.

My beef with Professor Ncube is why did MDC/CCC not only fail to implement even one democratic reform in 23 years including 5 years in the GNU and worse still having been participating in flawed elections out of greed.

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

Nelson Chamisa, Tendai Biti, Welshman Ncube, etc., etc. are corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless; they have proven this beyond all reasonable doubt. The only reason why these individuals are still playing a major role in shaping the country’s destiny is because the Zimbabwe electorate is ignorant, thick and slow. After 23 years and not even one token reform implemented it beggars belief why the people still trust these men and women!