Friday, 1 March 2024

Zimbabwe is kleptocracy, not a democracy, here povo are accountable to the politicians - tail is wagging the dog. W Mukori

 In a healthy and functioning democracy, “a government of the people, for the people and by the people,” as US President Abraham Lincoln envisaged; all political power is invested with the people. The politicians are servants of the people, public servants, and therefore accountable to the people. 

The very fact that the people can, if they so decide in a majority vote, to remove the politician from office is the ultimate expression of the power of the people. The very essence of democracy and, it must be said, the guarantee of good governance because it has forced the politicians to always place the people’s interests above their own!

 In a totalitarian autocracy cum kleptocracy such as we have in Zimbabwe today, the very antithesis of democracy, the ruling elite have usurped the people’s power so much so the politicians do as they damn well please and the people are powerless to stop them.

Yesterday President Emmerson Mnangagwa officiated at the handing over of 100 twin-cab Isuzu trucks to the Chiefs, a regular occurrence in Zimbabwe dating back to soon after independence. In an interview with Trevor Ncube Dr Simba Makoni reveal how, within a few weeks of getting into power in 1980, the late Zimbabwe dictator, Robert Mugabe, replaced the Peugeot 406 Ian Smith gave his minister with Mercedes Benz E-Class limousines. The fleet of limos was not budgeted for, more significantly, this was a luxury the nation did not afford.

Before long the ministers had more than one limousine and the practice had spread to other public institutions like the Army and Judiciary. 

“It was normal for parastatals like ZISCO, NRZ or ZESA to spend millions buying cars and mansions for their CEO and senior managers when the body was failing to perform its core function and paying the wages of the low ranking workers,” explained Dr Makoni. 

The primary purpose of the political patronage system was to buy the blind loyalty of the beneficiaries. Mugabe’s ministers were doggedly loyal to him. “Mose murivakadzi vaMugabe!” (You are all Mugabe’s concubines!) Margaret Dongo scolded her fellow Zanu PF MPs and Ministers in exasperation at how they all cowed to every whim from the dictator.    

What Mugabe did in 1980 with the giving of these limos to his ministers was to kick started the political patronage system, the Chef culture, and over the years it has grown to be the monster behind the totalitarian autocracy cum kleptocracy we see today. Zanu PF has perfected the art of vote rigging the elections, eroded the people’s power to hold the regime to democratic account and thus freeing the regime to do as it damn well pleases. 

It must be said, the Zanu PF dictatorship would not have survive these last 23 years if MDC/CCC leaders themselves had avoided the patronage honey trap. Robert Mugabe saw to it that Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends had all the trapping of high office; the infamous Mercedes Benz E-Class limos, very generous salaries and allowances, a US$ 4m mansion for Tsvangirai, etc., etc. And in return, the MDC leaders throw the reforms straight out of the window.

“Mazivanhu eMDC adzidza kudya anyerere!” (MDC leaders have learned to enjoy the gravy train good-life; they will never rock the boat!) boasted one Zanu PF crony when asked why MDC leaders were not implemented the democratic he reforms during the GNU. The crony knew what he was talking about since he was a seasoned Mugabe concubine himself! 

We, the ordinary Zimbabweans have played our part in turning Zimbabwe into the dysfunction failed state it is today by failing to secure the people’s freedoms and rights. When Zanu PF thugs systematically eroded our freedoms and rights it was incumbent on us to demand and fight for those rights. 

It is no exaggeration to say we, Zimbabweans have been our own worst enemy in that we have not responded to the need for us to be educated, informed and diligent, demanded of a healthy democracy. Zanu PF has rigged elections these last 43 years because many of us do not even know what constitute free and fair elections.

Many Zimbabweans are so ignorant and naive they have yet to realise that MDC/CCC leaders are corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless even after 23 years, including 5 in the GNU, and not even one token reform implemented. The Acceptance of CCC leaders’ failure is a necessary prerequisite first step in the search for new leaders who will implement the reforms. 

It is very disappointing indeed that not only have many Zimbabweans failed to see Chamisa as a failed leaders they are treating as an infallible demigod. They are very angry with those have dared to question Chamisa let alone hold him to democratic account. In their personality cult zeal they are stifling debate and the very essence of democratic accountability! 

The real tragedy is that Zimbabwe’s upstart and buffoon politicians have taken full advantage of the people’s ignorance and downright stupidity to usurp the people’s power to hold politicians. And so the upstarts and buffoons are wielding the whip and the people are at the business end. The tail is wagging the dog, the politicians are mercilessly whipping povo!


Zimbabwe Light said...

We in Africa are but pawns in this world but only because we have failed to run our own affairs!

Zimbabwe Light said...

In a healthy democracy, the people hold the politicians to account. Zimbabwe is an autocracy cum kleptocracy, here the ruling elite have the whip and they are mercilessly whipping povo; the tail is whipping the dog!

We need to implement the democratic reforms as the only sure way to restore the people's power usurped by the ruling elite.

Just because MDC/CCC leaders sold out on reforms does not mean no one else can implement the reforms!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa atanga ma DRAMA ake e Ice-cream cream.

We will NEVER be taken for a ride this time around.

How come under such a high risk environment ED accessed the same Victoria Falls Airport facilities equally the airside yet they diverted other planes to Livingstone Airport?

Mnangagwa has every reason to be jumpy! He has been rigging elections to extend his stay in power knowing fully well that by stifling peaceful democratic change he was accepting violent change. Change is nature no one can resist change by resisting peaceful change one will only postpone change but not stop it because if there is no peaceful change there will be violent change.

Mnangagwa knows the violent change is coming, he does not know when or in what form, only that it is coming.

Grace Mugabe talked of her husband “sleeping with one open”, he took was jumpy. On the 15 November 2017 Mugabe was rudely awaken looking up the business end of a gun. Mnangagwa may not be so lucky, the guy send to wake him up may have a twitchy finger and pump his backside full of lead!

Zimbabwe Light said...

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has assured the nation that no one will die from hunger and that his administration has put in place adequate measures to guarantee food for all communities.

This comes as the nation is experiencing one of its driest years in history as crops wilt under the scorching sun while water sources are drying up, threatening livestock.

But help is already reaching the needy communities as the Second Republic has made the attainment of food security a must, having put in place a cocktail of measures to ensure food is distributed to all, at the same time drilling boreholes.

In his speech at the handover of 100 condition of service vehicles to chiefs at the Harare International Conference Centre yesterday, President Mnangagwa said the traditional leaders should assure communities that food supply is guaranteed.

"In view of the dire effects of the El Niño weather phenomenon, I want to assure the nation that measures have been put in place to guarantee adequate food for all communities of our country. I appeal to you as traditional leaders to go and re-assure our people that no communities will starve.

"As chiefs, you are all-embracive in the manner you deal with your people and I urge this spirit to continue, while the identification of vulnerable households, in particular, widows and child-headed families, should be undertaken timely," said the President.

What is he wittering about. In a country where 49% of the country’s 15 million population were living in abject poverty long before this drought. One would expect thousands of children to be malnourished and a few hundred to die of starvation each year. This drought will see those figure soar considerably. Mnangagwa’s assurance that no one will die of hunger is just as nonsensical as his insistence the 2023 elections were free, fair and credible.

Mnangagwa was handing over 100 new twin-cab trucks to the chiefs, thanking them for helping him rig the 2023 elections. He is greasing the palms of his cronies whilst many basis services such as health care and education have all but collapse for lack of funds. Masvingo Province has one working ambulance according to some sources.

Until we implement reforms and thus guarantee free, fair and credible elections Zimbabwe’s nightmare of rigged elections and bad governance will continue!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Godfrey

“It’s a futile exercise implementing reforms with these constitutional ‘Tororos’ and hijackers in place who you appropriately described as kleptocrats - tell us what would stop them other than locking them up as is done to notorious offenders of the cardinal law.”

Are you saying that it is impossible for Zimbabwe to be a healthy and functioning democracy? It was not the "tororos" who stopped MDC leaders implementing even one token reform during the GNU when they had the best chance to do so. It is therefore nonsensical to say futile implementing the reforms when not even one reform was implemented because of MDC greed and nothing to do with the tororos!

You just do not want to accept the historic fact that MDC leaders are corrupt and incompetent. That will neither change the historic reality and worst of all that will only mean the nation is stuck because the nation is forced to look for a way out from corrupt and incompetent leaders!

It is very sad that even after 23 years with not even one token reform implemented some people still continue to trust CCC because of their personality cult, Chamisa Chete Chete, mentality. Man is supposed to be a creature of reason but clearly not all have the intellect for such luxuries. But to consider a corrupt and incompetent upstart like Chamisa an infallible demigod takes the biscuit!

Zimbabwe Light said...

MDC/CCC have failed to implement even one reform in 23 years, have you ever asked yourself why? And more significantly who, beside the individual leaders have benefited from their selling out?

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabwe is a failed state because it has been ruled by buffoons and their acolyte upstarts these late 43 years. The buffoons and upstarts are already here and you can bury your head in the sand all you want that will not change the reality on the ground!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

So you think that proves MDC/CCC did not fail to implement the reforms and so they are off the hook? You stupidity never seize to amaze me but then you are a man of little intellect. How is it possible that anyone can be so shallow, thick and slow. And yet here we are, we have one such living spacemen!

Zimbabwe Light said...



Zimbabwe Light said...

Chaos at Moreblessing Ali's funeral!

This is a crying shame. Chaos has become our shadow for it follows us wherever we go!

Zimbabwe Light said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zimbabwe Light said...

Chaos at Moreblessing Ali's funeral!

This is a crying shame. Chaos has become our shadow for it follows us wherever we go! It is to be expected for it is the outward manifestation of the state of the nation’s mind - a mind mired in turmoil, ignorance and confusion, the deep seated stubborn and irrational ghetto mentality.

Whilst the rest of mankind has moved on and are enjoying the benefits of human civilisation; other nations have send man to the moon, explored deep into space, can carry out surgical work on the brain, etc., etc. We are living in the 21st century, yes, but our thinking has remained rooted in the stone-age. We have remained untouched by modernity!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Reentech

"Everyone else is wrong ,dull and without intellect? And yet here, we have one such living omniscient biped!"

If your Zanu PF and/or CCC leaders were as clever as you say then why is Zimbabwe a failed state? And if you were smart then why are you supporting these failed leaders?

Zimbabwe Light said...


“How was it a failed state only after colonialists were overthrown? This logic is cartoonish!”

So if the cartoonist had said Zimbabwe was a failed state before independence it will be ok for you that it should be a failed state after independence? The sheer stupidity of the argument is simply astonishing. No wonder we ARE a failed state!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Victor Mhike

“I think it was wise to participate and expose the regime. Mwonzora was going to participate if they had boycotted. That's why he was created.”

Muzorewa and Sithole participated in the Ian Smith internal settlement of 1978 and Zimbabwe-Rhodesia did not get any international acceptance because Zanu, Zapu and most ordinary people boycotted it turning it into a parody, a humbug. Mwonzora's best attended rallies attracted a few hundred people, every one knows that he commands little support. How then could he have given the 2023 election credibility?

Chamisa and company were hell bent on participating in these flawed elections know fully well Zanu PF was rigging and that participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy because they also knew the regime was giving away a few gravy train seats to entice the opposition to participate. What is more they knew all this!

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

Indeed, it was for the same reasons - greed and incompetence that MDC leaders failed to implement even one reform during the GNU.

What is very disappointing here is not only that MDC/CCC leaders sold out but that many Zimbabweans are in denial of this reality. MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one token reform after 23 years, including 5 in the GNU, for Pete’s sake. How can anyone still consider them the nation’s best foot forward. Such ignorance and down right stupidity is simply astonishing! No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Rhodesda

What really matters here, is that Zimbabwe is and remains a failed state because of our failure to hold free, fair and credible elections. MDC/CCC leaders had the golden opportunity to implement the reforms and stop Zanu PF rigging elections and they wasted it!

We have to dig ourselves out of this hell and denying MDC/CCC leaders have done no wrong and burying our heads in the sand as most have done these last 43 years is not going to get us out of the mess!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chin’ono

“Job Sikhala spent two years in prison for fighting for Moreblessing Ali, her family said she would only be buried when Sikhala is out of prison, and you don’t want Sikhala to address the burial when the Ali family asked him to?

That is shameful disrespect for both Moreblessing and her family!”

The sheer barbarism shown today at Moreblessing Ali's funerals underlines why we are incapable of self rule. We are incapable of rational thinking!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The chaos and barbarism at Moreblessing Ali's funeral was shameful and a damning testimonial to our inapt inability to govern ourselves. Whilst the rest of mankind have reaped the benefits of centuries of human civilisation we have stubbornly remained stuck in the stone-age in our thinking untouched by modernity!

We need someone to grab us by the scruff of the neck and shake us out of our slothful mental slumber.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

“I admit a man of little intellect n stupid but notwithstanding this I know for certain attacking n fighting an opposition party won't remove a ruling party.”

So you think MDC/CCC is “fighting to remove Zanu PF by selling out on implementing the democratic reforms required to stop the regime rigging the elections. Mugabe bribed the MDC leaders with the trappings of office and they forgot about the reforms.

Chamisa and company have been participating in flawed elections out of greed and they said it themselves.

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

You are one of those stupid idiots who will never believe that MDC/CCC sold out because you do not have the intellect to comprehend facts, reality and truth. Sadly there are many idiots like you out there and, worst of all, you lot have the vote. And no wonder Zimbabwe is a failed nation!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Don't worry sunshine! He cried the tears of joy on 15 November 2017 by July 2018 elections he was crying of yet another rigged elections and the promised economic recovery from the "Zimbabwe is open for business!" never happened. This is typical of the personality cult mentality. Robert Mugabe was once a demigod, then it was Mnangagwa's turn and now it is Chamisa Chete Chete.

Chamisa has failed to implement even one democratic reform in 23 years and has been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. He even lied about plugging all the vote rigging loop holes just to con the ignorant and gullible to participate. Point out this truths and reality and you will be labelled public enemy number one, “attacking and fighting the opposition to keep Zanu PF in power.”

The personality cult mentality is a disease of the mind that stop one thinking in a rational manner and one cannot reason with the afflicted for their brains are impermeable to facts, truth and reality. After 23 years, 5 of which in the GNU, and not even one token reform to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections, Zanu PF rigged 2023 elections precisely because not even one reform has been implemented; a rational human being would have realised by now, 23 year is a bloody long time, that MDC/CCC leaders will never implement the reforms.

The ancient Greeks, all those 2 500 years ago, were right that democracy only works when the people, entrusted with the vote, are educated, informed and a diligent in holding those in power to account. They did not give every the vote only those who were educated, informed and diligent. We gave the vote to some of the most ignorant, naive and gullible electorate on earth.

Millions of Zimbabweans welcomed Mnangagwa after the November 2017 coup forgetting he was Mugabe’s henchman for the previous 34 years. The same ignorance and naivety is behind the Chamisa Chete Chete euphoria regardless of the reality he and his friends sold out on reforms and are the ones helping Zanu PF to stay in power.

Zimbabwe Light said...

The truth be told, Grace was not being sarcastic because her husband when he was president spend a staggering US$10 million all told for Bona and her entourage to go to Singapore to have her baby (no Zimbabwe hospital was good enough for her). Grace and her entourage followed so she could be there when the baby was born. And Mugabe himself commandeered an Air Zimbabwe plane for nearly a week to collect his grand child and the rest of the pampered family.

Grace was expressing her honest opinion, she was pleasantly surprised to see that Mnangagwa was pampering her hiring US$1.5 million plane to fly her for her mother's funeral. Long would this continue!

Pastor Chiwenga has said some good stuff in his sermons but this time he has misread the script. Zimbabwe’s ruling elite see nothing wrong with the nation’s wealthy being spent on their comfort and leisure.

Indeed, they expect us all to be beaming with pride that the country’s former first lady, Grace Mugabe and her daughter have multimillion dollar mansions in Dubai, there are reports that Mnangagwa too has secured a mansion for his family, and are living cheek and jowl with some of the richest men and women in the world. Yes, millions of ordinary Zimbabweans are living in abject poverty, the nation should know a pampered life is not cheap and the suffering of the masses is for a good cause!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Prezident

Just because she did not mention Mugabe and Chamisa why should that stop me mentioning them? Why are you so sensitive at the mention of Chamisa, what is so special about him that his name should only be mentioned in singing his praises?

The same personality cult that blinded Zimbabweans to Mugabe's excesses is blinding them again so they are failing to see MDC leaders are corrupt and incompetent - that is the linkage. You are as blind, ignorant and naive as many others out there; ask yourself why you are defending Chamisa regardless of his track record. You are not wiser than King Solomon so get off your high horse!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Kays

“Thank you. But am just interested in your last two words.

Who are these "competent ones”?”

First you must acknowledge the present system is not working, that you have a problem, for you to meaningful seek a solution. If you do not know the problem, how would you know the solution even if one was offered to you in a silver platter?

If people still think Chamisa and company are the best foot forward for the country then you should not waste their time and yours offering them some one else. If you have failed to make them see Chamisa et al corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless with the mountain of historic evidence at your command, it is naive, to say the least that you will make much head way with you competent leaders.

In short, you are asking the wrong question, proof you have not understood what was said all along. If you have failed to understand grade one stuff, it is a waste of time discussing more advance stuff!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

“Cos we have colleagues who believe attacking an opposition party will see e ruling party losing power.”

The tragedy here is the idiotic personality cult, Chamisa Chete Chete, has left many Zimbabwean so blinded and stupefied they don’t even have the common sense to realise MDC/CCC have sold out on reforms and they are now the one keeping Zanu PF in power by participating in flawed elections out of greed. To be fooled once, twice and even thrice is bad enough but to be conned for 23 years by a corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless Nelson Chamisa speaks volumes of the Zimbabwe electorate especially opposition wildebeest herd.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Kays

“You are failing to answer a simple question which does not need all those ramblings and long paragraphs. A clear sign that you do not have an answer yourself. You do not have even one person in mind even you, to implement the reforms. You do not even have one who is able, even yourself. So why are you sweating?”

And you have Chamisa to implement the reforms so are not sweating. How naive! How many reforms has Chamisa and company implemented these last 23 years, including 5 in the GNU?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Nashe

“Chero ukavukura sei, majority of us know the true face of the democratic revolution, zvimwe zvese zvauchavukura is zanuist propaganda, saka ziva izvozvo muzidzoro rako ne nhundiramatsime dzenyu kuZanu.”

Do not mistake the blind personality cult zeal for rational thinking.

How anyone can consider Chamisa or anyone other mortal being an infallible demigod in this day and age beggars belief! Chamisa is not only a mere mortal but has already proven that he is corrupt and incompetent.

One of Zimbabwe’s greatest tragedy is that we have some of the most naive, ignorant and gullible people on earth and we have given them the vote. Both Zanu PF and the opposition politicians have exploited this weakness to amass hordes of braindead followers. Our political system has all but stifled meaningful political discourse, it is all about personality cult, bribery, rigging fear, etc.; all the nefarious common denominators of a failed governance rotten to the core!

Zimbabwe Light said...

MDC/CCC have not only failed to implement even one token reform to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections, hence the reason why they blatantly rigged 2023, but have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. Chamisa lied about plugging all the vote rigging loop holes last year to conned the nation into participating and to hide CCC were doing it out of greed.

What is shocking is that many Zimbabweans have still not figured it out that MDC/CCC are pretending they are still working for change when in reality they are the ones keeping the regime in power for a share of the spoils. Chamisa is nothing but a Zanu PF cuckoo's egg in the povo's nest!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Big fish

So I am a traitor because I have dared to say the truth that MDC/CCC sold out. No wonder the country is in a mess we have some really foolish people in our midst!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Big Fish

“U are pinning your hopes on the opposition yet you blame them for the reforms...stop confusing yourself...why didn't u pin your hopes on Zanu pf since they were heading the Unity Gvt at that particular time?”

One did not need to be the head of the GNU to implement the reforms, you twat! Stop talking nonsense!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Big Fish

“Iwe usiri foolish urikuitei except running away overseas wotang kukanda matombo wava kure asiri kana kumbosvika. Poem dzako is always a blame game on the opposition, type ino blamer chikomba kunge ndicho muridzi wemusha varidzi vemusha rubbished the reforms (kasukuwere).”

Those who hold public office must be democratically accountable to the people. The people of Zimbabwe have risked all to elect MDC/CCC leaders into power on the promise they would implement the democratic reforms and stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. Zanu PF blatantly rigged the 2023 elections.

The people of Zimbabwe have every right to hold MDC/CCC leaders to account for failing to implement even one token reform in 23 years, including 5 in the GNU.

Are you saying all Zimbabweans who have left the country have forfeited their right to hold politicians to account or is the rule supposed to apply to only me?

MDC/CCC leaders should never gone into public office if they did not want to be held to account, to be “blamed” as you prefer to call it for selling out. Hold public official to account is an essential component of good governance and it is not negotiable. Twats like you think it is negotiable; it is not and never was!

Zimbabwe Light said...

SADC were the guarantor of the 2008 to 2013 GNU and not even one token reform was implemented not because SADC was weak but because MDC leaders were corrupt and incompetent!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ HD

“You are also singing for your supper why doesn't your story change denigrating CCC or MD. REFORMS.”

Saying you are clever, if you are clever, is not denigrating you no more than saying you are NOT clever if you are indeed not clever. MDC/CCC leaders failed to implement even one reform hence the reason why Zanu PF continues to enjoy the carte blanche powers to rig elections. This is a historic fact! Why should saying so be "denigrating" MDC or "blaming" MDC as if they it was not their fault. They accepted Mugabe's bribes out of their free will and greed!

Worst of all, this foolishness of giving MDC leaders a clean bill of health, born out of the idiotic personality cult mentality, is not helping us end the dictatorship. As long as we bury our heads in the sand and retain Chamisa as the opposition because we regain him as an infallible demigod, instead of the corrupt, incompetent and useless upstart he is. We will remain stuck with an incompetent opposition which only means Zanu PF too will remain in power.

For 23 years now we have failed to question why MDC/CCC leaders have not implemented any reforms and thus played our part in keeping Zanu PF in power. How much longer are we going to along this insanity to continue?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Giotony

“U know what zim ppl or especially these most learned guys vakaita law mr Mukori presumably they have a mentality yekushorana or kudzikisirana in political influence play game ...than giving an insight instead...mazimbo hutengesi nekushorona chte thus why we can late these war vets guys lead us for some yrz wacthing …”

Actually our political discourse has been reduced to meaningless prattle for two main reasons:

i) As much as many would claim that they are democrats and would like to have a democratic Zimbabwe they do not subscribe to democratic values such as respect of truth and facts. The level of ignorance and down right stupidity amongst our people is shocking. How can you have an intelligent debate about free, fair and credible elections with some one who does not know what constitute free, fair and credible elections.

ii) Whilst most Zimbabwe would readily subscribe to the notion that all those in public office must be democratically accountable to the people many Zimbabweans out there, from both sides of the political divide believe this should only apply to everyone else but not their estimable leaders. Zanu PF dismiss all criticism as western sponsored regime change agenda. Nonsense, what has outsiders got to do with Zanu PF rigging elections, for example. The opposition think they should never be held to account since they are not the ruling party. Nonsense too since the opposition should have implemented reforms during the GNU and did not have to participate in flawed elections out of greed.

As much as we would like to be a healthy democracy, we are far from being anywhere near it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Moyo

After 43 years of rigged elections you would concede that rigged elections are more of the broken record than me calling for reforms. The truth is we will never cure ourselves of the curse of rigged elections and bad governance without implementing the reforms to ensure free, fair and credible elections. Just because you cannot see it does not make it less so!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Let those with ear to hear to hear. It is a great pity that not all who hear understand and comprehend. Blessed are those who hear, understand and comprehend!

In my humble opinion Animal Farm should be compulsory reading for all secondary students. No doubt the buffoons lording over us would not want it, the parallels greed of the pigs are too obvious and where would the upstarts be without the personality cult mentality!

Zimbabwe Light said...

One of the obnoxious Zanu PF habit (it has many I know) is using the law to harass and intimidate all its critics and opponents alike. This oppressive practice will never stop until we implement the democratic reforms and thus end the regime's corrupting influence on our state institutions like the courts, Police, ZEC, etc. Just because MDC/CCC leaders sold out on reforms does not mean we do not need them any more or that no one else can implement them.

Our snail speed in realising MDC/CCC leaders' blatant betrayal on reforms is our own undoing. MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one token reform in 23 years and it beggars belief that many out there have not yet even noticed it!

If we are serious about ending this Zanu PF dictatorship then we must put our backs into getting the reforms implemented; no one is going to do it for us.

Zimbabwe Light said...

As much as you are free to disagree with him on many issues, what is clear here is the regime's abuse of the law to harass and intimidate its opponents and critics alike. This is something we should all agree is wrong and condemn it!