Monday 3 June 2024

"Zanu PF is our ally and ANC must support them no matter what!" squealed Mbalula, in Animal Farm Squealer style. W Mukori

 Zanu PF has denied the people of Zimbabwe a meaningful say in the governance of the country out of greed. They wanted absolute power and would burn down the whole country rather see any one else rule it.

“The ‘new’ regime can be viewed from different angles, but the nub of it is this: there’s a recognition that the economic fiasco of the last 20 years was suboptimal, but Emmerson Mnangagwa and his fellow travellers will burn the house down if they feel it necessary. Make no mistake, their will to power is every bit as intense as Mugabe’s—as is their belief that they own the country’s choicest fruits by right of conquest,” wrote Stuart Doran.

“There’s no comprehending Zimbabwe without an appreciation of that mentality. Yet many fail to get it because they don’t read the country’s history. In 1979, at the height of the struggle against white rule, a diplomat who mixed frequently with Mugabe and other leaders of his party observed that ‘ZANU does not seem to attach much importance to the destruction caused by prolonged war’. They said they were content to see Zimbabwe ‘totally’ demolished if that was the price to be paid for preventing others from ruling it. That attitude has not changed an iota, notwithstanding the passage of 40 years and Mugabe’s departure. After all, the men who now rule wielded his hatchets for most of that period. 

“That’s a tough ask for the same group of individuals who have shredded the country since 1980—a fraternity that will continue to loot, will continue to be tetchy about the merest hint of dissent, and will continue to patently despise the notion that it requires the consent of the people to govern.

“It’s not a question of whether Mnangagwa and company will continue to view Zimbabwe’s resources as a God-given right, but whether they can walk the line between controlled greed and madness,” continued Doran.

Of course, Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF cronies have never ever admitted that they have the divine right to the choicest fruit and will burn the country down first than let anyone else rule it. They have more tact than that! They have justified the insatiable greed and denial of the people’s basic freedoms and rights including the right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country even the right to life on the grounds that Zanu PF was the only party that could be trusted to stop the return of the “colonial empiricists”. 

Whilst Zanu PF has made a big song and dance about the opposition being puppets of West pushing a regime change agenda. Zanu PF has itself allowed the Chinese and Russians to waltz into the country and have been the mastermind behind the wholesale looting of the country’s resources. And needless to say, both China and Russia have been behind Zanu PF’s vote rigging juggernaut and have supply all the regime’s needs for its political propaganda and tyrannical oppression. 

This is nothing new. Zanu PF borrowed this straight from George Orwell’s Animal Farm.

The turning point of the Animal Farm revolution was when the pigs kept the milk and apples for themselves. 

“You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. Milk and apples (this has been proven by science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well being of a pig. We pigs are brain workers,” cried Squealer. 

“Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back.”

The annoying thing was to hear ANC’s Fikile Mbalula wittering nonsense in support of Zanu PF. Thank God Nelson Mandela came before Fikile Mbalula because make no mistake about it SA would not be a democratic nation today. South Africans have booted ANC out of office, the very thing Mbalula feared would happen has happened. 

"In Zimbabwe,Zanu PF is our ally. Nelson Chamisa and his allies are not our allies " Fikile Mbalula. Yeah right!

Now that the SA voters have clipped ANC’s political ambition of keeping political parties with liberation war history in power at all cost, we can finally fight for democratic change knowing one of Zanu PF’s backers has been silenced. We still have the Chinese and Russians to fight besides Zanu PF itself. 

Neither Zanu PF nor its backers can afford to cancel the need to hold regular elections and rigging them is becoming a serious challenge particularly now that the millions of ordinary Zimbabweans are itching for regime change! Both SADC and AU want to see free and fair elections in Zimbabwe. This is a fight Zanu PF knows it is set to lose. Watch this space!


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chitakunye

"You are denying Zvinhu zviripachena se onini ye dhongi iwe. In your heart you know the truth you are just doing it as bootlicker to get noticed."

Name the so called truth I am denying. Name one thing that I have said that is not true. Why are you being so evasive and I accuse me of denying the truth without say one thing that I have denied?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Ffgh

“Why are Yu so obsessed with President Chamisa
What have Yu as an individual done to aid him to stop the was never President Chamisa"s mandate alone to do that
They did not steal elections only but robbed him of the party he had founded by the citizens.
What did Yu do Mr mukoneri about this?
They stripped him of all the control of the party,
He protested that the tshabangu guy is an imposter imposed by the zanu pf regime
What did Yu do?
All those who were involved in the dismantling of the party were eventually laid bare in the open
The enemies were within some of the trusted soldier so who do Yu blame,the president or the sellouts🤷‍♀️
Mr mukoneri can Yu stop the nonsense and give us the breath to restrategize pliz.”

Those who hold public office are accountable to the people. Chamisa and company have been in public office for 24 years including 5 in the GNU, they must account for why they have failed to implement even one token democratic reform and yet that was the number one thing they promised to do as their party name implied.

Chamisa lied about plugging vote rigging loop holes to con the people into participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating the nation’s suffering. He must account for all this and more!

You argument that he must not account for anything until I, account “for what I as an individual done to aid him to stop the rigging” is a foolish argument. Did MDC promise to deliver democratic changes on condition “Wilbert Mukori or anyone else out there helped them stop Zanu PF rigging elections?” If that was not the case then why is it important now?

This is just another idiotic excuse for why Chamisa must not be held to account. Idiots like you believe your political leader is an infallible demigod who must never ever he held to democratic account.

You have never ever understood what the reforms are much les that the primary purpose of the GNU was to implement the reform. And that Chamisa and company sold out. If you had understood any of that you would be ashamed to admitted you ever allowed yourself to be conned by the upstart.

You have no clue what is going on and have put all your faith in Chamisa with the usual “Comrade Napoleon is always right!” Boxer the horse in Animal Farm mentality. At least Boxer had the common sense to shut up. No such luck with you!

You have taken it upon yourself to defend Chamisa no matter what, defending the indefensible, and making a complete ass of yourself! How anyone can consider Chamisa, a mere mortal with all his well documented track record as corrupt and incompetent, an infallible demigod beggars belief. No wonder we are a failed state!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Queencess

"Chamisa tried but zanu always has its ways, SEOM discredited the elections but zanu did exactly as they wanted. What else was Chamisa supposed to do?."

Why do you think MDC/CCC failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years including 5 in the GNU and have been participating in flawed elections knowing fully well that doing so will give Zanu PF legitimacy? Chamisa even lied about plugging vote rigging loop holes to con the people to participate in 2023 elections. Why?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Knowledge Apostle

“I love the guy ..he is the message and focus...he is obsessed with facts and may seem stubborn but he hammers too well kikiki until you say ekee.”

Those who deny Chamisa lied CCC winning big because he plugged vote rigging loop holes in one breath and then have to admit CCC did not win, much less win big, in the next breath are making complete asses of themselves. They know it and I call them village idiots just remind them of what they already know. And it is the reminder that infuriates them.

It is one thing being call a village idiot when you know you are not an idiot. It is another being called that and the person goes on to prove it and you know he/she is right!

Trust the village idiot to try to hold their ground defending the indefensible to prove it was not a foolish move. They were conned into participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the nation’s suffering and see the feeble excuses they come up with to justify why that was necessary! One does not have to tell them it is dumb, they know it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Baba Kay

“He did and so what? Kkk should we stuck in such history?
I mean should we be stuck in failures.”

If people do indeed realise that MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one token reform to stop Zanu PF rigging elections then why do the continue to follow Chamisa blindly even after 24 years? There are millions of Zimbabweans who believed Chamisa had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes and thus participated in the flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating their own suffering.

After 44 years of rigged elections, of repeated history if you want, you should be asking why are we failing to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections?

Answer: we have too many smart Alex who think they have learnt from history only to find they learned nothing hence the reason why we have 44 years of rigged elections! Zimbabwe is heading for another rigged elections in 2028 because we have still not learned that we need to implement reforms and that Chamisa and company are not up to the task!

Zimbabwe is a failed state because we have failed to hold free and fair elections in 44 years and counting. If that is not proof that we are stuck in failure then I do not know what is! One often meet their destiny by the route they chose to avoid it. We have achieved failure by refusing to learn from the past, the shortcut we have chosen to follow because we are too lazy to learn.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Bakedha

“Idununu iro rakatorerwa kwasekuru.He needs brain operation navose vanomutsigira.He must go and see Victor to collect his Aqua for his Mandra Chamisa MDC/CCC.”

Well dununu ndiani pauviri hwedu.

He who was conned by Chamisa’s idiotic lies about CCC winning big because he had plugged all vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit! And, to crown it all, is denying that Chamisa lied but even he cannot deny CCC did not win! Or me who warned you Chamisa was lying and warned of the sheer folly of participating in flawed elections.

Of course, no one is even bothered by called a village idiot by an idiot but when they know they are indeed a village idiot - it eats them inside out.

My advice to you, Bakedha, is you are in a hole, every one knows that you are an idiot; stop digging! You have been warned!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Big fish

MDC/CCC leaders did indeed sell out! Pointing out a historic fact that Zanu PF rigged elections, etc. does not obliterate the all the other historic fact you flatulent nincompoop.

Zimbabwe Light said...

ANC has spend the last two decades propping up Zanu PF in the name of keeping political parties with a history of fighting in the liberation struggle in power at all costs. ANC was hoping that would help it retain power in SA. The plan has back fired on ANC.

ANC has lost its parliamentary majority and with it is ability to abuse its power and position in SADC for selfish reason. Helping vote rigging Zanu PF stay in power was criminal and diabolical!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chin’ono

Coalition pfeeee! That is a good one!

If there was ever a period when Mugabe and his Zanu PF cronies felt humiliated and hamstrung politically, it was during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. For the first time ever Mugabe knew he could not do as he damn well pleased, the very fact that he had been forced to sign onto the Global Political Agreement was itself proof and constant reminder of that.

When Ramaphosa and a high powered ANC delegation returned from Mnangagwa’s inauguration last years Ramaphosa faced some awkward moments with the media and in parliament. Today with the party denied a winning majority in parliament it would be very foolish indeed for ANC to ever overstep the mark by siding with Zanu PF if its ally across the Limpopo River should commit another election fraud or worse.

ANC is now powerless to help Zanu PF and if Mnangagwa should commit any serious misdemeanour he will face the music and dance sijojo!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Fadzayi Mahere

🟣If it was Zimbabwe, the MK Party would be unlawfully hijacked and given a fake leader. “Analysts” would applaud the fake and blame Zuma for having “no structures” and not publicizing the Constitution. Others have a country. We have a circus.

We need new leaders.🇿🇼
Award winning journalist would have forsaken his goat farming and be on the overdrive blaming Zuma!
Especially award winning journalists 🤣
We need a complete overhaul of Zimbabwean politics. Hatichadi madofo who always brag about "tisu takarwa hondo". We are also trying to liberate ourselves from this economic struggle!
Leaders should have empathy, be professional & respect the law of the land!

Comparing MKP to CCC is not like orange vs apple or chalk vs cheese; what we have here are two mushrooms the former is eatable and nutritious whilst the later has deadly toxins! MKP leaders are participating is elections in which everyone knows are free, fair and credible and the result is the true expression of the democratic will of the people.

CCC/MDC leaders have been participating in elections knowing Zanu PF was rigging and that participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy. They have soldiered on regardless because they also knew that Zanu PF is offering a few gravy train seats to entice the opposition to participate no matter how flawed and illegal process got! The bait has worked wonders!

Last year even after SADC and AU election observers had condemned the Zimbabwe elections as flawed and illegal, Fadzayi Mahere and her fellow CCC leaders who won the bait seats took up their seats. They argued the won seats are in liberated zones. Load of bull since the voters’ roll was not verified in these liberated zones as the rest of the country.

Chamisa even had the cheek to lie that CCC would win big because he have plugged all vote rigging loop holes just to con the public to participate. Of course he was lying; Zanu PF blatantly rigged the elections as the SADC and AU reports stated.

SADC would have denied Zanu PF political legitimacy if CCC leaders and supporters had not participated in the flawed elections with the leaders taking up their seats for good measure.

Zimbabwe is a failed state, stuck with this corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF regime for 44 years and counting because it rigs elections. We have failed to stop Zanu PF rigging elections because MDC/CCC leaders sold out. Millions are living in abject poverty and the future is grime for us all and all because the Judas Iscariot MDC/CCC leaders sold out for 30 pieces of silver!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Lothal

Was that why CCC participated in the flawed elections, to be the victims of the rigged elections. So you think Chamisa even lied about plugging the vote rigging loop holes so he can be the victim of the rigged elections! How naive!

Zimbabwe Light said...

ANC's foolish dream of sponsoring a new political order of countries ruled by political parties with liberation war history for generations to come is dead and buried. South Africans have knocked, sense, the stuffing out of ANC by deny the party the majority for the first time after 30 years in power.

Zanu PF that has relied on ANC propping the regime these last two decades cannot believe ANC lost. Mnangagwa and company knows rigging the next elections, given both SADC and AU dismissed the 2023 elections as a farce, will be very tough and getting away with it will be a bridge too far.

Forget Zanu PF pheee! Forget Mnangagwa pfeee! In comes ANC coalition pfeee! It is not going to be business as usual for Zanu PF from now on. Watch this space.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Chamisa promised the nation that change is round the corner. He has bee quiet but knows what he is doing. "Imbwa yakaruma bhonzo haihukuri!"

What is tragic here is that many people believe him just as they have done countless times in the past. The truth is Chamisa and his MDC/CCC friends have promised change these last 24 years, including 5 in the 2008 to 2013 GNU, and yet have failed to implement even one token reform.

The real tragedy here is we are a very ignorant and gullible lot, we believe anything and even the same lie repeated over and over again. No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state and, unless we finally abandon our laissez-faire attitude, is doom to remain a failed state.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mura
“Chamisa might have failed to bring the desired outcome, fine. That dies not make him responsible for the country's woos and frustrations. Hold zanu responsible for the rot, and ask yourself what you n me can do about it. What part have u n me played so far besides pointing fingers from the comfort of the armchair. He has failed so far because we have not pulled from our end as much as he has. It's an opinion. One thing about pointing 👉 fingers at others is that three of them will be pointing back at you. It's not a coincidence. Nature is awash with natural wisdom. The most efficient, effective, satisfying results are those from which our personal, direct effort evolve. Go ahead and make yourself more useful than evaluating situations as enacted by mai nhingi's son or daughter.”

For Pete’s sake! You and me a private citizens and have neither the power nor opportunity to implement any reform; that is the preserve of elected officials. MDC/CCC leaders have been in positions of power and authority for 24 years, including 5 in the 2008 to 2013 GNU when they had the golden opportunity to implement reforms. And we should be asking THEM, not you or me, why they have failed to implement even one token reform.

I am holding Chamisa and company to account for the country’s woos and frustrations that were in their powers to address, ie. implementing reforms.

It is clear you do not want Chamisa held to account for anything. So why the hell has he and his friends been in public office for.

If you do not know that they are accountable to the people for selling out; now you know it. All those who have held or are holding public office are accountable to the people - that is not negotiable. And your foolish arguments are just that foolish. If you have nothing to say shut the f***k up or you will be put firmly in your place.

It is bad enough the nation has had to fight village idiots like Chris Mutsvangwa hell bent on stifling debate and democratic discourse. We do not Mura masquerading as Mutsvangwa mark 2 wittering nonsense about Chamisa being a demigod who must not be held to account.