Zimbabweans must not let Mugabe get away with his contemptuous disregard of their expressed electoral wishes on 29 March 2008. If Mugabe thinks Zimbabweans will just roll over and let him ride, rough shod, all over them as he has done so many times in the past then he should know; not this time.
There is only one logical explanation why two, three days maximum after the 29 March elections the nation still did not know the results- Mugabe did not like the results and hence did not want them made public. Eve the “dumbest” can see what is going on, said former Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Election are not about what Mugabe or anybody else for that matter liked; it is what the electorate want that matters.
When Mugabe cheats, it is not just Tsvangirai and his fellow MDC members and supporters he is cheating. He is cheating the whole nation. There are certain values which go beyond party-politics and fair play in public office is one of them. Fair play, justice, respect for human life, etc. these are values we must uphold and defend because the well being of the whole nation depends on it. And anyone who fails to up holds these values then he or she must be roundly condemned.
There has been a lot of talk of whether or not there would be the same violence in Zimbabwe as happened in Kenya following the disputed elections early this year. The general consensus was that this would not happen because “Zimbabweans are peace-loving people!” Zimbabweans have shown great patience and tolerance, rightly or wrongly, with Mugabe’s oppressive regime. It would be a great leap of faith to believe their failure to react as proof that they will never ever react. In fact the is historic support for the contrary; Zimbabweans took part in a bitter war to end white colonial oppression. And they are rightly proud of that!
No nation should ever rule out any option, including the option of direct action, in defence of the core values without which nationhood and life itself can not stand. The decision of direct action is not one to be taken lightly, admittedly, but which if the situation demands must nonetheless MUST be taken. Woe the man or woman who forces the nation’s hand to take such a tough decision.
There is a economic reason too why Zimbabweans must now act against Mugabe’s recent electoral fraud. Zimbabwe’s economic is in total melt down. Mugabe is responsible for this and as long as he remains in power things will get even worse. The Zimbabwe economy will need outside help to get it back on track and none such help will be forthcoming as long as Mugabe or his self appointed stooge remains in State House. And secondly, Mugabe is going to “reward” the few individuals who have helped him in subverting the electoral will of the electorate. He will give them ownership of the few functioning factories and shop, the only thing left for him to give away - all in the name of black empowerment.
Mugabe has show great skill and mental agility in the way he has always managed to use the historic fact of white colonial oppression to justify or cover for his over dictatorial oppression. He has managed to twist black Zimbabweans’ cry for freedom, justice and human dignity into one of “puppets” calling for the return of the white colonial masters. All his wizardry will not change one iota of the Zimbabwe economic reality of hype inflation, empty shops and a destitute nation!
It is intolerable that Zimbabweans should ever have to endure such tough and miserable lives. And many have died. We do not have to endure another day of this let alone another year - Mugabe did not rig this election only to hand over power to his chosen stooge a week later.
Zimbabweans can cut short Mugabe’s rule by simply staying home and bring the whole country to a complete stand still. In this days when many live from hand to mouth it would cause great hardships, yes. But whatever the hardship, these would be nothing compared to the sum total of what we all have to endure- many will not live to tell the story – of one more year of this mess!
The stay away will last as long as it takes to convince Mugabe and his cronies that the game is up! The full knowledge that victory is ourselves should see us through all the trials and tribulation. Our goal and victory is end Mugabe’s dictatorial rule so that as a nation we can, at last, start addressing the country’s many problems in a meaningful and purposeful way. Whilst Mugabe and his cronies occupy all the best land seized from the whites, for example, this very important resource will not be put to productive use – a key plank in Zimbabwe’s future economic recovery programme.
MDC should refuse to take part in the presidential run-off, it will foolish to do. Whilst the top leaders will be safe the same can not be said of their poor party officials and supporters who will have to face the War Veterans and other Zanu PF thugs in the remote rural areas. The elected MDC official must boycott parliament- the one thing Mugabe would not want right now is the prospect of a bye-election in half the parliamentary seats!
MDC should show they are a force worthy of the people’s support by taking some initiative and not be so naïve and predictable. A change of leadership is long over due!
There is a time in every nation’s history when it must make a stand: for Zimbabwe this is that time! Even the dumbest can see we are being short changed, the question is, are we going to let Mugabe get away with it?
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