Monday, 7 April 2008

The new front for the fight for land: who now owns the land?

Zimbabwe's "Battle for land" is not about stopping whites coming back, as Mugabe claims. It about hiding the true identity of those who now own most of farms seized since 2000. It is NOT the landless peasants but Mugabe cronies. The whole world will also know about the vast fortunes these cronies have received in the form of farming subsidies including fuel (sold back on the black market) and tractors. Money paid out when country supposedly had no money immunisation drugs for children!

Mugabe has made the land issue his personal passion, after all that hoo-ha and violence. It is on this issue above all that Mugabe will now be judged! When they know, then they will understand why he is clinging to power with such desperation - even his old friends are blushing!

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