Thursday, 16 May 2013

Cabinet want voter registration restarted: just another crude excuse to extend life of GNU!

A highly places source told S W Radio Africa that Cabinet wants the voter registration exercise, blighted by numerous problems, to be started afresh!

This is but just another attempt by this useless parliament to extend, by hook and by crook, its utterly useless life beyond the legally permissible five years.

Voter registration is not a tasking rocket science activity? If this useless GNU has failed to accomplish this simple task in five years what reason is there to believe they can now do it five more years, much less five months?

The politician’s work is never done; but this is absurd!

These utterly useless buffoons seek only to extend their time in office to increase their fortunes, which is the only thing they have all successful done these past five years. They seek to post pone the day many of them know they will join the multitude of the nation's 90% unemployed. The coming elections are set to be a dog-eat-dog affair for holding public office is now the confirmed route to unimagined riches with the list effort beyond getting elected.

We must now demand that elections must be held at the earliest day possible if for no other reason than to see many of these idiots join the unemployed, a fate their incompetence and selfish greed has condemned so many others!
I say to this parliament what Oliver Cromwell said to the equally useless “rump” parliament of his day: “You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately …… Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Volcano
There are two important points you should understand:
1) The new constitution calls for 30 day voter registration exercise as part of the election process to ensure the most up to date voters’ roll is used come the election. It the vot-ers roll has just been up dated in this case, then it is nonsense to say it must be up dat-ed yet again. The old voters’ roll is still valid under the new constitution; all the latter is asking for is for it to be updated.
2) The country is already in the middle of a updating the voters’ roll at a cost of $ 8 mil-lion, if I remember correctly. The cabinet is asking for the whole exercise to be re-started because there have been the usual chaos of people being refused the right to register for all manner of dubious reasons. If the democratic reforms had been imple-mented then the Registrar General’s Office would have been cleansed of its usual po-litical bias and there would none of this chaos.

The democratic reforms have not been implemented and there are not going to be im-plemented. So what will restarting the voter registration exercise achieve if the same politically biased individuals are going to be tasked to do the task? They will repeat or come up with different but still dubious reasons to create the same chaotic situation!

PM Tsvangirai and MDC failed to get the democratic reforms implemented these last five years, it is nonsense to think they can get the reforms implemented now if they are given more time and thus allowed to extend the life of this GNU beyond the constitutional maximum of five years. They will never get any of the reforms implemented; the voters’ roll will still be in the same chaotic state it is in; there will be political violence; etc., etc. In short we are not going to have free and fair democratic elections, period!
They only people who will benefit from having the life of this useless parliament extended by another few months are the politicians themselves. They will have a few more months to amass wealth and enjoy life on the gravy train – many of them know they will kicked off the gravy train in the coming dog-eat-dog elections.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chimbwido

It was from the safety of London that I found out you were not a liberation war fighter but merely a Chimbwido - a messenger boy. After the war you became one of Zanu PF's "green bombers" - the green fly that loves human s***t - who terrorized innocent Zimbabweans in Mbare.

We both know there are hundreds of thousands of Zimbabweans out there who would be able to name the Mbare green bomber who enjoyed "kicking his victims in the teeth until the bled profusely". One has only to catch one Mbare green bomber and he/she will tell all! You have been blabbing on this site about you murderous past.

I know that Mugabe and the rest of you Zanu PF thugs have been thinking that just because Tsvangirai and MDC have failed to bring about democratic change there will be no change and your murderous past will never be known! Wrong! Just because Tsvangirai was incom-petent to carry out this critical task does not mean the nation must give up.
The need for democratic change is greater than ever; the nation will not get out of this politi-cal and economic hell-hole until this corrupt and oppressive Zanu PF dictatorship is brought to an end. And the only way to end the dictatorship is by implementing democratic reforms.

And just because Tsvangirai and MDC were not up to the task of bringing democratic change, there is no other Zimbabwean out there who with the vision to understand what needs to be done and the political will and competence to do it.

The wheel of justices turns very slowly but it turns!

You are a green bomber and the smell of s***t follows you wherever you go. Yes I will find you even from the safety of London when the time comes to hang you. You will not miss your appointment with the hangman; you have my word, on that!

You have been encouraging other green bombers to follow your example. No doubt the Chipangano gangers are the new Mbare green bombers. All I can say to them is they too must know that they will be called upon to answer for their crimes and they too will hanged for it.

Zimbabwe Light said...

The Police have ban door-to-door campaigns. This is just one more excuse for the Police to harass and arrest Zanu PF political opponents and their supporters!

This is going to get worse and worse as the elections race progresses. PM Tsvangirai said the new constitution would deliver free and fair elections and some of us said it was too weak and feeble to do so. Now the reality is just beginning to dawn on him and the nation at large. We ain't seen noth-ing yet! What a nightmare!